29 Satellite Server Properties in the Credential Store

The table below provides a description for each Satellite Server property in the Credential Store.

Table 29-1 Satellite Server Properties in the Credential Store

Property Description


Specifies the passwords for the user accounts specified by the cs.satelliteusers property. Note that the password for the Satellite servlet on this server is listed by default.

The value of this property is encrypted as a single string. Therefore, when you edit the value of this property, you must enter all the passwords for all the Satellite servlet hosts, including the comma delimiter.

Enter a comma-separated list of passwords in the order that matches the order in which you enter the corresponding users for the cs.satelliteusers property. Be sure that the order of this list also matches the order of the list of host names provided for the cs.satellitehosts property (in the Satellite Server wcs_properties.json file).


Specifies the name of the attribute in the directory server that serves as the password attribute.

Possible values:
  • WebCenter Sites and NT: password

  • LDAP: userPassword

  • LDAP, Active Directory: password

Be sure to change the username and password from the defaults.

Default value: password

Note: This property must have the same value as the ss.password property. Otherwise, the password will not be updated on the server.


The password for the Satellite Server user, on the Satellite Server side. This is encrypted, using a two-way hash function.

Note: This property must have the same value as the password property. Otherwise, the password will not be updated on the server.