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Modifies the list's current row value.



FROM (optional)
Row to begin the loop.

COUNT (optional)
Number of times to loop. If both COUNT and FROM/UNTIL are specified, the condition that is true first terminates the loop.

LIST (optional)
List to loop through.

UNTIL (optional)
Compare two values. The operators supported are "=" (values are equivalent) or "!=" (values are not equivalent)".


The LOOP tag modifies the list's current row value.

If the UNTIL condition never evaluates to true, the UNTIL condition is ignored and LOOP continues to the last item in the list.

The column values of the current row in a list can be obtained using the syntax, List.colname where List is the name of the list and colname is the name of the column in the list.


In the case of StringLists, the values can be obtained by using List.Item.

You can use the following attributes to return information about the list using the syntax, List.attname, where attname can be one of the following attributes:

Number of rows in this list
Current row in this list.
Boolean (true/false) to indicate whether there are more rows following the current row.
Number of columns in this list.
Only used on lists that contain resultsets. Contents of the file in the specified column if the colname begins with "url".

For example, MyList.#numRows returns the number of rows in the list MyList. MyList.@urlheader retrieves the contents of the file specified by the column urlheader.

The value of a list is maintained during the processing of a page request. If the list contains a resultset, the resultset is maintained independently of a list that uses it.

Error Numbers

There are no possible errno for this tag.


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See Also


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