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Loads an object.



CLASSNAME (required)
Classname of the object.

NAME (required)
Name of the object.

OBJECTID (optional)
ID of the object.

Version of the object.

CHECKOUT (optional)
Checkout information for the object.

NODEID (optional)
Node ID for the object.

FIELD (optional)
Specifies the name of a field argument that can be used to uniquely identify an object. When using this parameter the, value parameter should also be specified to indicate the value of the specified field.

VALUE (optional)
Specifies the value of a field for unique identification. The value parameter must be used in conjunction with the field parameter.

ARG1 (optional)
Argument 1.

ARG2 (optional)
Argument 2.

LIST (optional)
Name of existing list. This parameter allows you to load an object from an existing list rather than from the database.


This tag creates a new instance of the implementing class, loads a specific object into the object instance, and saves the object instance in the object pool using the specified name. The object can be requested by referencing the following information:

The implementing class must implement a load method. The load method should have one of the following prototypes:

Error Numbers

The possible values of errno include:

No rows returned.
Database error.
The implementing class is invalid.
There is a missing method for the implementing class.
The method could not be invoked successfully.
A required parameter is missing.
The object ID is not valid.
The version of the object is not valid.
The node ID of the object is not valid.
Invalid attribute value.
No list by specified name exists.


The following example uses the optional LIST parameter.

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