3 Using the Migration Utility to Migrate

The migration utility is the command-line tool to migrate objects from OWB to ODI .

Migration is performed using the settings specified in the migration utility configuration file. For more information about this file, see Creating the Migration Utility Configuration File.


The OWB workspace and the ODI repository should not be in use when you run the migration utility and perform the migration.

The following topics are addressed here:

3.1 Migration Utility Syntax and Parameters

The migration utility is started from the command line and takes several parameters as inputs to perform the migration.

On Linux, the migration utility file is named migration.sh and is executed from the OWB_HOME/owb/bin/unix directory, where OWB_HOME is your OWB installation directory.

On Windows, the migration utility file is named migration.bat and is executed from the OWB_HOME/owb/bin/win directory, where OWB_HOME is your OWB installation directory.

The syntax to run the migration utility and perform the migration is as follows:

./migration.sh <odi_master_password> <odi_user_password> <owb_workspace_owner_password> <configuration_file>

For example:

./migration.sh odi_master supervisor migration /scratch/jsmith/Migration/owb_migration.properties

The command parameters are as follows:

  • odi_master_password: ODI master repository password (It is mandatory parameter. When migration mode is set to FAST_CHECK, this password might not be the real one)

  • odi_user_password: ODI user password (It is mandatory parameter. When migration mode is set to FAST_CHECK, this password might not be the real one)

  • owb_workspace_owner_password: OWB workspace owner password

  • configuration_file: Full path to the migration utility configuration file and the file name

If you want migration.sh to refer to the ODI libraries you specified, you need to list all the necessary ODI public SDK jars in a file and use the following syntax to start the migration utility.

./migration.sh -Dodi.classpath= <odi_classpath_file> <odi_master_password> <odi_user_password> <owb_workspace_owner_password> <configuration_file>

odi_classpath_file: Full path to the odi classpath file and the file name.

In the odi classpath file, you need to list the full path of the ODI jars line by line.

Note that -Dodi.classpath should be placed just after the migration.sh and before the other parameters.


For more information about the migration modes used to test and perform the migration, see MIGRATION_MODE in Configuration File Parameters.

After migration is complete, you are returned to the command prompt. You can then review the migration utility log file and exclusion report for details about the migration. For more information about these files, see Reviewing Log and Report Files.

3.2 Migrating an OWB Workspace

To migrate an entire OWB workspace, use the wild card asterisk (*) as the value for the MIGRATION_OBJECTS parameter in the migration utility configuration file.

For example:


All projects and supported objects in the OWB workspace specified by the OWB_WORKSPACE_NAME parameter in the configuration file will be migrated.


You can migrate just one workspace at a time. Edit the configuration file and run the migration utility for each workspace that you want to migrate.

3.3 Migrating Specific Objects in an OWB Workspace

To migrate specific objects in an OWB workspace, configure the MIGRATION_OBJECTS parameter in the migration utility configuration file to migrate just those objects.

You can specify a project, folder, or single non-folder object, or a set of objects that share the same type and the same folder.

Use a string that concatenates the qualifying names of all objects included in the object's path, from the top-level object to the leaf object. Qualifying names are specified as OBJECT_TYPE.OBJECT_PHYSICAL_NAME, with a period (.) separating the object type from its physical name. For example, to select table T_1 in Oracle module MOD_1 in project PRO_1, set the value of the MIGRATION_OBJECTS parameter to PROJECT.PRO_1.MODULE.MOD_1.TABLE.T_1.

The following values can be used for OBJECT_TYPE:

  • CUBE

















  • VIEW

Use a semicolon (;) to separate multiple items, for example:


Use a backslash (\) at the end of a line to improve readability of the configuration file if there are multiple items, for example:


Use the wild card asterisk (*) at the end of a string instead of an object name to select all objects of a specific type in a folder. The following example selects all tables in module MOD_1:


Use the wild card asterisk (*) at the end of an object name to select all objects with that name. The following example selects all tables in module MOD_1 with a name that starts with MYTEST:


The following uses are not supported:


When an invalid object is specified, an error is returned:

[ERROR][Migration][MU-1005] The selected object {0} does not exist or the
selection is invalid {invalid object name}. It will be skipped.

For more information about error messages that you might encounter when you run the migration utility, see Message Reference.

Example 3-1 Migrating Specific Objects

This section provides additional examples of migrating specific objects.

The following example migrates Oracle Database module ORACLE_EBS_D in project SSAD:


The following example migrates pluggable mapping DEBS_EDW_MAP1 in pluggable mapping folder DWPR_SUB:


The following example migrates standalone pluggable mapping PLUGGABLE_MAPPING_1 in project SSA:


3.4 Performing a Test Migration

To test your migration before executing it, set the MIGRATION_MODE parameter in the migration utility configuration file to FAST_CHECK or DRY_RUN.

The FAST_CHECK option checks which objects can and cannot be migrated. The DRY_RUN option checks whether the specified objects can be created in the target ODI repository, and executes the migration without committing the objects to the repository. For more information about these options, see MIGRATION_MODE in Configuration File Parameters.

After performing a test migration, review the migration utility log file and exclusion report for details. You can use these files to identify objects that can and cannot be migrated and to address any issues before performing the actual migration. For more information about these files, see Reviewing Log and Report Files.