6.2.2 Extra Spark Streaming Data Properties

Provides the extra spark streaming properties that are specific to Spark technology that are added to the asynchronous Spark execution unit.

Table 6-3 Extra Spark Streaming Properties

Key Value
spark-webui-startup-polling-retries Maximum number of retries while waiting for the Spark WebUI to come-up.
spark-webui-startup-polling-interval Displays the time in seconds between retries.
spark-webui-rest-timeout Timeout in second used for REST calls on Spark WebUI.
spark-webui-polling-interval Time in seconds between two polls on the Spark WebUI.
spark-history-server-rest-timeout Timeout in seconds used for REST calls on Spark History Server.
spark-history-server-polling-retries Maximum number of retries while waiting for the Spark History Server to make the Spark Event Logs available.
spark-history-server-polling-interval Time in seconds between retries.
spark-submit-shutdown-polling-retries Maximum number of retries while waiting for the spark-submit OS process to complete.
spark-submit-shutdown-polling-interval Time in seconds between retries.