This image contains a sample Project Gantt Chart. At the top of the Gantt chart is a toolbar with the Task, Edit, and View menus, as well as several icons for action shortcuts.

The table region of the Gantt chart is to the left. It contains two projects, each of which have task items under them. The table has the columns Task Name, Resource, Start Date, and End Date.

The chart region of the Gantt chart is to the right. It contains a timeline from April 20th to September 7th, with weekly increments. Each task and milestone in the table region corresponds to a bar or marker on the chart region.

The bottom of the image contains the Information panel of the Gantt chart. The left portion of the Information panel shows information about the selected task. Currently, no tasks are selected. The right portion of the Information panel shows the legend for the chart region of the Gantt chart.