
af:convertColor convertColor convert color

type: oracle.adf.rich.Color

Converts an strings to and from java.awt.Color objects. The set of patterns used for conversion can be overridden.

This converter provides a format hint for the help framework, which cannot be turned off.

This converter also runs on the client (implements org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.convert.ClientConverter).


Name Type Supports EL? Description
disabled boolean Yes Default Value: false

Whether the converter should be disabled, default to false.
hint String Yes

Custom hint message to be used, instead of the default one for giving hints on the expected color format. Parameters:

  • {0} the pattern the converter is expecting
messageDetailConvert String Yes

Custom error message to be used, for creating detail part of faces message, when users input does not match the specified pattern.


  • {0} the label that identifies the component
  • {1} value entered by the user
  • {2} the pattern the converter is expecting
Please note: Parameter {1} which specifies the value entered by the user, should never be used in the message if the value is secure, like when secret=true on inputText.
patterns String[] Yes The set of acceptable patterns, as a whitespace separated list. The first pattern in the list will be used for formatting java.awt.Color values. All patterns will be tried in order to convert Strings back into java.awt.Colors. If no patterns are set, the default is "RRGGBB #RRGGBB r,g,b".
transparentAllowed boolean Yes Default Value: false

Whether the converter should allow generation of a " transparent" color (a black color with an alpha of zero). The converter uses a String version of "transparent" that is translated for the user's locale.