
The following processes are provided with the EDQ-PDS project.

Name Description

Profile Product Data

Profiles and analyzes product data as a starting point for understanding the structure and content of a data set.

Set Key Generation Profile

Obtains and sets the keyprofile setting from the message header or run profile.

Standardize Product Data

Standardizes and abbreviates product data for use in matching and key generation.

Real-time Add Keys

Creates keys for a real-time matching request, to match all drivers together and with all candidates.

Key Generation

Creates keys for use in batch matching and in the real-time key generation service.

Batch Output

Outputs keys to batch one output record per key value.

Real-time Output

Outputs keys for the real-time key generation service, one array of keys per record.

Match Product Data

Performs the matching of product data, in both batch and real-time.

Prepare Match Relationships

Prepares the relationships for match results output, calculating which compound comparisons have been used and constructing rule name outputs.

Generate Reverse Relationships

Prepares match results by ensuring drivers are on the left of relationships and that driver—driver relationships are duplicated.

Match Output

Outputs match results, adding serverid and jobid to results for use in external batch matching integrations.

Example 4-1