6.2 Administering and Scheduling Jobs

Oracle Enterprise Manager does not have the facility to view or manage reports jobs. Instead please use reports servlet commands for the same

6.2.1 Displaying Jobs

To retrieve information about one or more jobs (for example, status, errors for failed jobs, trace information):

  1. Use reports servlet showjobs/showmyjobs commands.

    Refer to Section A.8.8, "SHOWJOBS" and Section A.8.10, "SHOWMYJOBS" for more details.

6.2.2 Displaying a Consolidated Job Queue

For displaying consolidated job queue in high availability (HA) configuration you can use rwservlet and the SHOWJOBS Web command to display a consolidated job queue, as shown in Section A.8.8, "SHOWJOBS".


  • By default, the jobs of all the nodes that are participating in the high availability (HA) configuration are shown. This makes it easy to administer the consolidated job queue (for example, for killing a particular job, or getting the information about a job). The administrator does not have to view the job queues for each Reports Server separately.

  • It is possible to see the jobs of a particular Reports Server by choosing the server name in the drop-down list. It does not matter which node the load balancer directs the request to, you can always see the job information of any Reports Server participating in the group, even if one or more of the Reports Servers in the group are down. This is made possible by the database-based shared job repository. Additionally, each of the Reports Servlets (corresponding to each in-process Reports Server) contains the list of the other in-process Reports Servers that are part of the HA scenario.

6.2.3 Performing Operations on Jobs

To perform operations on jobs, such as resubmitting (retrying) a job you can use reports servlets showjobs page.

6.2.4 Scheduling Jobs

To define job scheduling options user reports servlet to schedule jobs. Refer to Section A.8.3, "SCHEDULE" for more details.