6.4 Managing Fonts

In Oracle Reports 12c Release (, administrators can use Oracle Enterprise Manager to simplify configuring fonts and diagnosing font issues:

For more information about fonts, refer to Chapter 9, "Managing Fonts in Oracle Reports".

6.4.1 Configuring Fonts

To configure font subsetting and aliasing information:

  1. Log in to Oracle Enterprise Manager.

  2. Navigate to the EM MBean browser Weblogic Domain > System MBean Browser.

  3. Navigate to reports tools mbean for uifont.ali oracle.frcommon.config:type=uifont.ali,name=uifont-<componentName>.

  4. Use the Printer Configuration and Font Configuration child mbeans to modify the uifont.ali.

  5. Navigate to reports tools mbean for screenprinter.ppd


  6. Use the Screenprinter Definition Parameters (Default Resolution and Default Font attributes) to modify the screenprinter.ppd file.

6.4.2 Diagnosing Font Issues

To diagnose issues with fonts in your report output:

  1. Log in to Oracle Enterprise Manager.

  2. Navigate to the EM MBean browser Weblogic Domain > System MBean Browser.

  3. Navigate to mbean

    Standalone server - oracle.logging:type=LogConfig,componentType=oracle_repserv,name=<componentName>

    Inprocess server - oracle.logging:type=LogConfig,ServerName=<managedServerName>

  4. Click Operation setLoggerLevel

    For Logger Name - enter oracle.reports.engine

    For Logger Level - enter TRACE:1

  5. Click Invoke.

  6. Run your report again.

  7. View log messages using WLST commands refer to Audit Configuration WLST Commands.