6.6 Managing Log Files

Oracle Reports 12c Release ( provides improved diagnosability through logging and tracing enhancements.

All Oracle Reports log files follow Oracle Diagnostic Logging (ODL) format, the standard across Oracle Fusion Middleware, for log format, message types, and log management directives. The log file entries are in Text format (default) or XML format. For detailed information, refer to Administering Oracle Fusion Middleware.

For information about log file enhancements, see Section 24.2.1, "Log Files"


If you change the log path for the in-process server engine (that is, oracle.reports.engine logger), ensure that you make similar changes in the logmetadata.xml file. This file resides in the same directory as logging.xml.

6.6.1 Viewing and Searching Log Files

Viewing and searching log files can be done using WLST commands as explained in https://docs.oracle.com/middleware/1213/core/ASADM/logs.htm#ASADM218

To modify the information logged in log files to diagnose issues, see Section 6.13.1, "Specifying Logging Information".

6.6.2 Configuring Log Levels

To configure Log Levels in Oracle Enterprise Manager:

  1. Log in to Oracle Enterprise Manager.

  2. Navigate to the EM MBean browser Weblogic Domain > System MBean Browser.

  3. Navigate to mbean

    Standalone server - oracle.logging:type=LogConfig,componentType=oracle_repserv,name=<componentName>

    Inprocess server - oracle.logging:type=LogConfig,ServerName=<managedServerName>

    Reports Tools - oracle.logging:type=LogConfig,componentType=oracle_reptools,name=<componentName>

    Reports Bridge - oracle.logging:type=LogConfig,componentType=oracle_repbrd,name=<componentName>

  4. Click Operation setLoggerLevel

  5. For "Logger Name" enter logger name, one of the following:

    • oracle.reports.server

    • oracle.reports.servlet

    • oracle.reports.engine

  6. For "Logger Level" enter log level

  7. Click Invoke