35.5 Runtime REST APIs for OAuth 12c

Runtime REST APIs for OAuth provides REST calls for 2-legged and 3-legged OAuth Services flows in the new 12c OAuth Server. The sections provide sample REST requests that show how to get a resource access token.

Creating Access Tokens

The new end point is:
2 - Legged Flows
  1. Using Resource Owner Credentials

    Following is a sample request against the server: 

    curl -i -H 'Authorization: Basic U1NPTGlua0NsaWVudDp3ZWxjb21lMQ==' -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-OAUTH-IDENTITY-DOMAIN-NAME: SSOLink" --request POST http://<ManagedServerHost>:<ManagedServerPort>/oauth2/rest/token -d 'grant_type=PASSWORD&username=weblogic&password=welcome1&scope=SSOLink.link1'


    Headers of interest for all requests
    • Authorization : Base64 Url encoded ClientID:secret combination. 

    • X-OAUTH-IDENTITY-DOMAIN-NAME: Identity Domain that the client belongs to.

  2. Using Client Credentials

    Following is a sample request against the server: 

    curl -i -H 'Authorization: Basic U1NPTGlua0NsaWVudDp3ZWxjb21lMQ==' -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-OAUTH-IDENTITY-DOMAIN-NAME: SSOLink" --request POST http://<ManagedServerHost>:<ManagedServerPort>/oauth2/rest/token -d 'grant_type=CLIENT_CREDENTIALS&scope=SSOLink.link1'
  3. Using JWT Bearer Token

    Following is a sample request against the server: 

    curl -i -H 'Authorization: Basic U1NPTGlua0NsaWVudDp3ZWxjb21lMQ==' -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-OAUTH-IDENTITY-DOMAIN-NAME: SSOLink" -- request POST http://<ManagedServerHost>:<ManagedServerPort>/oauth2/rest/token -d 'grant_type=JWT_BEARER&scope=SSOLink.link1&assertion=<assertion token value>'
  4. Using Refresh Token

    Following is a sample request against the server: 

    curl -i -H 'Authorization: Basic U1NPTGlua0NsaWVudDp3ZWxjb21lMQ==' -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-OAUTH-IDENTITY-DOMAIN-NAME: SSOLink" --request POST http://<ManagedServerHost>:<ManagedServerPort>/oauth2/rest/token -d 'grant_type=REFRESH_TOKEN&scope=SSOLink.link1&refresh_token=<RefreshTokenValue>'
  5. Using Resource Owner Credentials with JWT - Client Assertion Token

    Following is a sample request against the server: 

    curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-OAUTH-IDENTITY-DOMAIN-NAME: SSOLink" --request POST http://<ManagedServerHost>:<ManagedServerPort>/oauth2/rest/token -d 'grant_type=PASSWORD&scope=SSOLink.link1&client_assertion=<ClientAssertionTokenValue>&client_assertion_type=JWT_BEARER&username=weblogic&password=welcome1'


  • Allowed values for client_assertion_type are JWT_BEARER andurn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer 

  • redirect_uri is not expected for 2 legged flows.

  • scope is optional in 2 legged flows. If not provided, the access token will be generated with the defaultScope associated with the client (provided during client registration).

3 - Legged Flows — process

In order to achieve 3–legged flow, you need to perform few manual steps both on the OAM server and on the Webgate before proceeding. The consent page and approver page need to be protected through OAM. If the consent page is customized, this needs to be protected by a Webgate.

  • OAM server - On the created Application Domain, you need to add couple of 3 legged resources as described in the given steps.

  • Webgate - Modify the mod_wl_ohs.conf as mentioned in this section.

OAM Server side steps to be performed

  1. List of all the resources to be added as part of 3 legged setup. Details for each and every resource is mentioned as in step2.

    Description of all_resources.png follows
    Description of the illustration all_resources.png
  2. Create a resource "/oauth2/rest/approval". This has to be protected by Webgate.  

    Description of 3legged11.png follows
    Description of the illustration 3legged11.png
  3.  Create a resource "/oam/pages/consent.jsp" which is the out of the box consent page. If you are using a custom consent page, it needs to be protected by Webgate and the appropriate resource has to be added here.

    Description of consent_resource.png follows
    Description of the illustration consent_resource.png
  4. Create a resource "/oauth2/rest/**" and  mark the Protection level as Excluded.

    Description of 3legged3.png follows
    Description of the illustration 3legged3.png
  5. Create a resource "/oam/**" and  mark the Protection level as Excluded.

    Description of oam_resource.png follows
    Description of the illustration oam_resource.png

Webgate Side steps to be performed

Open and update the mod_wl_ohs.conf  file which is located at <OHS_HOME>/user_projects/domains/base_domain/config/fmwconfig/components/OHS/<ohs instance name> location and add the below entry.

 <Location /oauth2>       
SetHandler weblogic-handler       
WebLogicHost  <Managed Server Host Name>       
WebLogicPort  <Managed Server Port>       

<Location /oam>       
SetHandler weblogic-handler       
WebLogicHost  <Managed Server Host Name>       
WebLogicPort  <Managed Server Port>       

3 Legged Flows

  1. Through the Browser request the Authorization Code

    Following is a sample request against the server

    http://<OHS Hostname>:<OHS Port>/oauth2/rest/authz?response_type=code&client_id=TestClient2&domain=TestDomain1&scope=TestRS.scope1+TestRS.scope2+TestRS.scope3&state=xyz&redirect_uri=http://localhost:8080/SampleTest/index.jsp 
  2. Generate the Access Token using the Authorization Code

    Following is a sample request against the server

    curl --request POST \ --url http://<ManagedServerHost>:<ManagedServerPort>/oauth2/rest/token --header 'authorization: Basic U1NPTGlua0NsaWVudDp3ZWxjb21lMQ==' --header 'cache-control: no-cache' --header 'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' --header 'x-oauth-identity-domain-name: SSOLink' --data grant_type=AUTHORIZATION_CODE&code=bnAreDZVMUxEemZtZmJPUEE2U1N2QT09fmVBUVJZYnFtYmZFSU1EaUFpSktvQjVwQ0ZGQm4xV1R4dmJrekp0MTdDZXdPYjJFNjEwVkdhZlN3VWJjTWcvRUpwL3RqWERUZWliZWdUSzZPQkxQNktwQk03c0ZKMEV1NmN3SmxwbGl5b1U4MnZ6S1pXRFB6ekdiU1k3V3FEZ3lLSjgxM0NwUGNwUjk1eXI5enRKb0ZLb1VVZ0hqNm53TkVFTEpKMmtKNmY3b1ZHWDFtcFkvL1haMUs4N0xiRGlnbkFwTWpHd1J5QjVuZkdxTzh4U01hamdWZnNmT3doSlo1SS9KY3NtOGNaQkJxMDd3SzgrWXBIcVYxYlgxYzFLSWhubW5MWndZQTg5ZnV0aU1Kam54bytZaGZhbW5IK2xrNjFBYVhxOHB5SEdENG5SRzJ2aytDcjRHR1g2OWZFbTdT&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Fredirect_uri' 

Validating Access Tokens

curl -i -H "X-OAUTH-IDENTITY-DOMAIN-NAME: SSOLink" --request GET "http://<ManagedServerHost>:<ManagedServerPort>/oauth2/rest/token/info?access_token=<AccessToken>"