Check-in Comment Dialog

The Check-in Comment dialog enables you to add a comment to a file that is about to be checked in. You can enter a new comment or reuse or edit one that was recently added to a managed content item.

Element Description

Comment entry box

Enter a comment that will be added to the checked-in content item (in the xComment metadata field). There may be a default comment if one has been defined. The maximum number of characters is set by the content server administration (on the DesktopIntegrationSuite component configuration page).

Recent Comments...

Click this button to open the Recent Check-in Comments Dialog, where you can see a list of comments that were recently added to documents and re-use them.

Remaining characters

This shows the number of characters that you can still enter for the current comment. The maximum number of characters is set by the content server administrator (on the DesktopIntegrationSuite component configuration page). The default is 2,000 characters.

Reopen after check-in

Select this check box if you want to reopen the current file after it has been checked in. The file will be checked out and opened for you to use.

Check in and approve

Select this check box to approve the document as it is checked in. If you do not choose this option, the document will be checked in but you will have to approve it afterwards (for example by selecting Approve from the document's context menu in Windows Explorer).

This option is available if all of the following are true:

  • the document is in a workflow

  • you have the right to review and edit the document

  • the document does not require an electronic signature


Click this button to display context-sensitive help information for this dialog.


Click this button to close the dialog and use the current comment as metadata of the checked-in item. If there was already comment assigned to the item, this will be replaced.


Click this button to close the dialog without doing anything. The item will be checked in with the existing comment (or no comment if none was there already).

Related Topic

Using Oracle WebCenter Content: Desktop, "About Oracle WebCenter Content: Desktop"