Folder Properties Dialog

The Folder Properties dialog enables you to view and modify some properties of an existing folder or library. It resembles the standard folder properties dialog in Microsoft Windows, but includes some additional elements related to content management.

Element Description


This is the name of the folder as specified when the folder was originally created. You can change the folder name, providing no other folder of the same name already exists. If you change the name of the folder here, it is also automatically changed in the folder hierarchy on the content server.

You can also change the name of a folder by right-clicking it in the integration hierarchy and choosing Rename, or by selecting it and pressing F2 on your keyboard.


This is the location of the folder, expressed as a WebDAV URL.


This is the date and time that the content folder was originally created.


This is the date and time that the content folder was last modified (that is, when an action was last performed that affected the folder).

Content Type

This is the HTTP content type of the content folder.

Folder Information


Library Information

This button is displayed for servers of type WebCenter Content Server only.

Click the button to open the Folder or Library Information Page.


Click this button to close this dialog and submit any changes you made.


Click this button to close this dialog and cancel any changes you made.


Click this button to display context-sensitive help information for this dialog.

Related Topic

Using Oracle WebCenter Content: Desktop, "About Oracle WebCenter Content: Desktop"