Insert Content Item Dialog - Link Panel

The Link panel of the Insert Content Item dialog enables you to select one or more files on an Oracle WebCenter Content Server instance and insert hyperlinks to these files into the current Microsoft Office document. You search for files using the standard search features of the content server (browsing or criteria-based query, if available). For each selected content item, you can set the hyperlink text and also choose the file rendition and revision that the hyperlink should point to. The hyperlinks are inserted at the current cursor position in the document.


You cannot insert content items from Oracle Content Database servers or other WebDAV servers.

Element Description

Content Item

This field shows the content ID of a selected file on a content server that the hyperlink will point to. If you selected multiple files, then you can use the drop-down list to review each selected item.


Click this button to open the Select Content Dialog - Search Panel, where you can select one or more files on an Oracle WebCenter Content Server instance. You search for the file using the standard search features of the content server (browsing or criteria-based query, if available).

Link Text

This field shows the hyperlinked text that will be inserted into the current Microsoft Office document. The default is the title of the selected content item (as stored on the content server), but you can modify this as required. If you provide no text at all, the link text will be the full URL to the selected link target.

Link to

This lists all available file targets that the hyperlink can point to:

  • Native Rendition: This links to the native file; that is, the original file as created in its associated application (for example, .doc or .docx files for Microsoft Word documents).

  • Web-Viewable Rendition: This links to a version of the original file that can be viewed in a web browser. Contributors may manually specify a file as the web-viewable rendition when checking a content item in to the content server, but web-viewable renditions are often created automatically on the content server and checked in along with the native file (for example, a generated PDF version).

  • HTML Rendition: This links to an HTML version of the original file, as converted on the content server when the file is requested for viewing.

  • Content Information page: This links to the page on the content server that provides metadata information about the content item (title, author, and so on). This page also includes links to the various available renditions of the content item.

  • Other renditions: The list shows all custom renditions that may also be available on an Oracle WebCenter Content Server instance. The default is the alternate file, but server administrators may configure the content server to include other custom renditions of content items in this list.

Link to Latest Revision

Select this check box if you want the hyperlink to always point to the latest released revision of the file on the content server. This means that the link target will always be up to date.

If you clear this check box, the hyperlink references a specific revision of the file, which means it will point to an older revision of the file if that file is updated on the content server.


Click this button to display context-sensitive help information for this dialog.


Click this button to close the dialog and insert hyperlinks to the selected content items into the current Microsoft Office document.


Click this button to close the dialog without doing anything.

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