Closing Document Dialog (Unsaved Changes)

The Closing Document dialog lets you decide what to do with a checked-out file in Microsoft Word, Excel, or PowerPoint, when that file or the application is closed.

This dialog appears if the current file has unsaved changes. If there are no unsaved changes, a slightly different dialog opens (see Closing Document Dialog (No Unsaved Changes)).


The 'Edit Metadata' setting is remembered in between sessions. This means that it will match whatever you chose the last time you saved a managed content item.

Element Description

Save Changes? (Yes/No)

This section is shown only if your document has any unsaved changes. You can decide whether you want to save the changes or discard them.

Select Yes if you want to save the changes you made.

Select No if you want to discard the changes you made.

Check In Document? (Yes/No)

Select Yes if you want to check the document in to the content server as a new revision.

Select No if you do not want to check the document in to the content server.

You cannot check in the file if you choose not to save the changes.


Optionally, enter a comment that will be added to the checked-in content item (in the xComment metadata field). There may be a default comment if one has been defined. The maximum number of characters is set by the content server administrator (on the DesktopIntegrationSuite component configuration page).

Edit Metadata

This check box is available only if the current file is checked out of an Oracle WebCenter Content Server instance, not an Oracle Content Database server or other WebDAV server.

If you select this check box, you will be prompted to update the metadata of the file before it is checked in to the content server. The Save dialog is opened showing a check-in form, where you can update the file metadata, if required (see Check In Content Dialog (Check In With Metadata)). When you are ready, click OK in the Save dialog to submit the file to the content server.

Check in and approve

Select this check box to approve the document as it is checked in. If you do not choose this option, the document will be checked in but you will have to approve it afterwards (for example by selecting Approve from the document's context menu in Windows Explorer).

This option is available if all of the following are true:

  • the document is in a workflow

  • you have the right to review and edit the document

  • the document does not require an electronic signature

Submit document for workflow review

Select this check box to advance the document to the next step in the workflow after it is checked in. If you do not choose this option, the document will be checked in but will remain in the current workflow step.

This option is available if all of the following are true:

  • the document is in a workflow

  • you do not have the right to edit the document

  • the document does not require an electronic signature

Undo Check Out and Discard Changes

Select this check box if you want to close the file without saving the changes and checking it in to the content server. In addition, the checked-out status of the file is canceled on the server.

This check box is available only if the content item is currently checked out and the No (to check in the document) option is selected in this dialog.


Click this button to close the dialog and process the file in accordance with your choices. The file is closed in the Microsoft Office application.


Click this button to close the dialog without doing anything to the file. The file remains open in the Microsoft Office application.


Click this button to display context-sensitive help information for this dialog.

The table below lists all possible save scenarios, with an explanation of what happens for each of them.

Save Scenario Save Changes Check In Edit Metadata Undo Check-Out Action

Scenario 1





Any unsaved changes to the document are saved, and the document is automatically checked in to the content server as a new revision of the existing content item, inheriting all metadata from the previous revision.

After the document has been checked in to the content server, it is closed in the Microsoft Office application.

Scenario 2





Any unsaved changes to the document are saved, and you are given the opportunity to modify the file's metadata before check-in. When you are done, the file is checked in to the content server as a new revision of the existing content item.

After the document has been checked in to the content server, it is closed in the Microsoft Office application.

Scenario 3





Any unsaved changes to the document are saved, but the document is not automatically checked in to the content server; it remains checked out. This means that other users on the server cannot check out the file until you check it back in or undo the check-out.

The file is stored in a special cache on your local computer. You can reopen and check in the document using the Check In option, or you can check it in from Windows Explorer.

After the document has been saved to the local cache, it is closed in the Microsoft Office application.

You should use the application's built-in save-as feature if you want to save the file in a different location than the local cache (that is, as an unmanaged file on your own computer).

Scenario 4





The changes to the document are discarded and the document is not checked in to the content server; it remains checked out. This means that other users on the server cannot check out the file until you check it back in or undo the check-out.

The file is stored in a special cache on your local computer. You can reopen and check in the document using the Check In option, or you can check it in from Windows Explorer.

After the document has been saved to the local cache, it is closed in the Microsoft Office application.

Scenario 5





Any changes to the document are discarded and the document is closed. The checked-out status of the content item is cancelled on the server, which means that other users on the server can check out the file.

Related Topics

Using Oracle WebCenter Content: Desktop, "Approving or Rejecting Files in Workflows"

Using Oracle WebCenter Content: Desktop, "Checking In a Managed Document While Editing It"

Using Oracle WebCenter Content: Desktop, "Checking In Content Files"