Server Options Dialog - Remember Metadata Fields Tab

The Remember Metadata Fields tab on the Server Options dialog is used to define whether metadata field values should be remembered each time you check a content item in to an Oracle WebCenter Content Server instance using a check-in form, and if so, which metadata fields. Whatever values are set for these metadata fields for a particular check-in will automatically be used the next time you check in another content item.

Element Description

Remember Last Entered Metadata Fields

Select this check box if you want metadata field values to be remembered whenever you check a new content item in to an Oracle WebCenter Content Server instance using a check-in form. Once you select the check box, the Available Metadata Fields box is populated with a list of all available metadata fields on the content server whose values can be remembered.

Available Metadata Fields

This box lists all available metadata fields on the content server whose values can be remembered for check-in.

Selected Metadata Fields

This box lists all metadata fields on the content server whose values will be remembered with every content item check-in.


Click this button to move a metadata field from the list of available fields to the list of selected fields; in other words, to specify that the values of the metadata field should be remembered with every new content item check-in.


Click this button to move a metadata field from the list of selected fields to the list of available fields; in other words, to specify that the values of the metadata field should no longer be remembered with every new content item check-in.


Click this button to cancel any changes you made and return the dialog to the state when you opened it.


Click this button to close this dialog and submit any changes you made.


Click this button to close this dialog and cancel any changes you made.


Click this button to display context-sensitive help information for this dialog.

Related Topic

Using Oracle WebCenter Content: Desktop, "About Oracle WebCenter Content: Desktop"