Task 3: Configure mod_proxy_fcgi to Act as a Reverse Proxy to an External FastCGI Server

The mod_proxy_fcgi module does not have configuration directives. Instead, it uses the directives set on the mod_proxy module. Unlike the mod_fcgid and mod_fastcgi modules, the mod_proxy_fcgi module has no provision for starting the application process. The purpose of mod_proxy_fcgi is to move this functionality outside of the web server for faster performance. So, mod_proxy_fcgi simply will act as a reverse proxy to an external FastCGI server.

For examples of using mod_proxy_fcgi, see the following URL:


For information on the directives available for mod_proxy, including reverse proxy examples, see the following URL:


Another way to setup the mod_proxy_fcgi module to act as a reverse proxy to a FastCGI server is to force a request to be handled as a reverse-proxy request. To do this, you must create a suitable Handler pass-through (also known as "Access via Handler"). For more information on how to set up a Handler pass-through, see the following URL:
