C Using Fast Connection Failover with Oracle RAC

Fast Connection Failover feature provides an application-independent method to implement Oracle RAC event notifications such as detection and cleanup of invalid connections, load balancing of available connections, and work redistribution on active Oracle RAC instances.

WebLogic Server supports Fast Connection Failover. See Using Fast Connection Failover in Universal Connection Pool for JDBC Developer's Guide.

JDBC Driver Configuration for use with Oracle Fast Connection Failover

To enable Fast Connection Failover on a data source, you need to set specific values for the Driver Class Name and ONS configuration string properties.

Set the following connection pool properties:

  • In Driver Class Name—set the class name to oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource.

  • In Properties—set the ONS configuration string to remotely subscribe the Oracle RAC nodes to Oracle FAN/ONS events. For example: ONSConfiguration=nodes=hostname1:port1,hostname2:port2


    Oracle's OracleDataSource class is not XA-capable, so the resulting data source does not implement a XA connection pool.