2 Entities

The following sections describe the data models on which the REST resources operate. These data models describe the information exchanged in REST resources.


This entity represents a JSONObject with a property for each property in the properties object, where the key is the property's name the value is a string containing the property's value.


WLDF action configuration bean. This is a configuration point for action extensions developed outside of WebLogic.

A WLDF action extension is an action that is managed by, but not owned by, to WLDF. It must have a "type" associated with it, which must be provided to the WLDFWatchNotificationBean#createAction(String, String) method when an instance of this object is created. An instance of a WLDFActionBean defines a single instance configuration of an action extension, which can be referenced from WLDFWatchBean instances like any other action/notification type.

It acts as a container of an action properties, each property being a name/value pair. An action can have simple properties of intrinsic Java types (String, int, float, etc), encrypted properties, Map properties, and array properties.

Map and array properties can not contain nested collections or complex objects; that is, the leaf values of those objects must be simple values represented as String values.

WLDF will map these properties to the proper configuration points on the target action instance. Each action type will have different configuration points, so consult the documentation for those actions to see what the valid configuration properties are for that action type.

The properties of the weblogic.diagnostics.descriptor.WLDFActionBean entity are as follows:


Specifies whether this action is enabled.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: true


Return the unique id of this bean instance.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The name of the WebLogic Diagnostic Framework (WLDF) bean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


The length of time, in seconds, that an action has to complete execution. By default, the timeout period is 0, which disables the action timeout.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 0, Minimum Value: 0


Defines the action type.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


Represents a named property that consists of an array of values.

The properties of the weblogic.diagnostics.descriptor.WLDFArrayPropertyBean entity are as follows:


Return the unique id of this bean instance.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The name of the WebLogic Diagnostic Framework (WLDF) bean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


Returns the array of values of this property.

Type: array of string

Constraints: Has Default Value: []


Represents a set of WLDFPropertyBean and WLDFEncryptedPropertyBean instances, akin to a java.util.Properties object.

The properties of the weblogic.diagnostics.descriptor.WLDFConfigurationPropertiesBean entity are as follows:


Return the unique id of this bean instance.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The name of the WebLogic Diagnostic Framework (WLDF) bean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


Parent interface of all child beans of WLDFConfigurationPropertiesBean.

The properties of the weblogic.diagnostics.descriptor.WLDFConfigurationPropertyBean entity are as follows:


Return the unique id of this bean instance.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The name of the WebLogic Diagnostic Framework (WLDF) bean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


Represents an encrypted configuration property

The properties of the weblogic.diagnostics.descriptor.WLDFEncryptedPropertyBean entity are as follows:


Returns the decrypted value of the property.

When you get the value of this attribute, WebLogic Server does the following:

  1. Retrieves the value of the ValueEncrypted attribute.

  2. Decrypts the value and returns the unencrypted password as a String.

When you set the value of this attribute, WebLogic Server does the following:

  1. Encrypts the value.

  2. Sets the value of the ValueEncrypted attribute to the encrypted value.

Using this attribute is a potential security risk because the String object (which contains the unencrypted password) remains in the JVM's memory until garbage collection removes it and the memory is reallocated. Depending on how memory is allocated in the JVM, a significant amount of time could pass before this unencrypted data is removed from memory.

Type: string

Constraints: Encrypted, Has Default Value:


Return the unique id of this bean instance.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The name of the WebLogic Diagnostic Framework (WLDF) bean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


Defines the set of types (beans) that are harvested. The WLDF framework allows the harvesting of all designated server-local Weblogic Server runtime MBeans, and most customer MBeans that are registered in the local server's runtime MBean server. Configuration MBeans cannot be harvested.

The properties of the weblogic.diagnostics.descriptor.WLDFHarvestedTypeBean entity are as follows:


Specifies whether this type is enabled. Note that enabling a type will have no effect unless the Harvester component is also enabled.

A true value means that this type is harvested. A false value indicates that that this type is not harvested.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: true


The harvested attributes for this type. If a list of attributes is provided, only those attributes are harvested; otherwise all harvestable attributes are harvested.

Type: array of string

Constraints: Has Default Value: null


The harvested instances of this type.

The configuration of a type can optionally provide a set of identifiers for specific instances. If this list is provided, only the provided instances are harvested; otherwise all instances of the type are harvested.

The identifier for an instance must be a valid JMX ObjectName or an ObjectName pattern.

Type: array of string

Constraints: Has Default Value: null


Return the unique id of this bean instance.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


Specifies whether this type is known at startup. Normally, if a type is not available, the Harvester will keep looking for it. If a type is designated as "known", the Harvester issues a validation fault if the type cannot be immediately resolved.

A true value means that this type is known. A false value indicates that this type may not be known.

This flag is useful for WebLogic Server types, where the type information is always available. In this case, setting the flag to true results in earlier detection and reporting of problems.

This flag is optional, but is recommended for WebLogic Server types.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


The type name. For WebLogic Server runtime MBeans, the type name is the fully qualified name of the defining interface. For customer MBeans, the type name is the fully qualified MBean implementation class.

Type: string

Constraints: Legal Null: true


The namespace for the harvested type definition.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: ServerRuntime, Legal Values: ServerRuntime, DomainRuntime, Legal Null: true


Configures the behavior of the Harvester component of the WebLogic Diagnostic Framework (WLDF).

The properties of the weblogic.diagnostics.descriptor.WLDFHarvesterBean entity are as follows:


Specifies whether the Harvester component is enabled.

If true, all types that are both configured and enabled are harvested. If false, nothing is harvested.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: true


Return the unique id of this bean instance.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The name of the WebLogic Diagnostic Framework (WLDF) bean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


The interval, in milliseconds, between samples.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Has Default Value: 300000, Minimum Value: 1000


The properties of the weblogic.diagnostics.descriptor.WLDFHeapDumpActionBean entity are as follows:


Specifies whether this action is enabled.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: true


Return the unique id of this bean instance.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


Indicates whether or not to include the set of live objects in the heap dump capture.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: true


The name of the WebLogic Diagnostic Framework (WLDF) bean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


The length of time, in seconds, that an action has to complete execution. By default, the timeout period is 0, which disables the action timeout.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 0, Minimum Value: 0


Use this interface to configure an image action, which will be sent when a diagnostic policy evaluates to true

Note: As of WebLogic Server 12.2.1, the terms watch and notification are replaced by policy and action, respectively. However, the definition of these terms has not changed.

The properties of the weblogic.diagnostics.descriptor.WLDFImageNotificationBean entity are as follows:


Specifies whether this action is enabled.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: true


Return the unique id of this bean instance.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The length of time, in minutes, during which no diagnostic images requests will be accepted; that is, the minimum amount of time between image capture requests.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Minimum Value: 0


The name of the WebLogic Diagnostic Framework (WLDF) bean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


The length of time, in seconds, that an action has to complete execution. By default, the timeout period is 0, which disables the action timeout.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 0, Minimum Value: 0


Use this interface to configure server-scope and application-scope instrumentation for diagnostic monitors that will execute diagnostic code at selected locations in server or application code.

The properties of the weblogic.diagnostics.descriptor.WLDFInstrumentationBean entity are as follows:


The state of the instrumentation behavior for the server or application. If false, there will no weaving (inserting of diagnostic code) in the application or server code during class loading. In addition, if woven classes are already loaded, disabling instrumentation will disable all the monitors in this scope.

Type: boolean


Pattern expressions for classes that will be excluded from this instrumentation scope. If specified, classes matching given patterns will not be instrumented.

Type: array of string


Return the unique id of this bean instance.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


Pattern expressions for classes that are included in this instrumentation scope. If specified, only included classes will be instrumented. If not specified, all classes loaded within the application and which are not explicitly excluded are eligible for instrumentation.

A pattern can end with an asterisk (), in which case it will match with all classes whose fully qualified classname starts with the prefix of the pattern. For example, weblogic.rmi.* will match with all classes in weblogic.rmi and its subpackages.

Type: array of string


The name of the WebLogic Diagnostic Framework (WLDF) bean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


This interface defines a diagnostic monitor, which is applied at the specified locations within the included classes in an instrumentation scope.

The properties of the weblogic.diagnostics.descriptor.WLDFInstrumentationMonitorBean entity are as follows:


The diagnostic actions attached to this monitor. Actions are relevant only for delegating and custom monitors. Valid actions are: TraceAction, DisplayArgumentsAction, MethodInvocationStatisticsAction, MethodMemoryAllocationStatisticsAction, StackDumpAction, ThreadDumpAction, TraceElapsedTimeAction, and TraceMemoryAllocationAction

Type: array of string


Optional description of this monitor.

Type: string


Specifies whether dye filtering is enabled for the diagnostic actions associated with this monitor.

Type: boolean


The dye mask for all diagnostic actions associated with this monitor.

Type: string


Specifies whether the monitor and its associated diagnostics actions are enabled.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: true


Pattern expressions for classes that will be excluded for this instrumentation monitor. If specified, classes matching given patterns will not be instrumented with this monitor.

Type: array of string


Return the unique id of this bean instance.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


Pattern expressions for classes that are included for this instrumentation monitor. If specified, only included classes will be instrumented with this monitor. If not specified, all classes loaded within the application and which are not explicitly excluded are eligible for instrumentation with this monitor.

A pattern can end with an asterisk (), in which case it will match with all classes whose fully qualified classname starts with the prefix of the pattern. For example, weblogic.rmi.* will match with all classes in weblogic.rmi and its subpackages.

Type: array of string


Attached actions are applied at selected locations: before, after, or around pointcuts. This is relevant only for custom monitors. (A location where diagnostic code is added is called a diagnostic joinpoint. A set of joinpoints, identified by an expression, is called a pointcut.)

Once a location type is set, it cannot be changed.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: before, Legal Values: before, after, around


The name of the WebLogic Diagnostic Framework (WLDF) bean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


The pointcut expression for this monitor. (A location where diagnostic code is added is called a diagnostic joinpoint. A set of joinpoints, identified by an expression, is called a pointcut.)

Setting a pointcut expression is relevant only for custom monitors; for standard and delegating monitors, this definition is implicitly defined by WLDF.

Once a pointcut expression is set, it cannot be changed.

Type: string


Properties for this monitor. Properties are name=value pairs, one pair per line. For example, USER1=foo ADDR1=

Type: string


Use this interface to define a JMS action, which is sent when a diagnostic policy evaluates to true

Note: As of WebLogic Server 12.2.1, the terms watch and notification are replaced by policy and action, respectively. However, the definition of these terms has not changed.

The properties of the weblogic.diagnostics.descriptor.WLDFJMSNotificationBean entity are as follows:


The JNDI name of the JMS connection factory. If a name has not been specified, the default JMS connection factory is used.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: weblogic.jms.ConnectionFactory, Legal Null: true


The JNDI name of the JMS destination.

Type: string

Constraints: Legal Null: true


Specifies whether this action is enabled.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: true


Return the unique id of this bean instance.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The name of the WebLogic Diagnostic Framework (WLDF) bean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


The length of time, in seconds, that an action has to complete execution. By default, the timeout period is 0, which disables the action timeout.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 0, Minimum Value: 0


Use this interface to define a JMX notification, which is sent when a diagnostic policy evaluates to true

Note: As of WebLogic Server 12.2.1, the terms watch and notification are replaced by policy and action, respectively. However, the definition of these terms has not changed.

The properties of the weblogic.diagnostics.descriptor.WLDFJMXNotificationBean entity are as follows:


Specifies whether this action is enabled.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: true


Return the unique id of this bean instance.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The name of the WebLogic Diagnostic Framework (WLDF) bean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


The JMX notification type assigned to the resulting JMX notification.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: weblogic.diagnostics.watch.defaultNotificationType


The length of time, in seconds, that an action has to complete execution. By default, the timeout period is 0, which disables the action timeout.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 0, Minimum Value: 0


Configures an action that can record a customized log record using the WebLogic Server NonCatalogLogger. The custom log message set via setMessage(String) can be either a literal String or a compound EL expression.

The properties of the weblogic.diagnostics.descriptor.WLDFLogActionBean entity are as follows:


Specifies whether this action is enabled.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: true


Return the unique id of this bean instance.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


Returns the customized log message for this action.

Type: string

Constraints: Legal Null: true


The name of the WebLogic Diagnostic Framework (WLDF) bean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


The severity of the log message recorded by this action.

default weblogic.i18n.logging.Severities.NOTICE_TEXT legalValues weblogic.i18n.logging.Severities.INFO_TEXT, weblogic.i18n.logging.Severities.WARNING_TEXT, weblogic.i18n.logging.Severities.ERROR_TEXT, weblogic.i18n.logging.Severities.NOTICE_TEXT, weblogic.i18n.logging.Severities.CRITICAL_TEXT, weblogic.i18n.logging.Severities.ALERT_TEXT, weblogic.i18n.logging.Severities.EMERGENCY_TEXT

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: Notice, Legal Values: Info, Warning, Error, Notice, Critical, Alert, Emergency


Returns the customized log message for this action.

Type: string

Constraints: Legal Null: true


The length of time, in seconds, that an action has to complete execution. By default, the timeout period is 0, which disables the action timeout.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 0, Minimum Value: 0


Represents a simple unencrypted configuration property.

The properties of the weblogic.diagnostics.descriptor.WLDFPropertyBean entity are as follows:


Return the unique id of this bean instance.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The name of the WebLogic Diagnostic Framework (WLDF) bean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


Specifies the value of the property.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value:


Use this interface to define a REST action, which is sent when a diagnostic policy evaluates to true

Note: As of WebLogic Server 12.2.1, the terms watch and notification are replaced by policy and action, respectively. However, the definition of these terms has not changed.

The properties of the weblogic.diagnostics.descriptor.WLDFRESTNotificationBean entity are as follows:


Configures the Accept header of the HTTP request to the REST end point. The response entity of the REST invocation is ignored by the server.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: application/json, Legal Values: application/json, text/plain, text/xml, text/html


Allows customizing the JSON object delivered to the REST end point.

Type: java.util.Properties


Specifies whether this action is enabled.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: true


The REST end point URL which will be invoked with the action payload.

Type: string


The HTTP authentication mode when invoking the REST end point URL.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: None, Legal Values: None, Basic


The HTTP authentication password when the REST end point is secured.

Type: string

Constraints: Encrypted


The HTTP authentication user name when the REST end point is secured.

Type: string


Return the unique id of this bean instance.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The name of the WebLogic Diagnostic Framework (WLDF) bean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


The REST method for invoking the end point.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: PUT, Legal Values: PUT, POST


The length of time, in seconds, that an action has to complete execution. By default, the timeout period is 0, which disables the action timeout.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 0, Minimum Value: 0


The top of the WebLogic Diagnostic Framework (WLDF) module bean tree.

All WLDF modules have a WLDFResourceBean as their root bean (a bean with no parent).

The properties of the weblogic.diagnostics.descriptor.WLDFResourceBean entity are as follows:


Return the unique id of this bean instance.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The name of the WebLogic Diagnostic Framework (WLDF) bean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


Use this interface to define a SMTP action, which is sent when a diagnostic policy evaluates to true

Note: As of WebLogic Server 12.2.1, the terms watch and notification are replaced by policy and action, respectively. However, the definition of these terms has not changed.

The properties of the weblogic.diagnostics.descriptor.WLDFSMTPNotificationBean entity are as follows:


The body for the mail message. If the body is not specified, a body is created from the action information.

Type: string


Specifies whether this action is enabled.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: true


Return the unique id of this bean instance.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The JNDI name of the mail session. This name must match the attribute in the corresponding MailSessionMBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Legal Null: true


The name of the WebLogic Diagnostic Framework (WLDF) bean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


The address of the recipient or recipients of the SMTP action mail. The address uses the syntax defined in RFC822. Typical address syntax is of the form userhostdomain or Personal Name. An address can include multiple recipients, separated by commas or spaces.

For more information, refer to the javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress.parse method.

Type: array of string


The subject for the mail message. If the subject is not specified, a subject is created from the action information.

Type: string


The length of time, in seconds, that an action has to complete execution. By default, the timeout period is 0, which disables the action timeout.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 0, Minimum Value: 0


Use this interface to define an SNMP action, which is sent when a diagnostic policy evaluates to true

Note: As of WebLogic Server 12.2.1, the terms watch and notification are replaced by policy and action, respectively. However, the definition of these terms has not changed.

The properties of the weblogic.diagnostics.descriptor.WLDFSNMPNotificationBean entity are as follows:


Specifies whether this action is enabled.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: true


Return the unique id of this bean instance.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The name of the WebLogic Diagnostic Framework (WLDF) bean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


The length of time, in seconds, that an action has to complete execution. By default, the timeout period is 0, which disables the action timeout.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 0, Minimum Value: 0


Defines a scale-down event that can be assigned to a WLDF policy.

The properties of the weblogic.diagnostics.descriptor.WLDFScaleDownActionBean entity are as follows:


Indicates the name of the cluster to perform the scaling action on.

Type: string

Constraints: Legal Null: true


Specifies whether this action is enabled.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: true


Return the unique id of this bean instance.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The name of the WebLogic Diagnostic Framework (WLDF) bean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


Indicates the number of instances to scale by when the action is invoked.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 1, Minimum Value: 1


The length of time, in seconds, that an action has to complete execution. By default, the timeout period is 0, which disables the action timeout.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 0, Minimum Value: 0


Defines a scale-up event that can be assigned to a WLDF policy.

The properties of the weblogic.diagnostics.descriptor.WLDFScaleUpActionBean entity are as follows:


Indicates the name of the cluster to perform the scaling action on.

Type: string

Constraints: Legal Null: true


Specifies whether this action is enabled.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: true


Return the unique id of this bean instance.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The name of the WebLogic Diagnostic Framework (WLDF) bean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


Indicates the number of instances to scale by when the action is invoked.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 1, Minimum Value: 1


The length of time, in seconds, that an action has to complete execution. By default, the timeout period is 0, which disables the action timeout.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 0, Minimum Value: 0


Defines a timer schedule for use with WLDF policies and actions and Harvester.

Each field uses syntax as defined by the EJB Timer ScheduleExpression class.

The properties of the weblogic.diagnostics.descriptor.WLDFScheduleBean entity are as follows:


Indicates the day of the month for the schedule.

Defaults to "*" (every day).

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: *


Indicates the day of the week for the schedule.

Defaults to "*" (every day).

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: *


Indicates the hour(s) of the day for the schedule.

Defaults to "*" (every hour).

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: *


Return the unique id of this bean instance.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


Indicates the minutes of the hour for the schedule.

Defaults to every five minutes of the hour.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: */5


Indicates the month for the schedule.

Defaults to "*" (every month).

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: *


The name of the WebLogic Diagnostic Framework (WLDF) bean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


Indicates the second(s) of the minute for the schedule.

Defaults to "0" (at the "0" second of each minute).

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: 0


Indicates the time zone for the schedule.

Defaults to the default time zone for the local VM.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: null, Legal Null: true


Indicates the year for the schedule.

Defaults to "*" (every year).

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: *


Configures an action that can execute an external command-line process. This action type can be used to execute custom scripts when a policy rule is triggered.

Note that any child process forked by an action of this type will have all the rights and privileges of the WebLogic Server process that spawns it. Care must be taken that the target script is available and can be read/executed by the system-level identity that owns the WebLogic Server process.

The properties of the weblogic.diagnostics.descriptor.WLDFScriptActionBean entity are as follows:


Specifies whether this action is enabled.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: true


A map of environment variables to set for the child process.

Type: java.util.Properties


Return the unique id of this bean instance.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The name of the WebLogic Diagnostic Framework (WLDF) bean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


An array of ordered command-line arguments to the target script.

Type: array of string


The full path to the script to execute.

Type: string

Constraints: Legal Null: true


The length of time, in seconds, that an action has to complete execution. By default, the timeout period is 0, which disables the action timeout.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 0, Minimum Value: 0


The working directory for the child process. If not set the working directory will be the same as the WebLogic Server parent process.

Type: string


The properties of the weblogic.diagnostics.descriptor.WLDFThreadDumpActionBean entity are as follows:


Specifies whether this action is enabled.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: true


Return the unique id of this bean instance.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The name of the WebLogic Diagnostic Framework (WLDF) bean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


The number of thread dumps to capture.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 3, Minimum Value: 1, Maximum Value: 20


The delay, in seconds, to pause betweeen thread dump captures.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 10, Minimum Value: 1


The length of time, in seconds, that an action has to complete execution. By default, the timeout period is 0, which disables the action timeout.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 0, Minimum Value: 0


Defines policies and actions.

Note: As of WebLogic Server 12.2.1, the terms watch and notification are replaced by policy and action, respectively. However, the definition of these terms has not changed.

The properties of the weblogic.diagnostics.descriptor.WLDFWatchBean entity are as follows:


For automatic alarms, the time period, in milliseconds, to wait after the policy evaluates to true before the alarm is automatically reset.

The default reset period is 60000 milliseconds, which is equivalent to 60 seconds.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 60000, Minimum Value: 1000


The alarm type for the policy: manual or automatic. The default alarm type is manual.

Once a manually set alarm has triggered, it must be reset through the WebLogic Server Administration Console or programmatically before it can trigger again. An automatic reset alarm will reset after the specified time period has elapsed.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: None, Legal Values: None, ManualReset, AutomaticReset


Specifies whether this policy is enabled.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: true


Returns the expression language type used by the policy, either "EL" or "WLDF" (deprecated).

Type: string


Return the unique id of this bean instance.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The name of the WebLogic Diagnostic Framework (WLDF) bean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


The actions enabled for this policy.

Type: array of weblogic.diagnostics.descriptor.WLDFNotificationBean references


The expression used to evaluate the policy.

Type: string

Constraints: Legal Null: true


The expression type for the policy: HARVESTER_RULE_TYPE refers to harvested data, LOG_RULE_TYPE refers to server log entry data, DOMAIN_LOG_RULE_TYPE refers to domain log entry data, and EVENT_DATA_RULE_TYPE refers to instrumentation event data. The default type is HARVESTER_RULE_TYPE

For information on policy expressions, see "Using the Diagnostics Framework for Oracle WebLogic Server" at http://docs.oracle.com/middleware/home/index.html

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: Harvester, Legal Values: Harvester, Log, DomainLog, EventData


The severity level of the actions sent when this policy evaluates to true. When set, this level overrides the default value provided in the parent MBean. However, if no severity level is set (null), the value provided in the parent MBean is returned.

The severity levels are the same levels used by the logging framework and the weblogic.logging.Severities class.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: Notice, Legal Values: Info, Warning, Error, Notice, Critical, Alert, Emergency


Configures and controls the WebLogic Diagnostic Framework (WLDF) policy and action component; creates and deletes policy definitions; and defines the rules that apply to specific policies.

Note: As of WebLogic Server 12.2.1, the terms watch and notification are replaced by policy and action, respectively. However, the definition of these terms has not changed.

The properties of the weblogic.diagnostics.descriptor.WLDFWatchNotificationBean entity are as follows:


Specifies whether the policy and action component is enabled.

If true (the default), all configured policies are activated, incoming data or events are evaluated against the policies, and actions are generated when policy conditions are met. If false, all policies are rendered inactive.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: true


Return the unique id of this bean instance.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The threshold severity level of log messages evaluated by log policies. Messages with a lower severity than this value will be ignored and not evaluated against the policies.

Do not confuse LogWatchSeverity with Severity. LogWatchSeverity filters which log messages will be evaluated; Severity sets the default severity level for an action.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: Warning, Legal Values: Info, Warning, Error, Notice, Critical, Alert, Emergency


The name of the WebLogic Diagnostic Framework (WLDF) bean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


The actions defined in this deployment.

Type: array of weblogic.diagnostics.descriptor.WLDFNotificationBean references

Constraints: Read Only


The default action severity level for all policies. When a policy triggers, the severity level is delivered with the action.

The severity levels are the same levels used by the logging framework and the weblogic.logging.Severities class. If no level is specified, the default value is Notice

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: Notice, Legal Values: Info, Warning, Error, Notice, Critical, Alert, Emergency


This package provides parameters that govern JMS server behavior with regard to a client. For example, setting the client Id when using a particular connection factory.

The properties of the weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.ClientParamsBean entity are as follows:


Acknowledge policy for non-transacted sessions that use the CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE mode. All indicates that calling acknowledge on a message acknowledges all unacknowledged messages received on the session. Previous specifies that calling acknowledge on a message acknowledges only unacknowledged messages up to, and including, the given message.

This parameter works around a change in the JMS specification and only applies to implementations that use the CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE acknowledge mode for a non-transacted session. Specifically, the specification allowed users to acknowledge all messages before and including the message being acknowledged. The specification was changed so that acknowledging any message acknowledges all messages ever received (even those received after the message being acknowledge).

ACKNOWLEDGE_PREVIOUS retains the old behavior (acknowledge all message up to and including the message being acknowledged). Whereas, ACKNOWLEDGE_ALL yields the new behavior, where all messages received by the given session are acknowledged regardless of which message is being used to effect the acknowledge.

This attribute is dynamic and can be changed at any time. However, changing the value does not affect existing connections. It only affects new connections made with this connection factory.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: All, Legal Values: All, Previous


Specifies whether a connection factory creates message consumers that allow a close() or stop() method to be issued within its onMessage() method call.

  • If selected (set to true) on a custom connection factory, an onMessage() method callback is allowed to issue a close() method on its own Session, Connection and JMSContext objects, or a stop() call on its own Connection and JMSContext objects. If false, these calls will throw an exception.

  • Default JMS Connection Factories ("java:comp/DefaultJMSConnectionFactory", "weblogic.jms.ConnectionFactory", or "weblogic.jms.XAConnectionFactory") set this option to false and it cannot be modified.

Note: The onMessage() method of the Message Listener is allowed to call close() on its own MessageConsumer and JMSConsumer even when AllowCloseInOnMessage is set to false.

This value is dynamic and can be changed at any time. However, changing the value does not affect existing connections. It only affects new connections made with this connection factory.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: true


An optional Client ID for applications that use this JMS connection factory. If the Client ID Policy is set to Restricted (the default), then configuring a Client ID on the connection factory prevents more than one JMS client from using a connection from this factory.

This attribute is rarely configured and should normally be left at the default (blank), as JMS application programs can set their Client IDs dynamically using the standard JMS APIs javax.jms.JMSContext.setClientID() or javax.jms.Connection.setClientID(). The JMS application message processing containers (such as MDBs) normally make the Client ID configurable as part of container configuration.

This attribute is dynamic and can be changed at any time. However, changing the value does not affect existing connections. It only affects new connections made with this connection factory.

Type: string

Constraints: Legal Null: true


The Client ID Policy indicates whether more than one JMS connection can use the same Client ID.

The valid values are:

  • CLIENT_ID_POLICY_RESTRICTED - The default. Only one connection that uses this policy can exist in a cluster at any given time for a particular Client ID (if a connection already exists with a given Client ID, attempts to create new connections using this policy with the same Client ID fail with an exception).

  • CLIENT_ID_POLICY_UNRESTRICTED - Connections created using this policy can specify any Client ID, even when other restricted or unrestricted connections already use the same Client ID. The Unrestricted Client ID capability was added in WebLogic 10.3.4 (11gR1PS3).


  • WebLogic JMS applications can override the Client ID Policy specified on the connection factory configuration by casting a javax.jms.JMSContext instance to weblogic.jms.extensions.WLJMSContext or a javax.jms.Connection instance to weblogic.jms.extension.WLConnection and calling setClientID(String clientID, String clientIDPolicy)

  • Two connections with the same Client ID are treated as two different independent connections if they have a different Client ID Policy. This means a cluster can host a single Restricted Client ID Policy connection, and also concurrently host multiple Unrestricted Client ID Policy connections that have the same Client ID as the Restricted connection.

  • Two durable subscriptions with the same Client ID and Subscription Name are treated as two different independent subscriptions if they have a different Client ID Policy. Similarly, two Sharable non-durable subscriptions with the same Client Id are treated as two different independent subscriptions if they have a different Client ID Policy.

  • Durable subscriptions created using an Unrestricted Client Id must be unsubscribed using the weblogic.jms.extensions.WLJMSContext.unsubscribe(Topic topic, String name) instead of javax.jms.JMSContext.unsubscribe(String name) or using the weblogic.jms.extensions.WLSession.unsubscribe(Topic topic, String name), instead of javax.jms.Session.unsubscribe(String name)

This attribute is dynamic and can be changed at any time. However, changing the value does not affect existing connections. It only affects new connections made with this connection factory.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: Restricted, Legal Values: Restricted, Unrestricted


The maximum number of messages that can exist for an asynchronous session and that have not yet been passed to the message listener. When the Synchronous Prefetch Mode is enabled, this value also affects synchronous sessions with a message consumer that will prefetch messages in one server access.

A value of -1 indicates that there is no limit on the number of messages. In this case, however, the limit is set to the amount of remaining virtual memory.

When the number of messages reaches the MessagesMaximum value:

  • For multicast sessions, new messages are discarded according the policy specified by the OverrunPolicy parameter and a DataOverrunException is thrown.

  • For non-multicast sessions, new messages are flow-controlled, or retained on the server until the application can accommodate the messages.

For multicast sessions, when a connection is stopped, messages will continue to be delivered, but only until the MessagesMaximum value is reached. Once this value is reached, messages will be discarded based on the Overrun policy.

This attribute is dynamic and can be changed at any time. However, changing the value does not affect existing connections. It only affects new connections made with this connection factory.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 10


The policy to use when the number of outstanding multicast messages reaches the value specified in MessagesMaximum and some messages must be discarded.

  • Keep New - Indicates that the most recent messages are given priority over the oldest messages, and the oldest messages are discarded, as needed.

  • Keep Old - Indicates that the oldest messages are given priority over the most recent messages, and the most recent messages are discarded, as needed.

Message age is defined by the order of receipt, not by the JMSTimestamp value.

This attribute is dynamic and can be changed at any time. However, changing the value does not affect existing connections. It only affects new connections made with this connection factory.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: KeepOld, Legal Values: KeepOld, KeepNew


Specifies the subscription sharing policy on this connection. Although this attribute is dynamic, the new values only take effect on future connections and have no impact to existing connections created before the value was changed.

The valid values are:

  • Exclusive - The default. All subscribers created using this connection factory cannot share subscriptions with any other subscribers.

  • Sharable - Subscribers created using this connection factory can share their subscriptions with other subscribers, regardless of whether those subscribers are created using the same connection factory or a different connection factory. Consumers can share a non-durable subscriptions only if they have the same Client ID and Client ID Policy; consumers can share a durable subscription only if they have the same Client ID, Client ID Policy, and Subscription Name. The Sharable Subscription Sharing capability was added in WebLogic 10.3.4 (11gR1PS3).


  • WebLogic JMS applications can override the Subscription Sharing Policy specified on the connection factory configuration by casting a javax.jms.JMSContext instance to weblogic.jms.extensions.WLJMSContext or a javax.jms.Connection instance to weblogic.jms.extensions.WLConnection and calling setSubscriptionSharingPolicy(String subscriptionSharingPolicy)

  • Most applications with a Sharable Subscription Sharing Policy will also use an Unrestricted Client ID Policy in order to ensure that multiple connections with the same client ID can exist.

  • Two durable subscriptions with the same Client ID and Subscription Name are treated as two different independent subscriptions if they have a different Client ID Policy. Similarly, two Sharable non-durable subscriptions with the same Client ID are treated as two different independent subscriptions if they have a different Client ID Policy.

  • Durable subscriptions created using an Unrestricted Client Id must be unsubscribed using weblogic.jms.extensions.WLJMSContext.unsubscribe(Topic topic, String name), instead of javax.jms.JMSContext.unsubscribe(String name) or using weblogic.jms.extensions.WLSession.unsubscribe(Topic topic, String name), instead of javax.jms.Session.unsubscribe(String name), regardless of the Subscription Sharing Policy (Exclusive or Sharable).

This attribute is dynamic and can be changed at any time. However, changing the value does not affect existing connections. It only affects new connections made with this connection factory.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: Exclusive, Legal Values: Exclusive, Sharable


Specifies whether a synchronous consumer will prefetch messages (that is, messages sent from the server to the client) in one server access.

  • Disabled - Indicates that message prefetching is disabled.

  • Enabled - Indicates that a synchronous consumer (queue receiver or topic subscriber) will prefetch messages. The amount of prefetched messages cannot exceed the maximum number of messages defined by the Messages Maximum parameter.

  • Topic Subscriber Only - Indicates that only a synchronous topic subscriber will prefetch messages. The amount of prefetched messages cannot exceed the maximum number of messages defined by the Messages Maximum parameter.

Synchronous message prefetching does not support the following conditions, and will throw a JMS Exception when encountered:

  • User (XA) transactions for synchronous message receives

  • Multiple synchronous consumers per session (regardless of queue or topic)

This attribute is dynamic and can be changed at any time. However, changing the value does not affect existing connections. It only affects new connections made with this connection factory.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: disabled


If a client does not specify certain parameters then the values that those parameters will take can be controlled with a default delivery parameters bean.

The properties of the weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.DefaultDeliveryParamsBean entity are as follows:


The number of bytes for the serialized message body so any message exceeds this limit will trigger message compression when the message is sent or received by the JMS message producer or consumer.

The compression will occur either:

  • On the JMS message producer's JVM if the JMS message producer's JVM is not collocated with the JMS provider's JVM and the message body size exceeds the threshold limit.

  • On the JMS provider's JVM when the JMS message consumer's JVM is not collocated with the JMS provider's JVM and the message body size exceeds the threshold limit.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 2147483647, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 2147483647


The default delivery mode used for messages when a delivery mode is not explicitly defined.

All messages with a DefaultDeliveryMode of null that are produced on a connection created with this factory will receive this value. Message producers can get the delivery mode explicitly by calling the javax.jms.MessageProducer.getDeliveryMode() method.

This attribute is dynamic. It can be changed at any time. However, changing the value does not affect existing connections. It only affects new connections made with this connection factory.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: Persistent, Legal Values: Persistent, Non-Persistent


The default priority used for messages when a priority is not explicitly defined.

All messages with a DefaultPriority of -1 that are produced on a connection created with this factory will receive this value. Message producers can get the priority explicitly by calling the javax.jms.MessageProducer.getPriority() method.

This attribute is dynamic. It can be changed at any time. However, changing the value does not affect existing connections. It only affects new connections made with this connection factory.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 4, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 9


The delay time, in milliseconds, before rolled back or recovered messages are redelivered.

All messages consumed by a consumer created with this factory that have a DefaultRedeliveryDelay of -1 will use this value.

Message consumers can get the redelivery delay explicitly by calling the weblogic.jms.extensions.WLSession.getRedliveryDelay() method.

This attribute is dynamic. It can be changed at any time. However, changing the value does not affect existing connections. It only affects new connections made with this connection factory.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Has Default Value: 0, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 9223372036854775807


The delay time, in milliseconds, between when a message is produced and when it is made visible on its destination.

All messages produced by a producer created with this factory that have a DefaultTimeToDeliver of -1 will use this value. Message producers can get the Time-to-Deliver explicitly by calling the weblogic.jms.extensions.WLMessageProducer.getTimeToDeliver() method.

This attribute is dynamic. It can be changed at any time. However, changing the value does not affect existing connections. It only affects new connections made with this connection factory.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: 0


The maximum length of time, in milliseconds, that a message exists. This value is used for messages when both the time-to-live is not explicitly set by the sender application that is using this connection factory and the time-to-live is not explicitly overridden by the destination's TimeToLiveOverride attribute . A value of 0 indicates that the message has an infinite amount time to live.

Message producer applications can set the time-to-live explicitly by calling the standard JMS javax.jms.MessageProducer.setTimeToLive(long) method. Note that programmatically setting time-to-live using javax.jms.Message.setJMSExpiration() has no effect - the message setter is ignored by the JMS send call as required by the JMS specification.

This attribute is dynamic. It can be changed at any time. However, changing the value does not affect existing connections. It only affects new connections made with this connection factory.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Has Default Value: 0, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 9223372036854775807


The default Unit-of-Order name for producers that connect using this connection factory. A Unit-of-Order allows for messages to be processed in a certain order, even among multiple recipients.

System-generated indicates that WebLogic Server will automatically generate a Unit-of-Order name. User-Generated indicates that the Unit-of-Order name will come from the name specified name in the Unit-of-Order Name field. If None is selected, no message ordering is enforced.

Type: string

Constraints: Legal Null: true


The maximum length of time, in milliseconds, that a sender will wait when there isn't enough available space (no quota) on a destination to accommodate the message being sent.

The default time is 10 milliseconds. A value of 0 indicates that the sender does not want to wait for space.

This attribute is dynamic. It can be changed at any time. However, changing the value does not affect existing connections or their producers. It only affects new connections made with this connection factory. Producers inherit the setting from the connection factory used to create their session and connection. The value can then be overridden at run time by setting the value on the producer.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Has Default Value: 10, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 9223372036854775807


These parameters control what should happen to messages when failures occur. They allow the adminstrator to control error destinations, logging and other actions that might be taken when a message can not be delivered or when other failures are detected

The properties of the weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.DeliveryFailureParamsBean entity are as follows:


The name of the target error destination for messages that have expired or reached their redelivery limit. If no error destination is configured, then such messages are simply dropped. If a message has expired or reached its redelivery limit, and the Expiration Policy is set to Redirect, then the message is moved to the specified Error Destination.

For standalone destinations, an error destination must be another standalone destination that is targeted to the same JMS server as the destinations for which the error destination is defined. For uniform distributed destinations (UDDs), the error destination must be another UDD that shares the same subdeployment (i.e., targets) as the current UDD.

This attribute is dynamically configurable, but only incoming messages are impacted; stored messages are not impacted.

Type: weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.DestinationBean reference


The policy that defines what information about the message is logged when the Expiration Policy is set to Log. The valid logging policy values are:

  • %header% - All JMS header fields are logged.

  • %properties% - All user-defined properties are logged.

  • JMSDeliveryTime - This WebLogic JMS-specific extended header field is logged.

  • JMSRedeliveryLimit - This WebLogic JMS-specific extended header field is logged.

  • foo - Any valid JMS header field or user-defined property is logged.

When specifying multiple values, enter them as a comma-separated list. The %header% and %properties% values are not case sensitive. For example, you could use "%header%,%properties%" for all the JMS header fields and user properties. However, the enumeration of individual JMS header fields and user-defined properties are case sensitive. To enumerate only individual JMS header fields you could use "%header, name, address, city, state, zip"

Note: The JMSMessageID field is always logged and cannot be turned off. Therefore, if the Expiration Logging Policy is not defined (i.e., null) or is defined as an empty string, then the output to the log file contains only the JMSMessageID of the message.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: null


The message Expiration Policy to use when an expired message is encountered on a destination. The valid expiration policies are:

None - Same as the Discard policy; expired messages are simply removed from the destination.

Discard - Removes expired messages from the messaging system. The removal is not logged and the message is not redirected to another location. If no value is defined for a given destination (i.e., None), then expired messages are discarded.

Log - Removes expired messages from the system and writes an entry to the server log file indicating that the messages have been removed from the system. The actual information that is logged is defined by the Expiration Logging Policy.

Redirect - Moves expired messages from their current location to the Error Destination defined for the destination. The message retains its body, and all of its properties. The message also retains all of its header fields, but with the following exceptions:

  • The destination for the message becomes the error destination.

  • All property overrides associated with the error destination are applied to the redirected message.

  • If there is no Time-To-Live Override value for the error destination, then the message receives a new Expiration Time of zero (indicating that it will not expire again).

It is illegal to use the Redirect policy when there is no valid error destination defined for the destination. Similarly, it is illegal to remove the error destination for a destination that is using the Redirect policy.

Note: The Maximum Message quota is only enforced for sending new messages. It is ignored when moving messages because of the Redirect policy.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: Discard, Legal Values: Discard, Log, Redirect


The number of redelivery tries a message can have before it is moved to the error destination. This setting overrides any redelivery limit set by the message sender. If the redelivery limit is configured, but no error destination is configured, then persistent and non-persistent messages are simply dropped (deleted) when they reach their redelivery limit.

The default value (-1) specifies that the destination will not override the message sender's redelivery limit setting.

Note: WebLogic Server supports the JMSXDeliveryCount message property, which specifies the number of message delivery attempts, where the first attempt is 1, the next attempt is 2, and so on. WebLogic Server makes a best effort to persist the delivery count, so that the delivery count does not reset back to 1 after a server reboot.

This attribute is dynamically configurable, but only incoming messages are impacted; previously sent messages continue to use their original redelivery limit.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: -1, Minimum Value: -1, Maximum Value: 2147483647


This is used to find the template bean for this destination

Type: weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.TemplateBean reference

Constraints: Read Only


Many delivery parameters can be set by the JMS client. These overrides, if set, will cause those specific parameters to be ignored and replaced by the value set here.

The properties of the weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.DeliveryParamsOverridesBean entity are as follows:


The delivery mode assigned to all messages that arrive at the destination regardless of the DeliveryMode specified by the message producer.

A value of No-Delivery specifies that the DeliveryMode will not be overridden.

Note: This attribute is dynamically configurable, but only incoming messages are impacted; stored messages are not impacted.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: No-Delivery, Legal Values: Persistent, Non-Persistent, No-Delivery


The priority assigned to all messages that arrive at this destination, regardless of the Priority specified by the message producer. The default value (-1) specifies that the destination will not override the Priority set by the message producer.

Note: This attribute is dynamically configurable, but only incoming messages are impacted; stored messages are not impacted.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: -1, Minimum Value: -1, Maximum Value: 9


The delay, in milliseconds, before rolled back or recovered messages are redelivered, regardless of the RedeliveryDelay specified by the consumer and/or connection factory. Redelivered queue messages are put back into their originating destination; redelivered topic messages are put back into their originating subscription. The default value (-1) specifies that the destination will not override the RedeliveryDelay setting specified by the consumer and/or connection factory.

Note: This attribute is dynamically configurable, but only incoming messages are impacted; stored messages are not impacted.

Note: Changing the RedeliveryDelay override only affects future rollbacks and recovers, it does not affect rollbacks and recovers that have already occurred.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Has Default Value: -1, Minimum Value: -1, Maximum Value: 9223372036854775807


This is used to find the template bean for this destination

Type: weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.TemplateBean reference

Constraints: Read Only


The default delay, either in milliseconds or as a schedule, between when a message is produced and when it is made visible on its target destination, regardless of the delivery time specified by the producer and/or connection factory. The default value (-1) specifies that the destination will not override the TimeToDeliver setting specified by the producer and/or connection factory. The TimeToDeliver override can be specified either as a long or as a schedule.

Note: Changing the TimeToDeliver override only affects future message delivery, it does not affect message delivery of already produced messages.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: -1


The time-to-live assigned to all messages that arrive at this destination, regardless of the TimeToLive value specified by the message producer. The default value (-1) specifies that this setting will not override the TimeToLive setting specified by the message producer.

Range of Values: Between 0 and a positive 64-bit integer.

Note: This attribute is dynamically configurable, but only incoming messages are impacted; stored messages are not impacted.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Has Default Value: -1, Minimum Value: -1, Maximum Value: 9223372036854775807


Destination Key beans control the sorting criteria of JMS destinations

The properties of the weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.DestinationKeyBean entity are as follows:


Return the unique identifier of this bean instance.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The expected property type for this destination key.

Gets the "key-type" element

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: String, Legal Values: Boolean, Byte, Short, Int, Long, Float, Double, String


The name of this entity, represented in XML as an attribute.

Many of the elements within the JMS module are named entities. All of the named entities encased by a type in the XML file must be unique. This is the identifier used to delineate a particular entity within the JMS module.

This attribute cannot be modified externally from the module (for example, with a deployment plan) because it may be used inside the module referentially.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this named JMS descriptor bean.

JMS module saves this note in the JMS descriptor file as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.


If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Specifies a message property name or the name of a message header field on which to sort messages. Message header field keys ignore the key type and reference message header fields rather than message properties.

Note: For better performance, use message header fields as sorting keys, rather than message properties.

Range of Values:

The JMS Property name (including user properties) or message header fields that can be sorted on are:

  • JMSMessageID

  • JMSTimestamp

  • JMSCorrelationID

  • JMSPriority

  • JMSExpiration

  • JMSType

  • JMSRedelivered

  • JMSDeliveryTime

  • JMS_BEA_Size

  • JMS_BEA_UnitOfOrder

This attribute is not dynamically configurable. Gets the "property" element

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: JMSMessageID


The direction (Ascending or Descending) in which this key will sort messages.

Selecting the Ascending option for the JMSMessageID property implies a FIFO (first in, first out) sort order (the default for destinations). Select the Descending option for a LIFO (last in, first out) sort order.

This attribute is not dynamically configurable.

Gets the "sort-order" element.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: Ascending, Legal Values: Ascending, Descending


Many clients producing messages can cause the server to fall behind in processing messages. The flow control parameters can help by slowing down production of messages. Using flow control can help the overall throughput of the system.

The properties of the weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.FlowControlParamsBean entity are as follows:


Specifies whether a producer created using a connection factory allows flow control. If true, the associated message producers will be slowed down if a JMS server or a destination reaches its specified upper byte or message threshold.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: true


The adjustment period of time, in seconds, when a producer adjusts its flow from the FlowMaximum number of messages to the FlowMinimum amount, or vice versa.

When a producer is flow controlled, it is slowed down from its FlowMaximum to its FlowMinimum over the specified FlowInterval amount of seconds.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 60, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 2147483647


The maximum number of messages-per-second allowed for a producer that is experiencing a threshold condition. When a producer is flow controlled it will never be allowed to go faster than the FlowMaximum messages per second.

If a producer is not currently limiting its flow when a threshold condition is reached, the initial flow limit for that producer is set to FlowMaximum. If a producer is already limiting its flow when a threshold condition is reached (the flow limit is less than FlowMaximum), then the producer will continue at its current flow limit until the next time the flow is evaluated.

Note: Once a threshold condition has subsided, the producer is not permitted to ignore its flow limit. If its flow limit is less than the FlowMaximum, then the producer must gradually increase its flow to the FlowMaximum each time the flow is evaluated. When the producer finally reaches the FlowMaximum, it can then ignore its flow limit and send without limiting its flow.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 500, Minimum Value: 1, Maximum Value: 2147483647


The minimum number of messages-per-second allowed for a producer that is experiencing a threshold condition. This is the lower boundary of a producer's flow limit. That is, WebLogic JMS will not further slow down a producer whose message flow limit is at its FlowMinimum.

When a producer is flow controlled it will never be required to go slower than FlowMinimum messages per second.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 50, Minimum Value: 1, Maximum Value: 2147483647


The number of steps used when a producer is adjusting its flow from the Flow Maximum amount of messages to the Flow Minimum amount, or vice versa. Specifically, the Flow Interval adjustment period is divided into the number of Flow Steps (for example, 60 seconds divided by 6 steps is 10 seconds per step).

Also, the movement (i.e., the rate of adjustment) is calculated by dividing the difference between the Flow Maximum and the Flow Minimum into steps. At each Flow Step, the flow is adjusted upward or downward, as necessary, based on the current conditions, as follows:

  • The downward movement (the decay) is geometric over the specified period of time (Flow Interval) and according to the specified number of Flow Steps. (For example, 100, 50, 25, 12.5)

  • The movement upward is linear. The difference is simply divided by the number of steps.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 10, Minimum Value: 1, Maximum Value: 2147483647


Specifies whether message producers created using this connection factory are allowed to do one-way message sends to improve typical non-persistent, non-transactional messaging performance. When enabled, the associated queue senders and/or topic publishers can send messages without internally waiting for a response from the target destination's host JMS server.

One-way sends are supported only when the connection factory hosting the producer and the JMS server hosting the target destination are targeted to the same WebLogic Server instance. In addition, one-way sends are not supported for higher quality-of-service (QOS) features, such as XA, transacted sessions, persistent messaging, unit-of-order, unit-of-work, distributed destinations, and client-side store-and-forward. If the producer and target destination are in separate domains, or if any of these higher QOS features are detected, then the one-way mode setting will be ignored and standard two-way sends will be used instead.

  • Disabled One-way send is disabled.

  • Enabled One-way send is permitted for queue senders or topic publishers.

  • Topic Only Only topic publishers are permitted to do one-way sends.


  • One-way message sends are disabled if your connection factory is configured with XA Connection Factory Enabled. This setting disables one-way sends whether or not the sender actually uses transactions.

  • To benefit from one-way performance, the default One-Way Send Window Size value must also be configured higher. After every OneWaySendWindowSize - 1 number of messages, a two-way is used instead of a one-way, so all messages are actually two-way when the OneWaySendWindowSize = 1

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: disabled


Specifies the maximum number of sent messages per window when One-Way Send Mode is set to allow queue senders and/or topic publishers to make one-way sends. The window size determines when a two-way message is required to regulate the producer before it can continue making additional one-way sends.

To benefit from one-way performance, the default One-Way Send Window Size value must be configured higher in addition to enabling one-way sends. After every OneWaySendWindowSize - 1 number of messages, a two-way is used instead of a one-way, so all messages are actually two-way when the OneWaySendWindowSize = 1

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 1, Minimum Value: 1, Maximum Value: 2147483647


This bean represents a connection factory from a remote JNDI context.

The properties of the weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.ForeignConnectionFactoryBean entity are as follows:


Controls connection health checking for JMS resource reference pools that access this JMS foreign connection factory mapping. The default value is Enabled

Oracle recommends selecting Disabled only when directed to do so by customer support.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: enabled


Return the unique identifier of this bean instance.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The name that the remote object will be bound to in the local server's JNDI tree. This is the name that should be used to look up the object on the local server.

Type: string


The name of this entity, represented in XML as an attribute.

Many of the elements within the JMS module are named entities. All of the named entities encased by a type in the XML file must be unique. This is the identifier used to delineate a particular entity within the JMS module.

This attribute cannot be modified externally from the module (for example, with a deployment plan) because it may be used inside the module referentially.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this named JMS descriptor bean.

JMS module saves this note in the JMS descriptor file as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.


If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


The password used in conjunction with the user name specified in the Username parameter to access the remote connection factory.

Type: string

Constraints: Encrypted


The name of the remote object that will be looked up in the remote JNDI directory.

Type: string


The user name that is passed when opening a connection to the remote server (represented by this foreign connection factory).

Type: string


This bean represents a destination from a remote JNDI context.

The properties of the weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.ForeignDestinationBean entity are as follows:


Return the unique identifier of this bean instance.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The name that the remote object will be bound to in the local server's JNDI tree. This is the name that should be used to look up the object on the local server.

Type: string


The name of this entity, represented in XML as an attribute.

Many of the elements within the JMS module are named entities. All of the named entities encased by a type in the XML file must be unique. This is the identifier used to delineate a particular entity within the JMS module.

This attribute cannot be modified externally from the module (for example, with a deployment plan) because it may be used inside the module referentially.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this named JMS descriptor bean.

JMS module saves this note in the JMS descriptor file as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.


If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


The name of the remote object that will be looked up in the remote JNDI directory.

Type: string


This bean represents foreign resources.

The properties of the weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.ForeignServerBean entity are as follows:


Any Credentials that must be set for the JNDI provider. These Credentials will be part of the properties will be passed directly to the constructor for the JNDI provider's InitialContext class.

Some foreign providers require other properties to be set while obtaining an initial naming context. These properties can be set with a property bean

Type: string

Constraints: Encrypted


The URL that WebLogic Server will use to contact the JNDI provider. The syntax of this URL depends on which JNDI provider is being used. For WebLogic JMS, leave this field blank if you are referencing WebLogic JMS objects within the same cluster.

This value corresponds to the standard JNDI property, java.naming.provider.url

Note: If this value is not specified, look-ups will be performed on the JNDI server within the WebLogic Server instance where this connection factory is deployed.

Type: string

Constraints: Legal Null: true


Specifies whether this JMS resource defaults to the parent module's targeting or uses the subdeployment targeting mechanism.

When set to true, this resource implicitly inherits the targeting of its parent module. When set to false, this resource gets targeted based its subdeployment's targets, if one is specified.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


Return the unique identifier of this bean instance.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The name of the class that must be instantiated to access the JNDI provider. This class name depends on the JNDI provider and the vendor that are being used.

This value corresponds to the standard JNDI property, java.naming.factory.initial

Note: This value defaults to weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory, which is the correct value for WebLogic Server.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory


The name of this entity, represented in XML as an attribute.

Many of the elements within the JMS module are named entities. All of the named entities encased by a type in the XML file must be unique. This is the identifier used to delineate a particular entity within the JMS module.

This attribute cannot be modified externally from the module (for example, with a deployment plan) because it may be used inside the module referentially.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this named JMS descriptor bean.

JMS module saves this note in the JMS descriptor file as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.


If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Gets the name of the sub-deployment to use when targeting this entity

Entities are targeted using a sub-deployment with this name. The targets of the sub-deployment will be the targets of this entity.

Type: string


The group params bean represents items that may be templated based on the sub-deployment of the host DestinationBean. While many attributes of a Destination can be templated regardless of where the Destination is targeted, others cannot. Those elements that must be templated based on the target group of the destination are represented in this bean. A Destination will use the values in a GroupParamsBean if and only if the corresponding value is not explicitly set in the DestinationBean AND the sub-deployment-name of the Destination matches the sub-deployment-name attribute of this bean AND this GroupParamsBean is a child of the template pointed to by the Destination.

The properties of the weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.GroupParamsBean entity are as follows:


Gets the name of the error destination that should be used for members who have the same sub-deployment-name. If this value is not set then the value from the templates DeliveryFailureParamsBean will be used if it is set.

Type: weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.DestinationBean reference


The name of the subdeployment that template parameters apply to. A subdeployment with the specified name must exist in the topic or queue for the parameters to apply.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


Contains the connection pool parameters of a data source.

Configuration parameters for a data source's connection pool are specified using the connection pool parameters bean.

The properties of the weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.JDBCConnectionPoolParamsBean entity are as follows:


Specifies level of JDBC debugging for XA drivers, where larger values in the range provide more debugging information.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 10, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 100


The number of seconds between attempts to establish connections to the database.

If you do not set this value, data source creation fails if the database is unavailable. If set and if the database is unavailable when the data source is created, WebLogic Server will attempt to create connections in the pool again after the number of seconds you specify, and will continue to attempt to create the connections until it succeeds.

When set to , connection retry is disabled.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 0, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 2147483647


The maximum number of connections that may be harvested when the connection harvesting occurs. The range of valid values is 1 to MaxCapacity.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 1, Minimum Value: 1


Specifies the number of available connections (trigger value) used to determine when connection harvesting occurs.

  • Harvesting occurs when the number of available connections is below the trigger value for a connection pool.

  • The range of valid values is -1 to MaxCapacity

  • Default value is -1

  • Setting the value to -1 disables connection harvesting.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: -1, Minimum Value: -1


The class name of the connection labeling callback. This is automatically passed to registerConnectionLabelingCallback when the datasource is created. The class must implement oracle.ucp.ConnectionLabelingCallback

Type: string


The number of seconds after which a call to reserve a connection from the connection pool will timeout.

When set to , a call will never timeout.

When set to -1, a call will timeout immediately.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 10, Minimum Value: -1, Maximum Value: 2147483647


Specifies the number of reconnect failures allowed before WebLogic Server disables a connection pool to minimize the delay in handling the connection request caused by a database failure. Zero means it is disabled.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 2, Minimum Value: 0


Specifies the number of test failures allowed before WebLogic Server closes all unused connections in a connection pool to minimize the delay caused by further database testing. Zero means it is disabled.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 2, Minimum Value: 0


Enables Set Client ID on connection for the data source. When an application requests a database connection, WebLogic Server sets a light-weight client ID on the database connection.

By default, it uses the credential mapping to map WebLogic Server user IDs to database user IDs. However, if use-database-credentials is set to true, then the credential mapping is not done and the ID is used directly as a database user ID.

It is currently supported for IBM DB2 driver and Oracle thin driver. Support for this feature will be dropped in a future Oracle thin driver release. Oracle recommends using proxy authentication instead of this feature.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


Specifies the absolute name of the application class used to intercept method calls to the JDBC driver. The application specified must implement the weblogic.jdbc.extensions.DriverInterceptor interface.

Weblogic Server will invoke the preInvokeCallback(), postInvokeExceptionCallback(), and postInvokeCallback() methods of the registered application before and after invoking any method inside the JDBC driver. You can use this feature to profile JDBC driver usage and monitor:

  • Methods being executed

  • Any exceptions thrown

  • Time spent inside the driver executing methods

Type: string


Specifies a comma-separated list of error codes that are treated as fatal errors. These errors include deployment errors that cause a server to fail to boot and connection errors that prevent a connection from being put back in the connection pool.

This optional attribute is used to define fatal error codes, that when specified as the exception code within a SQLException (retrieved by sqlException.getErrorCode()), indicate that a fatal error has occurred and the connection is no longer usable. For Oracle databases the following fatal error codes are predefined within WLS and do not need to be placed in the configuration file:

  • 3113: "end-of-file on communication channel"

  • 3114: "not connected to ORACLE"

  • 1033: "ORACLE initialization or shutdown in progress"

  • 1034: "ORACLE not available"

  • 1089: "immediate shutdown in progress - no operations are permitted"

  • 1090: "shutdown in progress - connection is not permitted"

  • 17002: "I/O exception"

Type: string


The maximum number of connection requests that can concurrently block threads while waiting to reserve a connection from the data source's connection pool.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 2147483647, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 2147483647


Enables identity-based-connection-pooling for the data source. When an application requests a database connection, WebLogic Server picks or creates a physical connection with requested DBMS identity based on a map of WebLogic user IDs and database IDs.

You must also specify the map of WebLogic Server user IDs to database user IDs (credential mapping).

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


Enables the data source to be shutdown even if connections obtained from the pool are still in use.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: true


The number of inactive seconds on a reserved connection before WebLogic Server reclaims the connection and releases it back into the connection pool.

You can use the Inactive Connection Timeout feature to reclaim leaked connections - connections that were not explicitly closed by the application. Note that this feature is not intended to be used in place of properly closing connections.

When set to , the feature is disabled.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 0, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 2147483647


SQL statement to execute that will initialize newly created physical database connections. Start the statement with SQL followed by a space.

If the Init SQL value begins with "SQL ", then the rest of the string following that leading token will be taken as a literal SQL statement that will be used to initialize database connections. If the Init SQL value does not begin with "SQL ", the value will be treated as the name of a table and the following SQL statement will be used to initialize connections:

"select count(*) from InitSQL"

The table InitSQL must exist and be accessible to the database user for the connection. Most database servers optimize this SQL to avoid a table scan, but it is still a good idea to set InitSQL to the name of a table that is known to have few rows, or even no rows.

Type: string


The number of physical connections to create when creating the connection pool in the data source. If unable to create this number of connections, creation of the data source will fail.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 1, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 2147483647


The number of seconds to delay before creating each physical database connection. This delay supports database servers that cannot handle multiple connection requests in rapid succession.

The delay takes place both during initial data source creation and during the lifetime of the data source whenever a physical database connection is created.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 0, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 2147483647


The maximum number of physical connections that this connection pool can contain.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 15, Minimum Value: 1, Maximum Value: 2147483647


The minimum number of physical connections that this connection pool can contain after it is initialized.

  • Default: InitialCapacity

  • Used only for connection pool shrinking calculations.

  • For compatibility, InitialCapacity is used if MinCapacity is not configured.

  • Once a data source has gone through a suspend/resume, the larger value of either MinCapacity or InitialCapacity is used.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 1, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 2147483647


Enables an option to improve performance by enabling execute threads to keep a pooled database connection even after the application closes the logical connection.

When enabled:

  • WebLogic Server pins a database connection from the connection pool to an execution thread the first time an application uses the thread to reserve a connection. When the application finishes using the connection and calls connection.close(), WebLogic Server keeps the connection with the execute thread and does not return it to the connection pool. When an application subsequently requests a connection using the same execute thread, WebLogic Server provides the connection already reserved by the thread.

  • There is no locking contention on the connection pool that occurs when multiple threads attempt to reserve a connection at the same time. There is no contention for threads that attempt to reserve the same connection from a limited number of database connections.

  • If an application concurrently reserves more than one connection from the connection pool using the same execute thread, WebLogic Server creates additional database connections and pins them to the thread.

  • The maximum capacity of the connection pool (maximum number of database connections created in the connection pool) becomes the number of execute threads used to request a connection multiplied by the number of concurrent connections each thread reserves. This may exceed the Maximum Capacity specified for the connection pool. You may need to consider this larger number of connections in your system design and ensure that your database allows for additional associated resources. If your system cannot handle the additional resource requirements or if you see database resource errors after enabling PinnedToThread, Oracle recommends not using PinnedToThread. See Using Pinned-To-Thread Property to Increase Performance

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


The number of seconds that a JDBC connection needs to be held by an application before triggering a connection leak diagnostic profiling record.

When set to , the timeout is disabled. This attribute only applies when the connection leak diagnostic profiling option is enabled.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 0, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 2147483647


The number of seconds between when WebLogic Server harvests profile data.

When set to , harvesting of data is disabled.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 300, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 2147483647


Specifies that type of profile data to be collected for the JDBC subsystem.

You can specify combinations of the following profile types:

  • weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.JDBCConstants.PROFILE_TYPE_CONN_USAGE - Profile threads currently using connections from the pool of connections in the data source.

  • weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.JDBCConstants.PROFILE_TYPE_CONN_RESV_WAIT - Profile threads currently waiting to reserve a connection from the data source.

  • weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.JDBCConstants.PROFILE_TYPE_CONN_LEAK - Profile threads that have reserved a connection from the data source and the connection leaked (was not properly returned to the pool of connections).

  • weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.JDBCConstants.PROFILE_TYPE_CONN_RESV_FAIL - Profile threads that attempt to reserve a connection from the data source but fail.

  • weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.JDBCConstants.PROFILE_TYPE_STMT_CACHE_ENTRY - Profile prepared and callable statements added to the statement cache, and profile the threads that originated the cached statements.

  • weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.JDBCConstants.PROFILE_TYPE_STMT_USAGE - Profile threads currently executing SQL statements from the statement cache.

  • weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.JDBCConstants.PROFILE_TYPE_CONN_LAST_USAGE - Profile the previous thread that last used the connection. This information is useful when debugging problems with connections infected with pending transactions that cause subsequent XA operations on the connections to fail.

  • weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.JDBCConstants.PROFILE_TYPE_CONN_MT_USAGE - Profile threads that erroneously use a connection previously obtained by a different thread.

  • weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.JDBCConstants.PROFILE_TYPE_CONN_UNWRAP_USAGE - Profile threads that have obtained the JDBC delegate object by invoking unwrap or weblogic.common.wrapper.Wrapper.getVendorObj.

  • weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.JDBCConstants.PROFILE_TYPE_CONN_LOCALTX_LEAK - Profile threads that close JDBC connections that have an active local database transaction.

  • weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.JDBCConstants.PROFILE_TYPE_NONE - Disable profiling for the data source.

  • weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.JDBCConstants.PROFILE_TYPE_ALL - Enable all profile types for the data source.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 0


Specifies whether a connection will be removed from the connection pool after the application uses the underlying vendor connection object.

If you disable removing infected connections, you must make sure that the database connection is suitable for reuse by other applications.

When set to true (the default), the physical connection is not returned to the connection pool after the application closes the logical connection. Instead, the physical connection is closed and recreated.

When set to false, when the application closes the logical connection, the physical connection is returned to the connection pool and can be reused by the application or by another application.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: true


The number of seconds within a connection use that WebLogic Server trusts that the connection is still viable and will skip the connection test, either before delivering it to an application or during the periodic connection testing process.

This option is an optimization that minimizes the performance impact of connection testing, especially during heavy traffic.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 10, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 2147483647


The number of seconds to wait before shrinking a connection pool that has incrementally increased to meet demand.

When set to , shrinking is disabled.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 900, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 2147483647


The number of prepared and callable statements stored in the cache. (This may increase server performance.)

WebLogic Server can reuse statements in the cache without reloading the statements, which can increase server performance. Each connection in the connection pool has its own cache of statements.

Setting the size of the statement cache to 0 turns off statement caching.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 10, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 1024


The algorithm used for maintaining the prepared statements stored in the statement cache.

Options are:

  • LRU - when a new prepared or callable statement is used, the least recently used statement is replaced in the cache.

  • FIXED - the first fixed number of prepared and callable statements are cached.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: LRU, Legal Values: LRU, FIXED


The time after which a statement currently being executed will time out.

StatementTimeout relies on underlying JDBC driver support. WebLogic Server passes the time specified to the JDBC driver using the java.sql.Statement.setQueryTimeout() method. If your JDBC driver does not support this method, it may throw an exception and the timeout value is ignored.

A value of -1 disables this feature.

A value of means that statements will not time out.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: -1, Minimum Value: -1, Maximum Value: 2147483647


Enables WebLogic Server to test a connection before giving it to a client. (Requires that you specify a Test Table Name.)

The test adds a small delay in serving the client's request for a connection from the pool, but ensures that the client receives a viable connection.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


The number of seconds a WebLogic Server instance waits between attempts when testing unused connections. (Requires that you specify a Test Table Name.) Connections that fail the test are closed and reopened to re-establish a valid physical connection. If the test fails again, the connection is closed.

In the context of multi data sources, this attribute controls the frequency at which WebLogic Server checks the health of data sources it had previously marked as unhealthy.

When set to , the feature is disabled.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 120, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 2147483647


The name of the database table to use when testing physical database connections. This name is required when you specify a Test Frequency and enable Test Reserved Connections.

The default SQL code used to test a connection is select count(*) from TestTableName

Most database servers optimize this SQL to avoid a table scan, but it is still a good idea to set the Test Table Name to the name of a table that is known to have few rows, or even no rows.

If the Test Table Name begins with SQL, then the rest of the string following that leading token will be taken as a literal SQL statement that will be used to test connections instead of the standard query. For example: SQL BEGIN; Null; END;

For an Oracle database, you can reduce the overhead of connection testing by setting Test Table Name to SQL PINGDATABASE which uses the pingDatabase() method to test the Oracle connection. For any JDBC 4.0 database, it is possible to use "SQL ISVALID" to use the isValid() method on the connection.

Type: string


By default, SQL objects for CallableStatement, PreparedStatement, ResultSet, Statement, and DatabaseMetaData are wrapped with a WebLogic wrapper. Wrapping allows features like debugging and connection usage to be performed by the server.

When false, wrapping is disabled. This improves performance, in some cases significantly, and allows for the application to use the native driver objects directly. A value of false also disables data type wrapping.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: true


By default, data type objects for Array, Blob, Clob, NClob, Ref, SQLXML, and Struct, plus ParameterMetaData and ResultSetMetaData objects are wrapped with a WebLogic wrapper. This allows for features like debugging and connection usage to be done by the server.

The wrapping can be turned off by setting this value to false. This improves performance, in some cases significantly, and allows for the application to use the native driver objects directly.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: true


The top of the JDBC data source bean tree.

JDBC data sources all have a JDBCDataSourceBean as their root bean (a bean with no parent). The schema namespace that corresponds to this bean is "http://xmlns.oracle.com/weblogic/jdbc-data-source"

The properties of the weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.JDBCDataSourceBean entity are as follows:


The data source type. Valid types are:

  • GENERIC - generic data source

  • MDS - multi data source

  • AGL - Active GridLink data source

  • UCP - Universal Connection Pool data source

  • PROXY - proxy for multiple tenant data sources

Type: string

Constraints: Legal Values: GENERIC, MDS, AGL, UCP, PROXY


Gets the Id value

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


A unique name that identifies this data source in the WebLogic domain.

Type: string


Gets the "version" attribute

Type: string


Contains the basic usage parameters of a data source.

Configuration parameters for the basic usage of a data source are specified using a data source parameters bean.

The properties of the weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.JDBCDataSourceParamsBean entity are as follows:


The JNDI path for this Data Source. By default, the JNDI name is the name of the data source.

Applications that look up the JNDI path get a javax.sql.DataSource instance that corresponds to this data source.

Type: array of string


The algorithm determines the connection request processing for the multi data source.

You can specify one of the following algorithm types:

  • Failover

    Connection requests are sent to the first data source in the list; if the request fails, the request is sent to the next data source in the list, and so forth. The process is repeated until a valid connection is obtained, or until the end of the list is reached, in which case an exception is thrown.

  • Load balancing

    The multi data source distributes connection requests evenly to its member data sources. With this algorithm, the multi data source also provides failover processing. That is, if a request fails, the multi data source sends the request to the next data source in the list until a valid connection is obtained, or until the end of the list is reached, in which case an exception is thrown.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: Failover, Legal Values: Load-Balancing, Failover


The name of the application class to handle the callback sent when a multi data source is ready to failover or fail back connection requests to another data source within the multi data source.

The name must be the absolute name of an application class that implements the weblogic.jdbc.extensions.ConnectionPoolFailoverCallback interface.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: null


The list of data sources to which the multi data source will route connection requests. The order of data sources in the list determines the failover order.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: null


For multi data sources with the failover algorithm, enables the multi data source to failover connection requests to the next data source if all connections in the current data source are in use.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


Determines the transaction protocol (global transaction processing behavior) for the data source. Options include:

  • TwoPhaseCommit - Standard XA transaction processing. Requires an XA driver.

  • LoggingLastResource - A performance enhancement for one non-XA resource.

  • EmulateTwoPhaseCommit - Enables one non-XA resource to participate in a global transaction, but has some risk to data.

  • OnePhaseCommit - One-phase XA transaction processing using a non-XA driver. This is the default setting.

  • None - Support for local transactions only.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: OnePhaseCommit, Legal Values: TwoPhaseCommit, LoggingLastResource, EmulateTwoPhaseCommit, OnePhaseCommit, None


Enables WebLogic Server to keep the physical database connection associated with the logical connection when committing a global transaction instead releasing it and getting another physical connection when needed.

Setting this option to true may require additional connections to be configured on the database.

Use this setting to work around specific problems with JDBC XA drivers.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


The name of the switching callback class for a Proxy data source.

This class implements the weblogic.jdbc.extensions.DataSourceSwitchingCallback interface.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: null


Specifies the switching properties passed to the switching callback method for a Proxy data source.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: null


Specifies the scoping of the data source.

You can specify one of the following scopes:

  • Global

    Specifies that the data source is bound in the cluster-wide JNDI tree with the JNDIName specified so that the data source is available for use to any JDBC client across the cluster.

    This is the default setting.

  • Application

    Specifies that the data source is bound in the application's local namespace with the JNDIName specified so that the data source is available for use only by JDBC clients within the application. This can only be used for packaged datasources and is ignored for JDBC System resources.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: Global, Legal Values: Global, Application


Contains the driver parameters of a data source.

Configuration parameters for the JDBC Driver used by a data source are specified using a driver parameters bean.

The properties of the weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.JDBCDriverParamsBean entity are as follows:


The full package name of JDBC driver class used to create the physical database connections in the connection pool in the data source.

For example: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver

The driver must be the name of a class that implements the java.sql.Driver interface. Check the driver documentation to find the full pathname.

Note that the driver class must be in the classpath of any server to which the data source is deployed.

Type: string


The password attribute passed to the JDBC driver when creating physical database connections.

The value is stored in an encrypted form in the descriptor file and when displayed in an administration console.

Type: string

Constraints: Encrypted


The URL of the database to connect to. The format of the URL varies by JDBC driver.

The URL is passed to the JDBC driver to create the physical database connections.

Type: string


Specifies whether the database credentials are to be obtained from the credential mapper using the "user" property as the key. When true, the credentials are obtained from the credential mapper. When false, the database user name and password are obtained from the "user" property and Password element, respectively.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


Specifies that WebLogic Server should use the XA interface of the JDBC driver.

If the JDBC driver class used to create database connections implements both XA and non-XA versions of a JDBC driver, you can set this attribute to indicate that WebLogic Server should treat the JDBC driver as an XA driver or as a non-XA driver.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: true


Contains the Oracle database-related parameters of a data source.

Configuration parameters for a data source's Oracle-specific behavior are specified using a Oracle parameters bean.

The properties of the weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.JDBCOracleParamsBean entity are as follows:


Indicates a configured Active GridLink datasource. This attributed is set to true when using the console to create an Active GridLink datasource. It is ignored if FanEnabled is true or OnsNodeList is a non-null string.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


Specifies the affinity policy for the datasource.

Options include:

  • Transaction: Transaction affinity

  • Session: Web-session affinity

  • Data: Data affinity

The default value is Session.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: Session, Legal Values: Transaction, Session, Data, None


The name of the Connection Initialization Callback class.

This name is automatically passed to registerConnectionInitializationCallback when a data source is created. The class must implement oracle.ucp.jdbc.ConnectionInitializationCallback

Type: string


Enables the data source to subscribe to and process Oracle FAN events.

This attribute is only applicable for RAC configurations that publish FAN notification events using the ONS protocol.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


A comma-separate list of ONS daemon listen addresses and ports to which connect to for receiving ONS-based FAN events. It is required when connecting to Oracle 11g databases and optional when connecting to Oracle database releases 12c and higher.

Type: string


The location of the Oracle wallet file in which the SSL certificates are stored. Only required when the ONS client is configured to communicate with ONS daemons using SSL.

Type: string


The wallet password attribute that is included as part of the ONS client configuration string. This attribute is only required when ONS is configured to use the SSL protocol.

The value is stored in an encrypted form in the descriptor file and when displayed in an administration console.

Type: string

Constraints: Encrypted



Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


Enables the Oracle JDBC optimize UTF-8 conversion option.

Type: boolean


Enables Oracle JDBC Proxy Authentication.

  • Only applicable for the Oracle driver.

  • Requires WebLogic Server user IDs are mapped to database user IDs using credential mapping.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


The amount of time, in seconds, a data source allows for Application Continuity replay processing before timing out and ending a replay session context.

  • When set to zero (0) seconds, replay processing (failover) is disabled, although begin/endRequest are still called. You can use this for collecting coverage and measuring performance.

  • The default value is 3600 seconds.

  • See oracle.ucp.jdbc.ConnectionInitializationCallback

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 3600, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 2147483647


If enabled, Oracle database credentials are used in getConnection instead of application server credentials. The database credentials are used to get a proxy session without requiring any work in the credential mapper.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


Contains a list of JDBC properties.

This entity has no properties.


Represents a specific JDBC property.

The properties of the weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.JDBCPropertyBean entity are as follows:


The plaintext value of the encrypted property value.

The value is stored in an encrypted form in the descriptor file and when displayed in an administration console.

setEncryptedValue('string') works in online WLST but not offline WLST. Use setEncryptedValueEncrypted(encrypt('string')) for online or offline WLST.

Type: string

Constraints: Encrypted


The name of the property. The name of each property must be unique in the list of properties.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


The value of the property defined as a system property.

Type: string


The value of the property.

Type: string


Contains the XA-related parameters of a data source.

Configuration parameters for a data source's XA-related behavior are specified using a XA parameters bean.

The properties of the weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.JDBCXAParamsBean entity are as follows:


Enables WebLogic Server to keep the logical JDBC connection open for a global transaction when the physical XA connection is returned to the connection pool.

Select this option if the XA driver used to create database connections or the DBMS requires that a logical JDBC connection be kept open while transaction processing continues (although the physical XA connection can be returned to the connection pool).

Only applies to data sources that use an XA driver.

Use this setting to work around specific problems with JDBC XA drivers.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


Enables WebLogic Server to associate the same XA database connection from the connection pool with a global transaction until the transaction completes.

Only applies to connection pools that use an XA driver.

Use this setting to work around specific problems with JDBC XA drivers.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: true


Specifies whether the XA driver requires a distributed transaction context when closing various JDBC objects (result sets, statements, connections, and so forth). Only applies to connection pools that use an XA driver.

When enabled, SQL exceptions that are thrown while closing the JDBC objects without a transaction context will be suppressed.

Use this setting to work around specific problems with JDBC XA drivers.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


Specifies that a dedicated XA connection is used for commit and rollback processing for a global transaction.

Only applies to data sources that use an XA driver.

Use this setting to work around specific problems with JDBC XA drivers.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


Specifies that the transaction manager calls recover on the resource only once. Only applies to data sources that use an XA driver.

Use this setting to work around specific problems with JDBC XA drivers.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


Enables JTA resource health monitoring for an XA data source. When enabled, if an XA resource fails to respond to an XA call within the period specified in MaxXACallMillis, WebLogic Server marks the data source as unhealthy and blocks any further calls to the resource.

This property applies to XA data sources only, and is ignored for data sources that use a non-XA driver.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: true


Determines the duration in seconds for which the transaction manager will perform recover operations on the resource. A value of zero indicates that no retries will be performed.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 0


The number of seconds between XA retry operations if XARetryDurationSeconds is set to a positive value.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 60


Enables WebLogic Server to set a transaction branch timeout based on the value for XaTransactionTimeout.

When enabled, the WebLogic Server Transaction Manager calls XAResource.setTransactionTimeout() before calling XAResource.start, and passes either the XA Transaction Timeout value or the global transaction timeout.

You may want to set a transaction branch timeout if you have long-running transactions that exceed the default timeout value on the XA resource.

Note: To use this feature, the resource manager (typically, the JDBC driver) must support the javax.transaction.xa.XAResource.setTransactionTimeout() method.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


The number of seconds to set as the transaction branch timeout.

If set, this value is passed as the transaction timeout value in the XAResource.setTransactionTimeout() call on the XA resource manager, typically the JDBC driver.

When this value is set to , the WebLogic Server Transaction Manager passes the global WebLogic Server transaction timeout in seconds in the method.

If set, this value should be greater than or equal to the global WebLogic Server transaction timeout.

Note: You must enable XaSetTransactionTimeout to enable setting the transaction branch timeout.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 0


The top of the JMS module bean tree.

JMS modules all have a JMSBean as their root bean (a bean with no parent). The schema namespace that corresponds to this bean is "http://xmlns.oracle.com/weblogic/weblogic-jms"

The properties of the weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.JMSBean entity are as follows:


Optional information that you can include to describe this JMS module.

JMS module saves this note in the JMS descriptor file as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.


If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


The version of this file.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 1


Connection factories are used to create connections for JMS clients. Connection factories can configure properties of the connections returned to the JMS client.

The properties of the weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.JMSConnectionFactoryBean entity are as follows:


The global JNDI name used to look up a connection factory within a clustered JNDI namespace.

In a clustered environment, this name is propagated to the entire cluster. If you want the JNDI name to be bound only on the local server, and not propagated to the rest of the cluster, then use the Local JNDI Name setting.

If not specified, then the connection factory is not bound into a clustered JNDI namespace.

Type: string


Specifies whether this JMS resource defaults to the parent module's targeting or uses the subdeployment targeting mechanism.

When set to true, this resource implicitly inherits the targeting of its parent module. When set to false, this resource gets targeted based its subdeployment's targets, if one is specified.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


Return the unique identifier of this bean instance.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The local JNDI name used to look up the connection factory within the JNDI namespace of the server where the connection factory is targeted. In a clustered environment, this name is bound only on the local server instance and is not propagated to the rest of the cluster.

If not specified, then the connection factory is not bound into the local JNDI namespace.

Type: string


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this named JMS descriptor bean.

JMS module saves this note in the JMS descriptor file as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.


If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Gets the name of the sub-deployment to use when targeting this entity

Entities are targeted using a sub-deployment with this name. The targets of the sub-deployment will be the targets of this entity.

Type: string


The load-balancing parameters allow client to choose how they wish to distribute the work to the configured servers.

The properties of the weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.LoadBalancingParamsBean entity are as follows:


Specifies whether non-anonymous producers created through a connection factory are load balanced within a distributed destination on a per-call basis.

  • If enabled, the associated message producers are load balanced on every send() or publish()

  • If disabled, the associated message producers are load balanced on the first send() or publish()

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: true


Specifies whether a server instance that is load balancing consumers or producers across multiple members destinations of a distributed destination, will first attempt to load balance across any other physical destinations that are also running on the same server instance.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: true


These parameters control what should happen to messages logging. They allow the adminstrator to control logging.

The properties of the weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.MessageLoggingParamsBean entity are as follows:


Specifies whether the module logs information about the message life cycle.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


Defines which information about the message is logged.

Valid values are:

  • %header% - All JMS header fields are logged.

  • %properties% - All user-defined properties are logged.

  • JMSDeliveryTime - This WebLogic JMS-specific extended header field is logged.

  • JMSRedeliveryLimit - This WebLogic JMS-specific extended header field is logged.

  • foo - Any valid JMS header field or user-defined property is logged.

When specifying multiple values, enter them as a comma-separated list. The %header% and %properies% values are not case sensitive. For example, you could use "%header%,%properties%" for all the JMS header fields and user properties. However, the enumeration of individual JMS header fields and user-defined properties are case sensitive. To enumerate only individual JMS header fields you could use "%header, name, address, city, state, zip"

Note: The JMSMessageID field is always logged and cannot be turned off. Therefore, if the Message Logging Format is not defined (i.e., null) or is defined as an empty string, then the output to the log file contains only the JMSMessageID of the message. Gets the message-logging-format element.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: null


Finds the template bean for this destination.

Type: weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.TemplateBean reference

Constraints: Read Only


Topics with certain quality of service allowments can receive a signifigant performance boost by using multicast to receive messages rather than using a connection oriented protocol like TCP. These parameters can be configured with the bean returned.

The properties of the weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.MulticastParamsBean entity are as follows:


The IP address that this topic uses to transmit messages to multicast consumers.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value:


The IP port that this topic uses to transmit messages to multicast consumers.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 6001, Minimum Value: 1, Maximum Value: 65535


The number of routers that a message traverses en route to a consumer. A value of 1 limits the message to one subnet (which prevents it from traversing any routers).

This value is independent of the JMSExpirationTime value.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 1, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 255


Finds the template bean for this destination.

Type: weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.TemplateBean reference

Constraints: Read Only


When interfacing with a remote naming context it may be necessary to set key/value properties. This bean represents a single key/value pairing.

The properties of the weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.PropertyBean entity are as follows:


Gets the key of this bean

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


Gets the value associated with this bean

Type: string


Queues are used for asynchronous peer communications. A message delivered to a queue will be distributed to one consumer. Several aspects of a queues behavior can be configured with a queue bean.

The properties of the weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.QueueBean entity are as follows:


A reference name for a destination or a member of a distributed destination that provides a way to lookup that destination without JNDI using javax.jms.Session createQueue or createTopic. See "How to Lookup a Destination" in Programming JMS for more information on how to use this attribute.

This name must be unique within the scope of the JMS server to which this destination is targeted. However, it does not need to be unique within the scope of an entire JMS module or WebLogic Cluster. For example, two queues can have the same destination name as long as those queues are targeted to different JMS servers.

Note: Since this name must be unique within the scope of a JMS server, verify whether other JMS modules may contain destination names that conflict with this name. It is the responsibility of the deployer to resolve the destination names targeted to JMS servers.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: null


The global JNDI name used to look up the destination within the JNDI namespace.

In a clustered environment, this name is propagated to the entire cluster. If you want the JNDI name to be bound only on the local server, and not propagated to the rest of the cluster, then use the Local JNDI Name parameter.

If not specified, the destination name will not be advertised through the global JNDI namespace.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: null


Specifies whether a user can send messages to a destination using Store-and-Forward.

  • All All users can send messages to this destination using Store-and-Forward.

  • None Remote users can not send messages to a destination using Store-and-Forward.

This attribute is dynamically configurable. A dynamic change of this attribute will affect only messages sent after the update has been made.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: All, Legal Values: All, None


Specifies whether messages landing on this destination should attach the credential of the sending user. You should consult the JMSXUserID documentation in Programming WebLogic JMS before using this feature.

  • Supports The JMSXUserID property is set with the security principal of the sending user if requested. The sender can request its identity to be attached to its messages by using a connection factory with the AttachJMSXUserID security property enabled.

  • Never The JMSXUserID property is never set with the security principal of the sending user no matter how the AttachJMSXUserID property is configured on connection factories.

  • Always The JMSXUserID property is always set with the security principal of the sending user no matter how the AttachJMSXUserID property is configured on connection factories.

This attribute is dynamically configurable. A dynamic change of this attribute will affect only messages received after the update has been made.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: supports, Legal Values: supports, never, always


Specifies whether consumption is paused on a destination at startup.

  • default If a JMS template is specified, then this value inherits the template's Consumption Paused At Startup value. If no JMS template is configured for the destination, then the Default value is equivalent to false

  • false Consumption Paused is explicitly disabled for this destination.

  • true Consumption Paused is explicitly turned on for this destination.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


Specifies whether this JMS resource defaults to the parent module's targeting or uses the subdeployment targeting mechanism.

When set to true, this resource implicitly inherits the targeting of its parent module. When set to false, this resource gets targeted based its subdeployment's targets, if one is specified.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


Specifies whether WebLogic Server creates a system-generated unit-of-order name based on the domain, JMS server, and destination name. Any message arriving at this destination that does not already belong to a unit-of-order is assigned this default name.

This field is recommended for advanced use. Generally, it is recommended to set a message unit-of-order using application calls or connection factory configuration. When relying on a destination default unit order to enforce ordering with a distributed destination, the application must be aware that unit-of-order routing doesn't apply. Instead the application must specifically ensure that any particular set of messages that must be processed in order are all sent to the same specific member destination even in the event of process failures or service migration.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


The list of potential destination keys for sorting the messages that arrive on a JMS destination.

The keys are ordered from most significant to least significant. If more than one key is specified, a key based on the JMSMessageID can only be the last key in the list.

Note: If JMSMessageID is not defined in the key, it is implicitly assumed to be the last key and is set as "Ascending" (FIFO) for the sort order.

Type: array of string


The number of seconds after which a uniform distributed queue member with no consumers will wait before forwarding its messages to other uniform distributed queue members that do have consumers.

The default value of -1 disables this feature so that no messages are forwarded to other uniform distributed queue members.

Note: This attribute is ignored by standalone/singleton Queues, it only applies to distributed queues.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Secure Value: -1, Has Default Value: -1


Return the unique identifier of this bean instance.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


Specifies the maximum length of time, in milliseconds, before undelivered messages in an incomplete UOW are expired. Such messages will then follow the expiration policy defined for undeliverable messages.

Note: An error destination for UOW messages cannot be configured with a Unit-of-Work Handling Policy of Single Message Delivery value.

This attribute is effective only if the Unit-of-Work Handling Policy is set to Single Message Delivery value. A value of -1 means that UOW messages will never expire.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: -1


Specifies whether new message insertion is paused on a destination at startup.

  • default If a JMS template is specified, then this value inherits the template's Insertion Paused At Startup value. If no JMS template is configured for the destination, then the Default value is equivalent to false

  • false Insertion Paused is explicitly disabled for this destination.

  • true Insertion Paused is explicitly turned on for this destination.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


Determines how messages are distributed to the members of this destination.

Choose from the following distribution techniques:

  • Round-Robin The system maintains an ordering of physical topic members within the set by distributing the messaging load across the topic members one at a time in the order that they are defined in the configuration file. Each WebLogic Server instance maintains an identical ordering, but may be at a different point within the ordering. If weights are assigned to any of the topic members in the set, then those members appear multiple times in the ordering.

  • Random The weight assigned to the topic members is used to compute a weighted distribution for the members of the set. The messaging load is distributed across the topic members by pseudo-randomly accessing the distribution. In the short run, the load will not be directly proportional to the weight. In the long run, the distribution will approach the limit of the distribution. A pure random distribution can be achieved by setting all the weights to the same value, which is typically set to 1.

Note: This attribute is ignored by standalone/singleton Queues and Topics, it only applies to distributed destinations.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: Round-Robin, Legal Values: Round-Robin, Random


The local JNDI name used to look up the destination within the JNDI namespace of the server where the destination resource is targeted. In a clustered environment, this name is bound only on the local server instance and is not propagated to the rest of the cluster.

A destination can have both a local JNDI name and a (global) JNDI name.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: null


The maximum size of a message that is accepted from producers on this destination.

The message size includes the message body, any user-defined properties, and the user-defined JMS header fields: JMSCorrelationID and JMSType. Producers sending messages that exceed the configured maximum message size for the destination receive a ResourceAllocationException

The maximum message size is only enforced for the initial production of a message. Messages that are redirected to an error destination or forwarded to a member of a distributed destination are not checked for size. For instance, if a destination and its corresponding error destination are configured with a maximum message size of 128K bytes and 64K bytes, respectively, a message of 96K bytes could be redirected to the error destination (even though it exceeds the 64K byte maximum), but a producer could not directly send the 96K byte message to the error destination.

This attribute is dynamically configurable, but only incoming messages are impacted; stored messages are not impacted.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 2147483647, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 2147483647


Controls how long destinations are willing to wait to create full batches of available messages (if at all) for delivery to consumers. At the minimum value, batching is disabled; at the default value, less-than-full batches will not wait and are delivered immediately with currently available messages; tuning higher than the default value controls the maximum wait time for additional messages before less-than-full batches are delivered to consumers.

The maximum message count of a full batch is controlled by the JMS connection factory's Messages Maximum setting.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 25, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 100


The name of this entity, represented in XML as an attribute.

Many of the elements within the JMS module are named entities. All of the named entities encased by a type in the XML file must be unique. This is the identifier used to delineate a particular entity within the JMS module.

This attribute cannot be modified externally from the module (for example, with a deployment plan) because it may be used inside the module referentially.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this named JMS descriptor bean.

JMS module saves this note in the JMS descriptor file as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.


If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Specifies whether new message production is paused on a destination at startup.

  • default If a JMS template is specified, then this value inherits the template's Production Paused At Startup value. If no JMS template is configured for the destination, then the Default value is equivalent to false

  • false Production Paused is explicitly disabled for this destination.

  • true Production Paused is explicitly turned on for this destination.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


A Quota controls the allotment of system resources available to destinations. For example, the number of bytes a destination is allowed to store can be configured with a Quota.

Type: weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.QuotaBean reference


Determines whether or not the delivery count is reset during message forwarding between distributed queue members.

The default value of true resets the delivery counts on messages when they are forwarded to another distributed queue member.

Note: This attribute is ignored by standalone/singleton Queues, it only applies to distributed queues.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: true


Gets the name of the sub-deployment to use when targeting this entity

Entities are targeted using a sub-deployment with this name. The targets of the sub-deployment will be the targets of this entity.

Type: string


The JMS template from which the destination is derived. A template provides an efficient means of defining multiple destinations with similar configuration values.

If a JMS template is specified, destination parameters that are set to their default values will instead inherit their values from the JMS template at run-time. However, if a JMS template is not defined, then the configuration values for the destination must be specified as part of the destination.

Although you can dynamically modify the configuration of a JMS template, the configuration values on a destination are static.

Type: weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.TemplateBean reference

Constraints: Restart Required


Determines how a distributed destination member is selected as the destination for a message that is part of a unit-of-order. Hash, indicates that a message producer computes the member destination from the hashCode of the unit-of-order. PathService indicates that the configured Path Service determines the member destination.

Unit-of-Order Routing can be set programmatically with WLProducer, or administratively on the connection factory or destination.

Unit of Order Routing is not dynamically configurable.

Note: This attribute is ignored by standalone/singleton Queues and Topics, it only applies to distributed destinations.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: Hash


Specifies whether the Unit-of-Work (UOW) feature is enabled for this destination. A UOW is a set of messages that are processed as a single unit.

  • Pass-Through By default, this destination does not treat messages as part of a UOW.

  • Single Message Delivery This value should only be selected if UOW consumers are receiving messages on this destination. When selected, UOW messages are formed into a list and are consumed as an ObjectMessage containing the list.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: PassThrough, Legal Values: PassThrough, SingleMessageDelivery


Quota beans control the allotment of system resources available to destinations. For example, the number of bytes a destination is allowed to store can be configured with a QuotaBean.

The properties of the weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.QuotaBean entity are as follows:


The total number of bytes that can be stored in a destination that uses this quota.

A value of zero means that no messages can be placed on a destination without exceeding the quota. A value of -1 prevents WebLogic Server from imposing a limit.

Because excessive bytes volume can cause memory saturation, Oracle recommends that the maximum corresponds to the amount of system memory that is available after accounting for the rest of your application load.

No consideration is given to messages that are pending; that is, messages that are in-flight, delayed, or otherwise inhibited from delivery still count against the message and/or bytes quota.


This attribute is dynamic and can be changed at any time. If the quota is lowered and the quota object is now over quota, then subsequent requests for quota will be denied until quota is available. If the quota is raised, then this may allow the quota object to satisfy existing requests for quota.

Note: If a JMS template is used for distributed destination members, then this maximum applies only to those specific members and not the distributed destination set as a whole.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Has Default Value: 9223372036854775807, Minimum Value: -1, Maximum Value: 9223372036854775807


Return the unique identifier of this bean instance.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The total number of messages that can be stored in a destination that uses this quota.

A value of zero means that no messages can be placed on a destination without exceeding the quota. A value of -1 prevents WebLogic Server from imposing a limit.

Because excessive bytes volume can cause memory saturation, Oracle recommends that the maximum corresponds to the amount of system memory that is available after accounting for the rest of your application load.

No consideration is given to messages that are pending; that is, messages that are in-flight, delayed, or otherwise inhibited from delivery still count against the message and/or bytes quota.


This attribute is dynamic and can be changed at any time. If the quota is lowered and the quota object is now over quota, then subsequent requests for quota will be denied until quota is available. If the quota is raised, then this may allow the quota object to satisfy existing requests for quota.

Note: If a JMS template is used for distributed destination members, then this maximum applies only to those specific members and not the distributed destination set as a whole.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Has Default Value: 9223372036854775807, Minimum Value: -1, Maximum Value: 9223372036854775807


The name of this entity, represented in XML as an attribute.

Many of the elements within the JMS module are named entities. All of the named entities encased by a type in the XML file must be unique. This is the identifier used to delineate a particular entity within the JMS module.

This attribute cannot be modified externally from the module (for example, with a deployment plan) because it may be used inside the module referentially.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this named JMS descriptor bean.

JMS module saves this note in the JMS descriptor file as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.


If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


For destinations that use this quota, this policy determines whether to deliver smaller messages before larger ones when a destination has exceeded its message quota.

FIFO (first-in, first-out) indicates that requests for quota are submitted in the order they are received. If a given request for quota cannot be satisfied, and the client requesting the quota is willing to wait, then that request will block all other requests for quota until the request is satisfied or times out. This prevents smaller messages from being delivered when larger requests are already waiting for space.

Preemptive indicates that subsequent requests can preempt previously unsatisfied requests. That is, if there is sufficient quota for the current request, then that space is used even if there are other requests waiting for quota. When quota is limited, the Preemptive policy can result in the starvation of larger requests.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: FIFO, Legal Values: FIFO, Preemptive


Indicates whether this quota is shared by multiple destinations that refer to it.

If Shared is enabled (the default), all destinations referring to the quota object compete for resources the resources defined by that object. If one destination consumes a large number of messages or bytes, then this will prevent other destinations from obtaining quota.

If Shared is disabled, the quota object behaves as a template. Each destination referring to the quota object gets its own internal instance of the object for tracking quota.

Destinations within the same JMS module may share quotas in any way they want. However, quota sharing only takes place for destinations within the same JMS server. In other words, if destinations and both share the same quota , and the quota has Shared enabled, then and will only share quota if both are deployed to the same JMS server.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: true


Store-and-Forward (SAF) Error Handling defines the action to be taken when the delivery of a JMS message fails to be forwarded to a remote destination.

The properties of the weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.SAFErrorHandlingBean entity are as follows:


Specifies the error destination when Policy is set to Redirect

Any change to this parameter affects only incoming messages; stored messages are not affected.

Type: weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.SAFDestinationBean reference

Constraints: Restart Required


Return the unique identifier of this bean instance.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


Specifies how information is logged when Message Handling Policy is set to Log

Any change to this parameter affects only incoming messages; stored messages are not affected.

The valid values are:

  • %header% - All JMS header fields are logged.

  • %properties% - All user-defined properties are logged.

  • JMSDeliveryTime - This WebLogic JMS-specific extended header field is logged.

  • JMSRedeliveryLimit - This WebLogic JMS-specific extended header field is logged.

  • foo - Any valid JMS header field or user-defined property is logged.

When specifying multiple values, enter them as a comma-separated list. The %header% and %properties% values are not case sensitive. For example, you could use "%header%,%properties%" for all the JMS header fields and user properties. However, the enumeration of individual JMS header fields and user-defined properties are case sensitive. To enumerate only individual JMS header fields you could use "%header, name, address, city, state, zip"

Note: The JMSMessageID field is always logged and cannot be turned off. Therefore, if the Log Format is not defined (i.e., null) or is defined as an empty string, then the output to the log file contains only the JMSMessageID of the message.

Type: string


The name of this entity, represented in XML as an attribute.

Many of the elements within the JMS module are named entities. All of the named entities encased by a type in the XML file must be unique. This is the identifier used to delineate a particular entity within the JMS module.

This attribute cannot be modified externally from the module (for example, with a deployment plan) because it may be used inside the module referentially.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this named JMS descriptor bean.

JMS module saves this note in the JMS descriptor file as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.


If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


The error handling policy for this SAF error handling resource.

  • Discard - By default, expired messages are simply removed from the system. The removal is not logged and the message is not redirected to another location.

  • Log - Removes expired messages and writes an entry to the server log file indicating that the messages were removed from the system. You define the actual information that will be logged in the Log Format field.

  • Redirect - Moves expired messages from their current location into the Error Destination defined for imported SAF destinations.

  • Always-Forward - Ignores the SAF Default Time-to-Live value set on the imported destination and the expiration time set on the message, and so forwards the message to a remote destination even after it has expired.

Any change to this parameter affects only incoming messages; stored messages are not affected.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: Discard, Legal Values: Discard, Log, Redirect, Always-Forward, Legal Null: true


Store-and-Forward (SAF) Imported Destinations is a collection of a SAF queues and topics that reside in a different cluster or server. These sets of SAF queues and topics refer to the same SAF Remote Context. They can also share the same JNDI prefix, Time-To-Live default, and SAF Error Handling name.

The properties of the weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.SAFImportedDestinationsBean entity are as follows:


Specifies the string that will prefix the local JNDI name of a remote destination.

Any change to this prefix affects only incoming messages; stored messages are not affected.

Type: string


Specifies the error handling configuration used for the imported destinations.

Any change to this parameter affects only incoming messages; stored messages are not affected.

Type: weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.SAFErrorHandlingBean reference

Constraints: Restart Required


Specifies the remote context used for the imported destinations.

Changing the remote context name affects both stored messages and incoming messages.

Type: weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.SAFRemoteContextBean reference


Specifies whether this JMS resource defaults to the parent module's targeting or uses the subdeployment targeting mechanism.

When set to true, this resource implicitly inherits the targeting of its parent module. When set to false, this resource gets targeted based its subdeployment's targets, if one is specified.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


Return the unique identifier of this bean instance.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The name of this entity, represented in XML as an attribute.

Many of the elements within the JMS module are named entities. All of the named entities encased by a type in the XML file must be unique. This is the identifier used to delineate a particular entity within the JMS module.

This attribute cannot be modified externally from the module (for example, with a deployment plan) because it may be used inside the module referentially.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this named JMS descriptor bean.

JMS module saves this note in the JMS descriptor file as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.


If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Gets the name of the sub-deployment to use when targeting this entity

Entities are targeted using a sub-deployment with this name. The targets of the sub-deployment will be the targets of this entity.

Type: string


Specifies the default Time-to-Live value (expiration time), in milliseconds, for imported JMS messages. The expiration time set on JMS messages will override this value unless the SAF Default Time-to-Live Enabled field is switched on, which then overrides the expiration time in JMS messages on imported destinations.

Any change to this value affects only incoming messages; stored messages are not affected.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Has Default Value: 3600000, Minimum Value: -1


Specifies the type of routing used to find a SAF agent when using the message Unit-of-Order feature.

  • Hash indicates that message producers use the hash code of a message Unit-of-Order to find a SAF agent.

  • PathService indicates that message producers use the Path Service to find a SAF agent.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: Hash, Legal Values: Hash, PathService


Controls whether the Time-to-Live (expiration time) value set on imported JMS messages will be overridden by the value specified in the SAF Default Time-to-Live field.

Any change to this parameter affects only incoming messages; stored messages are not affected.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


Store-and-Forward (SAF) Login Context specifies the remote URL and user credentials needed to log into and get authenticated and authorized in a remote cluster or server.

The properties of the weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.SAFLoginContextBean entity are as follows:


Specifies the URL to connect to when using this SAF Login Context.

SAFImportedDestinations are associated with a SAFRemoteContext that has a SAFLoginContext. This SAFLoginContext defines the URL to connect to.

Type: string


The password for the username used to log into the remote URL.

When Password is specified for a SAFLoginContext, then SAFPrincipalName is not specified.

Type: string

Constraints: Encrypted, Legal Null: true


The name used to log into the remote URL.

When Username is specified for a SAFLoginContext, then SAFPrincipalName is not specified.

Type: string

Constraints: Legal Null: true


Store-and-Forward (SAF) queues are used for asynchronous and disconnected peer communications. A message delivered to a SAF queue will be forwarded to a remote JMS queue. Several aspects of a SAF queue's behavior can be configured with a SAF Destination bean.

The properties of the weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.SAFQueueBean entity are as follows:


Specifies the error handling configuration used by this SAF destination.

Any change to this parameter affects only incoming messages; stored messages are not affected.

Type: weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.SAFErrorHandlingBean reference

Constraints: Restart Required


Return the unique identifier of this bean instance.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The local JNDI name of the remote destination.

Type: string


The name of this entity, represented in XML as an attribute.

Many of the elements within the JMS module are named entities. All of the named entities encased by a type in the XML file must be unique. This is the identifier used to delineate a particular entity within the JMS module.

This attribute cannot be modified externally from the module (for example, with a deployment plan) because it may be used inside the module referentially.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Specifies the quality-of-service for non-persistent messages.

  • Exactly-Once indicates that messages will be forwarded to the remote side once and only once except for any occurrence of server crashes.

  • At-Least-Once indicates that messages will be forwarded to the remote side at least once. No message will be lost except for any occurrence of server crashes. However, messages may appear in the remote endpoint more than once.

  • At-Most-Once indicates that messages will be forwarded to the remote side atmost once. No message will appear in the remote endpoint more than once. However, messages may get lost.

Any change to this parameter affects only incoming messages; stored messages are not affected.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: At-Least-Once, Legal Values: At-Most-Once, At-Least-Once, Exactly-Once, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this named JMS descriptor bean.

JMS module saves this note in the JMS descriptor file as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.


If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Specifies the quality-of-service for persistent messages.

  • Exactly-Once indicates that messages will be forwarded to the remote side once and only once

  • At-Least-Once indicates that messages will be forwarded to the remote side at least once. Messages may appear in the remote endpoint more than once.

  • At-Most-Once indicates that messages will be forwarded to the remote side atmost once. No message will appear in the remote endpoint more than once. However, messages may get lost.

Any change to this parameter affects only incoming messages; stored messages are not affected.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: Exactly-Once, Legal Values: At-Most-Once, At-Least-Once, Exactly-Once, Legal Null: true


The remote JNDI name of the remote destination.

Type: string


Specifies the default Time-to-Live value (expiration time), in milliseconds, for imported JMS messages. The expiration time set on JMS messages will override this value unless the SAF Default Time-to-Live Enabled field is switched on, which then overrides the expiration time in JMS messages on imported destinations.

Any change to this value affects only incoming messages; stored messages are not affected.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Minimum Value: -1


Specifies the type of routing used to find a SAF agent when using the message Unit-of-Order feature.

  • Hash indicates that producers use the hash code of a message Unit-of-Order to find a SAF agent.

  • PathService indicates that producers use the Path Service to find a SAF agent.

Type: string

Constraints: Legal Values: Hash, PathService, Legal Null: true


Controls whether the Time-to-Live (expiration time) value set on imported JMS messages will be overridden by the value specified in the SAF Default Time-to-Live field.

Any change to this parameter affects only incoming messages; stored messages are not affected.

Type: boolean


Store-and-Forward (SAF) Remote Context specifies the SAF Login Context that the SAF Imported Queue or Topic use to connect to the remote Destination. SAF Remote Context also specifies the SAF Remote Context configured in the remote cluster or server that is used by the producer of the reply-to JMS Destination specified in the message sent to a SAF Imported Destination.

The properties of the weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.SAFRemoteContextBean entity are as follows:


The number of bytes for a serialized message body so that any message that exceeds this limit triggers message compression when the message is about to be sent across a SAF agent's JVM boundary.

The compression will occur on the sending-side SAF agent's JVM if the message body size exceeds the threshold limit.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 2147483647, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 2147483647


Return the unique identifier of this bean instance.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The name of this entity, represented in XML as an attribute.

Many of the elements within the JMS module are named entities. All of the named entities encased by a type in the XML file must be unique. This is the identifier used to delineate a particular entity within the JMS module.

This attribute cannot be modified externally from the module (for example, with a deployment plan) because it may be used inside the module referentially.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this named JMS descriptor bean.

JMS module saves this note in the JMS descriptor file as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.


If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Specifies the SAF Remote Context Name used by the replyTo destination in the remote cluster or server.

Type: string


Store-and-Forward (SAF) topics are used for asynchronous and disconnected peer communications. A message delivered to a SAF topic will be forwarded to a remote JMS topic. Several aspects of a SAF topic's behavior can be configured with a SAFDestination bean.

The properties of the weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.SAFTopicBean entity are as follows:


Specifies the error handling configuration used by this SAF destination.

Any change to this parameter affects only incoming messages; stored messages are not affected.

Type: weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.SAFErrorHandlingBean reference

Constraints: Restart Required


Return the unique identifier of this bean instance.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The local JNDI name of the remote destination.

Type: string


The name of this entity, represented in XML as an attribute.

Many of the elements within the JMS module are named entities. All of the named entities encased by a type in the XML file must be unique. This is the identifier used to delineate a particular entity within the JMS module.

This attribute cannot be modified externally from the module (for example, with a deployment plan) because it may be used inside the module referentially.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Specifies the quality-of-service for non-persistent messages.

  • Exactly-Once indicates that messages will be forwarded to the remote side once and only once except for any occurrence of server crashes.

  • At-Least-Once indicates that messages will be forwarded to the remote side at least once. No message will be lost except for any occurrence of server crashes. However, messages may appear in the remote endpoint more than once.

  • At-Most-Once indicates that messages will be forwarded to the remote side atmost once. No message will appear in the remote endpoint more than once. However, messages may get lost.

Any change to this parameter affects only incoming messages; stored messages are not affected.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: At-Least-Once, Legal Values: At-Most-Once, At-Least-Once, Exactly-Once, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this named JMS descriptor bean.

JMS module saves this note in the JMS descriptor file as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.


If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Specifies the quality-of-service for persistent messages.

  • Exactly-Once indicates that messages will be forwarded to the remote side once and only once

  • At-Least-Once indicates that messages will be forwarded to the remote side at least once. Messages may appear in the remote endpoint more than once.

  • At-Most-Once indicates that messages will be forwarded to the remote side atmost once. No message will appear in the remote endpoint more than once. However, messages may get lost.

Any change to this parameter affects only incoming messages; stored messages are not affected.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: Exactly-Once, Legal Values: At-Most-Once, At-Least-Once, Exactly-Once, Legal Null: true


The remote JNDI name of the remote destination.

Type: string


Specifies the default Time-to-Live value (expiration time), in milliseconds, for imported JMS messages. The expiration time set on JMS messages will override this value unless the SAF Default Time-to-Live Enabled field is switched on, which then overrides the expiration time in JMS messages on imported destinations.

Any change to this value affects only incoming messages; stored messages are not affected.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Minimum Value: -1


Specifies the type of routing used to find a SAF agent when using the message Unit-of-Order feature.

  • Hash indicates that producers use the hash code of a message Unit-of-Order to find a SAF agent.

  • PathService indicates that producers use the Path Service to find a SAF agent.

Type: string

Constraints: Legal Values: Hash, PathService, Legal Null: true


Controls whether the Time-to-Live (expiration time) value set on imported JMS messages will be overridden by the value specified in the SAF Default Time-to-Live field.

Any change to this parameter affects only incoming messages; stored messages are not affected.

Type: boolean


Some clients may wish to customize the security information associated with them. They can use the security parameters bean to do so.

The properties of the weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.SecurityParamsBean entity are as follows:


Specifies whether WebLogic Server attaches the authenticated user name to sent messages.

If enabled, the system will attach the authenticated username onto sent messages if the destination supports this behavior. The username is placed in the JMSXUserID user property. You should consult the JMSXUserID documentation in Programming WebLogic JMS before using this feature.

When dynamically changed this will affect all connections made using this connection factory after the change was made.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


Template beans contain default values for destination attributes. If a destination defines a template and does not explicitly set the value of an attribute, then that attribute will take its value from the defined template.

The properties of the weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.TemplateBean entity are as follows:


Specifies whether messages landing on destinations that use this template should attach the credential of the sending user.

  • Supports The JMSXUserID property is set with the security principal of the sending user if requested. The sender can request its identity to be attached to its messages by using a ConnectionFactory with AttachJMSXUserID="true"

  • Never The JMSXUserID property is never be set with the security principal of the sending user.

  • Always The JMSXUserID property is always set with the security principal of the sending user.

This property is dynamically configurable. A dynamic change will only affect messages received after the update has been made.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: supports, Legal Values: supports, never, always


Specifies whether message consumption is paused on destinations that use this template at server startup.

  • false Paused message consumption at server startup is disabled on this template.

  • true Paused message consumption at server startup is enabled on this template.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


Specifies whether WebLogic Server creates a system-generated unit-of-order name based on the domain, JMS server, and destination name. Any message arriving at this destination that does not already belong to a unit-of-order is assigned this default name.

This field is recommended for advanced use. Generally, it is recommended to set a message unit-of-order using application calls or connection factory configuration. When relying on a destination default unit order to enforce ordering with adistributed destination, the application must be aware that unit-of-order routing doesn't apply. Instead the application must specifically ensure that any particular set of messages that must be processed in order are all sent to the same specific member destination even in the event of process failures or service migration.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


The list of potential destination keys for sorting messages that arrive on destinations that use this JMS template.

The keys are ordered from most significant to least significant. If more than one key is specified, a key based on the JMSMessageID can only be the last key in the list.

Note: If JMSMessageID is not defined in the key, it is implicitly assumed to be the last key and is set as "Ascending" (FIFO) for the sort order.

Type: array of string


Return the unique identifier of this bean instance.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


Specifies the maximum amount of time, in milliseconds, before undelivered messages in an incomplete UOW are expired. Such messages will then follow the template's expiration policy defined for undeliverable messages.

Note: A template's error destination for UOW messages cannot be configured to use the Single Message Delivery value.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: -1


Specifies whether new message insertion is paused on destinations that use this template at server startup.

  • false Paused message insertion at server startup is disabled on this template.

  • true Paused message insertion at server startup is enabled on this template.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


The maximum size of a message that will be accepted from producers on this destination. The message size includes the message body, any user-defined properties, and the user-defined JMS header fields: JMSCorrelationID and JMSType

Producers sending messages that exceed the configured maximum message size for the destination receive a ResourceAllocationException .

The maximum message size is only enforced for the initial production of a message. Messages that are redirected to an error destination or forwarded to a member of a distributed destination are not checked for size. For instance, if a destination and its corresponding error destination are configured with a maximum message size of 128K bytes and 64K bytes, respectively, a message of 96K bytes could be redirected to the error destination (even though it exceeds the 64K byte maximum), but a producer could not directly send the 96K byte message to the error destination.

Maximum Message Size is dynamically configurable, but only incoming messages are affected; stored messages are not affected.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 2147483647, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 2147483647


Controls how long destinations that use this template are willing to wait to create full batches of available messages (if at all) for delivery to consumers. At the minimum value, batching is disabled; at the default value, less-than-full batches will not wait and are delivered immediately with currently available messages; tuning higher than the default value controls the maximum wait time for additional messages before less-than-full batches are delivered to consumers.

The maximum message count of a full batch is controlled by the JMS connection factory's MessagesMaximum setting.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 25, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 100


The name of this entity, represented in XML as an attribute.

Many of the elements within the JMS module are named entities. All of the named entities encased by a type in the XML file must be unique. This is the identifier used to delineate a particular entity within the JMS module.

This attribute cannot be modified externally from the module (for example, with a deployment plan) because it may be used inside the module referentially.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this named JMS descriptor bean.

JMS module saves this note in the JMS descriptor file as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.


If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Specifies whether new message production on destinations that use this template is paused on at server startup.

  • false Paused message production at server startup is disabled on this template.

  • true Paused message production at server startup is enabled on this template.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


A Quota controls the allotment of system resources available to destinations. For example the number of bytes a destination is allowed to store can be configured with a QuotaBean.

Type: weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.QuotaBean reference


Specifies whether a user can send messages to destinations that use this template using Store-and-Forward.

  • All All users can send messages to destinations using Store-and-Forward.

  • None Remote users cannot send messages to destinations using Store-and-Forward.

This property is dynamically configurable. A dynamic change will only affect messages sent after the update has been made.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: All, Legal Values: All, None


Specifies whether the Unit-of-Work (UOW) feature is enabled for destinations that use this template. A UOW is a set of messages that are processed as a single unit.

  • Pass-Through By default, destinations that use this template do not treat messages as part of a UOW.

  • Single Message Delivery This value should only be selected if UOW consumers are receiving messages on destinations that use this template. When selected, UOW messages are formed into a list and are consumed as an ObjectMessage containing the list.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: PassThrough, Legal Values: PassThrough, SingleMessageDelivery


Thresholds are a point that must be exceeded in order to produce a given effect. These action points may cause logging or flow control or other actions, as defined by the specific points whose values have been exceeded.

The properties of the weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.ThresholdParamsBean entity are as follows:


The upper threshold (total number of bytes in this destination) that triggers logging or flow control events. The value of java.lang.Long.MAX_VALUE disables logging and flow control events for the destination.

If the number of bytes exceeds this threshold, the triggered events are:

  • Log Messages

    A message is logged on the server indicating a high threshold condition.

  • Flow Control

    If flow control is enabled, the destination becomes armed and instructs producers to begin decreasing their message flow.

Range of Values: <= BytesMaximum; >BytesThresholdLow

Any change to this threshold affects only incoming messages; stored messages are not affected.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Has Default Value: 9223372036854775807, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 9223372036854775807


The lower threshold (total number of bytes in this destination) that triggers logging or flow control events. The value of java.lang.Long.MAX_VALUE disables logging and flow control events for the destination.

If the number of bytes falls below this threshold, the triggered events are:

  • Log Messages

    A message is logged on the server indicating a low threshold condition.

  • Flow Control

    If flow control is enabled, the destination becomes disarmed and instructs producers to begin increasing their message flow.

Range of Values: < BytesThresholdHigh

Any change to this threshold affects only incoming messages; stored messages are not affected.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Has Default Value: 9223372036854775807, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 9223372036854775807


The upper threshold (total number of messages in this destination) that triggers logging or flow control events. The value of java.lang.Long.MAX_VALUE disables logging and flow control events for the destination.

If the number of messages exceeds this threshold, the triggered events are:

  • Log Messages

    A message is logged on the server indicating a high threshold condition.

  • Flow Control

    If flow control is enabled, the destination becomes armed and instructs producers to begin decreasing their message flow.

Range of Values: <= MessagesMaximum; >MessagesThresholdLow

Any change to this threshold affects only incoming messages; stored messages are not affected.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Has Default Value: 9223372036854775807, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 9223372036854775807


The lower threshold (total number of messages in this destination) that triggers logging or flow control events. The value of java.lang.Long.MAX_VALUE disables logging and flow control events for the destination.

If the number of messages falls below this threshold, the triggered events are:

  • Log Messages

    A message is logged on the server indicating a low threshold condition.

  • Flow Control

    If flow control is enabled, the destination becomes disarmed and instructs producers to begin increasing their message flow.

Range of Values: < MessagesThresholdHigh

Any change to this threshold affects only incoming messages; stored messages are not affected.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Has Default Value: 9223372036854775807, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 9223372036854775807


Finds the template bean for this destination.

Type: weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.TemplateBean reference

Constraints: Read Only


Topics are used for asynchronous peer communications. A message delivered to a topic will be distributed to all topic consumers. Several aspects of a topics behavior can be configured with a topic bean.

The properties of the weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.TopicBean entity are as follows:


A reference name for a destination or a member of a distributed destination that provides a way to lookup that destination without JNDI using javax.jms.Session createQueue or createTopic. See "How to Lookup a Destination" in Programming JMS for more information on how to use this attribute.

This name must be unique within the scope of the JMS server to which this destination is targeted. However, it does not need to be unique within the scope of an entire JMS module or WebLogic Cluster. For example, two queues can have the same destination name as long as those queues are targeted to different JMS servers.

Note: Since this name must be unique within the scope of a JMS server, verify whether other JMS modules may contain destination names that conflict with this name. It is the responsibility of the deployer to resolve the destination names targeted to JMS servers.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: null


The global JNDI name used to look up the destination within the JNDI namespace.

In a clustered environment, this name is propagated to the entire cluster. If you want the JNDI name to be bound only on the local server, and not propagated to the rest of the cluster, then use the Local JNDI Name parameter.

If not specified, the destination name will not be advertised through the global JNDI namespace.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: null


Specifies whether a user can send messages to a destination using Store-and-Forward.

  • All All users can send messages to this destination using Store-and-Forward.

  • None Remote users can not send messages to a destination using Store-and-Forward.

This attribute is dynamically configurable. A dynamic change of this attribute will affect only messages sent after the update has been made.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: All, Legal Values: All, None


Specifies whether messages landing on this destination should attach the credential of the sending user. You should consult the JMSXUserID documentation in Programming WebLogic JMS before using this feature.

  • Supports The JMSXUserID property is set with the security principal of the sending user if requested. The sender can request its identity to be attached to its messages by using a connection factory with the AttachJMSXUserID security property enabled.

  • Never The JMSXUserID property is never set with the security principal of the sending user no matter how the AttachJMSXUserID property is configured on connection factories.

  • Always The JMSXUserID property is always set with the security principal of the sending user no matter how the AttachJMSXUserID property is configured on connection factories.

This attribute is dynamically configurable. A dynamic change of this attribute will affect only messages received after the update has been made.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: supports, Legal Values: supports, never, always


Specifies whether consumption is paused on a destination at startup.

  • default If a JMS template is specified, then this value inherits the template's Consumption Paused At Startup value. If no JMS template is configured for the destination, then the Default value is equivalent to false

  • false Consumption Paused is explicitly disabled for this destination.

  • true Consumption Paused is explicitly turned on for this destination.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


Specifies whether this JMS resource defaults to the parent module's targeting or uses the subdeployment targeting mechanism.

When set to true, this resource implicitly inherits the targeting of its parent module. When set to false, this resource gets targeted based its subdeployment's targets, if one is specified.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


Specifies whether WebLogic Server creates a system-generated unit-of-order name based on the domain, JMS server, and destination name. Any message arriving at this destination that does not already belong to a unit-of-order is assigned this default name.

This field is recommended for advanced use. Generally, it is recommended to set a message unit-of-order using application calls or connection factory configuration. When relying on a destination default unit order to enforce ordering with a distributed destination, the application must be aware that unit-of-order routing doesn't apply. Instead the application must specifically ensure that any particular set of messages that must be processed in order are all sent to the same specific member destination even in the event of process failures or service migration.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


The list of potential destination keys for sorting the messages that arrive on a JMS destination.

The keys are ordered from most significant to least significant. If more than one key is specified, a key based on the JMSMessageID can only be the last key in the list.

Note: If JMSMessageID is not defined in the key, it is implicitly assumed to be the last key and is set as "Ascending" (FIFO) for the sort order.

Type: array of string


The uniform distributed topic message Forwarding Policy specifies whether a sent message is forwarded to all members.

The valid values are:

  • Replicated - The default. All physical topic members receive each sent message. If a message arrives at one of the physical topic members, a copy of this message is forwarded to the other members of that uniform distributed topic. A subscription on any one particular member will get a copy of any message sent to the uniform distributed topic logical name or to any particular uniform distributed topic member.

  • Partitioned - The physical member receiving the message is the only member of the uniform distributed topic that is aware of the message. When a message is published to the logical name of a Partitioned uniform distributed topic, it will only arrive on one particular physical topic member. Once a message arrives on a physical topic member, the message is not forwarded to the rest of the members of the uniform distributed destination, and subscribers on other physical topic members do not get a copy of that message. The Partitioned capability was added in WebLogic 10.3.4 (11gR1PS3).

A publisher that uses a logical JNDI name of a Replicated distributed topic is created on one member and every send call publishes messages to the same member regardless the value of the Load Balancing Enabled attribute. This is behavior is backward compatible with previous WebLogic Server releases when using a uniform distributed topic. Under the same conditions, a Partitioned distributed topic publishes to the same member only when the value of the Load Balancing Enabled attribute is set to false. If the value of the Load Balancing Enabled attribute is to true, a publisher to a Partitioned distributed topic publishes messages that are load balanced accross all the members of the uniform distributed topic.

Most new applications will use the new Partitioned forwarding policy in combination with a logical subscription topology on a uniform distributed topic that consists of: (1) a same named physical subscription created directly on each physical member, (2) a Client ID Policy of Unrestricted, and (3) a Subscription Sharing Policy of Sharable. WL 10.3.4 Message Driven Beans (MDBs) provides a Topic Messages Distribution Mode option to automatically setup this kind of topology.

Note: This attribute is ignored by standalone/singleton Topics, it only applies to distributed topics.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: Replicated, Legal Values: Partitioned, Replicated


Return the unique identifier of this bean instance.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


Specifies the maximum length of time, in milliseconds, before undelivered messages in an incomplete UOW are expired. Such messages will then follow the expiration policy defined for undeliverable messages.

Note: An error destination for UOW messages cannot be configured with a Unit-of-Work Handling Policy of Single Message Delivery value.

This attribute is effective only if the Unit-of-Work Handling Policy is set to Single Message Delivery value. A value of -1 means that UOW messages will never expire.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: -1


Specifies whether new message insertion is paused on a destination at startup.

  • default If a JMS template is specified, then this value inherits the template's Insertion Paused At Startup value. If no JMS template is configured for the destination, then the Default value is equivalent to false

  • false Insertion Paused is explicitly disabled for this destination.

  • true Insertion Paused is explicitly turned on for this destination.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


Determines how messages are distributed to the members of this destination.

Choose from the following distribution techniques:

  • Round-Robin The system maintains an ordering of physical topic members within the set by distributing the messaging load across the topic members one at a time in the order that they are defined in the configuration file. Each WebLogic Server instance maintains an identical ordering, but may be at a different point within the ordering. If weights are assigned to any of the topic members in the set, then those members appear multiple times in the ordering.

  • Random The weight assigned to the topic members is used to compute a weighted distribution for the members of the set. The messaging load is distributed across the topic members by pseudo-randomly accessing the distribution. In the short run, the load will not be directly proportional to the weight. In the long run, the distribution will approach the limit of the distribution. A pure random distribution can be achieved by setting all the weights to the same value, which is typically set to 1.

Note: This attribute is ignored by standalone/singleton Queues and Topics, it only applies to distributed destinations.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: Round-Robin, Legal Values: Round-Robin, Random


The local JNDI name used to look up the destination within the JNDI namespace of the server where the destination resource is targeted. In a clustered environment, this name is bound only on the local server instance and is not propagated to the rest of the cluster.

A destination can have both a local JNDI name and a (global) JNDI name.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: null


The maximum size of a message that is accepted from producers on this destination.

The message size includes the message body, any user-defined properties, and the user-defined JMS header fields: JMSCorrelationID and JMSType. Producers sending messages that exceed the configured maximum message size for the destination receive a ResourceAllocationException

The maximum message size is only enforced for the initial production of a message. Messages that are redirected to an error destination or forwarded to a member of a distributed destination are not checked for size. For instance, if a destination and its corresponding error destination are configured with a maximum message size of 128K bytes and 64K bytes, respectively, a message of 96K bytes could be redirected to the error destination (even though it exceeds the 64K byte maximum), but a producer could not directly send the 96K byte message to the error destination.

This attribute is dynamically configurable, but only incoming messages are impacted; stored messages are not impacted.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 2147483647, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 2147483647


Controls how long destinations are willing to wait to create full batches of available messages (if at all) for delivery to consumers. At the minimum value, batching is disabled; at the default value, less-than-full batches will not wait and are delivered immediately with currently available messages; tuning higher than the default value controls the maximum wait time for additional messages before less-than-full batches are delivered to consumers.

The maximum message count of a full batch is controlled by the JMS connection factory's Messages Maximum setting.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 25, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 100


The name of this entity, represented in XML as an attribute.

Many of the elements within the JMS module are named entities. All of the named entities encased by a type in the XML file must be unique. This is the identifier used to delineate a particular entity within the JMS module.

This attribute cannot be modified externally from the module (for example, with a deployment plan) because it may be used inside the module referentially.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this named JMS descriptor bean.

JMS module saves this note in the JMS descriptor file as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.


If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Specifies whether new message production is paused on a destination at startup.

  • default If a JMS template is specified, then this value inherits the template's Production Paused At Startup value. If no JMS template is configured for the destination, then the Default value is equivalent to false

  • false Production Paused is explicitly disabled for this destination.

  • true Production Paused is explicitly turned on for this destination.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


A Quota controls the allotment of system resources available to destinations. For example, the number of bytes a destination is allowed to store can be configured with a Quota.

Type: weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.QuotaBean reference


Gets the name of the sub-deployment to use when targeting this entity

Entities are targeted using a sub-deployment with this name. The targets of the sub-deployment will be the targets of this entity.

Type: string


The JMS template from which the destination is derived. A template provides an efficient means of defining multiple destinations with similar configuration values.

If a JMS template is specified, destination parameters that are set to their default values will instead inherit their values from the JMS template at run-time. However, if a JMS template is not defined, then the configuration values for the destination must be specified as part of the destination.

Although you can dynamically modify the configuration of a JMS template, the configuration values on a destination are static.

Type: weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.TemplateBean reference

Constraints: Restart Required


Determines how a distributed destination member is selected as the destination for a message that is part of a unit-of-order. Hash, indicates that a message producer computes the member destination from the hashCode of the unit-of-order. PathService indicates that the configured Path Service determines the member destination.

Unit-of-Order Routing can be set programmatically with WLProducer, or administratively on the connection factory or destination.

Unit of Order Routing is not dynamically configurable.

Note: This attribute is ignored by standalone/singleton Queues and Topics, it only applies to distributed destinations.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: Hash


Specifies whether the Unit-of-Work (UOW) feature is enabled for this destination. A UOW is a set of messages that are processed as a single unit.

  • Pass-Through By default, this destination does not treat messages as part of a UOW.

  • Single Message Delivery This value should only be selected if UOW consumers are receiving messages on this destination. When selected, UOW messages are formed into a list and are consumed as an ObjectMessage containing the list.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: PassThrough, Legal Values: PassThrough, SingleMessageDelivery


These parameters allow the administrator to control the behavior of topic subscriptions, such as the maximum number of messages that can be stored in a subscription.

The properties of the weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.TopicSubscriptionParamsBean entity are as follows:


The maximum number of messages that can be stored in a topic subscription.

If a new message arrives on subscriptions that have reached the specified limit, then the first-most available messages on these subscriptions will be deleted to make room for the new message. Subscription messages are immune from this deletion if they're participating in a pending transaction, have already been passed to a consumer and are awaiting acknowledgement, or if they are part of a Unit-of-Work that is still waiting to accumulate all of its messages. Note that if all messages are immune from deletion, then a new message can cause a subscription size to exceed its limit.

A value of -1 means no limit override.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Has Default Value: -1, Minimum Value: -1, Maximum Value: 9223372036854775807


Finds the template bean for this destination.

Type: weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.TemplateBean reference

Constraints: Read Only


The transaction parameters bean controls how transactions are handled.

The properties of the weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.TransactionParamsBean entity are as follows:


Indicates whether a XA queue or XA topic connection factory is returned, instead of a queue or topic connection factory. An XA connection factory can be used to create an XAConnection, which in turn may be used to create an XASession, which in turn may be used to obtain an XAResource for use inside a transaction manager.

In addition, this attribute indicates whether or not a connection factory creates sessions that are JTA aware. If true, the associated message producers and message consumers look into the running thread for a transaction context. Otherwise, the current JTA transaction will be ignored.

Note: Transacted sessions ignore the current threads transaction context in favor of their own internal transaction, regardless of the setting. This setting only affects non-transacted sessions.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


The timeout value (in seconds) for all transactions on connections created with this connection factory.

If a transacted session is still active after the timeout has elapsed, the transaction is rolled back. A value of 0 indicates that the default value will be used. If you have long-running transactions, you might want to adjust the value of this attribute to allow transactions to complete.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Has Default Value: 3600, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 2147483647


A uniform distributed queue is a distributed queue whose members are configured as part of its configuration; since members share the same configuration, they are uniform. There is one member on each JMS Server that conforms to the targeting criteria of the uniform distributed queue. For example, if a uniform distributed queue is targeted to a cluster, then one member will be created on each JMS server in the cluster. Members are created and destroyed as the targeting is changed.

The properties of the weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.UniformDistributedQueueBean entity are as follows:


A reference name for a destination or a member of a distributed destination that provides a way to lookup that destination without JNDI using javax.jms.Session createQueue or createTopic. See "How to Lookup a Destination" in Programming JMS for more information on how to use this attribute.

This name must be unique within the scope of the JMS server to which this destination is targeted. However, it does not need to be unique within the scope of an entire JMS module or WebLogic Cluster. For example, two queues can have the same destination name as long as those queues are targeted to different JMS servers.

Note: Since this name must be unique within the scope of a JMS server, verify whether other JMS modules may contain destination names that conflict with this name. It is the responsibility of the deployer to resolve the destination names targeted to JMS servers.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: null


The global JNDI name used to look up the destination within the JNDI namespace.

In a clustered environment, this name is propagated to the entire cluster. If you want the JNDI name to be bound only on the local server, and not propagated to the rest of the cluster, then use the Local JNDI Name parameter.

If not specified, the destination name will not be advertised through the global JNDI namespace.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: null


Specifies whether a user can send messages to a destination using Store-and-Forward.

  • All All users can send messages to this destination using Store-and-Forward.

  • None Remote users can not send messages to a destination using Store-and-Forward.

This attribute is dynamically configurable. A dynamic change of this attribute will affect only messages sent after the update has been made.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: All, Legal Values: All, None


Specifies whether messages landing on this destination should attach the credential of the sending user. You should consult the JMSXUserID documentation in Programming WebLogic JMS before using this feature.

  • Supports The JMSXUserID property is set with the security principal of the sending user if requested. The sender can request its identity to be attached to its messages by using a connection factory with the AttachJMSXUserID security property enabled.

  • Never The JMSXUserID property is never set with the security principal of the sending user no matter how the AttachJMSXUserID property is configured on connection factories.

  • Always The JMSXUserID property is always set with the security principal of the sending user no matter how the AttachJMSXUserID property is configured on connection factories.

This attribute is dynamically configurable. A dynamic change of this attribute will affect only messages received after the update has been made.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: supports, Legal Values: supports, never, always


Specifies whether consumption is paused on a destination at startup.

  • default If a JMS template is specified, then this value inherits the template's Consumption Paused At Startup value. If no JMS template is configured for the destination, then the Default value is equivalent to false

  • false Consumption Paused is explicitly disabled for this destination.

  • true Consumption Paused is explicitly turned on for this destination.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


Specifies whether this JMS resource defaults to the parent module's targeting or uses the subdeployment targeting mechanism.

When set to true, this resource implicitly inherits the targeting of its parent module. When set to false, this resource gets targeted based its subdeployment's targets, if one is specified.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


Specifies whether WebLogic Server creates a system-generated unit-of-order name based on the domain, JMS server, and destination name. Any message arriving at this destination that does not already belong to a unit-of-order is assigned this default name.

This field is recommended for advanced use. Generally, it is recommended to set a message unit-of-order using application calls or connection factory configuration. When relying on a destination default unit order to enforce ordering with a distributed destination, the application must be aware that unit-of-order routing doesn't apply. Instead the application must specifically ensure that any particular set of messages that must be processed in order are all sent to the same specific member destination even in the event of process failures or service migration.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


The list of potential destination keys for sorting the messages that arrive on a JMS destination.

The keys are ordered from most significant to least significant. If more than one key is specified, a key based on the JMSMessageID can only be the last key in the list.

Note: If JMSMessageID is not defined in the key, it is implicitly assumed to be the last key and is set as "Ascending" (FIFO) for the sort order.

Type: array of string


The number of seconds after which a uniform distributed queue member with no consumers will wait before forwarding its messages to other uniform distributed queue members that do have consumers.

The default value of -1 disables this feature so that no messages are forwarded to other uniform distributed queue members.

Note: This attribute is ignored by standalone/singleton Queues, it only applies to distributed queues.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Secure Value: -1, Has Default Value: -1


Return the unique identifier of this bean instance.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


Specifies the maximum length of time, in milliseconds, before undelivered messages in an incomplete UOW are expired. Such messages will then follow the expiration policy defined for undeliverable messages.

Note: An error destination for UOW messages cannot be configured with a Unit-of-Work Handling Policy of Single Message Delivery value.

This attribute is effective only if the Unit-of-Work Handling Policy is set to Single Message Delivery value. A value of -1 means that UOW messages will never expire.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: -1


Specifies whether new message insertion is paused on a destination at startup.

  • default If a JMS template is specified, then this value inherits the template's Insertion Paused At Startup value. If no JMS template is configured for the destination, then the Default value is equivalent to false

  • false Insertion Paused is explicitly disabled for this destination.

  • true Insertion Paused is explicitly turned on for this destination.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


Determines how messages are distributed to the members of this destination.

Choose from the following distribution techniques:

  • Round-Robin The system maintains an ordering of physical topic members within the set by distributing the messaging load across the topic members one at a time in the order that they are defined in the configuration file. Each WebLogic Server instance maintains an identical ordering, but may be at a different point within the ordering. If weights are assigned to any of the topic members in the set, then those members appear multiple times in the ordering.

  • Random The weight assigned to the topic members is used to compute a weighted distribution for the members of the set. The messaging load is distributed across the topic members by pseudo-randomly accessing the distribution. In the short run, the load will not be directly proportional to the weight. In the long run, the distribution will approach the limit of the distribution. A pure random distribution can be achieved by setting all the weights to the same value, which is typically set to 1.

Note: This attribute is ignored by standalone/singleton Queues and Topics, it only applies to distributed destinations.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: Round-Robin, Legal Values: Round-Robin, Random


The local JNDI name used to look up the destination within the JNDI namespace of the server where the destination resource is targeted. In a clustered environment, this name is bound only on the local server instance and is not propagated to the rest of the cluster.

A destination can have both a local JNDI name and a (global) JNDI name.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: null


The maximum size of a message that is accepted from producers on this destination.

The message size includes the message body, any user-defined properties, and the user-defined JMS header fields: JMSCorrelationID and JMSType. Producers sending messages that exceed the configured maximum message size for the destination receive a ResourceAllocationException

The maximum message size is only enforced for the initial production of a message. Messages that are redirected to an error destination or forwarded to a member of a distributed destination are not checked for size. For instance, if a destination and its corresponding error destination are configured with a maximum message size of 128K bytes and 64K bytes, respectively, a message of 96K bytes could be redirected to the error destination (even though it exceeds the 64K byte maximum), but a producer could not directly send the 96K byte message to the error destination.

This attribute is dynamically configurable, but only incoming messages are impacted; stored messages are not impacted.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 2147483647, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 2147483647


Controls how long destinations are willing to wait to create full batches of available messages (if at all) for delivery to consumers. At the minimum value, batching is disabled; at the default value, less-than-full batches will not wait and are delivered immediately with currently available messages; tuning higher than the default value controls the maximum wait time for additional messages before less-than-full batches are delivered to consumers.

The maximum message count of a full batch is controlled by the JMS connection factory's Messages Maximum setting.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 25, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 100


The name of this entity, represented in XML as an attribute.

Many of the elements within the JMS module are named entities. All of the named entities encased by a type in the XML file must be unique. This is the identifier used to delineate a particular entity within the JMS module.

This attribute cannot be modified externally from the module (for example, with a deployment plan) because it may be used inside the module referentially.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this named JMS descriptor bean.

JMS module saves this note in the JMS descriptor file as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.


If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Specifies whether new message production is paused on a destination at startup.

  • default If a JMS template is specified, then this value inherits the template's Production Paused At Startup value. If no JMS template is configured for the destination, then the Default value is equivalent to false

  • false Production Paused is explicitly disabled for this destination.

  • true Production Paused is explicitly turned on for this destination.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


A Quota controls the allotment of system resources available to destinations. For example, the number of bytes a destination is allowed to store can be configured with a Quota.

Type: weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.QuotaBean reference


Determines whether or not the delivery count is reset during message forwarding between distributed queue members.

The default value of true resets the delivery counts on messages when they are forwarded to another distributed queue member.

Note: This attribute is ignored by standalone/singleton Queues, it only applies to distributed queues.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: true


Gets the name of the sub-deployment to use when targeting this entity

Entities are targeted using a sub-deployment with this name. The targets of the sub-deployment will be the targets of this entity.

Type: string


The JMS template from which the destination is derived. A template provides an efficient means of defining multiple destinations with similar configuration values.

If a JMS template is specified, destination parameters that are set to their default values will instead inherit their values from the JMS template at run-time. However, if a JMS template is not defined, then the configuration values for the destination must be specified as part of the destination.

Although you can dynamically modify the configuration of a JMS template, the configuration values on a destination are static.

Type: weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.TemplateBean reference

Constraints: Restart Required


Determines how a distributed destination member is selected as the destination for a message that is part of a unit-of-order. Hash, indicates that a message producer computes the member destination from the hashCode of the unit-of-order. PathService indicates that the configured Path Service determines the member destination.

Unit-of-Order Routing can be set programmatically with WLProducer, or administratively on the connection factory or destination.

Unit of Order Routing is not dynamically configurable.

Note: This attribute is ignored by standalone/singleton Queues and Topics, it only applies to distributed destinations.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: Hash


Specifies whether the Unit-of-Work (UOW) feature is enabled for this destination. A UOW is a set of messages that are processed as a single unit.

  • Pass-Through By default, this destination does not treat messages as part of a UOW.

  • Single Message Delivery This value should only be selected if UOW consumers are receiving messages on this destination. When selected, UOW messages are formed into a list and are consumed as an ObjectMessage containing the list.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: PassThrough, Legal Values: PassThrough, SingleMessageDelivery


A uniform distributed topic is a distributed topic whose members are configured as part of its configuration; since members share the same configuration, they are uniform. There is one member on each JMS Server that conforms to the targeting criteria of the uniform distributed topic. For example, if a uniform distributed topic is targeted to a cluster, then one member will be created on each JMS server in the cluster. Members are created and destroyed as the targeting is changed.

The properties of the weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.UniformDistributedTopicBean entity are as follows:


A reference name for a destination or a member of a distributed destination that provides a way to lookup that destination without JNDI using javax.jms.Session createQueue or createTopic. See "How to Lookup a Destination" in Programming JMS for more information on how to use this attribute.

This name must be unique within the scope of the JMS server to which this destination is targeted. However, it does not need to be unique within the scope of an entire JMS module or WebLogic Cluster. For example, two queues can have the same destination name as long as those queues are targeted to different JMS servers.

Note: Since this name must be unique within the scope of a JMS server, verify whether other JMS modules may contain destination names that conflict with this name. It is the responsibility of the deployer to resolve the destination names targeted to JMS servers.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: null


The global JNDI name used to look up the destination within the JNDI namespace.

In a clustered environment, this name is propagated to the entire cluster. If you want the JNDI name to be bound only on the local server, and not propagated to the rest of the cluster, then use the Local JNDI Name parameter.

If not specified, the destination name will not be advertised through the global JNDI namespace.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: null


Specifies whether a user can send messages to a destination using Store-and-Forward.

  • All All users can send messages to this destination using Store-and-Forward.

  • None Remote users can not send messages to a destination using Store-and-Forward.

This attribute is dynamically configurable. A dynamic change of this attribute will affect only messages sent after the update has been made.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: All, Legal Values: All, None


Specifies whether messages landing on this destination should attach the credential of the sending user. You should consult the JMSXUserID documentation in Programming WebLogic JMS before using this feature.

  • Supports The JMSXUserID property is set with the security principal of the sending user if requested. The sender can request its identity to be attached to its messages by using a connection factory with the AttachJMSXUserID security property enabled.

  • Never The JMSXUserID property is never set with the security principal of the sending user no matter how the AttachJMSXUserID property is configured on connection factories.

  • Always The JMSXUserID property is always set with the security principal of the sending user no matter how the AttachJMSXUserID property is configured on connection factories.

This attribute is dynamically configurable. A dynamic change of this attribute will affect only messages received after the update has been made.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: supports, Legal Values: supports, never, always


Specifies whether consumption is paused on a destination at startup.

  • default If a JMS template is specified, then this value inherits the template's Consumption Paused At Startup value. If no JMS template is configured for the destination, then the Default value is equivalent to false

  • false Consumption Paused is explicitly disabled for this destination.

  • true Consumption Paused is explicitly turned on for this destination.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


Specifies whether this JMS resource defaults to the parent module's targeting or uses the subdeployment targeting mechanism.

When set to true, this resource implicitly inherits the targeting of its parent module. When set to false, this resource gets targeted based its subdeployment's targets, if one is specified.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


Specifies whether WebLogic Server creates a system-generated unit-of-order name based on the domain, JMS server, and destination name. Any message arriving at this destination that does not already belong to a unit-of-order is assigned this default name.

This field is recommended for advanced use. Generally, it is recommended to set a message unit-of-order using application calls or connection factory configuration. When relying on a destination default unit order to enforce ordering with a distributed destination, the application must be aware that unit-of-order routing doesn't apply. Instead the application must specifically ensure that any particular set of messages that must be processed in order are all sent to the same specific member destination even in the event of process failures or service migration.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


The list of potential destination keys for sorting the messages that arrive on a JMS destination.

The keys are ordered from most significant to least significant. If more than one key is specified, a key based on the JMSMessageID can only be the last key in the list.

Note: If JMSMessageID is not defined in the key, it is implicitly assumed to be the last key and is set as "Ascending" (FIFO) for the sort order.

Type: array of string


The uniform distributed topic message Forwarding Policy specifies whether a sent message is forwarded to all members.

The valid values are:

  • Replicated - The default. All physical topic members receive each sent message. If a message arrives at one of the physical topic members, a copy of this message is forwarded to the other members of that uniform distributed topic. A subscription on any one particular member will get a copy of any message sent to the uniform distributed topic logical name or to any particular uniform distributed topic member.

  • Partitioned - The physical member receiving the message is the only member of the uniform distributed topic that is aware of the message. When a message is published to the logical name of a Partitioned uniform distributed topic, it will only arrive on one particular physical topic member. Once a message arrives on a physical topic member, the message is not forwarded to the rest of the members of the uniform distributed destination, and subscribers on other physical topic members do not get a copy of that message. The Partitioned capability was added in WebLogic 10.3.4 (11gR1PS3).

A publisher that uses a logical JNDI name of a Replicated distributed topic is created on one member and every send call publishes messages to the same member regardless the value of the Load Balancing Enabled attribute. This is behavior is backward compatible with previous WebLogic Server releases when using a uniform distributed topic. Under the same conditions, a Partitioned distributed topic publishes to the same member only when the value of the Load Balancing Enabled attribute is set to false. If the value of the Load Balancing Enabled attribute is to true, a publisher to a Partitioned distributed topic publishes messages that are load balanced accross all the members of the uniform distributed topic.

Most new applications will use the new Partitioned forwarding policy in combination with a logical subscription topology on a uniform distributed topic that consists of: (1) a same named physical subscription created directly on each physical member, (2) a Client ID Policy of Unrestricted, and (3) a Subscription Sharing Policy of Sharable. WL 10.3.4 Message Driven Beans (MDBs) provides a Topic Messages Distribution Mode option to automatically setup this kind of topology.

Note: This attribute is ignored by standalone/singleton Topics, it only applies to distributed topics.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: Replicated, Legal Values: Partitioned, Replicated


Return the unique identifier of this bean instance.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


Specifies the maximum length of time, in milliseconds, before undelivered messages in an incomplete UOW are expired. Such messages will then follow the expiration policy defined for undeliverable messages.

Note: An error destination for UOW messages cannot be configured with a Unit-of-Work Handling Policy of Single Message Delivery value.

This attribute is effective only if the Unit-of-Work Handling Policy is set to Single Message Delivery value. A value of -1 means that UOW messages will never expire.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: -1


Specifies whether new message insertion is paused on a destination at startup.

  • default If a JMS template is specified, then this value inherits the template's Insertion Paused At Startup value. If no JMS template is configured for the destination, then the Default value is equivalent to false

  • false Insertion Paused is explicitly disabled for this destination.

  • true Insertion Paused is explicitly turned on for this destination.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


Determines how messages are distributed to the members of this destination.

Choose from the following distribution techniques:

  • Round-Robin The system maintains an ordering of physical topic members within the set by distributing the messaging load across the topic members one at a time in the order that they are defined in the configuration file. Each WebLogic Server instance maintains an identical ordering, but may be at a different point within the ordering. If weights are assigned to any of the topic members in the set, then those members appear multiple times in the ordering.

  • Random The weight assigned to the topic members is used to compute a weighted distribution for the members of the set. The messaging load is distributed across the topic members by pseudo-randomly accessing the distribution. In the short run, the load will not be directly proportional to the weight. In the long run, the distribution will approach the limit of the distribution. A pure random distribution can be achieved by setting all the weights to the same value, which is typically set to 1.

Note: This attribute is ignored by standalone/singleton Queues and Topics, it only applies to distributed destinations.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: Round-Robin, Legal Values: Round-Robin, Random


The local JNDI name used to look up the destination within the JNDI namespace of the server where the destination resource is targeted. In a clustered environment, this name is bound only on the local server instance and is not propagated to the rest of the cluster.

A destination can have both a local JNDI name and a (global) JNDI name.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: null


The maximum size of a message that is accepted from producers on this destination.

The message size includes the message body, any user-defined properties, and the user-defined JMS header fields: JMSCorrelationID and JMSType. Producers sending messages that exceed the configured maximum message size for the destination receive a ResourceAllocationException

The maximum message size is only enforced for the initial production of a message. Messages that are redirected to an error destination or forwarded to a member of a distributed destination are not checked for size. For instance, if a destination and its corresponding error destination are configured with a maximum message size of 128K bytes and 64K bytes, respectively, a message of 96K bytes could be redirected to the error destination (even though it exceeds the 64K byte maximum), but a producer could not directly send the 96K byte message to the error destination.

This attribute is dynamically configurable, but only incoming messages are impacted; stored messages are not impacted.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 2147483647, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 2147483647


Controls how long destinations are willing to wait to create full batches of available messages (if at all) for delivery to consumers. At the minimum value, batching is disabled; at the default value, less-than-full batches will not wait and are delivered immediately with currently available messages; tuning higher than the default value controls the maximum wait time for additional messages before less-than-full batches are delivered to consumers.

The maximum message count of a full batch is controlled by the JMS connection factory's Messages Maximum setting.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 25, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 100


The name of this entity, represented in XML as an attribute.

Many of the elements within the JMS module are named entities. All of the named entities encased by a type in the XML file must be unique. This is the identifier used to delineate a particular entity within the JMS module.

This attribute cannot be modified externally from the module (for example, with a deployment plan) because it may be used inside the module referentially.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this named JMS descriptor bean.

JMS module saves this note in the JMS descriptor file as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.


If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Specifies whether new message production is paused on a destination at startup.

  • default If a JMS template is specified, then this value inherits the template's Production Paused At Startup value. If no JMS template is configured for the destination, then the Default value is equivalent to false

  • false Production Paused is explicitly disabled for this destination.

  • true Production Paused is explicitly turned on for this destination.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


A Quota controls the allotment of system resources available to destinations. For example, the number of bytes a destination is allowed to store can be configured with a Quota.

Type: weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.QuotaBean reference


Gets the name of the sub-deployment to use when targeting this entity

Entities are targeted using a sub-deployment with this name. The targets of the sub-deployment will be the targets of this entity.

Type: string


The JMS template from which the destination is derived. A template provides an efficient means of defining multiple destinations with similar configuration values.

If a JMS template is specified, destination parameters that are set to their default values will instead inherit their values from the JMS template at run-time. However, if a JMS template is not defined, then the configuration values for the destination must be specified as part of the destination.

Although you can dynamically modify the configuration of a JMS template, the configuration values on a destination are static.

Type: weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.TemplateBean reference

Constraints: Restart Required


Determines how a distributed destination member is selected as the destination for a message that is part of a unit-of-order. Hash, indicates that a message producer computes the member destination from the hashCode of the unit-of-order. PathService indicates that the configured Path Service determines the member destination.

Unit-of-Order Routing can be set programmatically with WLProducer, or administratively on the connection factory or destination.

Unit of Order Routing is not dynamically configurable.

Note: This attribute is ignored by standalone/singleton Queues and Topics, it only applies to distributed destinations.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: Hash


Specifies whether the Unit-of-Work (UOW) feature is enabled for this destination. A UOW is a set of messages that are processed as a single unit.

  • Pass-Through By default, this destination does not treat messages as part of a UOW.

  • Single Message Delivery This value should only be selected if UOW consumers are receiving messages on this destination. When selected, UOW messages are formed into a list and are consumed as an ObjectMessage containing the list.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: PassThrough, Legal Values: PassThrough, SingleMessageDelivery


The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.AdminVirtualTargetMBean entity are as follows:


A priority that the server uses to determine when it deploys an item. The priority is relative to other deployable items of the same type.

For example, the server prioritizes and deploys all EJBs before it prioritizes and deploys startup classes.

Items with the lowest Deployment Order value are deployed first. There is no guarantee on the order of deployments with equal Deployment Order values. There is no guarantee of ordering across clusters.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 1000, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 2147483647


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false


Get the explicit port for this virtual target.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 0, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 65535


Host names, separated by line breaks, for which this virtual target will serve requests.

Type: array of string


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


The channel name to be used as a reference for creating a partition specific channel.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: PartitionChannel


The port offset for this virtual target. If set to the minimum value, the port offset is not set.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 0, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 65535


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string


You must select a target from this list of the targets in the current domain. Targets must be either servers or clusters. The deployment will only occur once if the targets overlap. For example, if a deployment is deployed both on a cluster C and on a server S that is a member of that cluster, the deployment will be deployed on server S only once.

Type: array of weblogic.management.configuration.TargetMBean references

Constraints: Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


The URI prefix for this virtual target.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: /


This MBean is used to configure all physical package types which can be deployed on a WebLogic domain, for instance, EAR files and standalone Java EE and non-Java EE modules.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.AppDeploymentMBean entity are as follows:


The fully resolved location of this application's alternate descriptor directory on the Administration Server.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The fully resolved location of this application's alternate descriptor on the Administration Server.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The fully resolved location of this application's installation root directory on the Administration Server.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The fully resolved location of this application's deployment plan directory on the Administration Server.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The fully resolved location of this application's deployment plan on the Administration Server.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The fully resolved location of this application's source files on the Administration Server.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The location of this application's configuration area. This directory can contain alternate descriptor files.


If the alternate descriptor directory is a relative path, it is resolved relative to InstallDir if InstallDir is not null; otherwise, it is resolved relative to the domain root.

Use AbsoluteAltDescriptorDir to get a fully resolved value.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The Application Identifier of the application version uniquely identifies the application version across all versions of all applications. If the application is not versioned, the Application Identifier is the same as the application name.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The name of the application.

Note that the name of the current MBean is not the name of the application.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Type: boolean

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


This is only set for beans created as a result of conversion from an 8.1 application configured using ApplicationMBean and ComponentMBean.

Standalone modules in 8.1 have both an ApplicationMBean name and ComponentMBean name. This attribute stores the name of the latter, to be used when the server creates the transient ComponentMBean for backward compatibility.

Type: string

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


An integer value that indicates when this unit is deployed, relative to other deployable units on a server, during startup.

Units with lower values are deployed before those with higher values.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 100, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


A string value that indicates the principal that should be used when deploying the file or archive during startup and shutdown. This principal will be used to set the current subject when calling out into application code for interfaces such as ApplicationLifecycleListener. If no principal name is specified, then the anonymous principal will be used.

Type: string

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The path to the application's install-root directory, relative to the domain/config/deployments directory.

When the installation directory is specified, SourcePath, PlanDir, and PlanPath are derived from this path and need not be specified.

The default value for this is the name of the deployment.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The values match those defined by jsr88. This attribute may move to another MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Determines if the modules of applications will be deployed in parallel.

Type: boolean

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The location of this application's configuration area. This directory can contain external descriptor files as specified within the deployment plan document.


If the plan directory is a relative path, it is resolved relative to InstallDir if InstallDir is not null; otherwise, it is resolved relative to the domain root.

Use AbsolutePlanDir to get a fully resolved value.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The path to the deployment plan document on the Administration Server.


If the plan path is a relative path, it is resolved relative to PlanDir if PlanDir is not null; otherwise, it is resolved relative to the domain root.

Use AbsolutePlanPath to get a fully resolved value.

If there is no plan, this returns no plan specified.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Specifies whether an application's deployment plan is copied from a source on the Administration Server to the Managed Server's staging area during application preparation.

Plan staging mode for an application can only be set the first time the application is deployed. Once the plan staging mode for an application is set, it cannot be changed while the application is configured in the domain. The only way to change the plan staging mode is to undeploy and then redeploy the application.

This attribute overrides the server's plan staging mode.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: null, Legal Values: nostage, stage, external_stage, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The security model that is used to secure a deployed module.

To set this value, you can use the weblogic.Deployer command-line tool, the Deployment Assistant in the Administration Console, the WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST), or another JMX client.

If you deploy a module using one of the previously mentioned tools and you do not specify a security model value, the module is secured with the security realm's default model (see weblogic.management.security.RealmMBean#getSecurityDDModel RealmMBean SecurityDDModel).

If you deploy a module by modifying the domain's config.xml file and restarting the server, and if you do not specify a security model value for the module in config.xml, the module is secured with the DDOnly model, which is the default value of this AppDeploymentMBean attribute.

In summary, the order of precedence for the value of this attribute is as follows:

  • If you deploy a module using a runtime deployment utility, the order of precedence is:

    1. The value set by the deployment utility.

    2. The value set as the security realm's default security model.

  • If you deploy a module by modifying config.xml and restarting the server, the order of precedence is:

    1. The value that you specify for the module in config.xml

    2. The default value of this AppDeploymentMBean SecurityDDModel attribute.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: DDOnly, Legal Values: DDOnly, CustomRoles, CustomRolesAndPolicies, Advanced, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The path to the source of the deployable unit on the Administration Server.


If the source path is relative, it is resolved relative to InstallDir/app if InstallDir is not null; otherwise, it is resolved relative to the domain root.

Use AbsoluteSourcePath to get a fully resolved value.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Specifies whether a deployment's files are copied from a source on the Administration Server to the Managed Server's staging area during application preparation.

Staging mode for an application can only be set the first time the application is deployed. Once the staging mode for an application is set, it cannot be changed while the application is configured in the domain. The only way to change the staging mode is to undeploy and then redeploy the application.

This attribute overrides the server's staging mode.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: null, Legal Values: nostage, stage, external_stage, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


You must select a target on which an MBean will be deployed from this list of the targets in the current domain on which this item can be deployed. Targets must be either servers or clusters. The deployment will only occur once if deployments overlap.

Type: array of weblogic.management.configuration.TargetMBean references

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


Only relevant for deployments in resource group templates. This flag, when specified as true, indicates that the application deployment must not be deployed in the referring partition.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


This attribute is not used in the current release.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Uniquely identifies the application version across all versions of the same application.

If the application is not versioned, this returns null.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


CapacityMBean defines the maximum number of requests that can be enqueued by all the work managers that share it.

The server starts rejecting requests once the capacity threshold is reached. Note that the capacity includes all requests, queued or executing, from the constrained work set. This constraint is independent of the global queue threshold specified by OverloadProtectionMBean#getSharedCapacityForWorkManagers().

Requests are rejected by performing overload actions. RMI work is rejected by sending back a recoverable exception to the clients. Servlet requests are rejected by sending back a 503 response.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.CapacityMBean entity are as follows:


Total number of requests that can be enqueued.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: -1


A priority that the server uses to determine when it deploys an item. The priority is relative to other deployable items of the same type.

For example, the server prioritizes and deploys all EJBs before it prioritizes and deploys startup classes.

Items with the lowest Deployment Order value are deployed first. There is no guarantee on the order of deployments with equal Deployment Order values. There is no guarantee of ordering across clusters.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 1000, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 2147483647


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string


You must select a target on which an MBean will be deployed from this list of the targets in the current domain on which this item can be deployed. Targets must be either servers or clusters. The deployment will only occur once if deployments overlap.

Type: array of weblogic.management.configuration.TargetMBean references


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


The CoherencePartitionCacheConfigMBean is used to define which Coherence caches are shared/not-shared in an MT environment as well as specific cache properties that apply to deployments underneath a partition.

Note: the Name attribute is inherited from ConfigurationMBean and is a key only.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.CoherencePartitionCacheConfigMBean entity are as follows:


The name of the GAR application that this setting should apply to.

Type: string


The name of the cache that the settings should apply to.

Type: string


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Specifies whether you want this cache to be shared.

Type: boolean


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


The CoherencePartitionCachePropertyMBean is used to define specific properties, name and value that apply to a CoherenceMTCacheConfigMBean.

Note: the Name attribute is inherited from ConfigurationMBean.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.CoherencePartitionCachePropertyMBean entity are as follows:


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


Get the value of the parameter

Type: string


This mbean defines the mapping between the current context (security principal, group etc) and the request class to use.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.ContextCaseMBean entity are as follows:


A priority that the server uses to determine when it deploys an item. The priority is relative to other deployable items of the same type.

For example, the server prioritizes and deploys all EJBs before it prioritizes and deploys startup classes.

Items with the lowest Deployment Order value are deployed first. There is no guarantee on the order of deployments with equal Deployment Order values. There is no guarantee of ordering across clusters.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 1000, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 2147483647


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false


The name of the user group whose requests are to be processed by the request class with the name specified in RequestClassName.

Type: string


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


The name of the request class to be used for processing requests for the specified user and/or group.

Type: string


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string


You must select a target on which an MBean will be deployed from this list of the targets in the current domain on which this item can be deployed. Targets must be either servers or clusters. The deployment will only occur once if deployments overlap.

Type: array of weblogic.management.configuration.TargetMBean references


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


The name of the user whose requests are to be processed by the request class with the name specified in RequestClassName.

Type: string


This mbean defines the mapping between the current context (security principal, group) and the request class to use.

ContextRequestClass provides a mapping between security names/groups and request classes. During work schedule, the exact request class is determined by looking at the security information of the caller. ContextRequestClass is not a request class by itself and is used to hold the mapping of request classes.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.ContextRequestClassMBean entity are as follows:


A priority that the server uses to determine when it deploys an item. The priority is relative to other deployable items of the same type.

For example, the server prioritizes and deploys all EJBs before it prioritizes and deploys startup classes.

Items with the lowest Deployment Order value are deployed first. There is no guarantee on the order of deployments with equal Deployment Order values. There is no guarantee of ordering across clusters.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 1000, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 2147483647


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string


You must select a target on which an MBean will be deployed from this list of the targets in the current domain on which this item can be deployed. Targets must be either servers or clusters. The deployment will only occur once if deployments overlap.

Type: array of weblogic.management.configuration.TargetMBean references


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


A {@code CpuUtilizationMBean} represents a resource consumption management policy for the "CPU Utilization" resource type.

The "CPU Utilization" resource type tracks the percentage of CPU time utilized by a Domain Partition with respect to the available CPU time to the Server runtime.

Triggers (Usage limits) and Fair share policies can be defined for a "CPU Utilization" resource type through this MBean.

The valid set of recourse action types for the "CPU Utilization" resource type are:

  • notify

  • slow

  • shutdown

The trigger value must be in the range [0..100]%.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.CpuUtilizationMBean entity are as follows:


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


This interface provides access to the DataSourcePartition configuration attributes. The methods defined herein are applicable for DataSource configuration at the partition level.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.DataSourcePartitionMBean entity are as follows:


The JNDI name of a system resource data source used to override the default datasource.

Type: string


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


A WebLogic Domain is a group of servers and/or clusters which are administered as a group.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.DomainMBean entity are as follows:


Type: string


The release identifier for the configuration. This identifier will be used to indicate the version of the configuration. All server generated configurations will be established with the release identifier of the running server. The form of the version is major.minor.servicepack.rollingpatch. Not all parts of the version are required. i.e. "7" is acceptable.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: null


An alphanumeric name for this domain.

For more information on domain naming conventions, see Domain and Server Name Restrictions in Understanding Domain Configuration for Oracle WebLogic Server.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


The URI prefix used for partition administrative virtual targets.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: /partitions


Specifies whether all servers in this domain run in production mode.

You can configure servers in your domain to start in one of two modes, development or production. You use development mode while you are developing your applications. Development mode uses a relaxed security configuration and enables you to auto-deploy applications. You use production mode when your application is running in its final form. A production domain uses full security and may use clusters or other advanced features.

The runtime mode is a domain-wide setting. As each Managed Server starts, it refers to the mode of the Administration Server to determine its runtime mode. If you configure the domain to run in production mode, the Administration Server saves this setting to the domain's configuration document.

Type: boolean


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


This mbean is used to configure a Fair Share based policy for a resource type.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.FairShareConstraintMBean entity are as follows:


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


Gets the fair-share value associated with this resource type.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Minimum Value: 1, Maximum Value: 1000


This mbean defines the fair share value to use for this request class. One of the components of work managers is a request class that indicates the proportional of the total server thread use time this request class gets. The default fair share value is 50.

Fair shares are reflected in scheduling logic such that as long as multiple fair shares compete, the average number of threads used by each is in proportion to their fair share. For example, consider we only have two fair shares, A and B, having a fair share of 80 and 20, respectively. During a period in which both fair shares are sufficiently requested, say, zero think time and more clients than threads, the probability that a thread will work on behalf of A or B will tend toward 80% or 20%, respectively. The scheduling logic ensures this even when A tends to use a thread for much longer than B.

Fair share values can range from 1 to 1000. The default fair share value is 50.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.FairShareRequestClassMBean entity are as follows:


A priority that the server uses to determine when it deploys an item. The priority is relative to other deployable items of the same type.

For example, the server prioritizes and deploys all EJBs before it prioritizes and deploys startup classes.

Items with the lowest Deployment Order value are deployed first. There is no guarantee on the order of deployments with equal Deployment Order values. There is no guarantee of ordering across clusters.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 1000, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 2147483647


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false


Fair share value

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 50, Minimum Value: 1, Maximum Value: 1000


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string


You must select a target on which an MBean will be deployed from this list of the targets in the current domain on which this item can be deployed. Targets must be either servers or clusters. The deployment will only occur once if deployments overlap.

Type: array of weblogic.management.configuration.TargetMBean references


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


A {@code FileOpenMBean} represents a resource consumption management policy for the "File Open" resource type.

The "File open" resource type governs the number of open files. This includes files that have been opened through {@code java.io} ( {@code FileInputStream, FileOutputStream, RandomAccessFile} etc) and {@code java.nio} (NIO file channels) APIs.

Trigger (Usage limits) based policies can be defined for a "File Open" resource type through this MBean.

The valid set of recourse action types for the "File Open" resource type are:

  • notify

  • slow

  • shutdown

  • fail

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.FileOpenMBean entity are as follows:


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


Defines an instance of the persistent store on the specified target that will keep its persistent objects in files on the filesystem. It may be used by JMS and by other subsystems.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.FileStoreMBean entity are as follows:


Overrides the name of the XAResource that this store registers with JTA.

You should not normally set this attribute. Its purpose is to allow the name of the XAResource to be overridden when a store has been upgraded from an older release and the store contained prepared transactions. The generated name should be used in all other cases.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: null, Legal Null: true, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The smallest addressable block, in bytes, of a file. When a native wlfileio driver is available and the block size has not been configured by the user, the store selects the minimum OS specific value for unbuffered (direct) I/O, if it is within the range [512, 8192].

A file store's block size does not change once the file store creates its files. Changes to block size only take effect for new file stores or after the current files have been deleted. See "Tuning the Persistent Store" in Tuning Performance of Oracle WebLogic Server

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: -1, Minimum Value: -1, Maximum Value: 8192, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The location of the cache directory for Direct-Write-With-Cache, ignored for other policies.

When Direct-Write-With-Cache is specified as the SynchronousWritePolicy, cache files are created in addition to primary files (see Directory for the location of primary files). If a cache directory location is specified, the cache file path is CacheDirectory/WLStoreCache/StoreNameFileNum.DAT.cache. When specified, Oracle recommends using absolute paths, but if the directory location is a relative path, then CacheDirectory is created relative to the WebLogic Server instance's home directory. If "" or Null is specified, the Cache Directory is located in the current operating system temp directory as determined by the java.io.tmpdir Java System property (JDK's default: /tmp on UNIX, %TEMP% on Windows) and is TempDirectory/WLStoreCache/DomainNameunique-idStoreNameFileNum.DAT.cache. The value of java.io.tmpdir varies between operating systems and configurations, and can be overridden by passing -Djava.io.tmpdir=My_path on the JVM command line.


  • Security: Some users may want to set specific directory permissions to limit access to the cache directory, especially if there are custom configured user access limitations on the primary directory. For a complete guide to WebLogic security, see "Securing a Production Environment for Oracle WebLogic Server."

  • Additional Disk Space Usage: Cache files consume the same amount of disk space as the primary store files that they mirror. See Directory for the location of primary store files.

  • Performance: For the best performance, a cache directory should be located in local storage instead of NAS/SAN (remote) storage, preferably in the operating system's temp directory. Relative paths should be avoided, as relative paths are located based on the domain installation, which is typically on remote storage. It is safe to delete a cache directory while the store is not running, but this may slow down the next store boot.

  • Preventing Corruption and File Locking: Two same named stores must not be configured to share the same primary or cache directory. There are store file locking checks that are designed to detect such conflicts and prevent corruption by failing the store boot, but it is not recommended to depend on the file locking feature for correctness. See Enable File Locking

  • Boot Recovery: Cache files are reused to speed up the File Store boot and recovery process, but only if the store's host WebLogic Server instance has been shut down cleanly prior to the current boot. For example, cache files are not re-used and are instead fully recreated: after a kill -9, after an OS or JVM crash, or after an off-line change to the primary files, such as a store admin compaction. When cache files are recreated, a Warning log message 280102 is generated.

  • Fail-Over/Migration Recovery: A file store safely recovers its data without its cache directory. Therefore, a cache directory does not need to be copied or otherwise made accessible after a fail-over or migration, and similarly does not need to be placed in NAS/SAN storage. A Warning log message 280102, which is generated to indicate the need to recreate the cache on the new host system, can be ignored.

  • Cache File Cleanup: To prevent unused cache files from consuming disk space, test and developer environments should periodically delete cache files.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: null, Legal Null: true, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


A priority that the server uses to determine when it deploys an item. The priority is relative to other deployable items of the same type.

For example, the server prioritizes and deploys all EJBs before it prioritizes and deploys startup classes.

Items with the lowest Deployment Order value are deployed first. There is no guarantee on the order of deployments with equal Deployment Order values. There is no guarantee of ordering across clusters.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 1000, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 2147483647, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The path name to the file system directory where the file store maintains its data files.

  • When targeting a file store to a migratable target, the store directory must be accessible from all candidate server members in the migratable target.

  • For highest availability, use either a SAN (Storage Area Network) or other reliable shared storage.

  • Use of NFS mounts is discouraged, but supported. Most NFS mounts are not transactionally safe by default, and, to ensure transactional correctness, need to be configured using your NFS vendor documentation in order to honor synchronous write requests.

  • For SynchronousWritePolicy of Direct-Write-With-Cache, see Cache Directory.

  • Additional O/S tuning may be required if the directory is hosted by Microsoft Windows, see Synchronous Write Policy for details.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: null, Legal Null: true, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Specifies how the instances of a configured JMS artifact are named and distributed when cluster-targeted. A JMS artifact is cluster-targeted when its target is directly set to a cluster, or when it is scoped to a resource group and the resource group is in turn targeted to a cluster. When this setting is configured on a store, it applies to all JMS artifacts that reference the store. Valid options:

  • Distributed Creates an instance on each server JVM in a cluster. Required for all SAF agents and for cluster-targeted or resource-group-scoped JMS servers that host distributed destinations.

  • Singleton Creates a single instance on a single server JVM within a cluster. Required for cluster-targeted or resource-group-scoped JMS servers that host standalone (non-distributed) destinations and for cluster-targeted or resource-group-scoped path services. The Migration Policy must be On-Failure or Always when using this option with a JMS server, On-Failure when using this option with a messaging bridge, and Always when using this option with a path service.

Instance Naming Note:

  • The DistributionPolicy determines the instance name suffix for cluster-targeted JMS artifacts. The suffix for a cluster-targeted Singleton is -01 and for a cluster-targeted Distributed is @ClusterMemberName.

Messaging Bridge Notes:

  • When an instance per server is desired for a cluster-targeted messaging bridge, Oracle recommends setting the bridge Distributed Policy and Migration Policy to Distributed/Off, respectively; these are the defaults.

  • When a single instance per cluster is desired for a cluster-targeted bridge, Oracle recommends setting the bridge Distributed Policy and Migration Policy to Singleton/On-Failure, respectively.

  • If you cannot cluster-target a bridge and still need singleton behavior in a configured cluster, you can target the bridge to a migratable target and configure the Migration Policy on the migratable target to Exactly-Once.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: Distributed, Legal Values: Distributed, Singleton, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, to delay before failing a cluster-targeted JMS artifact instance back to its preferred server after the preferred server failed and was restarted.

This delay allows time for the system to stabilize and dependent services to be restarted, preventing a system failure during a reboot.

  • A value > specifies the time, in seconds, to delay before failing a JMS artifact back to its user preferred server.

  • A value of indicates that the instance would never failback.

  • A value of -1 indicates that there is no delay and the instance would failback immediately.

Note: This setting only applies when the JMS artifact is cluster-targeted and the Migration Policy is set to On-Failure or Always

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Has Default Value: -1, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Determines whether OS file locking is used.

When file locking protection is enabled, a store boot fails if another store instance already has opened the store files. Do not disable this setting unless you have procedures in place to prevent multiple store instances from opening the same file. File locking is not required but helps prevent corruption in the event that two same-named file store instances attempt to operate in the same directories. This setting applies to both primary and cache files.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: true, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, to delay before starting a cluster-targeted JMS instance on a newly booted WebLogic Server instance. When this setting is configured on a store, it applies to all JMS artifacts that reference the store.

This allows time for the system to stabilize and dependent services to be restarted, preventing a system failure during a reboot.

  • A value > is the time, in seconds, to delay before before loading resources after a failure and restart.

  • A value of specifies no delay.

Note: This setting only applies when the JMS artifact is cluster-targeted and the Migration Policy is set to On-Failure or Always

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Has Default Value: 60, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The initial file size, in bytes.

  • Set InitialSize to pre-allocate file space during a file store boot. If InitialSize exceeds MaxFileSize, a store creates multiple files (number of files = InitialSizeMaxFileSize rounded up).

  • A file store automatically reuses the space from deleted records and automatically expands a file if there is not enough space for a new write request.

  • Use InitialSize to limit or prevent file expansions during runtime, as file expansion introduces temporary latencies that may be noticeable under rare circumstances.

  • Changes to initial size only take effect for new file stores, or after any current files have been deleted prior to restart.

  • See Maximum File Size

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Has Default Value: 0, Minimum Value: 0, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The I/O buffer size, in bytes, automatically rounded down to the nearest power of 2.

  • For the Direct-Write-With-Cache policy when a native wlfileio driver is available, IOBufferSize describes the maximum portion of a cache view that is passed to a system call. This portion does not consume off-heap (native) or Java heap memory.

  • For the Direct-Write and Cache-Flush policies, IOBufferSize is the size of a per store buffer which consumes off-heap (native) memory, where one buffer is allocated during run-time, but multiple buffers may be temporarily created during boot recovery.

  • When a native wlfileio driver is not available, the setting applies to off-heap (native) memory for all policies (including Disabled).

  • For the best runtime performance, Oracle recommends setting IOBufferSize so that it is larger than the largest write (multiple concurrent store requests may be combined into a single write).

  • For the best boot recovery time performance of large stores, Oracle recommends setting IOBufferSize to at least 2 megabytes.

See AllocatedIOBufferBytes to find out the actual allocated off-heap (native) memory amount. It is a multiple of IOBufferSize for the Direct-Write and Cache-Flush policies, or zero.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: -1, Minimum Value: -1, Maximum Value: 67108864, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The name used by subsystems to refer to different stores on different servers using the same name.

For example, an EJB that uses the timer service may refer to its store using the logical name, and this name may be valid on multiple servers in the same cluster, even if each server has a store with a different physical name.

Multiple stores in the same domain or the same cluster may share the same logical name. However, a given logical name may not be assigned to more than one store on the same server.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: null, Legal Null: true, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The maximum file size, in bytes, of an individual data file.

  • The MaxFileSize value affects the number of files needed to accommodate a store of a particular size (number of files = store size/MaxFileSize rounded up).

  • A file store automatically reuses space freed by deleted records and automatically expands individual files up to MaxFileSize if there is not enough space for a new record. If there is no space left in exiting files for a new record, a store creates an additional file.

  • A small number of larger files is normally preferred over a large number of smaller files as each file allocates Window Buffer and file handles.

  • If MaxFileSize is larger than 2^24 * BlockSize, then MaxFileSize is ignored, and the value becomes 2^24 * BlockSize. The default BlockSize is 512, and 2^24 * 512 is 8 GB.

  • The minimum size for MaxFileSize is 10 MB when multiple data files are used by the store. If InitialSize is less than MaxFileSize then a single file will be created of InitialSize bytes. If InitialSize is larger than MaxFileSize then (InitialSize / MaxFileSize) files will be created of MaxFileSize bytes and an additional file if necessary to contain any remainder.

  • See Initial Size

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Has Default Value: 1342177280, Minimum Value: 1048576, Maximum Value: 2139095040, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The maximum amount of data, in bytes and rounded down to the nearest power of 2, mapped into the JVM's address space per primary store file. Applies to synchronous write policies Direct-Write-With-Cache and Disabled but only when the native wlfileio library is loaded.

A window buffer does not consume Java heap memory, but does consume off-heap (native) memory. If the store is unable to allocate the requested buffer size, it allocates smaller and smaller buffers until it reaches MinWindowBufferSize, and then fails if cannot honor MinWindowBufferSize

Oracle recommends setting the max window buffer size to more than double the size of the largest write (multiple concurrently updated records may be combined into a single write), and greater than or equal to the file size, unless there are other constraints. 32-bit JVMs may impose a total limit of between 2 and 4GB for combined Java heap plus off-heap (native) memory usage.

  • See store attribute AllocatedWindowBufferBytes to find out the actual allocated Window Buffer Size.

  • See Maximum File Size and Minimum Window Buffer Size

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: -1, Minimum Value: -1, Maximum Value: 1073741824, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Controls migration and restart behavior of cluster-targeted JMS service artifact instances. When this setting is configured on a cluster-targeted store, it applies to all JMS artifacts that reference the store. See the migratable target settings for enabling migration and restart on migratable-targeted JMS artifacts.

  • Off Disables migration support for cluster-targeted JMS service objects, and changes the default for Restart In Place to false. If you want a restart to be enabled when the Migration Policy is Off, then Restart In Place must be explicitly configured to true. This policy cannot be combined with the Singleton Migration Policy.

  • On-Failure Enables automatic migration and restart of instances on the failure of a subsystem Service or WebLogic Server instance, including automatic fail-back and load balancing of instances.

  • Always Provides the same behavior as On-Failure and automatically migrates instances even in the event of a graceful shutdown or a partial cluster start.

Note: Cluster leasing must be configured for On-Failure and Always.

Messaging Bridge Notes:

  • When an instance per server is desired for a cluster-targeted messaging bridge, Oracle recommends setting the bridge Distributed Policy and Migration Policy to Distributed/Off, respectively; these are the defaults.

  • When a single instance per cluster is desired for a cluster-targeted bridge, Oracle recommends setting the bridge Distributed Policy and Migration Policy to Singleton/On-Failure, respectively.

  • A Migration Policy of Always is not recommended for bridges.

  • If you cannot cluster-target a bridge and still need singleton behavior in a configured cluster, you can target the bridge to a migratable target and configure the Migration Policy on the migratable target to Exactly-Once.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: Off, Legal Values: Off, On-Failure, Always, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The minimum amount of data, in bytes and rounded down to the nearest power of 2, mapped into the JVM's address space per primary store file. Applies to synchronous write policies Direct-Write-With-Cache and Disabled, but only when a native wlfileio library is loaded. See Maximum Window Buffer Size

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: -1, Minimum Value: -1, Maximum Value: 1073741824, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Specifies the maximum number of restart attempts.

  • A value > specifies the maximum number of restart attempts.

  • A value of specifies the same behavior as setting getRestartInPlace to false

  • A value of -1 means infinite retry restart until it either starts or the server instance shuts down.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 6, Minimum Value: -1, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, to delay before a partially started cluster starts all cluster-targeted JMS artifact instances that are configured with a Migration Policy of Always or On-Failure.

Before this timeout expires or all servers are running, a cluster starts a subset of such instances based on the total number of servers running and the configured cluster size. Once the timeout expires or all servers have started, the system considers the cluster stable and starts any remaining services.

This delay ensures that services are balanced across a cluster even if the servers are started sequentially. It is ignored after a cluster is fully started (stable) or when individual servers are started.

  • A value > specifies the time, in seconds, to delay before a partially started cluster starts dynamically configured services.

  • A value of specifies no delay.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Has Default Value: 240, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Enables a periodic automatic in-place restart of failed cluster-targeted or standalone-server-targeted JMS artifact instance(s) running on healthy WebLogic Server instances. See the migratable target settings for in-place restarts of migratable-targeted JMS artifacts. When the Restart In Place setting is configured on a store, it applies to all JMS artifacts that reference the store.

  • If the Migration Policy of the JMS artifact is set to Off, Restart In Place is disabled by default.

  • If the Migration Policy of the JMS artifact is set to On-Failure or Always, Restart In Place is enabled by default.

  • This attribute is not used by WebLogic messaging bridges which automatically restart internal connections as needed.

  • For a JMS artifact that is cluster-targeted and the Migration Policy is set to On-Failure or Always, if restart fails after the configured maximum retry attempts, it will migrate to a different server within the cluster.

Type: boolean

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, to wait in between attempts to restart a failed service instance.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 30, Minimum Value: 1, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The disk write policy that determines how the file store writes data to disk.

This policy also affects the JMS file store's performance, scalability, and reliability. Oracle recommends Direct-Write-With-Cache which tends to have the highest performance. The default value is Direct-Write. The valid policy options are:

  • Direct-Write Direct I/O is supported on all platforms. When available, file stores in direct I/O mode automatically load the native I/O wlfileio driver. This option tends to out-perform Cache-Flush and tend to be slower than Direct-Write-With-Cache. This mode does not require a native store wlfileio driver, but performs faster when they are available.

  • Direct-Write-With-Cache Store records are written synchronously to primary files in the directory specified by the Directory attribute and asynchronously to a corresponding cache file in the Cache Directory. The Cache Directory provides information about disk space, locking, security, and performance implications. This mode requires a native store wlfileiocode driver. If the native driver cannot be loaded, then the write mode automatically switches to Direct-Write. See Cache Directory

  • Cache-Flush Transactions cannot complete until all of their writes have been flushed down to disk. This policy is reliable and scales well as the number of simultaneous users increases.Transactionally safe but tends to be a lower performer than direct-write policies.

  • Disabled Transactions are complete as soon as their writes are cached in memory, instead of waiting for the writes to successfully reach the disk. This is the fastest policy because write requests do not block waiting to be synchronized to disk, but, unlike other policies, is not transactionally safe in the event of operating system or hardware failures. Such failures can lead to duplicate or lost data/messages. This option does not require native store wlfileio drivers, but may run faster when they are available. Some non-WebLogic JMS vendors default to a policy that is equivalent to Disabled


  • When available, file stores load WebLogic wlfileio native drivers, which can improve performance. These drivers are included with Windows, Solaris, Linux, and AIX WebLogic installations.

  • Certain older versions of Microsoft Windows may incorrectly report storage device synchronous write completion if the Windows default Write Cache Enabled setting is used. This violates the transactional semantics of transactional products (not specific to Oracle), including file stores configured with a Direct-Write (default) or Direct-Write-With-Cache policy, as a system crash or power failure can lead to a loss or a duplication of records/messages. One of the visible symptoms is that this problem may manifest itself in high persistent message/transaction throughput exceeding the physical capabilities of your storage device. You can address the problem by applying a Microsoft supplied patch, disabling the Windows Write Cache Enabled setting, or by using a power-protected storage device. See http://support.microsoft.com/kb/281672 and http://support.microsoft.com/kb/332023.

  • NFS storage note: On some operating systems, native driver memory-mapping is incompatible with NFS when files are locked. Stores with synchronous write policies Direct-Write-With-Cache or Disabled, and WebLogic JMS paging stores enhance performance by using the native wlfileio driver to perform memory-map operating system calls. When a store detects an incompatibility between NFS, file locking, and memory mapping, it automatically downgrades to conventional read/write system calls instead of memory mapping. For best performance, Oracle recommends investigating alternative NFS client drivers, configuring a non-NFS storage location, or in controlled environments and at your own risk, disabling the file locks (See Enable File Locking). For more information, see "Tuning the WebLogic Persistent Store" in Tuning Performance of Oracle WebLogic Server

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: Direct-Write, Legal Values: Disabled, Cache-Flush, Direct-Write, Direct-Write-With-Cache, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The server instances, clusters, or migratable targets defined in the current domain that are candidates for hosting a file store, JDBC store, or replicated store. If scoped to a Resource Group or Resource Group Template, the target is inherited from the Virtual Target.

When selecting a cluster, the store must be targeted to the same cluster as the JMS server. When selecting a migratable target, the store must be targeted it to the same migratable target as the migratable JMS server or SAF agent. As a best practice, a path service should use its own custom store and share the same target as the store.

Type: array of weblogic.management.configuration.TargetMBean references

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


For each configuration entity that supports per-partition-override via a MBean, we have two MBeans, the original configure MBean and the corresponding override MBean, that eventually determine the effective settings of the configured resource. We mark an attribute of an override MBean "dynamic true" even though the original configure MBean masks it "dynamic false". This is to make sure that the overriding settings take effect on partition restart. Otherwise a server restart is required.

Defines partition-specific overrides for the most commonly overridden attributes in a ForeignConnectionFactory MBean. It overrides some of the settings in a same-named ForeignConnectionFactory MBean instance in the same multi-tenant scope to which this override MBean belongs.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.ForeignConnectionFactoryOverrideMBean entity are as follows:


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


The password used in conjunction with the user name specified in the Username parameter to access the remote connection factory.

Type: string

Constraints: Encrypted, Has Default Value: No-Override


The name of the remote object that will be looked up in the remote JNDI directory.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: No-Override


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


The user name that is passed when opening a connection to the remote server (represented by this foreign connection factory).

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: No-Override


For each configuration entity that supports per-partition-override via a MBean, we have two MBeans, the original configure MBean and the corresponding override MBean, that eventually determine the effective settings of the configured resource. We mark an attribute of an override MBean "dynamic true" even though the original configure MBean masks it "dynamic false". This is to make sure that the overriding settings take effect on partition restart. Otherwise a server restart is required.

Defines partition-specific overrides for the most commonly overridden attributes in a ForeignDestination MBean. It overrides some of the settings in a same-named ForeignDestination MBean instance in the same multi-tenant scope to which this override MBean belongs.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.ForeignDestinationOverrideMBean entity are as follows:


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


The name of the remote object that will be looked up in the remote JNDI directory.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: No-Override


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


This class represents a JNDI link that is outside the WebLogic server.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.ForeignJNDILinkMBean entity are as follows:


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The local JNDI name.

Type: string

Constraints: Legal Null: true


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


The foreign JNDI name.

Type: string

Constraints: Legal Null: true


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


This class represents a JNDI provider that is outside the WebLogic server.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.ForeignJNDIProviderMBean entity are as follows:


A priority that the server uses to determine when it deploys an item. The priority is relative to other deployable items of the same type.

For example, the server prioritizes and deploys all EJBs before it prioritizes and deploys startup classes.

Items with the lowest Deployment Order value are deployed first. There is no guarantee on the order of deployments with equal Deployment Order values. There is no guarantee of ordering across clusters.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 1000, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 2147483647, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The initial context factory to use to connect. This class name depends on the JNDI provider and the vendor you are using. The value corresponds to the standard JNDI property, java.naming.factory.initial

Type: string

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


The remote server's user password.

Type: string

Constraints: Encrypted, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Any additional properties that must be set for the JNDI provider. These properties will be passed directly to the constructor for the JNDI provider's InitialContext class.

Note: This value must be filled in using a name=value<return>name=value format.

Type: java.util.Properties

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The foreign JNDI provider URL. This value corresponds to the standard JNDI property, java.naming.provider.url

Type: string

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


You must select a target on which an MBean will be deployed from this list of the targets in the current domain on which this item can be deployed. Targets must be either servers or clusters. The deployment will only occur once if deployments overlap.

Type: array of weblogic.management.configuration.TargetMBean references

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


The remote server's user name.

Type: string

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


For each configuration entity that supports per-partition-override via a MBean, we have two MBeans, the original configure MBean and the corresponding override MBean, that eventually determine the effective settings of the configured resource. We mark an attribute of an override MBean "dynamic true" even though the original configure MBean masks it "dynamic false". This is to make sure that the overriding settings take effect on partition restart. Otherwise a server restart is required.

Defines partition-specific overrides for the most commonly overridden attributes in a ForeignServer MBean. It overrides some of the settings in a same-named ForeignServer MBean instance in the same multi-tenant scope to which this override MBean belongs.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.ForeignServerOverrideMBean entity are as follows:


Any credentials that must be set for the JNDI provider. These credentials will be part of the properties passed directly to the constructor for the JNDI provider's InitialContext class.

Some foreign providers require other properties to be set while obtaining an initial naming context. These properties can be set with a property bean.

Type: string

Constraints: Encrypted, Has Default Value: No-Override


The URL that WebLogic Server will use to contact the JNDI provider. The syntax of this URL depends on which JNDI provider is being used. For WebLogic JMS, leave this field blank if you are referencing WebLogic JMS objects within the same cluster.

This value corresponds to the standard JNDI property, java.naming.provider.url

Note: If this value is not specified, look-ups will be performed on the JNDI server within the WebLogic Server instance where this connection factory is deployed.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: No-Override, Legal Null: true


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The name of the class that must be instantiated to access the JNDI provider. This class name depends on the JNDI provider and the vendor that are being used.

This value corresponds to the standard JNDI property, java.naming.factory.initial

Note: This value defaults to weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory, which is the correct value for WebLogic Server.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: No-Override


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


A {@code HeapRetainedMBean} represents a resource consumption management policy for the "Heap Retained" resource type.

The "Heap Retained" resource type tracks the amount of Heap memory retained (in use) by the Partition.

Triggers (Usage limits) and Fair share policies can be defined for a "Heap Retained" resource type through this MBena.

The valid set of recourse action types for the "Heap Retained" resource type are:

  • notify

  • slow

  • shutdown

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.HeapRetainedMBean entity are as follows:


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


Defines a JDBC driver property override.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.JDBCPropertyOverrideMBean entity are as follows:


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false


The plaintext value of the encrypted property value.

The value is stored in an encrypted form in the descriptor file and when displayed in an administration console.

setEncryptedValue('string') works in online WLST but not offline WLST. Use setEncryptedValueEncrypted(encrypt('string')) for online or offline WLST.

Type: string

Constraints: Encrypted


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


The value of the property defined as a system property.

Type: string


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


The value of the property.

Type: string


Defines an instance of the persistent store that stores its persistent records in a JDBC-accessible database. It may be used by JMS and by other subsystems.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.JDBCStoreMBean entity are as follows:


Overrides the name of the XAResource that this store registers with JTA.

You should not normally set this attribute. Its purpose is to allow the name of the XAResource to be overridden when a store has been upgraded from an older release and the store contained prepared transactions. The generated name should be used in all other cases.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: null, Legal Null: true, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Advanced use only: gets the connection caching policy for the JDBC store.

The return values will be one of:




IMPORTANT: See the below for additional usage information, particularly regarding NONE


The default mode of operation for the JDBC store. The JDBC store will open two connections to the database and it will keep these connections open for the life of the store. In addition, if the worker count for the store is two or more, then it will open one connection for each of the workers and those connections will also stay open for the life of the JDBC store. If the worker count is 3 then the JDBC store will use 5 database connections. If the worker count is the default of 1 then the JDBC store will use just 2 connections.The DEFAULT setting is the recommended setting to be used when the database backing the JDBC store is not constrained with respect to the number of open connections.


The JDBC store will open one connection to the database and it will keep that connection open for the life of the store. In addition, if the worker count for the store is two or more, then it will open one connection for each of the workers and those connections will also stay open for the life of the JDBC store. If the worker count is 3 then the JDBC store will use 4 database connections. If the worker count is the default of 1 then the JDBC store will use just 1 connection. The MINIMAL setting may result in a slight reduction of through-put for low concurrency messaging scenarios in comparison to DEFAULT.


The NONE connection caching policy is for 'advanced usage only'. The JDBC store will open one connection to the database on an as-needed basis to perform I/O and it will release that connection when the operation is complete. The NONE value is not compatible with a configured worker count of 2 or more and will result in a configuration validation exception. The NONE setting may result in a slight reduction of through-put for low concurrency messaging scenarios in comparison to DEFAULT or MINIMAL.

NOTE: It is strongly recommended that a JDBC store be configured with a dedicated data source when the store is configured with the NONE connection caching policy. A store that shares a data source with other non-store components or applications runs the risk of failing due to dead-locks. Please note that a JDBC store will require more than one connection when first started. As such, a data source should be configured to grow and shrink so that the JDBC store can initialize.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: DEFAULT, Legal Values: DEFAULT, MINIMAL, NONE, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Specifies the DDL (Data Definition Language) file to use for creating the JDBC store's backing table.

  • This field is ignored when the JDBC store's backing table, WLStore, already exists.

  • If a DDL file is not specified and the JDBC store detects that a backing table doesn't already exist, the JDBC store automatically creates the table by executing a preconfigured DDL file that is specific to the database vendor. These preconfigured files are located in the weblogic\store\io\jdbc\ddl directory of the MIDDLEWARE_HOME\modules\com.bea.core.store.jdbc_x.x.x.x.jar file.

  • If a DDL file is specified and the JDBC store detects that a backing table doesn't already exist, then the JDBC store searches for the DDL file in the file path first, and then if the file is not found, it searches for it in the CLASSPATH. Once found, the SQL within the DDL file is executed to create the JDBC store's database table. If the DDL file is not found and the backing table doesn't already exist, the JDBC store will fail to boot.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: null, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The JDBC data source used by this JDBC store to access its backing table.

The specified data source must use a non-XA JDBC driver since connection pools for XA JDBC drivers are not supported.

Type: weblogic.management.configuration.JDBCSystemResourceMBean reference

Constraints: Restart Required, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The maximum number of table rows that are deleted per database call.

  • When possible, a JDBC store uses JDBC 3.0 batching to batch concurrent client requests.

  • Both the maximum batch size for concurrent inserts and for concurrent writes are configurable.

  • To disable JDBC 3.0 batching, set the maximum batch size to 1.

  • The maximum batch size has no effect on the maximum number of concurrent client requests.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 20, Minimum Value: 1, Maximum Value: 100, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The maximum number of table rows that are deleted per database call.

  • Applies only when a JDBC store does not use JDBC 3.0 batching to batch concurrent client requests.

  • The maximum deletes per statement has no effect on the maximum number of concurrent client requests.

  • For some databases, the JDBC store may choose a lower value than the one configured.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 20, Minimum Value: 1, Maximum Value: 100, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


A priority that the server uses to determine when it deploys an item. The priority is relative to other deployable items of the same type.

For example, the server prioritizes and deploys all EJBs before it prioritizes and deploys startup classes.

Items with the lowest Deployment Order value are deployed first. There is no guarantee on the order of deployments with equal Deployment Order values. There is no guarantee of ordering across clusters.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 1000, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 2147483647, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Specifies how the instances of a configured JMS artifact are named and distributed when cluster-targeted. A JMS artifact is cluster-targeted when its target is directly set to a cluster, or when it is scoped to a resource group and the resource group is in turn targeted to a cluster. When this setting is configured on a store, it applies to all JMS artifacts that reference the store. Valid options:

  • Distributed Creates an instance on each server JVM in a cluster. Required for all SAF agents and for cluster-targeted or resource-group-scoped JMS servers that host distributed destinations.

  • Singleton Creates a single instance on a single server JVM within a cluster. Required for cluster-targeted or resource-group-scoped JMS servers that host standalone (non-distributed) destinations and for cluster-targeted or resource-group-scoped path services. The Migration Policy must be On-Failure or Always when using this option with a JMS server, On-Failure when using this option with a messaging bridge, and Always when using this option with a path service.

Instance Naming Note:

  • The DistributionPolicy determines the instance name suffix for cluster-targeted JMS artifacts. The suffix for a cluster-targeted Singleton is -01 and for a cluster-targeted Distributed is @ClusterMemberName.

Messaging Bridge Notes:

  • When an instance per server is desired for a cluster-targeted messaging bridge, Oracle recommends setting the bridge Distributed Policy and Migration Policy to Distributed/Off, respectively; these are the defaults.

  • When a single instance per cluster is desired for a cluster-targeted bridge, Oracle recommends setting the bridge Distributed Policy and Migration Policy to Singleton/On-Failure, respectively.

  • If you cannot cluster-target a bridge and still need singleton behavior in a configured cluster, you can target the bridge to a migratable target and configure the Migration Policy on the migratable target to Exactly-Once.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: Distributed, Legal Values: Distributed, Singleton, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, to delay before failing a cluster-targeted JMS artifact instance back to its preferred server after the preferred server failed and was restarted.

This delay allows time for the system to stabilize and dependent services to be restarted, preventing a system failure during a reboot.

  • A value > specifies the time, in seconds, to delay before failing a JMS artifact back to its user preferred server.

  • A value of indicates that the instance would never failback.

  • A value of -1 indicates that there is no delay and the instance would failback immediately.

Note: This setting only applies when the JMS artifact is cluster-targeted and the Migration Policy is set to On-Failure or Always

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Has Default Value: -1, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, to delay before starting a cluster-targeted JMS instance on a newly booted WebLogic Server instance. When this setting is configured on a store, it applies to all JMS artifacts that reference the store.

This allows time for the system to stabilize and dependent services to be restarted, preventing a system failure during a reboot.

  • A value > is the time, in seconds, to delay before before loading resources after a failure and restart.

  • A value of specifies no delay.

Note: This setting only applies when the JMS artifact is cluster-targeted and the Migration Policy is set to On-Failure or Always

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Has Default Value: 60, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The maximum number of table rows that are inserted per database call.

  • When possible, a JDBC store uses JDBC 3.0 batching to batch concurrent client requests.

  • Both the maximum batch size for concurrent inserts and for concurrent writes are configurable.

  • To disable JDBC 3.0 batching, set the maximum batch size to 1.

  • The maximum batch size has no effect on the maximum number of concurrent client requests.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 20, Minimum Value: 1, Maximum Value: 100, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The name used by subsystems to refer to different stores on different servers using the same name.

For example, an EJB that uses the timer service may refer to its store using the logical name, and this name may be valid on multiple servers in the same cluster, even if each server has a store with a different physical name.

Multiple stores in the same domain or the same cluster may share the same logical name. However, a given logical name may not be assigned to more than one store on the same server.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: null, Legal Null: true, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Controls migration and restart behavior of cluster-targeted JMS service artifact instances. When this setting is configured on a cluster-targeted store, it applies to all JMS artifacts that reference the store. See the migratable target settings for enabling migration and restart on migratable-targeted JMS artifacts.

  • Off Disables migration support for cluster-targeted JMS service objects, and changes the default for Restart In Place to false. If you want a restart to be enabled when the Migration Policy is Off, then Restart In Place must be explicitly configured to true. This policy cannot be combined with the Singleton Migration Policy.

  • On-Failure Enables automatic migration and restart of instances on the failure of a subsystem Service or WebLogic Server instance, including automatic fail-back and load balancing of instances.

  • Always Provides the same behavior as On-Failure and automatically migrates instances even in the event of a graceful shutdown or a partial cluster start.

Note: Cluster leasing must be configured for On-Failure and Always.

Messaging Bridge Notes:

  • When an instance per server is desired for a cluster-targeted messaging bridge, Oracle recommends setting the bridge Distributed Policy and Migration Policy to Distributed/Off, respectively; these are the defaults.

  • When a single instance per cluster is desired for a cluster-targeted bridge, Oracle recommends setting the bridge Distributed Policy and Migration Policy to Singleton/On-Failure, respectively.

  • A Migration Policy of Always is not recommended for bridges.

  • If you cannot cluster-target a bridge and still need singleton behavior in a configured cluster, you can target the bridge to a migratable target and configure the Migration Policy on the migratable target to Exactly-Once.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: Off, Legal Values: Off, On-Failure, Always, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Specifies the maximum number of restart attempts.

  • A value > specifies the maximum number of restart attempts.

  • A value of specifies the same behavior as setting getRestartInPlace to false

  • A value of -1 means infinite retry restart until it either starts or the server instance shuts down.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 6, Minimum Value: -1, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Enables committing a batch of INSERT or DELETE operations with the last operation of the transaction instead of issuing a separate commit call to database server which saves a server round trip. This feature benefits applications that have many transactions of a small number of operations or small messages. This feature should be used only when configuring a JDBC store in Oracle Exalogic environments.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, to delay before a partially started cluster starts all cluster-targeted JMS artifact instances that are configured with a Migration Policy of Always or On-Failure.

Before this timeout expires or all servers are running, a cluster starts a subset of such instances based on the total number of servers running and the configured cluster size. Once the timeout expires or all servers have started, the system considers the cluster stable and starts any remaining services.

This delay ensures that services are balanced across a cluster even if the servers are started sequentially. It is ignored after a cluster is fully started (stable) or when individual servers are started.

  • A value > specifies the time, in seconds, to delay before a partially started cluster starts dynamically configured services.

  • A value of specifies no delay.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Has Default Value: 240, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The prefix for the JDBC store's database table (WLStore), in the following format: [[[catalog.]schema.]prefix]

Each period symbol in the [[catalog.]schema.]prefix format is significant, where schema generally corresponds to username in many databases. When no prefix is specified, the JDBC store table name is simply WLStore and the database implicitly determines the schema according to the JDBC connection's user. As a best practice, you should always configure a prefix for the JDBC WLStore table name.

For specific guidelines about using JDBC store prefixes, refer to the "Using the WebLogic Store" section of Designing and Configuring WebLogic Server Environments"

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: null, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The length of time in milliseconds between reconnection attempts during the reconnection retry period.

The reconnection interval applies to JDBC connections regardless of the database that is used for the JDBC store.

The default value is 200 milliseconds

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 200, Minimum Value: 100, Maximum Value: 10000, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Returns the length of time in milliseconds during which the persistent store will attempt to re-establish a connection to the database. Successive reconnection attempts will be attempted after a fixed delay that is specified by the reconnection retry interval.

The reconnection period applies to JDBC connections regardless of the database that is used for the JDBC store.

The default value is 1000

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 1000, Minimum Value: 200, Maximum Value: 300000, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Enables a periodic automatic in-place restart of failed cluster-targeted or standalone-server-targeted JMS artifact instance(s) running on healthy WebLogic Server instances. See the migratable target settings for in-place restarts of migratable-targeted JMS artifacts. When the Restart In Place setting is configured on a store, it applies to all JMS artifacts that reference the store.

  • If the Migration Policy of the JMS artifact is set to Off, Restart In Place is disabled by default.

  • If the Migration Policy of the JMS artifact is set to On-Failure or Always, Restart In Place is enabled by default.

  • This attribute is not used by WebLogic messaging bridges which automatically restart internal connections as needed.

  • For a JMS artifact that is cluster-targeted and the Migration Policy is set to On-Failure or Always, if restart fails after the configured maximum retry attempts, it will migrate to a different server within the cluster.

Type: boolean

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, to wait in between attempts to restart a failed service instance.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 30, Minimum Value: 1, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The server instances, clusters, or migratable targets defined in the current domain that are candidates for hosting a file store, JDBC store, or replicated store. If scoped to a Resource Group or Resource Group Template, the target is inherited from the Virtual Target.

When selecting a cluster, the store must be targeted to the same cluster as the JMS server. When selecting a migratable target, the store must be targeted it to the same migratable target as the migratable JMS server or SAF agent. As a best practice, a path service should use its own custom store and share the same target as the store.

Type: array of weblogic.management.configuration.TargetMBean references

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Specifies the threshold, in bytes, when the JDBC store uses 3 steps (insert, select, populate) instead of 1 step (insert) to populate an Oracle Blob data type.

Applies only to Oracle databases where a Blob data type is used instead of the default Long Raw data type for record data.

The default value is 200000.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 200000, Minimum Value: 4000, Maximum Value: 2147483647, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


The number of JDBC store worker threads to process the workerload.

  • A value of 1 indicates a single thread is used (the default).

  • A value greater than 1 indicates that multiple threads are used.

  • For Oracle databases, Oracle recommends users rebuild the primary key index into a reverse index for the JDBC Store table when the worker count is greater than 1.

  • For non-Oracle databases, refer to the database provider's documentation for help with indexing.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 1, Minimum Value: 1, Maximum Value: 1000, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Specifies the batch size when the Worker Count attribute is configured to a value greater than 1.

Used to configure the workload the JDBC store incrementally puts on each worker thread. The workload consists of IO requests which are grouped and pushed to each JDBC worker thread for processing. If the IO request is very large (for example 1M), then tune this attribute to a smaller value.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 10, Minimum Value: 1, Maximum Value: 2147483647, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


This bean defines a system-level JDBC resource. It links a separate descriptor that specifies the definition.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.JDBCSystemResourceMBean entity are as follows:


This is only set for beans created as a result of conversion from an 8.1 application configured using ApplicationMBean and ComponentMBean.

Standalone modules in 8.1 have both an ApplicationMBean name and ComponentMBean name. This attribute stores the name of the latter, to be used when the server creates the transient ComponentMBean for backward compatibility.

Type: string

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


An integer value that indicates when this unit is deployed, relative to other deployable units on a server, during startup.

Units with lower values are deployed before those with higher values.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 100, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


A string value that indicates the principal that should be used when deploying the file or archive during startup and shutdown. This principal will be used to set the current subject when calling out into application code for interfaces such as ApplicationLifecycleListener. If no principal name is specified, then the anonymous principal will be used.

Type: string

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The name of the file containing this configuration. This is a relative name rooted at DOMAIN_DIR/config. By default the file resides in the jdbc subdirectory and derives its name from the bean name using the following pattern:


Note that this is a read-only property that can only be set when the bean is created.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The values match those defined by jsr88. This attribute may move to another MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Return the Descriptor for the system resource. This should be overridden by the derived system resources.

Type: weblogic.descriptor.DescriptorBean reference

Constraints: Read Only, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Type: string

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


You must select a target on which an MBean will be deployed from this list of the targets in the current domain on which this item can be deployed. Targets must be either servers or clusters. The deployment will only occur once if deployments overlap.

Type: array of weblogic.management.configuration.TargetMBean references

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


Defines a partition-specific JDBC data source attribute override of a data source descriptor referenced by a partition resource group definition.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.JDBCSystemResourceOverrideMBean entity are as follows:


The connection URL for the data source.

Type: string


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


Returns the initial pool capacity for the partition datasource. The value -1 indicates that the attribute is not set.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: -1


Returns the max pool capacity for the partition datasource. The value -1 indicates that the attribute is not set.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: -1


Returns the min pool capacity for the partition datasource. The value -1 indicates that the attribute is not set.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: -1


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


The password in clear text.

Type: string

Constraints: Encrypted


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


The name of the user for the data source.

Type: string


This MBean represents a messaging bridge destination for a JMS messaging product. Each messaging bridge consists of two destinations that are being bridged:

  • Source: The message producing destination. A bridge instance consumes messages from the source destination.

  • Target: The destination where a bridge instance forwards messages produced by the source destination.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.JMSBridgeDestinationMBean entity are as follows:


The JNDI name of the adapter used to communicate with the specified destination.

This name is specified in the adapter's deployment descriptor file and is used by the WebLogic Server Connector container to bind the adapter in WebLogic Server JNDI.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: eis.jms.WLSConnectionFactoryJNDIXA, Legal Null: true, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The connection factory's JNDI name for this JMS bridge destination.

Type: string

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The connection URL for this JMS bridge destination.

Type: string

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The destination JNDI name for this JMS bridge destination.

Type: string

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The destination type (queue or topic) for this JMS bridge destination.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: Queue, Legal Values: Queue, Topic, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The initial context factory name for this JMS bridge destination.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


The optional user name the adapter uses to access the bridge destination.

All operations on the specified destination are done using this user name and the corresponding password. Therefore, the User Name/Password for the source and target destinations must have permission to the access the underlying destinations in order for the messaging bridge to work.

Type: string

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The user password that the adapter uses to access the bridge destination.

As of 8.1 sp4, when you get the value of this attribute, WebLogic Server does the following:

  1. Retrieves the value of the UserPasswordEncrypted attribute.

  2. Decrypts the value and returns the unencrypted password as a String.

When you set the value of this attribute, WebLogic Server does the following:

  1. Encrypts the value.

  2. Sets the value of the UserPasswordEncrypted attribute to the encrypted value.

Using this attribute (UserPassword) is a potential security risk because the String object (which contains the unencrypted password) remains in the JVM's memory until garbage collection removes it and the memory is reallocated. Depending on how memory is allocated in the JVM, a significant amount of time could pass before this unencrypted data is removed from memory.

Instead of using this attribute, use UserPasswordEncrypted

Type: string

Constraints: Encrypted, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


This defines the configuration aspects of the logs for a jms server.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.JMSMessageLogFileMBean entity are as follows:


Gets the underlying log buffer size in kilobytes

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 8


The date format pattern used for rendering dates in the log. The DateFormatPattern string conforms to the specification of the java.text.SimpleDateFormat class.

Type: string

Constraints: Legal Null: true


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false


The maximum number of log files that the server creates when it rotates the log. This number does not include the file that the server uses to store current messages. (Requires that you enable Number of Files Limited.)

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 7, Has Production Mode Default Value: 100, Minimum Value: 1, Maximum Value: 99999


The size (1 - 2097150 kilobytes) that triggers the server to move log messages to a separate file. The default is 500 kilobytes. After the log file reaches the specified minimum size, the next time the server checks the file size, it will rename the current log file as SERVER_NAME.lognnnnn and create a new one to store subsequent messages. (Requires that you specify a file rotation type of Size.)

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 500, Has Production Mode Default Value: 5000, Minimum Value: 1, Maximum Value: 2097150


The name of the file that stores current JMS server log messages. Usually it is a computed value based on the name of the parent of this MBean. For example, for a JMS server log, it is jmsserverName.log

However, if the name of the parent cannot be obtained, the file name is weblogic.log. If you specify a relative pathname, it is interpreted as relative to the server's root directory.

To include a time and date stamp in the file name when the log file is rotated, add java.text.SimpleDateFormat variables to the file name. Surround each variable with percentage () characters.

For example, if the file name is defined to be myjmsserver_%yyyy%_%MM%_%dd%_%hh%_%mm%.log, the log file will be named myserver_yyyy_mm_dd_hh_mm.log

When the log file is rotated, the rotated file name contains the date stamp. For example, if the log file is rotated on 2 April, 2005 at 10:05 AM, the log file that contains the old messages will be named myserver_2005_04_02_10_05.log

If you do not include a time and date stamp, the rotated log files are numbered in order of creation. For example, myjmsserver.log00007

Type: string


The interval (in hours) at which the server saves old log messages to another file. (Requires that you specify a file rotation type of TIME.)

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 24, Minimum Value: 1


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The directory where the rotated log files will be stored. By default the rotated files are stored in the same directory where the log file is stored.

Type: string


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Indicates whether to limit the number of log files that this server instance creates to store old messages. (Requires that you specify a file rotation type of SIZE or TIME.)

After the server reaches this limit, it deletes the oldest log file and creates a new log file with the latest suffix.

If you do not enable this option, the server creates new files indefinitely and you must clean up these files as you require.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: true, Has Production Mode Default Value: true


Specifies whether a server rotates its log file during its startup cycle. The default value in production mode is false.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: true, Has Production Mode Default Value: false


Determines the start time (hour and minute) for a time-based rotation sequence.

At the time that this value specifies, the server renames the current log file. Thereafter, the server renames the log file at an interval that you specify in File Time Span.

Note that WebLogic Server sets a threshold size limit of 500 MB before it forces a hard rotation to prevent excessive log file growth.

Use the following format: H:mm, where

  • is Hour in day (0-23)

  • mm is the minute in hour

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: 00:00


Criteria for moving old log messages to a separate file.

  • NONE Messages accumulate in a single file. You must erase the contents of the file when the size is too large. Note that WebLogic Server sets a threshold size limit of 500 MB before it forces a hard rotation to prevent excessive log file growth.

  • SIZE When the log file reaches the size that you specify in FileMinSize, the server renames the file as SERVER_NAME.lognnnnn

  • TIME At each time interval that you specify in TimeSpan, the server renames the file as SERVER_NAME.lognnnnn

After the server renames a file, subsequent messages accumulate in a new file with the name that you specified as the log file name.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: bySize, Legal Values: bySize, byTime, none


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


This defines the configuration aspects of the logs for a jms server.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.JMSSAFMessageLogFileMBean entity are as follows:


Gets the underlying log buffer size in kilobytes

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 8


The date format pattern used for rendering dates in the log. The DateFormatPattern string conforms to the specification of the java.text.SimpleDateFormat class.

Type: string

Constraints: Legal Null: true


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false


The maximum number of log files that the server creates when it rotates the log. This number does not include the file that the server uses to store current messages. (Requires that you enable Number of Files Limited.)

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 7, Has Production Mode Default Value: 100, Minimum Value: 1, Maximum Value: 99999


The size (1 - 2097150 kilobytes) that triggers the server to move log messages to a separate file. The default is 500 kilobytes. After the log file reaches the specified minimum size, the next time the server checks the file size, it will rename the current log file as SERVER_NAME.lognnnnn and create a new one to store subsequent messages. (Requires that you specify a file rotation type of Size.)

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 500, Has Production Mode Default Value: 5000, Minimum Value: 1, Maximum Value: 2097150


Type: string


The interval (in hours) at which the server saves old log messages to another file. (Requires that you specify a file rotation type of TIME.)

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 24, Minimum Value: 1


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The directory where the rotated log files will be stored. By default the rotated files are stored in the same directory where the log file is stored.

Type: string


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Indicates whether to limit the number of log files that this server instance creates to store old messages. (Requires that you specify a file rotation type of SIZE or TIME.)

After the server reaches this limit, it deletes the oldest log file and creates a new log file with the latest suffix.

If you do not enable this option, the server creates new files indefinitely and you must clean up these files as you require.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: true, Has Production Mode Default Value: true


Specifies whether a server rotates its log file during its startup cycle. The default value in production mode is false.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: true, Has Production Mode Default Value: false


Determines the start time (hour and minute) for a time-based rotation sequence.

At the time that this value specifies, the server renames the current log file. Thereafter, the server renames the log file at an interval that you specify in File Time Span.

Note that WebLogic Server sets a threshold size limit of 500 MB before it forces a hard rotation to prevent excessive log file growth.

Use the following format: H:mm, where

  • is Hour in day (0-23)

  • mm is the minute in hour

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: 00:00


Criteria for moving old log messages to a separate file.

  • NONE Messages accumulate in a single file. You must erase the contents of the file when the size is too large. Note that WebLogic Server sets a threshold size limit of 500 MB before it forces a hard rotation to prevent excessive log file growth.

  • SIZE When the log file reaches the size that you specify in FileMinSize, the server renames the file as SERVER_NAME.lognnnnn

  • TIME At each time interval that you specify in TimeSpan, the server renames the file as SERVER_NAME.lognnnnn

After the server renames a file, subsequent messages accumulate in a new file with the name that you specified as the log file name.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: bySize, Legal Values: bySize, byTime, none


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


This class represents a JMS server. A JMS server manages connections and message requests on behalf of clients.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.JMSServerMBean entity are as follows:


Specifies whether JMS clients will get an exception when sending persistent messages to a destination targeted to a JMS server that does not have a persistent store configured. This parameter only has effect when the Store Enabled parameter is disabled (false).

When set to false, the default, clients will get an exception when sending persistent messages to a JMS server with no store configured. When set to true, then persistent messages are downgraded to non-persistent; however, the send operations are allowed to continue.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Determines whether the JMS server delivers smaller messages before larger ones when a destination has exceeded its maximum number of messages. FIFO prevents the JMS server from delivering smaller messages when larger ones are already waiting for space. Preemptive allows smaller send requests to preempt previous larger ones when there is sufficient space for smaller messages on the destination.

This policy is defined only for the JMS server; it cannot be set on individual destinations.

Additional information on the FIFO and Preemptive policies is provided below.

FIFO (first in, first out) indicates that all send requests for the same destination are queued up one behind the other until space is available. No send request is permitted to successfully complete if there is another send request waiting for space before it. When space is limited, the FIFO policy prevents the starvation of larger requests because smaller requests cannot continuously use the remaining available space. Smaller requests are delayed, though not starved, until the larger request can be completed. When space does become available, requests are considered in the order in which they were made. If there is sufficient space for a given request, then that request is completed and the next request is considered. If there is insufficient space for a given request, then no further requests are considered until sufficient space becomes available for the current request to complete.

Preemptive indicates that a send operation can preempt other blocking send operations if space is available. That is, if there is sufficient space for the current request, then that space is used even if there are other requests waiting for space. When space is limited, the Preemptive policy can result in the starvation of larger requests. For example, if there is insufficient available space for a large request, then it is queued up behind other existing requests. When space does become available, all requests are considered in the order in which they were originally made. If there is sufficient space for a given request, then that request is allowed to continue and the next request is considered. If there is insufficient space for a given request, then that request is skipped and the next request is considered.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: FIFO, Legal Values: FIFO, Preemptive, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The maximum number of bytes that can be stored in this JMS server. A value of -1 removes any WebLogic Server limits.

Because excessive bytes volume can cause memory saturation, Oracle recommends that this maximum corresponds to the total amount of system memory available after accounting for the rest of your application load.

Range of Values: >= BytesThresholdHigh

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Has Default Value: -1, Minimum Value: -1, Maximum Value: 9223372036854775807, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The upper threshold (number of bytes stored in this JMS server) that triggers flow control and logging events. A value of -1 disables the events for this JMS server.

The triggered events are:

  • Log Messages - A message is logged on the server indicating a high threshold condition.

  • Flow Control - If flow control is enabled, the JMS server becomes armed and instructs producers to begin decreasing their message flow.

Range of Values: <= BytesMaximum; >= BytesThresholdLow

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Has Default Value: -1, Minimum Value: -1, Maximum Value: 9223372036854775807, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The lower threshold (number of bytes stored in this JMS server) that triggers flow control and logging events. A value of -1 disables the events for this JMS server.

If the number of bytes falls below this threshold, the triggered events are:

  • Log Messages - A message is logged on the server indicating that the threshold condition has cleared.

  • Flow Control - If flow control is enabled, the JMS server becomes disarmed and instructs producers to begin increasing their message flow.

Range of Values: <= BytesThresholdHigh

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Has Default Value: -1, Minimum Value: -1, Maximum Value: 9223372036854775807, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Indicates whether consumption is paused at startup on destinations targeted to this JMS server at startup. A destination cannot receive any new messages while it is paused.

When the value is set to true, then immediately after the host server instance is booted, then this JMS server and its targeted destinations are modified such that they are in a "consumption paused" state, which prevents any message consuming activity on those destinations.

To allow normal message consumption on the destinations, later you will have to change the state of this JMS server to a "consumption enabled" state by setting this value to false, and then either redeploy the JMS server or reboot the hosting server instance.

When the value is set to default, then the Consumption Paused At Startup is determined based on the corresponding setting on the individual destination.

If the value is changed and activated, you need to restart any servers to which the MBean is targeted before the value will take effect (even though you do not get a warning in the Console that the server needs to be restarted).

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: default, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


A priority that the server uses to determine when it deploys an item. The priority is relative to other deployable items of the same type.

For example, the server prioritizes and deploys all EJBs before it prioritizes and deploys startup classes.

Items with the lowest Deployment Order value are deployed first. There is no guarantee on the order of deployments with equal Deployment Order values. There is no guarantee of ordering across clusters.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 1000, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 2147483647, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The number of seconds between this JMS server's cycles of scanning local destinations for expired messages. A value of disables active scanning. A very large scan interval effectively disables active scanning.

With scanning disabled, users still do not receive expired messages and any expired messages that are discovered by other system activities are removed. However, expired messages sitting in idle destinations (such as an inactive queue or disconnected durable subscriber) are not removed and continue to consume system resources.

The scanning cycle for expired messages occurs as follows:

  • After the specified waiting period, the JMS server devotes a separate thread to scan all of its local destinations for expired messages.

  • After the scanning is completed, all located expired messages are processed according to the specified Expiration Policy on the destination (Discard, Log, or Redirect).

  • The entire process repeats after another specified waiting period.

Note: Because a new scan does not start until the current one is finished and until the specified waiting period ends, an expired message could still remain in the system for the maximum scan waiting period plus the amount of time it takes to perform the scan.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 30, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 2147483647, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Specifies whether this JMS server can be used to host temporary destinations.

If this field is enabled and no Temporary Template Name is defined, then the temporary destinations created on this JMS server will use all default destination values. If this field is enabled, then the JMS template to be used for creating temporary destinations is specified by the Temporary Template Name field. If this field is disabled, then this JMS server will not host temporary destinations.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: true, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Indicates whether insertion is paused at startup on destinations targeted to this JMS server. A destination cannot receive any new messages while it is paused.

When the value is set to true, then immediately after the host server instance is booted, then this JMS server and its targeted destinations are modified such that they are in a "insertion paused" state, which results preventing messages that are result of the "in-flight" work completion to arrive on those destinations.

Note: For a detailed definition of "in-flight" work/messages, see weblogic.management.runtime.JMSServerRuntimeMBean#resumeInsertion and weblogic.management.runtime.JMSDestinationRuntime#resumeInsertion

To allow in-flight work messages to appear on the destinations, later you will have to change the state of this JMS server to an "insertion enabled" state by setting this value to false, and then either redeploy the JMS server or reboot the hosting server instance.

When the value is set to default, then the Insertion Paused At Startup is determined based on the corresponding setting on the individual destination.

If the value is changed and activated, you need to restart any servers to which the MBean is targeted before the value will take effect (even though you do not get a warning in the Console that the server needs to be restarted).

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: default, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The maximum number of bytes allowed in individual messages on this JMS server. The size of a message includes the message body, any user-defined properties, and the user-defined JMS header fields JMSCorrelationID and JMSType

The maximum message size is only enforced for the initial production of a message. Messages that are redirected to an error destination or forwarded to a member of a distributed destination are not checked for size. For instance, if a destination and its corresponding error destination are configured with a maximum message size of 128K bytes and 64K bytes, respectively, a message of 96K bytes could be redirected to the error destination (even though it exceeds the 64K byte maximum), but a producer could not directly send the 96K byte message to the error destination.

Note: Any change to this maximum affects only incoming messages; stored messages are not affected.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 2147483647, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 2147483647, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The amount of memory (in bytes) that this JMS server can use to store message bodies before it writes them to disk. When the JMS server writes the message bodies to disk, it clears them from memory.

A value of -1 (the default) specifies that the server will automatically determine a size based on the maximum heap size of the JVM. This default will be set to either one-third the maximum heap size, or 512 megabytes, whichever is smaller.

The larger the buffer, the more memory JMS will consume when many messages are waiting on queues or topics. Once the buffer is surpassed, JMS may write message bodies to the directory specified by PagingDirectory in an effort to reduce memory usage below this buffer.

Surpassing the buffer size does not stop the JMS server from accepting new messages. It is still possible to run out of memory if messages are arriving faster than they can be written to disk. Users with high messaging loads who wish to support the highest possible availability should consider setting a quota or setting a threshold and enabling flow control.

Paging is always supported.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Has Default Value: -1, Minimum Value: -1, Maximum Value: 9223372036854775807, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Specifies the type of message compression used when JMS message body compression is enabled for Persistent Stores and JMS Paging Stores.

  • Use GZIP_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION to enable message compression using the JDK GZIP API with DEFAULT_COMPRESSION level.

  • Use GZIP_BEST_COMPRESSION to enable message compression using the JDK GZIP API with BEST_COMPRESSION level.

  • Use GZIP_BEST_SPEED to enable message compression using the JDK GZIP API with BEST_SPEED level.

  • Use LZF to enable message compression using Open Source LZF.

This attribute should be used only when configuring a WebLogic domain in an Oracle Exalogic environment.

Type: string



The maximum number of messages that can be stored in this JMS server. A value of -1 removes any WebLogic Server limits.

Because excessive message volume can cause memory saturation, Oracle recommends that this value corresponds to the total amount of system memory available after accounting for the rest of your application load.

Range of Values: >= MessagesThresholdHigh.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Has Default Value: -1, Minimum Value: -1, Maximum Value: 9223372036854775807, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The upper threshold (number of messages stored in this JMS server) that triggers flow control and logging events. A value of -1 disables the events for this JMS server.

If the number of messages exceeds this threshold, the triggered events are:

  • Log Messages - A message is logged on the server indicating a high threshold condition.

  • Flow Control - If flow control is enabled, the JMS server becomes armed and instructs producers to begin decreasing their message flow.

Range of Values: <= MessagesMaximum; >= MessagesThresholdLow.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Has Default Value: -1, Minimum Value: -1, Maximum Value: 9223372036854775807, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The lower threshold (number of messages stored in this JMS server) that triggers flow control and logging events. A value of -1 disables the events for this JMS server.

If the number of messages falls below this threshold, the triggered events are:

  • Log Messages - A message is logged on the server indicating that the threshold condition has cleared.

  • Flow Control - If flow control is enabled, the JMS server becomes disarmed and instructs producers to begin increasing their message flow.

Note: This attribute is dynamically configurable.

Range of Values: <= MessagesThresholdHigh

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Has Default Value: -1, Minimum Value: -1, Maximum Value: 9223372036854775807, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


The smallest addressable block, in bytes, of a file. When a native wlfileio driver is available and the paging block size has not been configured by the user, the store selects the minimum OS specific value for unbuffered (direct) I/O, if it is within the range [512, 8192].

A paging store's block size does not change once the paging store creates its files. Changes to block size only take effect for new paging stores or after the current files have been deleted. See "Tuning the Persistent Store" in Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

If the value is changed and activated, you need to restart any servers to which the MBean is targeted before the value will take effect (even though you do not get a warning in the Console that the server needs to be restarted).

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: -1, Minimum Value: -1, Maximum Value: 8192, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Specifies where message bodies are written when the size of the message bodies in the JMS server exceeds the message buffer size.

If unspecified, messages are written to the default tmp directory inside the server-name subdirectory of a domain's root directory. For example, domain-name/servers/server-name/tmp, where domain-name is the root directory of your domain.

For best performance, this directory should not be the same as the directory used by the JMS server's persistent store.

If the value is changed and activated, you need to restart any servers to which the MBean is targeted before the value will take effect (even though you do not get a warning in the Console that the server needs to be restarted).

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: null, Legal Null: true, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Determines whether OS file locking is used.

When file locking protection is enabled, a store boot fails if another store instance already has opened the store files. Do not disable this setting unless you have procedures in place to prevent multiple store instances from opening the same file. File locking is not required but helps prevent corruption in the event that two same-named file store instances attempt to operate in the same directories. This setting applies to both primary and cache files.

If the value is changed and activated, you need to restart any servers to which the MBean is targeted before the value will take effect (even though you do not get a warning in the Console that the server needs to be restarted).

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: true, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The I/O buffer size, in bytes, automatically rounded down to the nearest power of 2.

  • When a native wlfileio driver is available, the setting applies to off-heap (native) memory.

  • When a native wlfileio driver is not available, the setting applies to JAVA heap memory.

  • For the best runtime performance, Oracle recommends setting PagingIOBufferSize so that it is larger than the largest write (multiple concurrent store requests may be combined into a single write).

  • See the JMS server runtime MBean attribute PagingAllocatedIOBufferBytes to find out the actual allocated off-heap (native) memory amount.

If the value is changed and activated, you need to restart any servers to which the MBean is targeted before the value will take effect (even though you do not get a warning in the Console that the server needs to be restarted).

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: -1, Minimum Value: -1, Maximum Value: 67108864, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The paging maximum file size, in bytes.

  • The PagingMaxFileSize value affects the number of files needed to accommodate a paging store of a particular size (number of files = paging store size/MaxFileSize rounded up).

  • A paging store automatically reuses space freed by deleted records and automatically expands individual files up to PagingMaxFileSize if there is not enough space for a new record. If there is no space left in exiting files for a new record, a paging store creates an additional file.

  • A small number of larger files is normally preferred over a large number of smaller files as each file allocates Window Buffer and file handles.

  • If PagingMaxFileSize is larger than 2^24 * PagingBlockSize, then MaxFileSize is ignored, and the value becomes 2^24 * PagingBlockSize. The default PagingBlockSize is 512, and 2^24 * 512 is 8 GB.

Oracle recommends not setting the Paging Max File Size above the default value of 1,342,177,280.

If the value is changed and activated, you need to restart any servers to which the MBean is targeted before the value will take effect (even though you do not get a warning in the Console that the server needs to be restarted).

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Has Default Value: 1342177280, Minimum Value: 10485760, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The maximum amount of data, in bytes and rounded down to the nearest power of 2, mapped into the JVM's address space per paging store file. Applies only when a native wlfileio library is loaded.

A window buffer does not consume Java heap memory, but does consume off-heap (native) memory. If the paging store is unable to allocate the requested buffer size, it allocates smaller and smaller buffers until it reaches PagingMinWindowBufferSize, and then fails if it cannot honor PagingMinWindowBufferSize

Oracle recommends setting the max window buffer size to more than double the size of the largest write (multiple concurrently updated records may be combined into a single write), and greater than or equal to the file size, unless there are other constraints. 32-bit JVMs may impose a total limit of between 2 and 4GB for combined Java heap plus off-heap (native) memory usage.

See the JMS server runtime MBean attribute PagingAllocatedWindowBufferBytes to find out the actual allocated Window Buffer Size.

If the value is changed and activated, you need to restart any servers to which the MBean is targeted before the value will take effect (even though you do not get a warning in the Console that the server needs to be restarted).

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: -1, Minimum Value: -1, Maximum Value: 1073741824, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Enables the JMS paging store to perform message body compression on persistent and non-persistent messages. When false, the default value, no compression is performed.

This attribute should be enabled only when configuring a WebLogic domain in an Oracle Exalogic environment.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The minimum amount of data, in bytes and rounded down to the nearest power of 2, mapped into the JVM's address space per paging store file. Applies only when a native wlfileio library is loaded. See Paging Maximum Window Buffer Size

If the value is changed and activated, you need to restart any servers to which the MBean is targeted before the value will take effect (even though you do not get a warning in the Console that the server needs to be restarted).

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: -1, Minimum Value: -1, Maximum Value: 1073741824, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The file or database in which this JMS server stores persistent messages. If unspecified, the JMS server uses the default persistent store that is configured on each targeted WebLogic Server instance. If the JMS server has a store configured, then the configured store is used to store persistent messages.

The disk-based file store or JDBC-accessible database store that you specify must be targeted to the same server, cluster, or migratable target instance as this JMS server. Multiple services on the same WebLogic Server instance, including multiple JMS servers, may share the same persistent store. Each service's persistent data will be kept apart.

If you specify a PersistentStore, the deprecated Store field must not be set. If neither the PersistentStore field nor the Store field are set, the JMS server supports persistent messaging using the default persistent store for the targeted WebLogic Server instance.

If the value is changed and activated, you need to restart any servers to which the MBean is targeted before the value will take effect (even though you do not get a warning in the Console that the server needs to be restarted).

Type: weblogic.management.configuration.PersistentStoreMBean reference

Constraints: Restart Required, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Specifies whether production is paused at server startup on destinations targeted to this JMS server. A destination cannot receive any new messages while it is paused.

When the value is set to true, then immediately after the host server instance is rebooted, then this JMS server and its targeted destinations are modified such that they are in a "production paused" state, which results in preventing new message production activities on those destinations.

To resume normal new message production activity, later you will have to change the state of this JMS server to a "production enabled" state by setting this value to false, and then either redeploy the JMS server or reboot the hosting server instance.

When the value is set to default, then the Production Paused At Startup is determined based on the corresponding setting on the individual destination.

If the value is changed and activated, you need to restart any servers to which the MBean is targeted before the value will take effect (even though you do not get a warning in the Console that the server needs to be restarted).

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: default, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Specifies whether message persistence is supported for this JMS server.

  • When set to true: If the JMS server has no store configured, the targeted WebLogic Server instance's default store is used to store persistent messages. If the JMS server has a store configured, then the configured store is used to store persistent messages.

  • When set to false, then this JMS server does not support persistent messages, and instead downgrades them to non-persistent.

  • The default value is true

Oracle recommends not setting this parameter to false. It is available to provide compatibility with older releases.

If the value is changed and activated, you need to restart any servers to which the MBean is targeted before the value will take effect (even though you do not get a warning in the Console that the server needs to be restarted).

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: true, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Enables the JMS store to perform message body compression. When set to false, the default value, no compression is performed.

This attribute should be enabled only when configuring a WebLogic domain in an Oracle Exalogic environment.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The server instances, clusters, or a migratable targets defined in the current domain that are candidates for hosting the JMSSerer.

In a clustered environment, a recommended best practice is to use a cluster as a target or target a JMSServer to the same migratable target as the Persistent Store that it uses, so that a member server will not be a single point of failure. A JMSServer can also be configured to automatically migrate from an unhealthy server instance to a healthy server instance with the help of the automatic service migration feature.

Type: array of weblogic.management.configuration.TargetMBean references

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The name of a configured JMS template that this JMS server uses to create temporary destinations.

Entering a template name, requires you to specify the JMS module that contains this template. However, a template name cannot be specified if the Hosting Temporary Destinations field is disabled.

Note: If the specified JMS template provides persistent store values, they are ignored because temporary destinations do not support persistent messaging.

Type: string

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The name of a JMS module that contains a template that this JMS server can use to create temporary destinations.

Entering a JMS module name requires you to specify a temporary template name. However, a module name cannot be specified if the Hosting Temporary Destinations field is disabled.

Type: string

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


This bean defines a system-level JMS resource. It links a separate descriptor that specifies the definition.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.JMSSystemResourceMBean entity are as follows:


This is only set for beans created as a result of conversion from an 8.1 application configured using ApplicationMBean and ComponentMBean.

Standalone modules in 8.1 have both an ApplicationMBean name and ComponentMBean name. This attribute stores the name of the latter, to be used when the server creates the transient ComponentMBean for backward compatibility.

Type: string

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


An integer value that indicates when this unit is deployed, relative to other deployable units on a server, during startup.

Units with lower values are deployed before those with higher values.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 100, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


A string value that indicates the principal that should be used when deploying the file or archive during startup and shutdown. This principal will be used to set the current subject when calling out into application code for interfaces such as ApplicationLifecycleListener. If no principal name is specified, then the anonymous principal will be used.

Type: string

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The name of the file that contains the module configuration. By default the file resides in the DOMAIN_DIR/config/jms directory.

The module file derives its name from the bean name using the following pattern:


Note that this is a read-only property that can only be set when the bean is created.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The values match those defined by jsr88. This attribute may move to another MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Return the Descriptor for the system resource. This should be overridden by the derived system resources.

Type: weblogic.descriptor.DescriptorBean reference

Constraints: Read Only, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Type: string

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


You must select a target on which an MBean will be deployed from this list of the targets in the current domain on which this item can be deployed. Targets must be either servers or clusters. The deployment will only occur once if deployments overlap.

Type: array of weblogic.management.configuration.TargetMBean references

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


For each configuration entity that supports per-partition-override via a MBean, we have two MBeans, the original configure MBean and the corresponding override MBean, that eventually determine the effective settings of the configured resource. We mark an attribute of an override MBean "dynamic true" even though the original configure MBean masks it "dynamic false". This is to make sure that the overriding settings take effect on partition restart. Otherwise a server restart is required.

Defines partition-specific overrides for the most commonly overridden attributes in a JMS system resource descriptor file. It overrides some of the settings in a same-named JMSSystemResource MBean instance in the same multi-tenant scope to which this override MBean belongs.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.JMSSystemResourceOverrideMBean entity are as follows:


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


This interface provides access to the JTAPartition configuration attributes. The methods defined herein are applicable for JTA configuration at the partition level.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.JTAPartitionMBean entity are as follows:


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string


Specifies the maximum amount of time, in seconds, an active transaction is allowed to be in the first phase of a two-phase commit transaction. If the specified amount of time expires, the transaction is automatically rolled back.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Minimum Value: 1, Maximum Value: 2147483647


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


Configuration bean for Libraries.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.LibraryMBean entity are as follows:


The fully resolved location of this application's alternate descriptor directory on the Administration Server.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The fully resolved location of this application's alternate descriptor on the Administration Server.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The fully resolved location of this application's installation root directory on the Administration Server.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The fully resolved location of this application's deployment plan directory on the Administration Server.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The fully resolved location of this application's deployment plan on the Administration Server.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The fully resolved location of this application's source files on the Administration Server.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The location of this application's configuration area. This directory can contain alternate descriptor files.


If the alternate descriptor directory is a relative path, it is resolved relative to InstallDir if InstallDir is not null; otherwise, it is resolved relative to the domain root.

Use AbsoluteAltDescriptorDir to get a fully resolved value.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The Application Identifier of the application version uniquely identifies the application version across all versions of all applications. If the application is not versioned, the Application Identifier is the same as the application name.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The name of the application.

Note that the name of the current MBean is not the name of the application.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Type: boolean

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


This is only set for beans created as a result of conversion from an 8.1 application configured using ApplicationMBean and ComponentMBean.

Standalone modules in 8.1 have both an ApplicationMBean name and ComponentMBean name. This attribute stores the name of the latter, to be used when the server creates the transient ComponentMBean for backward compatibility.

Type: string

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


An integer value that indicates when this unit is deployed, relative to other deployable units on a server, during startup.

Units with lower values are deployed before those with higher values.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 100, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


A string value that indicates the principal that should be used when deploying the file or archive during startup and shutdown. This principal will be used to set the current subject when calling out into application code for interfaces such as ApplicationLifecycleListener. If no principal name is specified, then the anonymous principal will be used.

Type: string

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The path to the application's install-root directory, relative to the domain/config/deployments directory.

When the installation directory is specified, SourcePath, PlanDir, and PlanPath are derived from this path and need not be specified.

The default value for this is the name of the deployment.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The values match those defined by jsr88. This attribute may move to another MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Determines if the modules of applications will be deployed in parallel.

Type: boolean

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The location of this application's configuration area. This directory can contain external descriptor files as specified within the deployment plan document.


If the plan directory is a relative path, it is resolved relative to InstallDir if InstallDir is not null; otherwise, it is resolved relative to the domain root.

Use AbsolutePlanDir to get a fully resolved value.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The path to the deployment plan document on the Administration Server.


If the plan path is a relative path, it is resolved relative to PlanDir if PlanDir is not null; otherwise, it is resolved relative to the domain root.

Use AbsolutePlanPath to get a fully resolved value.

If there is no plan, this returns no plan specified.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Specifies whether an application's deployment plan is copied from a source on the Administration Server to the Managed Server's staging area during application preparation.

Plan staging mode for an application can only be set the first time the application is deployed. Once the plan staging mode for an application is set, it cannot be changed while the application is configured in the domain. The only way to change the plan staging mode is to undeploy and then redeploy the application.

This attribute overrides the server's plan staging mode.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: null, Legal Values: nostage, stage, external_stage, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The security model that is used to secure a deployed module.

To set this value, you can use the weblogic.Deployer command-line tool, the Deployment Assistant in the Administration Console, the WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST), or another JMX client.

If you deploy a module using one of the previously mentioned tools and you do not specify a security model value, the module is secured with the security realm's default model (see weblogic.management.security.RealmMBean#getSecurityDDModel RealmMBean SecurityDDModel).

If you deploy a module by modifying the domain's config.xml file and restarting the server, and if you do not specify a security model value for the module in config.xml, the module is secured with the DDOnly model, which is the default value of this AppDeploymentMBean attribute.

In summary, the order of precedence for the value of this attribute is as follows:

  • If you deploy a module using a runtime deployment utility, the order of precedence is:

    1. The value set by the deployment utility.

    2. The value set as the security realm's default security model.

  • If you deploy a module by modifying config.xml and restarting the server, the order of precedence is:

    1. The value that you specify for the module in config.xml

    2. The default value of this AppDeploymentMBean SecurityDDModel attribute.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: DDOnly, Legal Values: DDOnly, CustomRoles, CustomRolesAndPolicies, Advanced, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The path to the source of the deployable unit on the Administration Server.


If the source path is relative, it is resolved relative to InstallDir/app if InstallDir is not null; otherwise, it is resolved relative to the domain root.

Use AbsoluteSourcePath to get a fully resolved value.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Specifies whether a deployment's files are copied from a source on the Administration Server to the Managed Server's staging area during application preparation.

Staging mode for an application can only be set the first time the application is deployed. Once the staging mode for an application is set, it cannot be changed while the application is configured in the domain. The only way to change the staging mode is to undeploy and then redeploy the application.

This attribute overrides the server's staging mode.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: null, Legal Values: nostage, stage, external_stage, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


You must select a target on which an MBean will be deployed from this list of the targets in the current domain on which this item can be deployed. Targets must be either servers or clusters. The deployment will only occur once if deployments overlap.

Type: array of weblogic.management.configuration.TargetMBean references

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


Only relevant for deployments in resource group templates. This flag, when specified as true, indicates that the application deployment must not be deployed in the referring partition.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


This attribute is not used in the current release.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Uniquely identifies the application version across all versions of the same application.

If the application is not versioned, this returns null.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Facilitates using the JavaMail APIs, which provide applications and other Java EE modules with access to Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP)- and Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)-capable mail servers on your network or the Internet.

In the reference implementation of JavaMail, applications must instantiate javax.mail.Session objects, which designate mail hosts, transport and store protocols, and a default mail user for connecting to a mail server. In WebLogic Server, you create a mail session, which configures a javax.mail.Session object and registers it in the WebLogic Server JNDI tree. Applications access the mail session through JNDI instead of instantiating their own javax.mail.Session object.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.MailSessionMBean entity are as follows:


The JNDI Name associated with this resource.

Type: string

Constraints: Legal Null: true, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


A priority that the server uses to determine when it deploys an item. The priority is relative to other deployable items of the same type.

For example, the server prioritizes and deploys all EJBs before it prioritizes and deploys startup classes.

Items with the lowest Deployment Order value are deployed first. There is no guarantee on the order of deployments with equal Deployment Order values. There is no guarantee of ordering across clusters.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 1000, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 2147483647, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


jmsserverjmshat on

The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


The configuration options and user authentication data that this mail session uses to interact with a mail server. Each property that you specify overrides the default property value as defined by the JavaMail API Design Specification.

Include only the properties defined by the JavaMail API Design Specification.

If you do not specify any properties, this mail session will use the JavaMail default property values.

Express each property as a namevalue pair. Separate multiple properties with a semicolon ().

Type: java.util.Properties

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The decrypted JavaMail Session password attribute, for use only temporarily in-memory; the value returned by this attribute should not be held in memory long term.

The value is stored in an encrypted form in the descriptor file and when displayed in an administration console.

Type: string

Constraints: Encrypted, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Returns the username to be used to create an authenticated JavaMail Session, using a JavaMail Authenticator instance; if this is not set, it will be assumed that the Session is not to be authenticated.

Type: string

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


You must select a target on which an MBean will be deployed from this list of the targets in the current domain on which this item can be deployed. Targets must be either servers or clusters. The deployment will only occur once if deployments overlap.

Type: array of weblogic.management.configuration.TargetMBean references

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


Defines partition-specific mail session attribute overrides of a mail session referenced by a partition resource group definition.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.MailSessionOverrideMBean entity are as follows:


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


The configuration options and user authentication data that this mail session uses to interact with a mail server.

Type: java.util.Properties


The decrypted JavaMail Session password attribute, for use only temporarily in-memory; the value returned by this attribute should not be held in memory long term.

Type: string

Constraints: Encrypted


The username to be used to create an authenticated JavaMail Session, using a JavaMail Authenticator instance.

Type: string


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


Configuration MBean representing parameters of partition level ManagedExecutorService.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.ManagedExecutorServiceMBean entity are as follows:


A priority that the server uses to determine when it deploys an item. The priority is relative to other deployable items of the same type.

For example, the server prioritizes and deploys all EJBs before it prioritizes and deploys startup classes.

Items with the lowest Deployment Order value are deployed first. There is no guarantee on the order of deployments with equal Deployment Order values. There is no guarantee of ordering across clusters.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 1000, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 2147483647, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The name of the Work Manager to use for this Concurrent Managed Ojbect (CMO). If a Work Manager is not specified, the default one is used.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: , VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


An integer that specifies the long-running daemon thread's priority. If a value is specified, all long-running threads are affected.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 5, Minimum Value: 1, Maximum Value: 10, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The maximum number of running long-running tasks submitted to this CMO.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 10, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 65534, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


You must select a target on which an MBean will be deployed from this list of the targets in the current domain on which this item can be deployed. Targets must be either servers or clusters. The deployment will only occur once if deployments overlap.

Type: array of weblogic.management.configuration.TargetMBean references

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


Configuration MBean representing parameters of ManagedExecutorService template.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.ManagedExecutorServiceTemplateMBean entity are as follows:


A priority that the server uses to determine when it deploys an item. The priority is relative to other deployable items of the same type.

For example, the server prioritizes and deploys all EJBs before it prioritizes and deploys startup classes.

Items with the lowest Deployment Order value are deployed first. There is no guarantee on the order of deployments with equal Deployment Order values. There is no guarantee of ordering across clusters.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 1000, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 2147483647


The name of the Work Manager to use for this Concurrent Managed Ojbect (CMO). If a Work Manager is not specified, the default one is used.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value:


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


An integer that specifies the long-running daemon thread's priority. If a value is specified, all long-running threads are affected.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 5, Minimum Value: 1, Maximum Value: 10


The maximum number of running long-running tasks submitted to this CMO.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 10, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 65534


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string


You must select a target on which an MBean will be deployed from this list of the targets in the current domain on which this item can be deployed. Targets must be either servers or clusters. The deployment will only occur once if deployments overlap.

Type: array of weblogic.management.configuration.TargetMBean references


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


Configuration MBean representing parameters of partition level ManagedScheduledExecutorService.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.ManagedScheduledExecutorServiceMBean entity are as follows:


A priority that the server uses to determine when it deploys an item. The priority is relative to other deployable items of the same type.

For example, the server prioritizes and deploys all EJBs before it prioritizes and deploys startup classes.

Items with the lowest Deployment Order value are deployed first. There is no guarantee on the order of deployments with equal Deployment Order values. There is no guarantee of ordering across clusters.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 1000, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 2147483647, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The name of the Work Manager to use for this Concurrent Managed Ojbect (CMO). If a Work Manager is not specified, the default one is used.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: , VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


An integer that specifies the long-running daemon thread's priority. If a value is specified, all long-running threads are affected.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 5, Minimum Value: 1, Maximum Value: 10, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The maximum number of running long-running tasks submitted to this CMO.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 10, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 65534, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


You must select a target on which an MBean will be deployed from this list of the targets in the current domain on which this item can be deployed. Targets must be either servers or clusters. The deployment will only occur once if deployments overlap.

Type: array of weblogic.management.configuration.TargetMBean references

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


Configuration MBean representing parameters of ManagedScheduledExecutorService template.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.ManagedScheduledExecutorServiceTemplateMBean entity are as follows:


A priority that the server uses to determine when it deploys an item. The priority is relative to other deployable items of the same type.

For example, the server prioritizes and deploys all EJBs before it prioritizes and deploys startup classes.

Items with the lowest Deployment Order value are deployed first. There is no guarantee on the order of deployments with equal Deployment Order values. There is no guarantee of ordering across clusters.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 1000, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 2147483647


The name of the Work Manager to use for this Concurrent Managed Ojbect (CMO). If a Work Manager is not specified, the default one is used.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value:


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


An integer that specifies the long-running daemon thread's priority. If a value is specified, all long-running threads are affected.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 5, Minimum Value: 1, Maximum Value: 10


The maximum number of running long-running tasks submitted to this CMO.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 10, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 65534


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string


You must select a target on which an MBean will be deployed from this list of the targets in the current domain on which this item can be deployed. Targets must be either servers or clusters. The deployment will only occur once if deployments overlap.

Type: array of weblogic.management.configuration.TargetMBean references


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


Configuration MBean representing parameters of partition level ManagedThreadFactory.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.ManagedThreadFactoryMBean entity are as follows:


A priority that the server uses to determine when it deploys an item. The priority is relative to other deployable items of the same type.

For example, the server prioritizes and deploys all EJBs before it prioritizes and deploys startup classes.

Items with the lowest Deployment Order value are deployed first. There is no guarantee on the order of deployments with equal Deployment Order values. There is no guarantee of ordering across clusters.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 1000, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 2147483647, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The maximum number of concurrent new threads that can be created by this Managed Thread Factory (MTF).

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 10, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 65534, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


An integer that specifies the daemon thread's priority. If a value is specified, all concurrent new threads created by this MTF are affected.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 5, Minimum Value: 1, Maximum Value: 10, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


You must select a target on which an MBean will be deployed from this list of the targets in the current domain on which this item can be deployed. Targets must be either servers or clusters. The deployment will only occur once if deployments overlap.

Type: array of weblogic.management.configuration.TargetMBean references

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


Configuration MBean representing common parameters of ManagedThreadFactory template.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.ManagedThreadFactoryTemplateMBean entity are as follows:


A priority that the server uses to determine when it deploys an item. The priority is relative to other deployable items of the same type.

For example, the server prioritizes and deploys all EJBs before it prioritizes and deploys startup classes.

Items with the lowest Deployment Order value are deployed first. There is no guarantee on the order of deployments with equal Deployment Order values. There is no guarantee of ordering across clusters.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 1000, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 2147483647


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The maximum number of concurrent new threads that can be created by this Managed Thread Factory (MTF).

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 10, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 65534


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


An integer that specifies the daemon thread's priority. If a value is specified, all concurrent new threads created by this MTF are affected.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 5, Minimum Value: 1, Maximum Value: 10


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string


You must select a target on which an MBean will be deployed from this list of the targets in the current domain on which this item can be deployed. Targets must be either servers or clusters. The deployment will only occur once if deployments overlap.

Type: array of weblogic.management.configuration.TargetMBean references


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


This MBean defines the max number of concurrent threads that can execute requests sharing this max constraint.

MaxThreadsConstraint can be used to tell the server that the requests are constrained by an external resource like a database and allocating more threads that the external resource limit is not going to help since the extra threads are just going to wait.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.MaxThreadsConstraintMBean entity are as follows:


Name of the connection pool whose size is taken as the max constraint.

This can be the name of a JDBC data source. The max capacity of the data source is used as the constraint.

Type: string


Maximum number of concurrent threads that can execute requests sharing this constraint.

A count of 0 or -1 is treated as if the constraint is not present. This means that no constraint is enforced for these two values. A count > 0 can be dynamically changed to 0 to indicate that constraint enforcement is no longer needed.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: -1


A priority that the server uses to determine when it deploys an item. The priority is relative to other deployable items of the same type.

For example, the server prioritizes and deploys all EJBs before it prioritizes and deploys startup classes.

Items with the lowest Deployment Order value are deployed first. There is no guarantee on the order of deployments with equal Deployment Order values. There is no guarantee of ordering across clusters.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 1000, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 2147483647


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Desired size of the MaxThreadsConstraint queue for requests pending execution.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 8192, Minimum Value: 256, Maximum Value: 1073741824


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string


You must select a target on which an MBean will be deployed from this list of the targets in the current domain on which this item can be deployed. Targets must be either servers or clusters. The deployment will only occur once if deployments overlap.

Type: array of weblogic.management.configuration.TargetMBean references


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


This MBean represents a WebLogic messaging bridge. A messaging bridge instance interoperates between separate implementations of WebLogic JMS or between WebLogic JMS and another messaging product.

For WebLogic JMS and third-party JMS products, a messaging bridge communicates with a configured source and target destinations using the resource adapters provided with WebLogic Server.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.MessagingBridgeMBean entity are as follows:


Specifies if this messaging bridge instance allows the degradation of its QOS (quality of service) when the configured QOS is not available.

  • When enabled, the messaging bridge instance degrades the QOS when the configured QOS is not available. If the QOS is degraded, a log message is delivered to the WebLogic startup window or log file.

  • When not enabled, if messaging bridge instance cannot satisfy the quality of service requested, an error results and the messaging bridge instance does not start.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Specifies if a messaging bridge instance forwards in asynchronous messaging mode.

AsyncEnabled only applies to messaging bridge instances whose source destination supports asynchronous receiving. Messaging bridges instances that forward in asynchronous mode are driven by the source destination. A messaging bridge instance listens for messages and forwards them as they arrive. When AsyncEnabled is not selected, a bridge instance is forced to work in synchronous mode, even if the source supports asynchronous receiving.

Note: For a messaging bridge instance with a QOS of Exactly-once to work in asynchronous mode, the source destination has to support the MDBTransaction interface. Otherwise, the bridge automatically switches to synchronous mode if it detects that MDBTransaction is not supported by the source destination.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: true, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The maximum amount of time, in milliseconds, that a messaging bridge instance waits before sending a batch of messages in one transaction, regardless of whether the Batch Size has been reached or not.

  • Only applies to a messaging bridge instance forwarding messages in synchronous mode and has a QOS (quality of service) that requires two-phase transactions.

  • The default value of -1 indicates that the bridge instance waits until the number of messages reaches the Batch Size before it completes a transaction.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Has Default Value: -1, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The number of messages that are processed within one transaction.

Batch Size only applies to a messaging bridge instance forwarding messages in synchronous mode and has a QOS (quality of service) that requires two-phase transactions.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 10, Minimum Value: 0, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


A priority that the server uses to determine when it deploys an item. The priority is relative to other deployable items of the same type.

For example, the server prioritizes and deploys all EJBs before it prioritizes and deploys startup classes.

Items with the lowest Deployment Order value are deployed first. There is no guarantee on the order of deployments with equal Deployment Order values. There is no guarantee of ordering across clusters.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 1000, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 2147483647, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Specifies how the instances of a configured JMS artifact are named and distributed when cluster-targeted. A JMS artifact is cluster-targeted when its target is directly set to a cluster, or when it is scoped to a resource group and the resource group is in turn targeted to a cluster. When this setting is configured on a store, it applies to all JMS artifacts that reference the store. Valid options:

  • Distributed Creates an instance on each server JVM in a cluster. Required for all SAF agents and for cluster-targeted or resource-group-scoped JMS servers that host distributed destinations.

  • Singleton Creates a single instance on a single server JVM within a cluster. Required for cluster-targeted or resource-group-scoped JMS servers that host standalone (non-distributed) destinations and for cluster-targeted or resource-group-scoped path services. The Migration Policy must be On-Failure or Always when using this option with a JMS server, On-Failure when using this option with a messaging bridge, and Always when using this option with a path service.

Instance Naming Note:

  • The DistributionPolicy determines the instance name suffix for cluster-targeted JMS artifacts. The suffix for a cluster-targeted Singleton is -01 and for a cluster-targeted Distributed is @ClusterMemberName.

Messaging Bridge Notes:

  • When an instance per server is desired for a cluster-targeted messaging bridge, Oracle recommends setting the bridge Distributed Policy and Migration Policy to Distributed/Off, respectively; these are the defaults.

  • When a single instance per cluster is desired for a cluster-targeted bridge, Oracle recommends setting the bridge Distributed Policy and Migration Policy to Singleton/On-Failure, respectively.

  • If you cannot cluster-target a bridge and still need singleton behavior in a configured cluster, you can target the bridge to a migratable target and configure the Migration Policy on the migratable target to Exactly-Once.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: Distributed, Legal Values: Distributed, Singleton, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Specifies whether or not the messaging bridge allows durable messages.

When enabled and the source destination is a JMS topic, a messaging bridge instance uses a durable subscription to ensure that no messages are lost in the event of a failure. DurabilityEnabled ignored if the source destination is a JMS queue.

  • When enabled and the source destination uses durable subscriptions, the source JMS implementation saves messages that are sent when a messaging bridge instance is not running. When the bridge instance is restarted, these messages are forwarded to the target destination. The administrator can choose not to be durable.

  • When not enabled, messages that are sent to the source JMS implementation while the bridge instance is down cannot be forwarded to the target destination.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: true, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, to delay before failing a cluster-targeted JMS artifact instance back to its preferred server after the preferred server failed and was restarted.

This delay allows time for the system to stabilize and dependent services to be restarted, preventing a system failure during a reboot.

  • A value > specifies the time, in seconds, to delay before failing a JMS artifact back to its user preferred server.

  • A value of indicates that the instance would never failback.

  • A value of -1 indicates that there is no delay and the instance would failback immediately.

Note: This setting only applies when the JMS artifact is cluster-targeted and the Migration Policy is set to On-Failure or Always

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Has Default Value: -1, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The maximum amount of time, in seconds, that a messaging bridge instance remains idle.

  • In asynchronous mode, this is the longest amount of time a messaging bridge instance stays idle before it checks the sanity of its connection to the source.

  • In synchronous mode, this is the amount of time the messaging bridge can block on a receive call if no transaction is involved.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 60, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 2147483647, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, to delay before starting a cluster-targeted JMS instance on a newly booted WebLogic Server instance. When this setting is configured on a store, it applies to all JMS artifacts that reference the store.

This allows time for the system to stabilize and dependent services to be restarted, preventing a system failure during a reboot.

  • A value > is the time, in seconds, to delay before before loading resources after a failure and restart.

  • A value of specifies no delay.

Note: This setting only applies when the JMS artifact is cluster-targeted and the Migration Policy is set to On-Failure or Always

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Has Default Value: 60, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Controls migration and restart behavior of cluster-targeted JMS service artifact instances. When this setting is configured on a cluster-targeted store, it applies to all JMS artifacts that reference the store. See the migratable target settings for enabling migration and restart on migratable-targeted JMS artifacts.

  • Off Disables migration support for cluster-targeted JMS service objects, and changes the default for Restart In Place to false. If you want a restart to be enabled when the Migration Policy is Off, then Restart In Place must be explicitly configured to true. This policy cannot be combined with the Singleton Migration Policy.

  • On-Failure Enables automatic migration and restart of instances on the failure of a subsystem Service or WebLogic Server instance, including automatic fail-back and load balancing of instances.

  • Always Provides the same behavior as On-Failure and automatically migrates instances even in the event of a graceful shutdown or a partial cluster start.

Note: Cluster leasing must be configured for On-Failure and Always.

Messaging Bridge Notes:

  • When an instance per server is desired for a cluster-targeted messaging bridge, Oracle recommends setting the bridge Distributed Policy and Migration Policy to Distributed/Off, respectively; these are the defaults.

  • When a single instance per cluster is desired for a cluster-targeted bridge, Oracle recommends setting the bridge Distributed Policy and Migration Policy to Singleton/On-Failure, respectively.

  • A Migration Policy of Always is not recommended for bridges.

  • If you cannot cluster-target a bridge and still need singleton behavior in a configured cluster, you can target the bridge to a migratable target and configure the Migration Policy on the migratable target to Exactly-Once.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: Off, Legal Values: Off, On-Failure, Always, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Specifies the maximum number of restart attempts.

  • A value > specifies the maximum number of restart attempts.

  • A value of specifies the same behavior as setting getRestartInPlace to false

  • A value of -1 means infinite retry restart until it either starts or the server instance shuts down.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 6, Minimum Value: -1, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, to delay before a partially started cluster starts all cluster-targeted JMS artifact instances that are configured with a Migration Policy of Always or On-Failure.

Before this timeout expires or all servers are running, a cluster starts a subset of such instances based on the total number of servers running and the configured cluster size. Once the timeout expires or all servers have started, the system considers the cluster stable and starts any remaining services.

This delay ensures that services are balanced across a cluster even if the servers are started sequentially. It is ignored after a cluster is fully started (stable) or when individual servers are started.

  • A value > specifies the time, in seconds, to delay before a partially started cluster starts dynamically configured services.

  • A value of specifies no delay.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Has Default Value: 240, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Specifies if message properties are preserved when messages are forwarded by a bridge instance.

The following message properties are preserved:

  • message ID

  • message timestamp

  • user ID

  • delivery mode

  • priority

  • expiration time

  • redelivery limit

  • unit of order name

If the target bridge destination is on a foreign JMS server, the following message properties are preserved:

  • delivery mode

  • priority

  • expiration time

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The QOS (quality of service) for this messaging bridge instance.

  • Exactly-once: Each message in the source destination is transferred to the target exactly once. This is the highest QOS a messaging bridge instance can offer.

  • Atmost-once: Each message in the source is transferred to the target only once with the possibility of being lost during the forwarding.

  • Duplicate-okay: Messages in the source destination are transferred to the target (none are lost) but some may appear in the target more than once.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Secure Value: Exactly-once, Has Default Value: Exactly-once, Legal Values: Exactly-once, Atmost-once, Duplicate-okay, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The incremental delay time, in seconds, that a messaging bridge instance increases its waiting time between one failed reconnection attempt and the next retry.

Use with ReconnectDelayMinimum and ReconnectDelayMaximum. After the first failure to connect to a destination, the bridge instance waits for the number of seconds defined by ReconnectDelayMinimum. Each time a reconnect attempt fails, the bridge instance increases its waiting time by the number of seconds defined by ReconnectDelayIncrease. The maximum delay time is defined by ReconnectDelayMaximum. Once the waiting time is increased to the maximum value, the bridge instance stops increase its waiting time. Once the bridge instance successfully connects to the destination, the bridge instance resets its waiting time to the initial value defined by ReconnectDelayMinimum

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 5, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 2147483647, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The longest amount of time, in seconds, that a messaging bridge instance waits between one failed attempt to connect to the source or target, and the next retry.

Use with ReconnectDelayMinimum and ReconnectDelayIncrease. After the first failure to connect to a destination, a bridge instance waits for the number of seconds defined by ReconnectDelayMinimum. Each time a reconnect attempt fails, the bridge instance increases its waiting time by the number of seconds defined by ReconnectDelayIncrease. The maximum delay time is defined by ReconnectDelayMaximum. Once the waiting time is increased to the maximum value, the bridge instance stops increase its waiting time. Once the bridge instance successfully connects to the destination, the bridge instance resets its waiting time to the initial value defined by ReconnectDelayMinimum

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 60, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 2147483647, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The minimum amount of time, in seconds, that a messaging bridge instance waits before it tries to reconnect to the source or target destination after a failure.

Use with ReconnectDelayMaximum and ReconnectDelayIncrease. After the first failure to connect to a destination, the bridge instance waits for the number of seconds defined by ReconnectDelayMinimum. Each time a reconnect attempt fails, the bridge instance increases its waiting time by the number of seconds defined by ReconnectDelayIncrease. The maximum delay time is defined by ReconnectDelayMaximum. Once the waiting time is increased to the maximum value, the bridge instance stops increase its waiting time. Once the bridge instance successfully connects to the destination, the bridge instance resets its waiting time to the initial value defined by ReconnectDelayMinimum


Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 15, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 2147483647, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Enables a periodic automatic in-place restart of failed cluster-targeted or standalone-server-targeted JMS artifact instance(s) running on healthy WebLogic Server instances. See the migratable target settings for in-place restarts of migratable-targeted JMS artifacts. When the Restart In Place setting is configured on a store, it applies to all JMS artifacts that reference the store.

  • If the Migration Policy of the JMS artifact is set to Off, Restart In Place is disabled by default.

  • If the Migration Policy of the JMS artifact is set to On-Failure or Always, Restart In Place is enabled by default.

  • This attribute is not used by WebLogic messaging bridges which automatically restart internal connections as needed.

  • For a JMS artifact that is cluster-targeted and the Migration Policy is set to On-Failure or Always, if restart fails after the configured maximum retry attempts, it will migrate to a different server within the cluster.

Type: boolean

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, to wait in between attempts to restart a failed service instance.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 30, Minimum Value: 1, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The filter for messages that are sent across the messaging bridge instance.

Only messages that match the selection criteria are sent across the messaging bridge:

  • For queues, messages that do not match the selection criteria are left behind and accumulate in the queue.

  • For topics, messages that do not match the connection criteria are dropped.

Type: string

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The source destination from which this messaging bridge instance reads messages.

Type: weblogic.management.configuration.BridgeDestinationCommonMBean reference

Constraints: Restart Required, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Specifies the initial operating state of a targeted messaging bridge instance.

  • If enabled, the messaging bridge instance forwards messages (running).

  • If not enabled, the messaging bridge instance does not forward messages (temporarily stopped).

After a messaging bridge has started forwarding messages (running), use Started to temporarily suspend an active messaging bridge instance or restart an stopped messaging bridge instance.

  • Select the Started checkbox to start a messaging bridge instance that has been temporarily stopped.

  • Clear the Started checkbox to temporarily stop a messaging bridge instance that was running.

  • This value does not indicate the run-time state of a messaging bridge instance.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: true, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The target destination where a messaging bridge instance sends the messages it receives from the source destination.

Type: weblogic.management.configuration.BridgeDestinationCommonMBean reference

Constraints: Restart Required, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


You must select a target on which an MBean will be deployed from this list of the targets in the current domain on which this item can be deployed. Targets must be either servers or clusters. The deployment will only occur once if deployments overlap.

Type: array of weblogic.management.configuration.TargetMBean references

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The amount of time, in seconds, that the transaction manager waits for each transaction before timing it out.

  • Transaction timeouts are used when the QOS (quality of service) for a messaging bridge instance requires transactions.

  • If a bridge is configured with Exactly-once QOS, the receiving and sending is completed in one transaction.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 30, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 2147483647, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


This MBean defines the minimum number of concurrent threads that should allocated to this constraint provided there are enough pending requests.

Multiple WorkManagers can share a common MinThreadsConstraint. MinThreadsConstraint perform their own bookkeeping and demand a thread when the constraint is not met and there are enough requests.

MinThreadsConstraint should be used to tell the WebLogic Server that a certain number of minimum threads are necessary to prevent server to server deadlocks. Although the server is self-tuning, specifying MinThreadsConstraint ensures that the server guarantees minimum threads to avoid the distributed deadlocks.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.MinThreadsConstraintMBean entity are as follows:


Minimum number of concurrent threads executing requests that share this constraint.

A count of 0 or -1 is treated as if the constraint is not present. This means that the constraint is ignored for these two values. A count > 0 can be dynamically changed to 0 to indicate that constraint enforcement is no longer needed.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: -1


A priority that the server uses to determine when it deploys an item. The priority is relative to other deployable items of the same type.

For example, the server prioritizes and deploys all EJBs before it prioritizes and deploys startup classes.

Items with the lowest Deployment Order value are deployed first. There is no guarantee on the order of deployments with equal Deployment Order values. There is no guarantee of ordering across clusters.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 1000, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 2147483647


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string


You must select a target on which an MBean will be deployed from this list of the targets in the current domain on which this item can be deployed. Targets must be either servers or clusters. The deployment will only occur once if deployments overlap.

Type: array of weblogic.management.configuration.TargetMBean references


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


An MBean representing an OSGi framework.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.OsgiFrameworkMBean entity are as follows:


Determines if some WebLogic helper bundles will be installed into the framework

If this is set to "populate" then the bundles found in the WebLogic installation directory under wlserver/server/osgi-lib will be installed into this OSGi framework. Futhermore a few extra packages will be added to the bootdelegation classpath parameters in order to enable the bundles in the osgi-lib directory if they are not already there.

If this is set to "ignore" then the bundles found in the WebLogic installation directory will not be installed into the framework.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: populate, Legal Values: populate, ignore, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


A priority that the server uses to determine when it deploys an item. The priority is relative to other deployable items of the same type.

For example, the server prioritizes and deploys all EJBs before it prioritizes and deploys startup classes.

Items with the lowest Deployment Order value are deployed first. There is no guarantee on the order of deployments with equal Deployment Order values. There is no guarantee of ordering across clusters.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 1000, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 2147483647, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The name of the frameworks implementation class for the org.osgi.framework.launch.FrameworkFactory class.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: org.apache.felix.framework.FrameworkFactory, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The properties to be used when initializing the framework. All standard properties and all properties specific to the framework can be set.

Type: java.util.Properties

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


The name of the org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation property. Note that this value, if set, will take precedence over anything specified in the init-properties.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: null, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The name of the org.osgi.framework.system.packages.extra property. Note that this value, if set, will take precedence over anything specified in the init-properties.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: null, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The location of the OSGi implementation JAR file which contains the org.osgi.framework.launch.FrameworkFactory implementation. If this field is not set then an appropriate default implementation that is shipped with the product will be used.

If this field is relative it must be relative to the start directory of the server and the file must exist everywhere this framework is deployed. If this field is not relative then the given filename must exist at the same location everywhere this framework is deployed.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: null, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Returns true if global data sources should be added to the OSGi service registry.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: true, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Returns true if global work managers should be added to the OSGi service registry.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: true, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


You must select a target on which an MBean will be deployed from this list of the targets in the current domain on which this item can be deployed. Targets must be either servers or clusters. The deployment will only occur once if deployments overlap.

Type: array of weblogic.management.configuration.TargetMBean references

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


Defines the partition file system configuration.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.PartitionFileSystemMBean entity are as follows:


Specifies whether the file system should be created on-demand when the partition is first started.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: true


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Specifies whether the file system should be preserved when the partition is deleted.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: true


The full path to the root of this file subsystem of the partition.

Type: string


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


Partition scoped logging configuration.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.PartitionLogMBean entity are as follows:


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false


List of attributes from the WebLogic ServerDebugMBean that are enabled for the given partition. Note: Server level debug for a partition should be carefully enabled in consultation with a WebLogic system administrator only for a short period to capture additional debug output when troubleshooting a server problem.

Type: array of string


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Logger names and level map.

Type: java.util.Properties


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


A domain partition. A configuration may define zero or more partitions.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.PartitionMBean entity are as follows:


The maximum number of elements retained for monitoring RCM usage requests over time.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 250, Minimum Value: 1, Maximum Value: 5000


All the available targets for this partition.

Type: array of weblogic.management.configuration.TargetMBean references


The name of the application-scoped Managed Executor Service instance that will be used to run Batch jobs that are submitted from applications deployed to the partition. A Managed Executor Service Template by the same name must exist for the domain when a Batch job is submitted in the partition. If this name returns null, then the Batch runtime will use the default Java EE Managed Executor Service that is bound to the default JNDI name of: java:comp/DefaultManagedExecutorService.

Type: string


The data source required to support the persistence of jobs scheduled with the job scheduler.

Type: weblogic.management.configuration.JDBCSystemResourceMBean reference


A list of default targets for the partition (if any).

Type: array of weblogic.management.configuration.TargetMBean references


Determines if tracking of resource consumption metrics of this Partition is initiated eagerly from the time the Partition is started, or if it is initiated lazily on first access of PartitionResourceMetricsRuntimeMBean.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


The number of seconds a graceful shutdown operation waits before forcing a shut down. A graceful shutdown gives WebLogic Server subsystems time to complete certain application processing currently in progress. If subsystems are unable to complete processing within the number of seconds that you specify here, the partition will force shutdown automatically.

A value of means that the partition will wait indefinitely for a graceful shutdown to complete.

The graceful shutdown timeout applies only to graceful shutdown operations.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 0, Minimum Value: 0


Indicates whether a graceful shutdown operation drops all HTTP sessions immediately.

If this is set to false, a graceful shutdown operation waits for HTTP sessions to complete or timeout.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


The table name to use for storing timers active with the Job Scheduler.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: WEBLOGIC_TIMERS


The maximum number of running long-running requests that can be submitted to all the Managed Executor Services or Managed Scheduled Executor Services in the partition on the current server.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 50, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 65534


The maximum number of running threads that can be created by all the Managed Thread Factories in the partition on the current server.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 50, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 65534


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Determines if the modules of applications will be deployed in parallel. This setting can be overridden at the per-application level. See AppDeploymentMBean#isParallelDeployModules()

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


Determines if applications will be deployed in parallel.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: true


The ID for this partition.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


The number of seconds a force shutdown operation waits before timing out. If the operation does not complete within the configured timeout period, the partition will shutdown automatically if the state of the server at that time was SHUTTING_DOWN

A value of means that the partition will wait indefinitely for the life cycle operation to complete.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Secure Value: 120, Has Default Value: 30, Has Production Mode Default Value: 120, Minimum Value: 0


A reference to a partition-level work manager policy set by the system administrator.

Type: weblogic.management.configuration.PartitionWorkManagerMBean reference


The partition's primary identity domain.

Type: string


The security realm for this partition.

Type: weblogic.management.security.RealmMBean reference


The resource deployment plan path.

Type: string


A resource manager reference from the resource management.

Type: weblogic.management.configuration.ResourceManagerMBean reference


The timeout value for a partition's start and resume operations. If the partition fails to start within the timeout period, it will force a shutdown.

A value of means that the server will wait indefinitely for the operation to complete.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 0, Has Production Mode Default Value: 0, Minimum Value: 0


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


The directory path on the Administration Server where the uploaded applications for this partition are placed.

Type: string


The PartitionPropertyMBean is used when performing macro substitution from elements in the ResourceGroupTemplateMBean. If a macro is encountered in the ResourceGroupTemplate attribute, then the macro name will be used to locate the corresponding PartitionPropertyMBean and the value will be substituted accordingly. Note that ConfigurationMBean contains getName/setName

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.PartitionPropertyMBean entity are as follows:


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


Get the value for the given macro

Type: string


Defines the partition file system configuration.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.PartitionUserFileSystemMBean entity are as follows:


Specifies whether the file system should be created on-demand when the partition is first started.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: true


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Specifies whether the file system should be preserved when the partition is deleted.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: true


The full path to the root of this file subsystem of the partition.

Type: string


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


Specifies partition-level work manager policies that are configured by domain system administrators.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.PartitionWorkManagerMBean entity are as follows:


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false


A desired percentage of thread usage by a partition compared to the thread usage by all partitions. It is recommended that the sum of this value for all the partitions running in a WLS domain add up to 100, but it is not strictly enforced. When they do not add up to 100, WLS assigns thread-usage times to different partitions based on their relative values.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 50, Minimum Value: 1, Maximum Value: 99


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The maximum number of concurrent requests that the self-tuning thread pool can be processing on behalf of a partition at any given time. The default value of -1 means that this is only limited by the size of the self-tuning thread pool.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: -1


Desired size of the Partition MaxThreadsConstraint queue for requests pending execution.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 8192, Minimum Value: 256, Maximum Value: 1073741824


This imposes an upper limit on the number of standby threads that can be created for satisfying the minimum threads constraints configured in a partition. If the sum of the configured values of all minimum threads constraints in a partition exceeds this configured value, a warning message will be logged and WLS will limit the number of threads the self-tuning thread pool will allocate to the partition to satisfy its minimum threads constraints. A value of 0 means no limit is imposed on the partition.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 0, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 65534


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


The total number of requests that can be present in the server for a partition, as a percentage of the sharedCapacityForWorkManagers attribute value in OverloadProtection MBean. This includes requests that are enqueued and those under execution.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 100, Minimum Value: 1, Maximum Value: 100


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


A resource group is a named collection of deployable resources. Typically the resources in a given resource group are related in some way, for example in that they make up a single application suite.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.ResourceGroupMBean entity are as follows:


Does this resource group contain administrative applications and resources? If true, then this is considered an administrative resource group and will be handled differently by the partition lifecycle. Specifically, an administrative resource group will be left running when a partition is shut down (it will be shut down only when the partition is halted).

Note that this Boolean is independent of the targeting of the resource group and works independently of the autoTargetAdminServer Boolean.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


Should this resource group always be targeted to the Administration Server? If true, then this resource group will be targeted to the domain's Administration Server using the partition's administrative virtual target (AdminVT) in addition to any targets explicitly set on the resource group. Functionally, this is similar to getting the partition's administrative virtual target and explicitly adding it to the list of resource group targets.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


The resource group template referenced by this resource group.

Type: weblogic.management.configuration.ResourceGroupTemplateMBean reference


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string


A list of all the targets.

Type: array of weblogic.management.configuration.TargetMBean references


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


The directory path on the Administration Server where the uploaded applications for this resource group template are placed.

Type: string


Checks whether this resource group uses the default target from the partition that contains the resource group.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: true


A resource group template is a named, domain-level collection of deployable resources intended to be used as a pattern by (usually) multiple resource groups. Each resource group that refers to a given template will have its own runtime copies of the resources defined in the template.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.ResourceGroupTemplateMBean entity are as follows:


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


The directory path on the Administration Server where the uploaded applications for this resource group template are placed.

Type: string


A {@code ResourceManagerMBean} represents a resource consumption management policy. A policy controls and governs the use of shared resources in a Server runtime, by a Partition that the policy is attached to. A resource manager holds information on constraints and recourse actions for different resources in a Server instance.

A system administrator defines a resource manager and configures child MBeans that represent particular combinations of shares and usage limits of various resources in the Server runtime.

The system administrator may then assign the resource manager to one or more Partitions to ensure fair allocation of shared resources to collocated Domain Partitions, and to ensure that one Partition doesn't exhaust shared resources (potentially affecting other collocated Partitions).

The set of resources on which resource management policies can be assigned to, and the child MBeans through which they can be configured are:

  1. File Open: FileOpenMBean

  2. Heap Retained: HeapRetainedMBean

  3. CPU Utilization: CpuUtilizationMBean

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.ResourceManagerMBean entity are as follows:


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


This MBean defines the response time goal for this request class.

Response time goals can be used to differentiate request classes. We do not try to meet a response time goal for an individual request. Rather we compute a tolerable waiting time for a request class by subtracting the observed average thread use time. Then we schedule requests so that the average wait for each request class is in proportion to their tolerable waiting time. For example, consider we only have two request classes, A and B, with response time goals 2000ms and 5000ms, respectively, where the time an individual request uses a thread is much smaller. During a period in which both request classes are sufficiently requested, say, zero think time and more clients than threads, we schedule to keep the average response time in the ratio 2:5 so that it is a common fraction or multiple of the stated goal.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.ResponseTimeRequestClassMBean entity are as follows:


A priority that the server uses to determine when it deploys an item. The priority is relative to other deployable items of the same type.

For example, the server prioritizes and deploys all EJBs before it prioritizes and deploys startup classes.

Items with the lowest Deployment Order value are deployed first. There is no guarantee on the order of deployments with equal Deployment Order values. There is no guarantee of ordering across clusters.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 1000, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 2147483647


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false


A response time goal in milliseconds.

You can either define a response time goal or keep the -1 default value, which acts as a placeholder for the response time goal. By doing so, you have not defined the response time goal at run time but can define one later.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: -1


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string


You must select a target on which an MBean will be deployed from this list of the targets in the current domain on which this item can be deployed. Targets must be either servers or clusters. The deployment will only occur once if deployments overlap.

Type: array of weblogic.management.configuration.TargetMBean references


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


{@code RestartLoopProtectionMBean} defines the configuration to stop the partition from entering an endless restart loop. It is an optional configuration and when enabled it is a resource manager wide configuration.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.RestartLoopProtectionMBean entity are as follows:


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


Gets the value of max-restart-allowed. max-restart-allowed is defined as the maximum number of RCM initiated partition restarts allowed in the specified time interval(as specified by max-restart-allowed-interval), after which the partition will be halted upon an RCM initiated request to restart the partition.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Minimum Value: 0


Gets the value of max-restart-allowed-interval. The max-restart-allowed-interval is defined as a fixed-width, sliding-window time interval (in seconds) within which the specified number (as specified by max-restart-allowed) of RCM initiated partition restarts are permitted. A RCM initiated request to restart the partition that exceeds the given max-restart-allowed number in the given max-restart-allowed-interval will lead to the partition being halted than being restarted.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Minimum Value: 0


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


The restart delay. A restart delay introduces a delay before starting the partition, as part of the RCM initiated restart action.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Minimum Value: 0


Checks if restart loop protection is enabled.

Type: boolean


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


This class represents a Store-and-Forward (SAF) agent. A SAF sending agent takes care of storing messages to a persistent storage, forwarding messages to the receiving side, and re-transmitting messages when acknowledgements do not come back in time. A SAF receiving agent takes care of detecting and eliminating duplicate messages sent by the receiving agent, and deliver messages to the final endpoint.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.SAFAgentMBean entity are as follows:


The maximum interval between two successive acknowledgements sent by the receiving side.

  • Applies only to agents with receiving capability.

  • A value of -1 specifies that there is no time limit between successive acknowledgement.

  • Updating AcknowlegeInterval causes connections starting after the update to use the new value.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Has Default Value: -1, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The maximum bytes quota (total amount of bytes) that can be stored in this SAF agent.

  • The default value of -1 specifies that there is no WebLogic-imposed limit on the number of bytes that can be stored. However, excessive bytes volume can cause memory saturation, so this value should correspond to the total amount of available system memory relative to the rest of your application load.

  • Applies only to agents with sending capability.

  • Updating BytesMaximum affects only new requests.

Range of Values: >= BytesThresholdHigh

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Has Default Value: -1, Minimum Value: -1, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The upper threshold value that triggers events based on the number of bytes stored in the SAF agent.

  • The default value of -1 disables the events for this SAF agent.

  • Applies only to agents with sending capability.

  • Updating BytesThresholdHigh affects only new requests.

  • If the number of bytes exceeds this threshold, the triggered events are:

    • Log Messages: A message is logged on the server indicating a high threshold condition.

    • Flow Control: The agent becomes armed and instructs producers to begin decreasing their message flow.

Range of Values: <= BytesMaximum; >= BytesThresholdLow

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Has Default Value: -1, Minimum Value: -1, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The lower threshold that triggers events based on the number of bytes stored in the SAF agent.

  • The default value of -1 disables the events for this SAF agent.

  • Applies only to agents with sending capability.

  • Updating BytesThresholdLow affects only new requests.

  • If the number of bytes falls below this threshold, the triggered events are:

    • Log Messages: A message is logged on the server indicating that the threshold condition has cleared.

    • Flow Control: The agent becomes disarmed and instructs producers to begin increasing their message flow.

Range of Values: <= BytesThresholdHigh

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Has Default Value: -1, Minimum Value: -1, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The maximum amount of time allowed, in milliseconds, before a sending side releases the resources used by a conversation.

  • If there is no activity for a conversation for the specified amount of time, the sending agent releases all resources for that conversation and notifies the receiving agent to do the same.

  • A value of specifies that resources for a conversation are not released unless the application explicitly closes the conversation.

  • Updating ConversationIdleTimeMaximum causes connections starting after the update to use the new value.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Has Default Value: 0, Minimum Value: 0, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The amount of time, in milliseconds, between the original delivery attempt and the first retry.

  • If RetryDelayMultiplier is set to , this defines the interval between any two successive retry attempts.

  • Applies only to agents with sending capability.

  • Updating DefaultRetryDelayBase causes connections starting after the update to use the new value.

Range of Values: <= RetryDelayMaximum if RetryDelayMultiplier is not 1.0.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Has Default Value: 20000, Minimum Value: 1, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The maximum amount of time, in milliseconds, between two successive delivery retry attempts.

  • Applies only to agents with sending capability.

  • Updating DefaultRetryDelayMaximum causes connections starting after the update to use the new value.

Range of Values: > = RetryDelayBase if RetryDelayMultiplier is not 1.0.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Has Default Value: 180000, Minimum Value: 1, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The factor used to multiply the previous delay time to calculate the next delay time to be used.

  • Applies only to agents with sending capability.

  • Updating DefaultRetryDelayMuliplier causes connections starting after the update to use the new value.

Range of Values: >= 1.

Type: number/double

Constraints: Has Default Value: 1.0, Minimum Value: 1.0, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The default amount of time, in milliseconds, that the agent guarantees to reliably send messages.

  • A value of 0 means the agent guarantees to reliably send messages for the duration of the conversation.

  • Updating DefaultTimeToLive causes conversations starting after the update to use the new value.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Has Default Value: 0, Minimum Value: 0, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


A priority that the server uses to determine when it deploys an item. The priority is relative to other deployable items of the same type.

For example, the server prioritizes and deploys all EJBs before it prioritizes and deploys startup classes.

Items with the lowest Deployment Order value are deployed first. There is no guarantee on the order of deployments with equal Deployment Order values. There is no guarantee of ordering across clusters.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 1000, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 2147483647, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Specifies whether the agent is paused for forwarding messages at the startup time.

When enabled, the sending agent forwards messages. Otherwise, the sending agent does not forward any messages.

If the value is changed and activated, you need to restart any servers to which the MBean is targeted before the value will take effect (even though you do not get a warning in the Console that the server needs to be restarted).

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Specifies whether the agent is paused for incoming messages at startup time.

When enabled, the sending agent accepts new messages. Otherwise, the sending agent does not accept any new messages.

If the value is changed and activated, you need to restart any servers to which the MBean is targeted before the value will take effect (even though you do not get a warning in the Console that the server needs to be restarted).

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Specifies whether a message is logged in the server log file when a message fails to be forwarded.

  • If selected, this applies to messages that fail to be forwarded and delivered to the final destination when there is no error handling in a SAF application or the application's error handling fails.

  • Applies only to agents with receiving capability.

  • Updating LoggingEnabled causes connections starting after the update to use the new value.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: true, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The maximum number of bytes allowed in individual messages on this SAF agent.

  • The message size includes the message body, any user-defined properties, and the user-defined JMS header fields: JMSCorrelationID and JMSType

  • Producers sending messages that exceed the configured maximum message size for the SAF agent will receive a ResourceAllocationException

  • The maximum message size is only enforced for the initial production of a message. Messages that are redirected to an error destination or forwarded to a member of a distributed destination are not checked for size. For instance, if a destination and its corresponding error destination are configured with a maximum message size of 128K bytes and 64K bytes, respectively, a message of 96K bytes could be redirected to the error destination (even though it exceeds the 64K byte maximum), but a producer could not directly send the 96K byte message to the error destination.

  • Applies only to agents with sending capability.

  • Updating MaximumMessageSize affects only incoming messages; stored messages are not affected.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 2147483647, Minimum Value: 0, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The amount of memory used to store message bodies in memory before they are paged out to disk.

  • A value of -1 (the default) specifies that the server will automatically determine a size based on the maximum heap size of the JVM. This default will be set to either one-third the maximum heap size, or 512 megabytes, whichever is smaller.

  • The larger the buffer, the more memory JMS will consume when many messages are waiting on queues or topics. Once the buffer is surpassed, JMS may write message bodies to the directory specified by PagingDirectory in an effort to reduce memory usage below this buffer.

  • Surpassing the buffer size does not stop the JMS server from accepting new messages. It is still possible to run out of memory if messages are arriving faster than they can be written to disk. Users with high messaging loads who wish to support the highest possible availability should consider setting a quota or setting a threshold and enabling flow control.

  • Applies only to agents with sending capability.

  • Paging is always supported.

  • Updating the memory size resets the message count so that only requests arriving after the update are charged against the new memory size.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Has Default Value: -1, Minimum Value: -1, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Specifies the type of message compression used when JMS message body compression is enabled for Persistent Stores and JMS Paging Stores.

  • Use GZIP_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION to enable message compression using the JDK GZIP API with DEFAULT_COMPRESSION level.

  • Use GZIP_BEST_COMPRESSION to enable message compression using the JDK GZIP API with BEST_COMPRESSION level.

  • Use GZIP_BEST_SPEED to enable message compression using the JDK GZIP API with BEST_SPEED level.

  • Use LZF to enable message compression using Open Source LZF.

This attribute should be used only when configuring a WebLogic domain in an Oracle Exalogic environment.

Type: string



The maximum message quota (total amount of messages) that can be stored in this SAF agent.

  • The default value of -1 specifies that the server instance has no limit on the number of messages that can be stored. However, excessive message volume can cause memory saturation, so this value should correspond to the total amount of available system memory relative to the rest of your application load.

  • Applies only to sending agents.

  • Updating the maximum message quota resets the message count so that only requests arriving after the update are charged against the new quota.

Range of Values: >= MessagesThresholdHigh

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Has Default Value: -1, Minimum Value: -1, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The upper threshold that triggers events based on the number of messages stored in the SAF agent.

  • The default value of -1 disables the events for this SAF agent.

  • Applies only to agents with sending capability.

  • Updating MessagesThresholdHigh affects only new requests.

  • If the number of messages exceeds this threshold, the triggered events are:

    • Log Messages: A message is logged on the server indicating a high threshold condition.

    • Flow Control: The agent becomes armed and instructs producers to begin decreasing their message flow.

Range of Values: <= MessagesMaximum; >= MessagesThresholdLow

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Has Default Value: -1, Minimum Value: -1, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The low threshold that triggers events based on the number of messages stored in the SAF agent.

  • The default value of -1 disables the events for this SAF agent.

  • Applies only to agents with sending capability.

  • Updating MessagesThresholdLow affects only new requests.

  • If the number of messages falls below this threshold, the triggered events are:

    • Log Messages: A message is logged on the server indicating that the threshold condition has cleared.

    • Flow Control: The agent becomes disarmed and instructs producers to begin increasing their message flow.

Range of Values: <= MessagesThresholdHigh.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Has Default Value: -1, Minimum Value: -1, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Specifies where message bodies are written when the size of the message bodies in the JMS server exceeds the message buffer size. If unspecified, messages are written to the tmp directory in the host WebLogic Server instance's directory. For example, domainName/servers/servername/tmp.

  • For best performance, this directory should not be the same as the directory used by the SAF agent's persistent store.

  • Applies only to agents with sending capability.

If the value is changed and activated, you need to restart any servers to which the MBean is targeted before the value will take effect (even though you do not get a warning in the Console that the server needs to be restarted).

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: null, Legal Null: true, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Enables the JMS paging store to perform message body compression on persistent and non-persistent messages. When false, the default value, no compression is performed.

This attribute should be enabled only when configuring a WebLogic domain in an Oracle Exalogic environment.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Specifies whether the agent is paused for receiving messages at the startup time.

When enabled, the sending agent receives messages. Otherwise, the sending agent does not receive any messages.

If the value is changed and activated, you need to restart any servers to which the MBean is targeted before the value will take effect (even though you do not get a warning in the Console that the server needs to be restarted).

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The type of service that this SAF agent provides. JMS requires only a Sending agent on the sending side for messages. Whereas, Web Services Reliable Messaging requires both a Sending and Receiving agent for messages.

  • Sending-only Configures an agent that stores messages in persistent storage, forwards messages to the receiving side, and re-transmits messages when acknowledgements do not come back in time.

  • Receiving-only Configures an agent that detects and eliminates duplicate messages sent by a receiving agent, and delivers messages to the final destination.

  • Both Configures an agent that has sending and receiving agent functionality.

If the value is changed and activated, you need to restart any servers to which the MBean is targeted before the value will take effect (even though you do not get a warning in the Console that the server needs to be restarted).

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: Both, Legal Values: Both, Sending-only, Receiving-only, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The persistent disk-based file store or JDBC-accessible database for the SAF agent.

If a store is not configured, the server's default store is used.

If the value is changed and activated, you need to restart any servers to which the MBean is targeted before the value will take effect (even though you do not get a warning in the Console that the server needs to be restarted).

Type: weblogic.management.configuration.PersistentStoreMBean reference

Constraints: Restart Required, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Enables the JMS store to perform message body compression. When set to false, the default value, no compression is performed.

This attribute should be enabled only when configuring a WebLogic domain in an Oracle Exalogic environment.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Type: array of weblogic.management.configuration.TargetMBean references

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


The maximum amount of time, in milliseconds, that a JMS sending agent waits before forwarding messages in a single batch. For a distributed queue or topic, WindowInterval setting is ignored.

A sending agent waits to forward the message batch until either: (A) the source destination message count is greater than or equal to the configured Window Size; (B) it has waited a specified Window Interval, whichever comes first.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Has Default Value: 0, Minimum Value: 0, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


For JMS messages, the number of messages in a batch. A sending agent waits to forward a message batch until the source destination message count is greater than or equal to this value. For a distributed queue or topic, WindowSize setting is ignored and always internally set to 1 message.

For WSRM, the maximum number of unacknowledged messages allowed between a source destination and a target destination during a conversation.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 10, Minimum Value: 1, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Provides domain-wide security configuration information.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.SecurityConfigurationMBean entity are as follows:


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


SelfTuning MBean contains the global work manager component MBeans.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.SelfTuningMBean entity are as follows:


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


A desired percentage of thread usage by a partition compared to the thread usage by all partitions. It is recommended that the sum of this value for all the partitions running in a WLS domain add up to 100, but it is not strictly enforced. When they do not add up to 100, WLS assigns thread-usage times to different partitions based on their relative values. This attribute is for use in the global domain only. Use the PartitionWorkManager MBean for specifying partition fair share values for partitions.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 50, Minimum Value: 1, Maximum Value: 99


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


This bean represents an individually targetable entity within a deployment package, which is deployable on WLS. This includes :

Modules in an EAR

JMS resources within a app scoped JMS module in an EAR

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.SubDeploymentMBean entity are as follows:


This is only set for beans created as a result of conversion from an 8.1 application configured using ApplicationMBean and ComponentMBean.

Standalone modules in 8.1 have both an ApplicationMBean name and ComponentMBean name. This attribute stores the name of the latter, to be used when the server creates the transient ComponentMBean for backward compatibility.

Type: string


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The values match those defined by jsr88. This attribute may move to another MBean.

Type: string


Unique identifier for this bean instance. It is used by the application container to match the module in the application package to the targeting information in the configuration.

For modules within an EAR, the name should be the URI of the module as defined in the META-INF/application.xml deployment descriptor. There is an exception to this for web applications. See below.

For web modules in an EAR, the name should always equal the context root of that webapp, because the URI is not always unique

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string


You must select a target on which an MBean will be deployed from this list of the targets in the current domain on which this item can be deployed. Targets must be either servers or clusters. The deployment will only occur once if deployments overlap.

Type: array of weblogic.management.configuration.TargetMBean references


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


Only relevant for deployments in resource group templates. Sub-deployments cannot have arbitrary targets if they are part of a deployment from resource group template. The sub-deployments, in such cases, may only be targeted to the virtual host of referring partition or stay untargeted. This flag, when specified with true, indicates that the sub-deployment must not be deployed in the referring partition

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


This mbean is used to configure a Trigger (Usage limit) based policy for a resource type.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.TriggerMBean entity are as follows:


Gets the configured recourse action that needs to be taken when the usage of resource crosses the value specified in getValue().

Type: string


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


Gets the upper-limit value of the resource assigned to the Trigger configuration.

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Minimum Value: 1


This bean represents a target for a resource group in a partition. It defines access point to resources, i.e. hostname, port, partition uri path. Moreover, it provide configurations for each protocol, for example, http, t3, ssl, iiop etc.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.VirtualTargetMBean entity are as follows:


Get the explicit port for this virtual target.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 0, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 65535


Host names, separated by line breaks, for which this virtual target will serve requests.

Type: array of string


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


The channel name to be used as a reference for creating a partition specific channel.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: PartitionChannel


The port offset for this virtual target. If set to the minimum value, the port offset is not set.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 0, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 65535


You must select a target from this list of the targets in the current domain. Targets must be either servers or clusters. The deployment will only occur once if the targets overlap. For example, if a deployment is deployed both on a cluster C and on a server S that is a member of that cluster, the deployment will be deployed on server S only once.

Type: array of weblogic.management.configuration.TargetMBean references

Constraints: Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


The URI prefix for this virtual target.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: /


This bean defines a system-level WebLogic Diagnostic Framework (WLDF) resource. It links a separate descriptor that specifies the definition.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.WLDFSystemResourceMBean entity are as follows:


This is only set for beans created as a result of conversion from an 8.1 application configured using ApplicationMBean and ComponentMBean.

Standalone modules in 8.1 have both an ApplicationMBean name and ComponentMBean name. This attribute stores the name of the latter, to be used when the server creates the transient ComponentMBean for backward compatibility.

Type: string

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


An integer value that indicates when this unit is deployed, relative to other deployable units on a server, during startup.

Units with lower values are deployed before those with higher values.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 100, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


A string value that indicates the principal that should be used when deploying the file or archive during startup and shutdown. This principal will be used to set the current subject when calling out into application code for interfaces such as ApplicationLifecycleListener. If no principal name is specified, then the anonymous principal will be used.

Type: string

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Optional short description of this WLDFSystemResource. If provided, the WebLogic Server Administration Console will display the resource description.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: null, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The name of the descriptor file that contains the XML configuration information for this system-level resource. The location of this file is a relative path rooted at DOMAIN_DIR/config. By default the file resides in the DOMAIN_DIR/config/diagnostics directory, and derives its name from the bean name using the following pattern:


Note that the filename is a read-only property, which is set when the WLDF resource is created.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The values match those defined by jsr88. This attribute may move to another MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Return the Descriptor for the system resource. This should be overridden by the derived system resources.

Type: weblogic.descriptor.DescriptorBean reference

Constraints: Read Only, VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Type: string

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


You must select a target on which an MBean will be deployed from this list of the targets in the current domain on which this item can be deployed. Targets must be either servers or clusters. The deployment will only occur once if deployments overlap.

Type: array of weblogic.management.configuration.TargetMBean references

Constraints: VisibleForDomainScopedMBeans=false


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


Aggregates the logging attributes for the WebServerMBean.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.WebServerLogMBean entity are as follows:


Returns the list of fields specified for the extended logging format for access.log.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: date time cs-method cs-uri sc-status


Gets the underlying log buffer size in kilobytes

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 8


The date format pattern used for rendering dates in the log. The DateFormatPattern string conforms to the specification of the java.text.SimpleDateFormat class.

Type: string

Constraints: Legal Null: true


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false


The maximum number of log files that the server creates when it rotates the log. This number does not include the file that the server uses to store current messages. (Requires that you enable Number of Files Limited.)

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 7, Has Production Mode Default Value: 100, Minimum Value: 1, Maximum Value: 99999


The size (1 - 2097150 kilobytes) that triggers the server to move log messages to a separate file. The default is 500 kilobytes. After the log file reaches the specified minimum size, the next time the server checks the file size, it will rename the current log file as SERVER_NAME.lognnnnn and create a new one to store subsequent messages. (Requires that you specify a file rotation type of Size.)

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 500, Has Production Mode Default Value: 5000, Minimum Value: 1, Maximum Value: 2097150


The name of the log file.

Type: string


The interval (in hours) at which the server saves old log messages to another file. (Requires that you specify a file rotation type of TIME.)

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 24, Minimum Value: 1


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The format of the HTTP log file. Both formats are defined by the W3C. With the extended log format, you use server directives in the log file to customize the information that the server records.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: common, Legal Values: common, extended


The directory where the rotated log files will be stored. By default the rotated files are stored in the same directory where the log file is stored.

Type: string


Specifies whether the time stamps for HTTP log messages are in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) regardless of the local time zone that the host computer specifies.

Use this method to comply with the W3C specification for Extended Format log files. The specification states that all time stamps for Extended Format log entries be in GMT.

This method applies only if you have specified the extended message format.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


Indicates whether this server logs HTTP requests. (The remaining fields on this page are relevant only if you select this check box.)

Gets the loggingEnabled attribute of the WebServerMBean object.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Secure Value: true, Has Default Value: true


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Indicates whether to limit the number of log files that this server instance creates to store old messages. (Requires that you specify a file rotation type of SIZE or TIME.)

After the server reaches this limit, it deletes the oldest log file and creates a new log file with the latest suffix.

If you do not enable this option, the server creates new files indefinitely and you must clean up these files as you require.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: true, Has Production Mode Default Value: true


Specifies whether a server rotates its log file during its startup cycle. The default value in production mode is false.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: true, Has Production Mode Default Value: false


Determines the start time (hour and minute) for a time-based rotation sequence.

At the time that this value specifies, the server renames the current log file. Thereafter, the server renames the log file at an interval that you specify in File Time Span.

Note that WebLogic Server sets a threshold size limit of 500 MB before it forces a hard rotation to prevent excessive log file growth.

Use the following format: H:mm, where

  • is Hour in day (0-23)

  • mm is the minute in hour

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: 00:00


Criteria for moving old log messages to a separate file.

  • NONE Messages accumulate in a single file. You must erase the contents of the file when the size is too large. Note that WebLogic Server sets a threshold size limit of 500 MB before it forces a hard rotation to prevent excessive log file growth.

  • SIZE When the log file reaches the size that you specify in FileMinSize, the server renames the file as SERVER_NAME.lognnnnn

  • TIME At each time interval that you specify in TimeSpan, the server renames the file as SERVER_NAME.lognnnnn

After the server renames a file, subsequent messages accumulate in a new file with the name that you specified as the log file name.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: bySize, Legal Values: bySize, byTime, none


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


This bean represents the configuration of virtual web server within a weblogic server. Note that a server may define multiple web servers to support virtual hosts.

This MBean represents a virtual host.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.WebServerMBean entity are as follows:


Indicates whether the session ID should include JVM information. (Checking this box may be necessary when using URL rewriting with WAP devices that limit the size of the URL to 128 characters, and may also affect the use of replicated sessions in a cluster.) When this box is selected, the default size of the URL will be set at 52 characters, and it will not contain any special characters.

Gets the WAPEnabled attribute of the WebServerMBean object

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


Indicates whether this server allows the inclusion of the context path in the virtual path to context.getRealPath(). (If checked, you cannot use sub directories with the same name as contextPath). This is a compatibility switch that will be deprecated in future releases.

Gets the acceptContextPathInGetRealPath attribute of the WebServerMBean object

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


Whether authcookie feature is enabled or not.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Secure Value: true, Has Default Value: true


Indicates whether the use of Chunk Transfer-Encoding in HTTP/1.1 is enabled.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


Get the Client IP Header from WebSerevrMBean.

Type: string


Returns the original context-root for the default Web application for this Web server. Alternatively, you can use the context-root attributes in application.xml or weblogic.xml to set a default Web application. The context-root for a default Web application is /. If "" (empty string) is specified, the Web server defaults to /.

Type: string


A priority that the server uses to determine when it deploys an item. The priority is relative to other deployable items of the same type.

For example, the server prioritizes and deploys all EJBs before it prioritizes and deploys startup classes.

Items with the lowest Deployment Order value are deployed first. There is no guarantee on the order of deployments with equal Deployment Order values. There is no guarantee of ordering across clusters.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 1000, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 2147483647


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false


The name of the HTTP port to which all redirected URLs will be sent. If specified, WebLogic Server will use this value rather than the one in the HOST header.

Sets the frontendHTTPPort Provides a method to ensure that the webapp will always have the correct PORT information, even when the request is coming through a firewall or a proxy. If this parameter is configured, the HOST header will be ignored and the information in this parameter will be used in its place.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 0


The name of the secure HTTP port to which all redirected URLs will be sent. If specified, WebLogic Server will use this value rather than the one in the HOST header.

Sets the frontendHTTPSPort Provides a method to ensure that the webapp will always have the correct PORT information, even when the request is coming through a firewall or a proxy. If this parameter is configured, the HOST header will be ignored and the information in this parameter will be used in its place.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 0


The name of the host to which all redirected URLs will be sent. If specified, WebLogic Server will use this value rather than the one in the HOST header.

Sets the HTTP frontendHost Provides a method to ensure that the webapp will always have the correct HOST information, even when the request is coming through a firewall or a proxy. If this parameter is configured, the HOST header will be ignored and the information in this parameter will be used in its place.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: null


The amount of time this server waits before closing an inactive HTTPS connection.

Number of seconds to maintain HTTPS keep-alive before timing out the request.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Secure Value: 60, Has Default Value: 60, Minimum Value: 30, Maximum Value: 360


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


Indicates whether there should be a persistent connection to this server. (This may improve the performance of your Web applications.)

Gets the keepAliveEnabled attribute of the WebServerMBean object

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Secure Value: true, Has Default Value: true


The amount of time this server waits before closing an inactive HTTP connection.

Number of seconds to maintain HTTP keep-alive before timing out the request.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Secure Value: 30, Has Default Value: 30, Minimum Value: 5, Maximum Value: 3600


The maximum post size this server allows for reading HTTP POST and PUT data in a servlet request.

A value less than 0 indicates an unlimited size.

Gets the maxPostSize attribute of the WebServerMBean object

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: -1


Max Post Time (in seconds) for reading HTTP POST data in a servlet request. MaxPostTime < 0 means unlimited

Gets the maxPostTimeSecs attribute of the WebServerMBean object

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: -1


Max Request Parameter Count this server allows for reading maximum HTTP POST Parameters count in a servlet request.

Gets the maxRequestParameterCount attribute of the WebServerMBean object

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 10000


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Get the response code to be used when an application is overloaded. An application can get overloaded when the number of pending requests has reached the max capacity specified in the WorkManager or when the server is low on memory. The low memory condition is determined using OverloadProtectionMBean#getFreeMemoryPercentLowThreshold().

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 503, Minimum Value: 100, Maximum Value: 599


Timeout (in seconds) for reading HTTP POST data in a servlet request. If the POST data is chunked, the amount of time the server waits between the end of receiving the last chunk of data and the end of receiving the next chunk of data in an HTTP POST before it times out. (This is used to prevent denial-of-service attacks that attempt to overload the server with POST data.)

Gets the postTimeoutSecs attribute of the WebServerMBean object

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Secure Value: 30, Has Default Value: 30, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 120


Indicates whether this server name is sent with the HTTP response. (This is useful for wireless applications where there is limited space for headers.)

Indicates whether this server instance includes its name and WebLogic Server version number in HTTP response headers.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Secure Value: false, Has Default Value: false


Indicates whether the singleSignonDisabled attribute is enabled

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string


You must select a target on which an MBean will be deployed from this list of the targets in the current domain on which this item can be deployed. Targets must be either servers or clusters. The deployment will only occur once if deployments overlap.

Type: array of weblogic.management.configuration.TargetMBean references


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Secure Value: false, Has Default Value: false


Enables use of the highest compatible HTTP protocol version-string in the response. E.g. HTTP spec suggests that HTTP/1.1 version-string should be used in response to a request using HTTP/1.0. This does not necessarily affect the response format.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: true


The default size of the blocks to be written to the network layer.

Gets the writeChunkBytes attribute of the WebServerMBean object

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: 512


Represents buffering configuration for web services.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.WebServiceBufferingMBean entity are as follows:


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


The number of times a buffered request or response can be retried before it is abandoned (and moved to any error queue defined for the buffer queue)

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 3, Minimum Value: 0


The amount time between retries of a buffered request and response. Note, this value is only applicable when RetryCount > 0. String value in "Duration" format. Defaults to "P0DT30S" (30 seconds).

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: P0DT30S


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


Represents a logical store for web services.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.WebServiceLogicalStoreMBean entity are as follows:


Get the interval at which the persistent store will be cleaned

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: PT10M


Get the default max time an object can remain in the store. This can be overridden on individual objects placed in the store (internally, but not via this API).

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: P1D


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


Get the name of this logical store.

Type: string


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Get the persistence strategy in use by this logical store. Any physical store configured for use with this logical store should support this strategy.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: LOCAL_ACCESS_ONLY, Legal Values: LOCAL_ACCESS_ONLY, IN_MEMORY


Get the name of the physical store to be used by this logical store. This property is recommended for use only when running off server or in other cases where a buffering queue JNDI name cannot be set via setBufferingQueueJndiName. If a buffering queue JNDI name is set to a non-null/non-empty value, this property is ignored. Defaults to "" to indicate the default WLS file store should be used.

This property is ignored if persistence strategy is IN_MEMORY.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value:


Get the JNDI name of the buffering queue that web services should use. (Both for buffering and to find the physical store for this logical store). Defaults to "" to indicate the PhysicalStoreName property should be used.

This property is ignored if persistence strategy is IN_MEMORY.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value:


Get the JNDI name of the response buffering queue that web services should use. If this is null, the request buffering queue is used.

Type: string


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


Encapsulates information about a Web Service configuration.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.WebServiceMBean entity are as follows:


For use only with the JAX-RPC stack. For JAX-WS, use WebServiceBufferingMBean instead.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: weblogic.wsee.DefaultCallbackQueue


For use only with the JAX-RPC stack. For JAX-WS, use WebServiceBufferingMBean instead.

Type: string


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


For use only with the JAX-RPC stack. For JAX-WS, use WebServiceBufferingMBean instead.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: weblogic.jms.XAConnectionFactory


For use only with the JAX-RPC stack. For JAX-WS, use WebServiceBufferingMBean instead.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: weblogic.wsee.DefaultQueue


For use only with the JAX-RPC stack. For JAX-WS, use WebServiceBufferingMBean instead.

Type: string


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


Represents persistence configuration for web services.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.WebServicePersistenceMBean entity are as follows:


Get the name of the logical store to use, by default, for all web services persistent state in this server.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: WseeStore


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


Represents a physical store for web services. Used only for non-WLS containers (e.g. other app-server or standalone client).

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.WebServicePhysicalStoreMBean entity are as follows:


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


For file stores, specifies the directory that will hold all files related to the store. The actual file names are controlled internally by the file store implementation. For other types of stores, this location may be a URL or URI, or other description string.

Type: string


Get the name of this physical store.

Type: string


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Get the type of this physical store.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: FILE, Legal Values: FILE, JDBC


Specifies the algorithm used when performing synchronous writes to the physical store.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: CACHE_FLUSH, Legal Values: DISABLED, CACHE_FLUSH, DIRECT_WRITE


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


Represents reliability configuration for web services.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.WebServiceReliabilityMBean entity are as follows:


The maximum time a pending acknowledgement (set after the destination accepts a message) can wait before being delivered back to the RM source. String value in "Duration" format. Defaults to "P0DT0.2S" (200 milliseconds). Set at sequence creation time, and cannot be reset.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: P0DT0.2S


The interval of time that must pass before a message will be retransmitted to the RM destination (in the event a prior transmission failed). String value in "Duration" format. Defaults to "P0DT3S" (3 seconds). Set at sequence creation time, and cannot be reset.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: P0DT3S


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


If during this duration, an endpoint (RM source or RM destination) has received no application or control messages, the endpoint MAY consider the RM Sequence to have been terminated due to inactivity. String value in "Duration" format. Defaults to "P0DT600S" (600 seconds). Implementations of RM source and RM destination are free to manage resources associated with the sequence as they please, but in general, there are no guarantees that the sequence will be useable by either party after the inactivity timeout expires. Set at sequence creation time, and cannot be reset.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: P0DT600S


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


A boolean flag indicating that RM destinations, by default, will receive non-buffered. Defaults to false. Note, changes to this default will only be picked up by new reliable sequences. Existing reliable sequences have their persistence handling set at creation time and these values will not change.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


A boolean flag indicating that RM sources, by default, will send non-buffered. Defaults to false. Note, changes to this default will only be picked up by new reliable sequences. Existing reliable sequences have their persistence handling set at creation time and these values will not change.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


A boolean flag indicating that the retransmission interval will be adjusted using the exponential backoff algorithm ([Tanenbaum]). Defaults to false. Set at sequence creation time, and cannot be reset.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


This is the maximum lifetime of a sequence. If this limit is reached before the sequence naturally completes, it will be forcibly terminated. String value in "Duration" format. Defaults to "P1D" (1 day). Set at sequence creation time, and cannot be reset.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: P1D


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


Represents request buffering queue configuration for web services.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.WebServiceRequestBufferingQueueMBean entity are as follows:


The JNDI name of the connection factory to use when buffering messages onto this queue. Defaults to the 'default' JMS connection factory.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: null


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false


A boolean flag indicating whether buffering is enabled (request buffering if this is the request queue, or response buffering if this is the response queue). Defaults to false.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


Get the name of this buffering queue. This name is the JNDI name of the queue to be used for buffering.

Type: string


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string


A boolean flag indicating whether transactions should be used when buffering a message onto or consuming a message off of this queue. Defaults to false.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


Represents response buffering queue configuration for web services.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.WebServiceResponseBufferingQueueMBean entity are as follows:


The JNDI name of the connection factory to use when buffering messages onto this queue. Defaults to the 'default' JMS connection factory.

Type: string

Constraints: Has Default Value: null


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false


A boolean flag indicating whether buffering is enabled (request buffering if this is the request queue, or response buffering if this is the response queue). Defaults to false.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


Get the name of this buffering queue. This name is the JNDI name of the queue to be used for buffering.

Type: string


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string


A boolean flag indicating whether transactions should be used when buffering a message onto or consuming a message off of this queue. Defaults to false.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: false


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


Configuration MBean representing WorkManager parameters. A WorkManager configuration can have a RequestClass(FairShare, ResponseTime, ContextBased), MinThreadsConstraint, MaxThreadsConstraint, Capacity and ShutdownTrigger. All these are optional and need to be configured as needed. An empty WorkManager without configuration gets its own default fair share. The default fair share value is 50.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.WorkManagerMBean entity are as follows:


Specifies whether this work manager should be scoped to an application. By default, work managers are scoped to an application. Set this value to false if the work manager is to be scoped to a domain

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: true


The total number of requests that can be queued or executing before WebLogic Server begins rejecting requests.

Type: weblogic.management.configuration.CapacityMBean reference

Constraints: Restart Required


The mapping of Request Classes to security names and groups.

Type: weblogic.management.configuration.ContextRequestClassMBean reference

Constraints: Restart Required


A priority that the server uses to determine when it deploys an item. The priority is relative to other deployable items of the same type.

For example, the server prioritizes and deploys all EJBs before it prioritizes and deploys startup classes.

Items with the lowest Deployment Order value are deployed first. There is no guarantee on the order of deployments with equal Deployment Order values. There is no guarantee of ordering across clusters.

Type: integer/int32

Constraints: Has Default Value: 1000, Minimum Value: 0, Maximum Value: 2147483647


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false


Get the FairShareRequestClass for this WorkManager

Type: weblogic.management.configuration.FairShareRequestClassMBean reference

Constraints: Restart Required


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


Specifies whether this Work Manager ignores "stuck" threads. Typically, stuck threads will cause the associated Work Manager to take some action: either switching the application to Admin mode, shutting down the server, or shutting down the Work Manager. If this flag is set, then no thread in this Work Manager is ever considered stuck.

If you do not explicitly specify IGNORE_STUCK_THREADS=TRUE, the default behavior is that upon encountering stuck threads, the server will take one of the aforementioned actions.

Type: boolean


The maximum number of concurrent threads that can be allocated to execute requests.

Type: weblogic.management.configuration.MaxThreadsConstraintMBean reference

Constraints: Restart Required


The minimum number of threads allocated to resolve deadlocks.

Type: weblogic.management.configuration.MinThreadsConstraintMBean reference

Constraints: Restart Required


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


The response time goal (in milliseconds).

Type: weblogic.management.configuration.ResponseTimeRequestClassMBean reference

Constraints: Restart Required


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string


You must select a target on which an MBean will be deployed from this list of the targets in the current domain on which this item can be deployed. Targets must be either servers or clusters. The deployment will only occur once if deployments overlap.

Type: array of weblogic.management.configuration.TargetMBean references


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


This MBean is used to configure the trigger that shuts down the WorkManager. The trigger specifies the number of threads that need to be stuck for a certain amount of time for the trigger to shutdown the WorkManager automatically. A shutdown WorkManager refuses new work and completes pending work.

The properties of the weblogic.management.configuration.WorkManagerShutdownTriggerMBean entity are as follows:


Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: false


Return the unique id of this MBean instance

Type: integer/int64

Constraints: Read Only


Time after which a executing thread is declared as stuck.

Type: integer/int32


The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's javax.management.ObjectName


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Legal Null: true


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

Type: string


Whether to resume work manager once the stuck threads were cleared

Type: boolean

Constraints: Has Default Value: true


Number of stuck threads after which the WorkManager is shutdown

Type: integer/int32


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Type: array of string


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only


The authenticated user that is making the request.

The properties of the weblogic.management.rest.bean.model.CurrentUser entity are as follows:


The ID of the partition where the component that is being invoked resides.

Type: string


The human readable name of the partition ID.

Type: string


The login of the user making this request, if the user has been authenticated, or null if the user has not been authenticated.

Type: string


A Version entity describes a version of the WebLogic Server resources.

The properties of the weblogic.management.rest.bean.model.Version entity are as follows:


True if this is the default version.

Type: boolean


The lifecycle of this version: active or deprecated

Type: string


The name of this version.

Type: string


The MBean that represents configuration attributes for the security realm.

A security realm contains a set of security configuration settings, including the list of security providers to use (for example, for authentication and authorization).

Code using security can either use the default security realm for the domain or refer to a particular security realm by name (by using the JMX display name of the security realm).

One security realm in the WebLogic domain must have the DefaultRealm attribute set to true. The security realm with the DefaultRealm attribute set to true is used as the default security realm for the WebLogic domain. Note that other available security realms must have the DefaultRealm attribute set to false.

When WebLogic Server boots, it locates and uses the default security realm. The security realm is considered active since it is used when WebLogic Server runs. Any security realm that is not used when WebLogic Server runs is considered inactive. All active security realms must be configured before WebLogic Server is boots.

Since security providers are scoped by realm, the Realm attribute on a security provider must be set to the realm that uses the provider.

The properties of the weblogic.management.security.RealmMBean entity are as follows:


Returns the CertPath Builder provider in this security realm that will be used by the security system to build certification paths. Returns null if none has been selected. The provider will be one of this security realm's CertPathProviders

Type: weblogic.management.security.pk.CertPathBuilderMBean reference

Constraints: Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: Realm


The SSPI MBean that all Audit providers must extend.

This entity has no properties.


The base MBean for all MBean implementations that manage Authentication providers. If your Authentication provider uses the WebLogic Security SSPI to provide login services, then your MBean must extend weblogic.management.security.authentication.Authenticator. If your Authentication provider uses the WebLogic Security SSPI to provide identity-assertion services, then your MBean must extend weblogic.management.security.authentication.IdentityAsserter

This entity has no properties.


A marker interface to indicate a password validation provider MBean. All password validation provider MBeans must extend this interface.

This entity has no properties.


The SSPI MBean that all Adjudication providers must extend.

This entity has no properties.


The base MBean for Authorization providers. An Authorization provider for a non-deployable module must extend this MBean directly. An Authorization provider for a deployable module must extend the DeployableAuthorizer MBean.

This entity has no properties.


The base MBean for Role Mapping providers. A Role Mapping provider for a non-deployable module must extend this MBean directly. A Role Mapping provider for a deployable module must extend the DeployableRoleMapperMBean interface.

This entity has no properties.


The SSPI MBean that all Credential Mapping providers must extend. The base MBean for Credential Mapping providers. A Credential Mapping provider for a non-deployable module must extend this MBean directly. An Credential Mapping provider for a deployable module must extend DeployableCredentialMapper

This entity has no properties.


The base MBean for all MBean implementations that manage certification path providers. If your certification path provider provides CertPathBuilder services, then your MBean must extend weblogic.management.security.pk.CertPathBuilder. If your certification path provider provides CertPathValidator services, then your MBean must extend weblogic.management.security.pk.CertPathValidator

This entity has no properties.