What's New in This Guide for MAF 2.3.2

The following topics introduce the new and changed features of Oracle Mobile Application Development Framework (Oracle MAF) and other significant changes, which are described in this guide.

New and Changed Features for MAF 2.3.2

Oracle MAF 2.3.2 includes the following new and changed development features, which are described in this guide.

  • MAF applications can now access REST services through the client data model introduced in this release. The client data model provides a wizard to identify the data objects exposed by REST services that you can include in your MAF application’s data model. Once identified, you can specify.

    • Data to persist on users’ devices when your application is offline

    • Specify parent-child relationships between data objects

    • Identify the REST resources that perform CRUD actions on the data

    • Synchronize data from your application to the server when your application returns online

    For more information, see Creating the Client Data Model in a MAF Application.

  • MAF applications can now parse the JSON response from a login success URL to retrieve the OAuth token to relay it when the MAF application requests access to secured services. You enable this capability by selecting the Parse Token Relay Response checkbox when configuring the login connection. For more information, see How to Configure Web SSO Authentication.