What's New in This Guide for Release 2.3.3

Section Change

Migrating an Application Developed Using AMPA to MAF 2.3.3

Revised to note that the MAF client data model's implementation of DBPersistenceManager does not provide the constants (for example, SQL_SELECT_KEYWORD) provided by the AMPA implementation of DBPersistenceManager.

Installing the MAF Extension in JDeveloper

Revised to recommend that you close any existing MAF applications you have open in JDeveloper before you install a newer version of the MAF extension. Re-open the existing MAF application after you install the newer version of MAF. This makes sure that your existing MAF application migrates successfully.

Using Xcode 8 and Deploying to iOS 10 with MAF 2.3.3

Added to describe how to configure MAF applications that you migrate to this release of MAF to deploy to the iOS platform that now requires Xcode 8.