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Oracle Outside In Java API Reference

Interface Exporter

All Superinterfaces:
Annotatable,, Document, OptionsCache

public interface Exporter
extends Document

Main interface for exporting an input document to a specified output format. This is the primary class that exposes the functionality of a conversion. A concrete Exporter implementation can be obtained by calling the static OutsideIn.newLocalExporter() method.

Nested Class Summary
static class Exporter.PageInformationValues
          Describes the list of page level information that can be requested.


Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface
Document.FileIdInfoFlagValue, Document.SubDocumentIdentifierTypeValue, Document.SubObjectTypeValue


Method Summary
 void addKeyValuePairs(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> pairs)
          Associates key/value pairs with the exported document for use in Web View Export (HTML5 destination file format).
 void export()
          Executes a single conversion.
 void export(boolean bLeaveSourceOpen)
          Executes a single conversion and specifies whether to leave the source document open for subsequent conversions or to close the input file immediately after the export completes.
 ExportStatus getExportStatus()
          Obtains information relating to the most recent successful export.
 long getPageCount(FileFormat format)
          Gets the number of pages of output that will be produced when the document is exported to the specified format.
 Exporter newArchiveNodeExporter(int dwRecordNum)
          Creates a new Exporter object using an archive node within the current source file as its input document.
 Exporter newArchiveNodeExporter(int flags, int param1, int param2)
          Creates a new Exporter object using an archive node within the current source file as its input document.
 Exporter newSubDocumentExporter(int subdocId, Document.SubDocumentIdentifierTypeValue idType)
          Creates a new Exporter object that uses an embedding within the current source file as its input document.
 Exporter newSubObjectExporter(Document.SubObjectTypeValue objectType, int data1, int data2, int data3, int data4)
          Creates a new Exporter object using a subobject within the current source file as its input document.
 OptionsCache setExportTimeout(int milliseconds)
          Sets the time that the export process should wait for a response from the Outside In core before interrupting an executing operation.
 void setPageInformationRequired(java.util.EnumSet<Exporter.PageInformationValues> infoRequirements)
          Sets the list of page information that is requested.


Methods inherited from interface
close, getArchiveNode, getArchiveNodeCount, getFileId, getObjectInfo, saveArchiveNode, saveArchiveNode


Methods inherited from interface
addSourceFile, addSourceFile, addSourceFile, getAcceptAlternateGraphics, getAppendEmailAttachments, getApplyZLIBCompression, getBiDiReorderMethod, getBorderMode, getCollapseWhiteSpace, getCropToContent, getDefaultInputCharacterSet, getDefaultPageMargins, getDefaultPageSize, getDefaultRenderFont, getDestinationFormat, getDetectGrayScaleAsColor, getDocumentMemoryMode, getDropPDFHyphens, getEmailAttachmentHandling, getEmailHeaders, getEmbedFonts, getEnableAllSubObjects, getEnableAlphaBlending, getExportPerformanceMode, getExternalStylesheets, getExtractEmbeddedFiles, getExtractXMPMetadata, getFallbackFormat, getFitHeightToPages, getFitWidthToPages, getFontAliasList, getFontBaseURL, getFontDirectories, getFontFilter, getFontReferenceMethod, getGenerateBulletsAndNumbering, getGenerateExcelRevisions, getGenerateJavascriptTabs, getGraphicHeight, getGraphicHeightLimit, getGraphicOutputDPI, getGraphicRenderAsPage, getGraphicSizeLimit, getGraphicSizeMethod, getGraphicWidth, getGraphicWidthLimit, getGridMaxPageHeight, getGridMaxPageWidth, getGridWrap, getHTMLFlavor, getHTMLOutputFormatting, getIECondCommentMode, getIgnorePassword, getImagePassthrough, getIncludeCharacterAttributes, getIncludeSearchMLOffset, getInterlacedGIFs, getInternalRendering, getISODateTimes, getJPEGQuality, getLinearizePDFOutput, getLotusNotesDirectory, getMarginText, getMarginTextFont, getNullReplacementCharacter, getOutputChangeTracking, getOutputCharacterSet, getOutputGraphicType, getOutputRawtext, getPageBreakLimit, getPageDirection, getPageFitMode, getPageMLFlags, getPageRange, getPageScalePercent, getParseXMPMetadata, getPDFInputMaxEmbeddedObjects, getPDFInputMaxVectorPaths, getPDFReorderBiDi, getPDFWordSpacingFactor, getPerformExtendedFI, getPostLibraryScripts, getPreLibraryScripts, getPreventGraphicOverlap, getPrinterName, getProcessOLEEmbeddingMode, getQuickThumbnail, getRawTextBufferSize, getRedactionColor, getRedactionLabelFont, getRedactionLabelsVisible, getRedactionsEnabled, getRenderEmbeddedFonts, getRenderGridlines, getRenderHeadings, getSearchMLFlags, getSearchMLParaAttributes, getShowArchiveFullPath, getShowColumnHeadings, getShowHiddenCells, getShowHiddenSpreadSheetData, getShowHiddenText, getSimpleStyleNames, getStrictFile, getStrokeOutText, getSuppressEmptyCells, getSuppressFontAttributes, getTempDirectory, getTIFFByteOrder, getTIFFColorSpace, getTIFFCompression, getTIFFFillOrder, getTIFFMultiPage, getTimeZoneOffset, getTransparencyColor, getUnicodeByteOrder, getUnmappableCharacter, getUnmappedText, getURLPathOutput, getURLPathResources, getUseDocumentPageSettings, getVectorObjectLimit, getWatermark, getWebFontPermissions, getWebViewLibraryName, getWebViewStructure, getWebViewStylesheetName, getXMLDefinitionReference, getXXFormatOptions, setAcceptAlternateGraphics, setAppendEmailAttachments, setApplyZLIBCompression, setBiDiReorderMethod, setBorderMode, setCallbackHandler, setCollapseWhiteSpace, setCropToContent, setDefaultInputCharacterSet, setDefaultPageMargins, setDefaultPageSize, setDefaultRenderFont, setDestinationFile, setDestinationFile, setDestinationFormat, setDetectGrayScaleAsColor, setDocumentMemoryMode, setDropPDFHyphens, setEmailAttachmentHandling, setEmailHeaders, setEmbedFonts, setEnableAllSubObjects, setEnableAlphaBlending, setExportPerformanceMode, setExportTemplate, setExternalStylesheets, setExtractEmbeddedFiles, setExtractXMPMetadata, setFallbackFormat, setFitHeightToPages, setFitWidthToPages, setFontAliasList, setFontBaseURL, setFontDirectories, setFontFilter, setFontReferenceMethod, setGenerateBulletsAndNumbering, setGenerateExcelRevisions, setGenerateJavascriptTabs, setGraphicHeight, setGraphicHeightLimit, setGraphicOutputDPI, setGraphicRenderAsPage, setGraphicSizeLimit, setGraphicSizeMethod, setGraphicWidth, setGraphicWidthLimit, setGridMaxPageHeight, setGridMaxPageWidth, setGridWrap, setHTMLFlavor, setHTMLOutputFormatting, setIECondCommentMode, setIgnorePassword, setImagePassthrough, setIncludeCharacterAttributes, setIncludeSearchMLOffset, setInterlacedGIFs, setInternalRendering, setISODateTimes, setJPEGQuality, setLinearizePDFOutput, setLotusNotesDirectory, setLotusNotesId, setMarginText, setMarginTextFont, setNullReplacementCharacter, setOpenForNonSequentialAccess, setOutputChangeTracking, setOutputCharacterSet, setOutputGraphicType, setOutputRawtext, setPageBreakLimit, setPageDirection, setPageFitMode, setPageMLFlags, setPageRange, setPageScalePercent, setParseXMPMetadata, setPasswordsList, setPDFInputMaxEmbeddedObjects, setPDFInputMaxVectorPaths, setPDFReorderBiDi, setPDFWordSpacingFactor, setPerformExtendedFI, setPostLibraryScripts, setPreLibraryScripts, setPreventGraphicOverlap, setPrinterName, setProcessOLEEmbeddingMode, setQuickThumbnail, setRawTextBufferSize, setRedactionColor, setRedactionLabelFont, setRedactionLabelsVisible, setRedactionsEnabled, setRenderEmbeddedFonts, setRenderGridlines, setRenderHeadings, setSearchMLFlags, setSearchMLParaAttributes, setShowArchiveFullPath, setShowColumnHeadings, setShowHiddenCells, setShowHiddenSpreadSheetData, setShowHiddenText, setSimpleStyleNames, setSourceFile, setSourceFile, setSourceFile, setSourceFormat, setStrictFile, setStrokeOutText, setSuppressEmptyCells, setSuppressFontAttributes, setTempDirectory, setTIFFByteOrder, setTIFFColorSpace, setTIFFCompression, setTIFFFillOrder, setTIFFMultiPage, setTimeZoneOffset, setTransparencyColor, setUnicodeByteOrder, setUnmappableCharacter, setUnmappedText, setURLPathOutput, setURLPathResources, setUseDocumentPageSettings, setVectorObjectLimit, setWatermark, setWebFontPermissions, setWebViewLibraryName, setWebViewStructure, setWebViewStylesheetName, setXMLDefinitionReference, setXXFormatOptions


Methods inherited from interface
addAreaHighlight, addAreaHighlight, addAreaHighlight, addAreaHighlight, addStampAnnotation, addStampAnnotation, addStampAnnotation, addStampAnnotation, addStampImageFile, addStampImageURL, addTextHighlight, addTextHighlight, addTextHighlight, addTextHighlight, applyHighlights, redactText


Method Detail


void export()
            throws OutsideInException
Executes a single conversion. Equivilent to calling export(false). Before calling this method an input file must be specified using setSourceFile(File), an output file must be specified using setDestinationFile(File), and an output format must be specified using setDestinationFormat(FileFormat). Upon successful completion of this method, the output file(s) should be present in the destination location.
OutsideInException - if the conversion fails for any reason.


void export(boolean bLeaveSourceOpen)
            throws OutsideInException
Executes a single conversion and specifies whether to leave the source document open for subsequent conversions or to close the input file immediately after the export completes. It is recommended to pass false as the parameter. However, if exporting the same input file multiple times, then passing true may provide a performance improvement. Before calling this method an input file must be specified using setSourceFile(File), an output file must be specified using setDestinationFile(File), and an output format must be specified using setDestinationFormat(FileFormat). Upon successful completion of this method, the output file(s) should be present in the destination location.
bLeaveSourceOpen - indicates whether to leave the source open
OutsideInException - if the conversion fails for any reason.


ExportStatus getExportStatus()
Obtains information relating to the most recent successful export.
the status information gathered during the last successful call to export() or null if export() has never been called for this Exporter.
See Also:


Exporter newSubDocumentExporter(int subdocId,
                                Document.SubDocumentIdentifierTypeValue idType)
                                throws OutsideInException
Creates a new Exporter object that uses an embedding within the current source file as its input document. The newly created Exporter will inherit the options set in the Exporter object that executes this method.
subdocId - The identifier of the subdoc
idType - The type of subdocument
a newly created Exporter object
OutsideInException - if the subdocument fails to open
See Also:


Exporter newSubObjectExporter(Document.SubObjectTypeValue objectType,
                              int data1,
                              int data2,
                              int data3,
                              int data4)
                              throws OutsideInException
Creates a new Exporter object using a subobject within the current source file as its input document. The newly created Exporter will inherit the options set in the Exporter object that executes this method.
objectType - the type of subobject obtained from SearchML
data1 - Data from SearchML identifying the subobject
data2 - Data from SearchML identifying the subobject
data3 - Data from SearchML identifying the subobject
data4 - Data from SearchML identifying the subobject
a newly created Exporter object
OutsideInException - if the subobject fails to open


Exporter newArchiveNodeExporter(int dwRecordNum)
                                throws OutsideInException
Creates a new Exporter object using an archive node within the current source file as its input document. The newly created Exporter will inherit the options set in the Exporter object that executes this method.
dwRecordNum - The 0-based index of the intended node
a newly created Exporter object
OutsideInException - if the archive node fails to open


Exporter newArchiveNodeExporter(int flags,
                                int param1,
                                int param2)
                                throws OutsideInException
Creates a new Exporter object using an archive node within the current source file as its input document. The newly created Exporter will inherit the options set in the Exporter object that executes this method. To use this method, the source file must be run through Search Export, and the resulting xml must be parsed to identify the values that are passed as parameters to this method.
flags - Special flags value from Search Export
param1 - Data1 value obtained from Search Export
param2 - Data2 value obtained from Search Export
a newly created Exporter object
OutsideInException - if the archive node fails to open


void addKeyValuePairs(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> pairs)
Associates key/value pairs with the exported document for use in Web View Export (HTML5 destination file format).
pairs - key/value pairs where the key is the name of the data.


OptionsCache setExportTimeout(int milliseconds)
Sets the time that the export process should wait for a response from the Outside In core before interrupting an executing operation. This setting is useful for stopping conversions that take a long time or seem to hang. When exporting multiple source files to a single destination file using addSourceFile(File), the export of each source file will be treated as a separate operation, and thus, the timeout restarts for each source file instead of applying to the entire export operation.
milliseconds - The maximum number of milliseconds per input document that the export process shall run before being interrupted
This OptionsCache object (to allow for chaining set option methods)


long getPageCount(FileFormat format)
                  throws OutsideInException
Gets the number of pages of output that will be produced when the document is exported to the specified format.
format - Format to export the document to
the number of pages the export operation will produce.
OutsideInException - if the


void setPageInformationRequired(java.util.EnumSet<Exporter.PageInformationValues> infoRequirements)
                                throws OutsideInException
Sets the list of page information that is requested. The information is provided in a series of callbacks
infoRequirements - Page Information to be retrieved
OutsideInException - if a problem occurs

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