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Oracle Outside In Java API Reference

Interface Annotatable

All Known Subinterfaces:
Document, Exporter

public interface Annotatable

Interface for adding annotations to an exported document. API users will interact with an Exporter's implementation of this interface. Annotations include text and area highlighting, and stamp annotations.

Method Summary
 void addAreaHighlight(HighlightAreaAnnotation areaAnno)
          Applies highlighting to a rectangular area in the destination document.
 void addAreaHighlight(HighlightAreaAnnotation areaAnno, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> properties)
          Applies highlighting to a rectangular area in the destination document and associates properties with the annotation.
 void addAreaHighlight(HighlightAreaAnnotation areaAnno, java.lang.String comment)
          Applies highlighting to a rectangular area in the destination document and associates a comment with the annotation.
 void addAreaHighlight(HighlightAreaAnnotation areaAnno, java.lang.String comment, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> properties)
          Applies highlighting to a rectangular area in the destination document and associates a comment and properties with the annotation.
 void addStampAnnotation(StampAnnotation stampAnno)
          Overlays a stamp image on the destination document.
 void addStampAnnotation(StampAnnotation stampAnno, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> properties)
          Overlays a stamp image on the destination document document and associates properties with the annotation.
 void addStampAnnotation(StampAnnotation stampAnno, java.lang.String comment)
          Overlays a stamp image on the destination document document and associates a comment with the annotation.
 void addStampAnnotation(StampAnnotation stampAnno, java.lang.String comment, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> properties)
          Overlays a stamp image on the destination document document and associates a comment and properties with the annotation.
 void addStampImageFile(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,> stamps)
          Specifies stamp image files to be used in stamp annotations.
 void addStampImageURL(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,> stamps)
          Specifies stamp image files to be used in stamp annotations.
 void addTextHighlight(HighlightTextAnnotation textAnno)
          Applies highlighting to text in the destination document.
 void addTextHighlight(HighlightTextAnnotation textAnno, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> properties)
          Applies highlighting to text in the destination document and associates a set of properties with the annotation.
 void addTextHighlight(HighlightTextAnnotation textAnno, java.lang.String comment)
          Applies highlighting to text in the destination document and associates a comment with the annotation.
 void addTextHighlight(HighlightTextAnnotation textAnno, java.lang.String comment, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> properties)
          Applies highlighting to text in the destination document and associates a comment and properties with the annotation.
 void applyHighlights(java.lang.String highlightJsonData)
          Applies a set of json highlights when exporting to the HTML5 destination document.
 void redactText(RedactAnnotation redaction)
          Applies a redaction annotation to the rendered output document.


Method Detail


void addTextHighlight(HighlightTextAnnotation textAnno)
Applies highlighting to text in the destination document.
textAnno - the location and attributes of the text highlight


void addTextHighlight(HighlightTextAnnotation textAnno,
                      java.lang.String comment)
Applies highlighting to text in the destination document and associates a comment with the annotation.
textAnno - the location and attributes of the text highlight
comment - the comment to associate with the text highlight


void addTextHighlight(HighlightTextAnnotation textAnno,
                      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> properties)
Applies highlighting to text in the destination document and associates a set of properties with the annotation. The set of properties are in the form of a Map of key/value pairs.
textAnno - the location and attributes of the text highlight
properties - the properties to associate with the text highlight


void addTextHighlight(HighlightTextAnnotation textAnno,
                      java.lang.String comment,
                      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> properties)
Applies highlighting to text in the destination document and associates a comment and properties with the annotation.
textAnno - the location and attributes of the text highlight
comment - the comment to associate with the text highlight
properties - the properties to associate with the text highlight


void addAreaHighlight(HighlightAreaAnnotation areaAnno)
Applies highlighting to a rectangular area in the destination document. Only available when exporting to the HTML5 destination file format.
areaAnno - the location and attributes of the area highlight


void addAreaHighlight(HighlightAreaAnnotation areaAnno,
                      java.lang.String comment)
Applies highlighting to a rectangular area in the destination document and associates a comment with the annotation. Only available when exporting to the HTML5 destination file format.
areaAnno - the location and attributes of the area highlight
comment - the comment to associate with the area highlight


void addAreaHighlight(HighlightAreaAnnotation areaAnno,
                      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> properties)
Applies highlighting to a rectangular area in the destination document and associates properties with the annotation. Only available when exporting to the HTML5 destination file format.
areaAnno - the location and attributes of the area highlight
properties - the properties to associate with the area highlight


void addAreaHighlight(HighlightAreaAnnotation areaAnno,
                      java.lang.String comment,
                      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> properties)
Applies highlighting to a rectangular area in the destination document and associates a comment and properties with the annotation. Only available when exporting to the HTML5 destination file format.
areaAnno - the location and attributes of the area highlight
comment - the comment to associate with the area highlight
properties - the properties to associate with the area highlight


void addStampAnnotation(StampAnnotation stampAnno)
Overlays a stamp image on the destination document. Only available when exporting to the HTML5 destination file format.
stampAnno - the location and attributes of the area highlight


void addStampAnnotation(StampAnnotation stampAnno,
                        java.lang.String comment)
Overlays a stamp image on the destination document document and associates a comment with the annotation. Only available when exporting to the HTML5 destination file format.
stampAnno - the location and attributes of the area highlight
comment - the comment to associate with the area highlight


void addStampAnnotation(StampAnnotation stampAnno,
                        java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> properties)
Overlays a stamp image on the destination document document and associates properties with the annotation. Only available when exporting to the HTML5 destination file format.
stampAnno - the location and attributes of the area highlight
properties - the properties to associate with the area highlight


void addStampAnnotation(StampAnnotation stampAnno,
                        java.lang.String comment,
                        java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> properties)
Overlays a stamp image on the destination document document and associates a comment and properties with the annotation. Only available when exporting to the HTML5 destination file format.
stampAnno - the location and attributes of the area highlight
comment - the comment to associate with the area highlight
properties - the properties to associate with the area highlight


void addStampImageFile(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,> stamps)
                       throws OutsideInException
Specifies stamp image files to be used in stamp annotations. The Map of key/value pairs associates each stamp name with the file containing the stamp image. The stamp name can then be referenced in the StampAnnotation constructor.
stamps - a mapping of image name references to image files
See Also:


void addStampImageURL(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,> stamps)
Specifies stamp image files to be used in stamp annotations. The Map of key/value pairs associates a stamp name with the url reference to the stamp image. The stamp name can then be referenced in the StampAnnotation constructor.
stamps - a mapping of image name references to image files
See Also:


void applyHighlights(java.lang.String highlightJsonData)
Applies a set of json highlights when exporting to the HTML5 destination document. This is only useful when exporting to the HTML5 destination file format. See Outside In WebView documentation for acceptable json input.
highlightJsonData - the json description of highlights to apply


void redactText(RedactAnnotation redaction)
Applies a redaction annotation to the rendered output document. This is only supported when exporting to the PDF destination file format or an image destination file format.
redaction - describes the content to redact

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