Oracle® Fusion Middleware

What's New for Oracle Outside In Technology



May 2018

1.1 What's New for Oracle Outside In Technology

Here are the features listed for the particular release: .


For the latest information on Certified Platforms and Supported Formats, see Certified Platforms and Supported Formats from the Get Started page.

Release 8.5.4 — May 2018

Here’s an overview of new features and enhancements added to improve Outside In Technology. To obtain complete documentation for any other Outside In product, see Middleware documentation page and click Outside In Technology link below. Look for the data sheet with the latest supported formats.

  • The new supported formats are:

    • Microsoft Access (text only) Windows 2016

    • Microsoft Office Theme files (File ID only) Windows 2016

    • Microsoft Outlook (MSG), Express (EML), Forms Template (OFT), OST, and PST of Windows 2016

  • The new options are:

    • SCCOPT_EMAIL_FIXEDWIDTH - (WVX only): When the value set to TRUE, the body of email files converted by Web View Export gets wrapped to a fixed width during conversion. When the value set to FALSE (the default), the Web View output gets wrapped by the browser to fit within the display.

    • SCCOPT_HTML_FIXEDWIDTH - (WVX only): SCCOPT_HTML_FIXEDWIDTH  - (WVX only) : When the value set to TRUE, HTML files converted by Web View Export gets wrapped to a fixed width during conversion. When set to FALSE (the default), the Web View output gets wrapped by the browser to fit within the display.

    • SCCOPT_PLAINTEXT_PAGINATION - (WVX only): When the value set to TRUE (the default), causes Web View Export to format plain text files as paginated content. Thereby, wrapping the text to a fixed size page width which gets broken into multiple pages. When set to FALSE, the Web View output wraps by the browser to fit within the display area.

  • The following support are given for general accuracy and fidelity features:

    • The WOFF (Web Open Font Format) fonts supported. WOFF fonts can be passed to OIT in the same manner as other system fonts via SCCOPT_FONTDIRECTORY or the GDFONTPATH environment variable.

    • PDF special print color spaces (Separation, DeviceN) are now partially supported for PDF input files. If a PDF print color space includes a fallback color space for electronic display, OIT will use the fallback color space when rendering the input file. Prior versions of OIT would always render PDF print color spaces as grayscale. For more information on PDF color spaces, see Portable document format.

    • PDF Tiling Patterns are now partially supported for PDF input files. For PDF input files containing an area filled with a PDF Tiling Pattern, OIT renders a single tile (but the tile pattern does not get repeated). Prior versions of OIT would omit the tiling pattern completely and fills the area with a default diagonal hatched pattern instead. For more information on Patterns, see Portable document format.

    • General rendering fidelity for PDF input files containing embedded fonts is improved relative to prior OIT releases, especially for embedded fonts containing multiple potential glyphs for a single Unicode text character. Support for embedded fonts in PDF input files is still limited based on the embedded font type.

    • Web View Export now supports selecting and highlighting text for PDF input files containing scanned or OCR text.

Release 8.5.3 — April 2016

  • The updated list of supported formats is linked from the page. For a list of the currently supported platforms, see Outside In Technology and click links under Certified Platforms and Supported Formats from the Get Started page.

  • The new supported formats are :

    • Microsoft Word 2016

    • Microsoft Excel 2016

    • Microsoft PowerPoint 2016

    • MS Outlook 2011 for Mac (OLM and EML)

    • Corel WordPerfect X7

    • Corel Quattro Pro X7

    • Corel Presentations X7

    • Corel Draw X7

    • iWork KeyNote (text only)

    • AutoCAD 2015

  • The following new options are:

    • A new option, SCCOPT_PDF_FILTER_MAX_EMBEDDED_OBJECTS, is added that allows you to limit the number of embedded objects produced in PDF files.

    • A new option, SCCOPT_PDF_FILTER_MAX_VECTOR_PATHS, is added that allows you to limit the number of vector paths produced in PDF files.

    • A new option, SCCOPT_PDF_FILTER_WORD_DELIM_FRACTION, is added. This allows you to control the spacing threshold in PDF input documents.

    • Extraction of MS Excel track change information. For more informatio see, SCCOPT_GENERATEEXCELREVISIONS in the Developer’s guide.

    • The way that some spreadsheets are parsed is changed, which results in some minor additions to the schema. The following new attributes are added:
      • DEFAULT_ROW_HEIGHT, on SS.WORKSHEET, that gives the default row height

      • USE_COL_STYLE, on SS.CELL, that indicates that the column style should be used

      • STYLE, on SS.COL, that should be used when the prior flag is set

  • Support for the following general accuracy and fidelity features is provided:

    • MS Word table styles supported

    • MS Office Chart data label styles extended

    • Font selection algorithm improvements implemented

    • Outlook MSG “best body” algorithm implemented

    • PPTX Master slide Transparency provided

    • Four Color (CMYK) progressive JPEG supported

    • Processing of very large spreadsheets containing large areas of white space are optimized for improved performance supported

    • Soft line special character has been added

  • The following Operating System support is provided:

    • Windows 10

    • SLES 12

  • The following .NET API changes are implemented:

    • A new configuration object — OutsideInConfig

    • Get method for options

    • Redirected IO for temp files

  • The following Java API changes are implemented:

    • Get method for options

    • Redirected IO for temp files

1.2 Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Oracle Fusion Middleware What's New for Oracle Outside In Technology, 8.5.4


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