Oracle8i Application Developer's Guide - XML
Release 3 (8.1.7)

Part Number A86030-01





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Business Solutions Using Oracle XML, 3 of 10

Content and Document Management

Customizing Presentation of Data

XML is increasingly used to enable customized presentation of data for different browsers, devices, and users. By using XML documents along with XSL stylesheets on either the client, middle-tier, or server, you can transform, organize, and present XML data tailored to individual users for a variety of client devices, including the following:

In doing so, you can focus your business applications on business operations, knowing you can accommodate differing output devices easily.

Using XML and XSL also makes it easier to create and manage dynamic web sites. You can change the look and feel simply by changing the XSL stylesheet, without having to modify the underlying business logic or database code. As you target new users and devices, you can simply design new XSL stylesheets as needed. This is illustrated in Figure 2-1.

Figure 2-1 Content Management: Customizing Your Presentation

See Also:  

Consider the following content management scenarios:

These scenarios use Oracle XML components. The scenarios include a description of each business problem, solution, main tasks, and Oracle XML components used.

These scenarios are further illustrated with several case studies in Part 3.

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