Oracle8i Application Developer's Guide - XML
Release 3 (8.1.7)

Part Number A86030-01





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B2B XML Application: Step by Step , 29 of 32

Other Scripts Used in the B2B XML Application

XML Example 1: XSQL Configuration -- XSQLConfig.xml

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
| $Author: smuench $
| $Date: 2000/03/14 10:36:42 $
| $Source: C:\\cvsroot/xsql/src/XSQLConfig.xml,v $
| $Revision: 1.11 $

  | This section defines configuration settings
  | specific to the XSQL Servlet

    | Sets the size (in bytes) of the buffered output stream.
    | If your servlet engine already buffers I/O to the
    | Servlet Output Stream, then you can set to 0
    | to avoid additional buffering.
    |    <output-buffer-size>10000</output-buffer-size>

    | Add <media-type> elements as shown below to cause
    | the XSQL Servlet to *suppress* sending the "charset=XXX"
    | portion of the Media/Content-type.
    | For example, sending a character set for "image/svg"
    | documents seems to confuse current SVG plugins.
    | <suppress-mime-charset>
    |   <media-type>image/svg</media-type>
    | </suppress-mime-charset>



  | This section defines XSQL Page Processor configuration settings.

    | Connection definitions (see <connectiondefs> below)
    | are cached when the XSQL Page Processor is initialized.
    | Set to "yes" to cause the processor to
    | reread the XSQLConfig.xml file to reload
    | connection definitions if an attempt is made
    | to request a connection name that's not in the
    | cached connection list. The "yes" setting is useful
    | during development when you might be adding new
    | <connection> definitions to the file while the
    | servlet is running. Set to "no" to avoid reloading
    | the connection definition file when a connection name
    | is not found in the in-memory cache.


    | Set the default value of the Row Fetch Size
    | for retrieving information from SQL queries
    | from the database. Only takes effect if you
    | are using the Oracle JDBC Driver, otherwise
    | the setting is ignored. Useful for reducing
    | network roundtrips to the database from
    | the servlet engine running in a different tier.
    |     <default-fetch-size>50</default-fetch-size>


    | Set the value of the XSQL LRU Cache for XSQL Pages
    | This determines the maximum number of stylesheets
    | that will be cached. Least recently used sheets get
    | "bumped" out of the cache if you go beyond this number.
    | <page-cache-size>25</page-cache-size>


    | Set the value of the XSQL LRU Cache for XSL Stylesheets.
    | This determines the maximum number of stylesheets
    | that will be cached. Least recently used sheets get
    | "bumped" out of the cache if you go beyond this number.
    |     <stylesheet-cache-size>25</stylesheet-cache-size>


    | Set the parameters controlling stylesheet pools.
    | Each cached stylesheet is actually a cached pool
    | of stylesheet instances. These values control
    | The initial number of stylesheet instances in the
    | pool, the number that will be added/incremented
    | when under-load the pool must be grown, and
    | the number of seconds that must transpire without
    | activity before a stylesheet instance will be
    | dropped out of the pool to shrink it back towards
    | its initial number.
    | <stylesheet-pool>
    |   <initial>1</initial>
    |   <increment>1</increment>
    |   <timeout-seconds>60</timeout-seconds>
    | </stylesheet-pool>


    | Set the parameters controlling database connection pools.
    | When used, each named connection defined can have a pool of
    | connection instances to share among requests.  These values
    | control The initial number of stylesheet instances in the pool,
    | the number that will be added/incremented when under-load the
    | pool must be grown, and the number of seconds that must
    | transpire without activity before a stylesheet instance will be
    | dropped out of the pool to shrink it back towards its initial
    | number.
    | If the "dump-allowed" element has the value "yes"
    | then a browser-based status report that dumps the
    | current state of the connection pools is enabled.
    | <connection-pool>
    |   <initial>2</initial>
    |   <increment>1</increment>
    |   <timeout-seconds>60</timeout-seconds>
    |   <dump-allowed>no</dump-allowed>
    | </connection-pool>


    | Include timing information (in Milliseconds)
    | <timing-info>
    |   <page>yes</page>
    |  <action>yes</action>
    | </timing-info>



  | This section defines HTTP Proxy Server name
  | and port for use by the <xsql:include-xml>
  | action. If you intend to use <xsql:include-xml>
  | to include XML from URL's outside a firewall,
  | uncomment the:
  |  <http>
  |    <proxyhost></proxyhost>
  |    <proxyport>80</proxyport>
  |  </http>
  | section below and change the proxyhost and proxyport
  | as appropriate. If left commented out, then the XSQL
  | Page processor does not use a proxy server.




  | This section defines convenient "nicknames" for
  | one or more database connections. You can include
  | any number of <connection> elements inside of
  | the <connectiondefs> element. XSQL Pages refer to
  | these connections by their name in the "connection"
  | attribute on the document element of the page.


    <connection name="demo">
    <connection name="xmlbook">
    <connection name="lite">
    <connection name="retail">


  | This section registers pre-defined element names and
  | handler classes for user-defined XSQL page actions
  | The section looks like:
  | <actiondefs>
  |  <action>
  |    <elementname>myAction</elementname>
  |    <handlerclass>mypackage.MyActionHandler</handlerclass>
  |  </action>
  |      :
  | <actiondefs>
  | Action Handler classes must implement the interface
  | oracle.xml.xsql.XSQLActionHandler.
  | Once registered here, user-defined actions can be
  | used in the same way as built-in XSQL actions, for example
  | including the <xsql:myAction> element in your page.


Java Example 15: Message Header Script --

The message header script is given here:

package B2BDemo;
 * Describes the headers used in the messages
 * @author Olivier LE DIOURIS - Partner Technical Services - Oracle Copr.
public class MessageHeaders extends Object
  public static String APP_A          = "RETAIL";
  public static String APP_B          = "SUPPLY";
  public static String BROKER         = "BROKER";
  public static String EXIT           = "EXIT";
  public static String NEW_ORDER      = "NEW ORDER";
  public static String UPDATE_ORDER   = "UPDATE ORDER";

Java Example 16: Hold Constants for Use by Message Broker --

package B2BDemo;
 * Holds the constants to be used by the Message Broker
 * @author Olivier LE DIOURIS - Partner Technical Services - Oracle Copr.
public class AppCste extends Object
 public final static String AQDBUrl = 
  public final static String AQuser  = "aqMessBrok";
  public final static String AQpswd  = "aqMessBrok";

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