Oracle8i Application Developer's Guide - XML
Release 3 (8.1.7)

Part Number A86030-01





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Using XML Parser for Java, 11 of 22

XML Parser for Java: Command Line Interfaces

oraxml - Oracle XML parser

oraxml is a command-line interface to parse an XML document and check for well-formedness and validity.

To use oraxml ensure the following:

Use the following syntax to invoke oraxml:

oraxml options* source 

oraxml expects to be given an XML file to parse. The options are described inTable 17-2.

Table 17-2 oraxml: Command Line Options
Option  Purpose 


Help mode (prints oraxml invocation syntax) 


Validation mode (if this option is not used, the parse check only for well formedness) -wShow warnings (by default, warnings are turned off) 


Debug mode (by default, debug mode is turned off) 

-e <error log> 

A file to write errors to (specify a log file to write errors and warnings).  

oraxsl - Oracle XSL processor

oraxsl is a command-line interface used to apply a stylesheet on multiple XML documents. It accepts a number of command-line options that dictate how it should behave.

To use oraxsl ensure the following:

Use the following syntax to invole oraxsl:

oraxsl options* source? stylesheet? result? 

oraxsl expects to be given a stylesheet, an XML file to transform, and optionally, a result file. If no result file is specified, it outputs the transformed document to standard out. If multiple XML documents need to be transformed by a stylesheet, the -l or -d options in conjunction with the -s and -r options should be used instead. These and other options are described in Table 17-3.

Table 17-3 oraxsl: Command Line Options  
Option  Purpose 


Help mode (prints oraxsl invocation syntax) 


Verbose mode (some debugging information is printed and could help in tracing any problems that are encountered during processing) 


Show warnings (by default, warnings are turned off) 


New - Debug mode (by default, debug mode is turned off) 

-e <error log> 

A file to write errors to (specify a log file to write errors and warnings). 

-t <# of threads> 

Number of threads to use for processing (using multiple threads could provide performance improvements when processing multiple documents). 

-l <xml file list> 

List of files to transform (allows you to explicitly list the files to be processed).  

-d <directory> 

Directory with files to transform (the default behavior is to process all files in the directory). If only a certain subset of the files in that directory, e.g., one file, need to be processed, this behavior must be changed by using -l and specifying just the files that need to be processed. You could also change the behavior by using the '-x' or '-i' option to select files based on their extension). 

-x <source extension> 

Extensions to exclude (used in conjunction with -d. All files with the specified extension will not be selected). 

-i <source extension> 

Extensions to include (used in conjunction with -d. Only files with the specified extension will be selected). 

-s <stylesheet> 

Stylesheet to use (if -d or -l is specified, this option needs to be specified to specify the stylesheet to be used. The complete path must be specified). 

-r <result extension> 

Extension to use for results (if -d or -l is specified, this option must be specified to specify the extension to be used for the results of the transformation. So, if one specifies the extension "out", an input document "foo" would get transformed to "foo.out". By default, the results are placed in the current directory. This is can be changed by using the -o option which allows you to specify a directory to hold the results). 

-o <result directory> 

Directory to place results (this must be used in conjunction with the -r option).  


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