Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Guide
Release 2.2

Part Number A85247-01





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Controlling the Management Server

The Management Server provides distributed control between clients and managed nodes. A central engine for notification, it processes all system management tasks and administers the distribution of these tasks across the enterprise.

Specific topics discussed in this chapter are listed below:

Starting the Management Server

The repository database must be started and open and the listener must be started before starting the Management Server.

To start the Management Server, perform the following steps.


Oracle Enterprise Manager does not support stopping or starting a remote Management Server from the local machine. 

Starting the Management Server On Windows NT or Windows 2000

To start the Management Server on Windows NT or Windows 2000, follow the instructions below.

  1. From the Start menu->Settings->Control Panel, double-click the Services icon.

  2. If you have chosen not to store your repository credentials during repository creation (referred to as the secure Management Server mode), you can enter the repository's user name that was used to create the database user and the password for that user in the Control Panel's Startup Parameters field when you start the Management Server. The Startup Parameters field is under the list of services. The database user and password must be in the format of <username>/<password>.

    If you supply invalid or incomplete repository credentials in the Control Panel's Startup Parameters field, the Management Server will not start, and an error message will appear.

    If you are in secure mode and do not enter the repository credentials in the Startup Parameters field, you will be prompted for them later in a dialog.

    For information on troubleshooting the Management Server if it does not start, refer to "Management Server Does Not Start" on page D-12.

  3. Select the Oracle<Oracle_Home_Name>ManagementServer service.

  4. Click the Startup push-button to access the Service Startup dialog box.


Step 4 only needs to be performed once, not every time you start up the service. 

    1. In the Startup Type section, specify how the Management Server service is started up by choosing Automatic or Manual. Manual allows the Management Server to be started by a user. Automatic allows the Management Server to start automatically whenever the user starts the system. Disabled does not allow the Management Server to start at all. By default, the Configuration Assistant sets the service to Manual.

    2. In the Log On As section, check for the following settings:

      • Ensure that the System Account option, which is the supported way to run the Management Server, is selected. The Management Server will not run if you use a local account.

      • Ensure that the "Allow Service to Interact with Desktop" box is selected; otherwise, the Management Server will not run.

  1. Click the Start push-button to start the Management Server.


Your Management Server service is started automatically and set to Manual on Windows NT or Windows 2000 during repository creation if you had launched the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant from an installation session and if you had chosen to save your repository credentials.

If you have chosen not to save your repository credentials, you can enter them in the Control Panel's Startup Parameters field when you start the Management Server. If you do not enter the repository credentials in the Startup Parameters field, you will be prompted for them in a dialog. 

Starting the Management Server On UNIX

To start the Management Server on UNIX, at the command line, enter

% oemctrl start oms

When you are prompted, enter the repository's user name that was used to create the database user and the password for that user if you have chosen not to save your repository credentials during repository configuration. For a complete definition of a repository owner, refer to "Step 3 "Repository Login Information"" on page 2-10.


If the ORACLE_HOME environment variable is not set to the Oracle home in which the Management Server is running, the Management Server will not start correctly because it will try to find its class files in the default Oracle home instead of the correct Oracle home. For information on setting the Oracle environment, refer to "Management Server May Not Run Correctly from a Non-Default Oracle Home" on page D-11

Checking the Status of the Management Server

To quickly check whether the Management Server is up or down, at any operating system prompt, enter:

% oemctrl ping oms

To check the status of the Management Server, at any operating system prompt, enter:

% oemctrl status oms

You will be prompted to enter the username and password of an Oracle Enterprise super administrator. For a complete definition of an Oracle Enterprise Manager super administrator, refer to "What is an administrative user?" on page 1-7.

You will also need to provide the hostname for the machine running the Management Server if you are checking the status of a remote Management Server.

The following information is provided when you check the status of the Management Server:

An example of the output is shown below:

OEMCTRL for Windows NT: Version
Copyright (c) 1998, 2000, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
Oracle Server Version null
Loaded njssl8 shared object

Loading njssl8 dll

In OracleSSLSocketImpl Static portion

The Oracle Management Server on host [] is functioning 

  The server has been up for 0 09:08:37.734

  Target database session count: 1 (session sharing is off)
  Operations queued for processing: 0
  Number of OMS systems in domain: 1 (pjlee-pc2)
  Number of administrators logged in: 1
  Repository session pool depth: 15
  Repository session count: 7 in-use and 3 available, pool efficiency: 100%

For information about the parameters, refer to the section below.

Stopping the Management Server


Stopping a Management Server that is not local to your machine (i.e., a remote Management Server) is not supported. 

To stop the Management Server, perform the following steps:

On Windows NT or Windows 2000:
  1. From the Start menu->Settings->Control Panel, double-click the Services icon.

  2. Select the Oracle<Oracle_Home_Name>ManagementServer service.

  3. Click the Stop push-button to stop the Management Server.

You will be prompted to enter the username and password of an Oracle Enterprise super administrator. For a complete definition of an Oracle Enterprise Manager super administrator, refer to "What is an administrative user?" on page 1-7.


At the command line, enter

% oemctrl stop oms

You will be prompted to enter the username and password of an Oracle Enterprise super administrator. For a complete definition of an Oracle Enterprise Manager super administrator, refer to "What is an administrative user?" on page 1-7.

Tuning the Management Server

There may be special circumstances which require specific tuning of the Management Server to improve performance such as when the enterprise is managing a large number of nodes. Tuning can be perform by setting the following Management Server configuration parameters:

After editing the file, you must stop and restart the Management Server in order for the changes to take effect.

Setting the Ping Interval

The Management Server is designed to ping all targets on a pre-defined interval to monitor the state of all managed targets.

To manage the interval between pings, you can use the following property in the file to set the ping interval:

oms.vdp.ping_interval=<integer; time in minutes; default 2>

Note that the interval set determines the interval (time in number of minutes) at which the Management Server tests for node up/down, regardless of the polling frequency that you have set in the event which contains a node up/down test.

The default for the time is 2. For Management Servers managing a large number of nodes (more than 64 nodes), you can adjust this parameter to provide the Management Server enough time to ping all the nodes.

Setting the Maximum Connections Out

The Management Server is designed to maintain a certain number of outgoing connections toward different Intelligent Agents simultaneously.

To manage the number of simultaneous outgoing connections, you can use the following property in the file:

oms.vdg.max_out_conns =<integer; default 64>

The default is 64. Oracle recommends that this value to be greater or equal to the number of nodes managed by the Management Server in order to avoid performance degradation. If the maximum number of managed nodes is less than 64, Oracle recommends keeping the default value. If the maximum number of managed nodes is more than 64, set the value to the number of nodes.

Setting the Maximum Connections In

The Management Server is designed to maintain a certain number of incoming connections simultaneously.

To manage the number of simultaneous incoming connections, you can use the following property in the file:

oms.vdg.max_in_conns=<integer; default 32>

To prevent performance degradation, it is recommended that you set this value to be half the value of the oms.vdg.max_out_conns.

Setting the Management Server Retry Interval

The Management Server is designed to retry at a pre-defined intervals.

To specify the interval between retries, use the following properties in the file to set the retry interval:

oms.repository.connect_timeout=<time in seconds>

oms.repository.connect_timeout is the maximum time (in seconds) the Management Server will wait for the repository database to start up.

oms.repository.connect_numTries is the maximum number of tries the Management Server will make to connect to the repository before starting up the Management Server services.

The retry interval is calculated as the value of oms.repository.connect_timeout divided by the value of oms.repository.connect_numTries.

By default, the properties are set as follows:


The Management Server will try to establish a repository connection at startup at 10 second intervals for a total of 12 times.

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