Oracle8i interMedia Text Migration
Release 2 (8.1.6)

Part Number A77061-01





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Indexing, 12 of 14

Updating the Index - Batch DML

Updating the index involves processing all pending updates, inserts, and deletes to the base table. This is known as synchronizing the index. You can do this in the background or in batch mode.


In pre-8.1, you synchronize the index in batch mode using CTX_DML.SYNC. In addition, a ConText M server must be running.


You can update your index in batch mode by executing the ALTER INDEX command with the sync parameter. When you synchronize the index in batch mode, Oracle processes pending updates and inserts stored in the DML queue.

Because synchronizing an index in batch works on batches of inserts, updates and deletes, batch DML usually results in less index fragmentation than synchronizing the index immediately by running the ctxsrv daemon.


No background ctxsrv server is required to synchronize an index in batch. If the ctxsrv is running, it synchronizes the index immediately.  

See Also:

To learn more about the ALTER INDEX command syntax, see the Oracle8i interMedia Text Reference


The following example synchronizes the index in batch with a runtime memory of 2 megabytes:

ALTER INDEX newsindex rebuild PARAMETERS('sync memory 2M'); 


In addition to using ALTER INDEX, you can use CTX_DDL.SYNC to optimize the index in PL/SQL.

See Also:

To learn more about synchronizing the index with CTX_DDL.SYNC, see the Oracle8i interMedia Text Reference

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