Oracle8i interMedia Text Reference
Release 2 (8.1.6)

Part Number A77063-01





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Indexing, 8 of 11

Section Group Types

In order to issue WITHIN queries on document sections, you must create a section group before you define your sections. You specify your section group in the parameter string of CREATE INDEX.

To create a section group, you can specify one of the following group types with CTX_DDL.CREATE_SECTION_GROUP:

Section Group Preference  Description 


This is the default. Use this group type when you define no sections or when you define only SENTENCE or PARAGRAPH sections. 


Use this group type for defining sections where the start and end tags are of the form <A> and </A>


Use this group type for indexing HTML documents and for defining sections in HTML documents.  


Use this group type for indexing XML documents and for defining sections in XML documents. 


Use this group type to automatically create a zone section for each start-tag/end-tag pair in an XML document. The section names derived from XML tags are case-sensitive as in XML.

Attribute sections are created automatically for XML tags that have attributes. Attribute sections are named in the form attribute@tag.

Stop sections, empty tags, processing instructions, and comments are not indexed.

The following limitations apply to automatic section groups:

  • You cannot add zone, field or special sections to an automatic section group.

  • Automatic sectioning does not index XML document types (root elements.) However, you can define stop-sections with document type.

  • The length of the indexed tags including prefix and namespace cannot exceed 64 characters. Tags longer than this are not indexed.



Use this group for defining sections in newsgroup formatted documents according to RFC 1036. 

Section Group Examples

HTML Documents

The following command creates a section group called htmgroup with the HTML group type.

ctx_ddl_create_section_group('htmgroup', 'HTML_SECTION_GROUP');

You can optionally add sections to this group using CTX_DDL.ADD_SECTION. To index your documents, you can issue a statement such as:

create index myindex on docs(htmlfile) indextype is ctxsys.context 
parameters('filter ctxsys.null_filter section group htmgroup');

XML Documents

The following command creates a section group called xmlgroup with the XML_SECTION_GROUP group type.

ctx_ddl_create_section_group('xmlgroup', 'XML_SECTION_GROUP');

You can optionally add sections to this group using CTX_DDL.ADD_SECTION. To index your documents, you can issue a statement such as:

create index myindex on docs(htmlfile) indextype is ctxsys.context 
parameters('filter ctxsys.null_filter section group xmlgroup');

Automatic Sectioning in XML Documents

The following command creates a section group called auto with the AUTO_SECTION_GROUP group type. This section group automatically creates sections from tags in XML documents.

ctx_ddl_create_section_group('auto', 'AUTO_SECTION_GROUP');

create index myindex on docs(htmlfile) indextype is ctxsys.context 
parameters('filter ctxsys.null_filter section group auto');

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