Oracle Visual Information Retrieval Java Classes User's Guide and Reference
Release 8.1.7

Part Number A85333-01





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Exceptions and Errors

This appendix contains information on the exceptions and errors that can be raised by Oracle Visual Information Retrieval Java Classes.

B.1 IOException

The IOException class signals that an I/O exception of some sort has occurred.

public class extends java.lang.Exception {
     //Constructs a FileNotFoundException with no detailed message
     public IOException();
     //Constructs a FileNotFoundException with the specified detailed message
     public IOException(String s);

B.2 OutOfMemoryError

The OutOfMemoryError class signals that the Java Virtual Machine cannot allocate an object because it is both out of memory and unable to make more memory available through garbage collecting (that is, through deleting objects that are no longer being used).

public class java.lang.OutOfMemoryError extends java.lang.VirtualMachineError {
     //Constructs an OutOfMemoryError with no detailed message
     public OutOfMemoryError();
     //Constructs an OutOfMemoryError with a detailed message
     public OutOfMemoryError(string s);

B.3 SQLException

The SQLException class provides information on a database access error.

public class java.sql.SQLException extends java.lang.Exception {
     //The following four methods are public constructors:
     //Constructs a fully specified SQLException
     public SQLException(String reason, String SQLState, int vendorCode);
     //Construct a SQLException with venderCode value of 0
     public SQLException(String reason, String SQLState);
     //Construct a SQLException with vendorCode value of 0 and a null SQLState
     public SQLException(String reason);
     //Construct a SQLException with vendorCode of 0, a null SQLState. and a 
     //null reason
     public SQLException();
     //The following four methods are public instance methods:
     //Get the vendor-specific exception code
     public int getErrorCode();
     //Get the exception connected to this one
     public SQLException getNextException();
     //Get the SQL state
     public String getSQLState();
     //Add a SQLException to the end
     public synchronized void setNextException(SQLException ex);

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