Oracle8i JPublisher User's Guide
Release 2 (8.1.6)

Part Number A81357-01





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Example: JPublisher Translations with Different Mappings

This section presents sample output from JPublisher with the only difference in the translations being the value of the type mapping parameters. This section uses the following SQL type declaration presented in "Sample JPublisher Translation":

    name       VARCHAR2(30),
    empno      INTEGER,
    deptno     NUMBER,
    hiredate   DATE,
    salary     REAL

with the original command line:

jpub -user=scott/tiger -dir=demo -numbertypes=objectjdbc -builtintypes=jdbc 
-package=corp -case=mixed -sql=Employee

In the example on page 1-10, the types were translated with -numbertypes=objectjdbc and -builtintypes=jdbc.

In the following two examples, JPublisher translates the types using different type mapping options: first, with -numbertypes=jdbc, and second with -numbertypes=oracle and -builtintypes=oracle.

JPublisher Translation with the JDBC mapping

The SQL program presented in "Sample JPublisher Translation" is translated here by JPublisher with -numbertypes=jdbc. No other changes have been made to the command line.

Because the user requests the JDBC mapping rather than the Object JDBC mapping for numeric types, the get and set accessor methods use the type int instead of Integer and the type float instead of Float.

Following are the contents of the Employee.sqlj file. The file is unchanged because it does not depend on the types of the attributes.


The details of method bodies generated by JPublisher might change in future releases.  

package corp;

import java.sql.SQLException;
import oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleConnection;
import oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleTypes;
import oracle.sql.CustomDatum;
import oracle.sql.CustomDatumFactory;
import oracle.sql.Datum;
import oracle.sql.STRUCT;
import oracle.jpub.runtime.MutableStruct;
import sqlj.runtime.ref.DefaultContext;
import sqlj.runtime.ConnectionContext;
import java.sql.Connection;

public class Employee implements CustomDatum, CustomDatumFactory
  public static final String _SQL_NAME = "SCOTT.EMPLOYEE";
  public static final int _SQL_TYPECODE = OracleTypes.STRUCT;

  #sql static context _Ctx;
  _Ctx _ctx;

  MutableStruct _struct;

  static int[] _sqlType =
    12, 4, 2, 91, 7

  static CustomDatumFactory[] _factory = new CustomDatumFactory[5];

  static final Employee _EmployeeFactory = new Employee();
  public static CustomDatumFactory getFactory()
    return _EmployeeFactory;

  /* constructors */
  public Employee()
    _struct = new MutableStruct(new Object[5], _sqlType, _factory);
      _ctx = new _Ctx(DefaultContext.getDefaultContext());
    catch (Exception e)
      _ctx = null;

  public Employee(ConnectionContext c) throws SQLException
    _struct = new MutableStruct(new Object[5], _sqlType, _factory);
    _ctx = new _Ctx(c == null ? DefaultContext.getDefaultContext()
                              : c);
  public Employee(Connection c) throws SQLException
    _struct = new MutableStruct(new Object[5], _sqlType, _factory);
    _ctx = new _Ctx(c);

  /* CustomDatum interface */
  public Datum toDatum(OracleConnection c) throws SQLException
    _ctx = new _Ctx(c);
    return _struct.toDatum(c, _SQL_NAME);

  /* CustomDatumFactory interface */
  public CustomDatum create(Datum d, int sqlType) throws SQLException
    if (d == null) return null;
    Employee o = new Employee();
    o._struct = new MutableStruct((STRUCT) d, _sqlType, _factory);
    o._ctx = new _Ctx(((STRUCT) d).getConnection());
    return o;

  /* accessor methods */
  public String getName() throws SQLException
  { return (String) _struct.getAttribute(0); }

  public void setName(String name) throws SQLException
  { _struct.setAttribute(0, name); }

  public int getEmpno() throws SQLException
  { return ((Integer) _struct.getAttribute(1)).intValue(); }

  public void setEmpno(int empno) throws SQLException
  { _struct.setAttribute(1, new Integer(empno)); }

  public java.math.BigDecimal getDeptno() throws SQLException
  { return (java.math.BigDecimal) _struct.getAttribute(2); }

  public void setDeptno(java.math.BigDecimal deptno) throws SQLException
  { _struct.setAttribute(2, deptno); }

  public java.sql.Timestamp getHiredate() throws SQLException
  { return (java.sql.Timestamp) _struct.getAttribute(3); }

  public void setHiredate(java.sql.Timestamp hiredate) throws SQLException
  { _struct.setAttribute(3, hiredate); }

  public float getSalary() throws SQLException
  { return ((Float) _struct.getAttribute(4)).floatValue(); }

  public void setSalary(float salary) throws SQLException
  { _struct.setAttribute(4, new Float(salary)); }


JPublisher Translation with the Oracle mapping

The SQL program presented in "Sample JPublisher Translation" is translated here by JPublisher with -numbertypes=oracle and -builtintypes=oracle. No other changes have been made to the command line.

Because the user requests Oracle type mappings, the get and set accessor methods employ the type oracle.sql.CHAR instead of String, the type oracle.sql.DATE instead of java.sql.Timestamp, and the type oracle.sql.NUMBER instead of Integer, java.math.BigDecimal, and Float.

Following are the contents of the Employee.sqlj file. The file is unchanged, because it does not depend on the types of the attributes.


The details of method bodies that JPublisher generates might change in future releases.  

package corp;

import java.sql.SQLException;
import oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleConnection;
import oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleTypes;
import oracle.sql.CustomDatum;
import oracle.sql.CustomDatumFactory;
import oracle.sql.Datum;
import oracle.sql.STRUCT;
import oracle.jpub.runtime.MutableStruct;
import sqlj.runtime.ref.DefaultContext;
import sqlj.runtime.ConnectionContext;
import java.sql.Connection;

public class Employee implements CustomDatum, CustomDatumFactory
  public static final String _SQL_NAME = "SCOTT.EMPLOYEE";
  public static final int _SQL_TYPECODE = OracleTypes.STRUCT;

  #sql static context _Ctx;
  _Ctx _ctx;

  MutableStruct _struct;

  static int[] _sqlType =
    12, 4, 2, 91, 7

  static CustomDatumFactory[] _factory = new CustomDatumFactory[5];

  static final Employee _EmployeeFactory = new Employee();
  public static CustomDatumFactory getFactory()
    return _EmployeeFactory;

  /* constructors */
  public Employee()
    _struct = new MutableStruct(new Object[5], _sqlType, _factory);
      _ctx = new _Ctx(DefaultContext.getDefaultContext());
    catch (Exception e)
      _ctx = null;

  public Employee(ConnectionContext c) throws SQLException
    _struct = new MutableStruct(new Object[5], _sqlType, _factory);
    _ctx = new _Ctx(c == null ? DefaultContext.getDefaultContext()
                              : c);
  public Employee(Connection c) throws SQLException
    _struct = new MutableStruct(new Object[5], _sqlType, _factory);
    _ctx = new _Ctx(c);

  /* CustomDatum interface */
  public Datum toDatum(OracleConnection c) throws SQLException
    _ctx = new _Ctx(c);
    return _struct.toDatum(c, _SQL_NAME);

  /* CustomDatumFactory interface */
  public CustomDatum create(Datum d, int sqlType) throws SQLException
    if (d == null) return null;
    Employee o = new Employee();
    o._struct = new MutableStruct((STRUCT) d, _sqlType, _factory);
    o._ctx = new _Ctx(((STRUCT) d).getConnection());
    return o;

  /* accessor methods */
  public oracle.sql.CHAR getName() throws SQLException
  { return (oracle.sql.CHAR) _struct.getOracleAttribute(0); }

  public void setName(oracle.sql.CHAR name) throws SQLException
  { _struct.setOracleAttribute(0, name); }

  public oracle.sql.NUMBER getEmpno() throws SQLException
  { return (oracle.sql.NUMBER) _struct.getOracleAttribute(1); }

  public void setEmpno(oracle.sql.NUMBER empno) throws SQLException
  { _struct.setOracleAttribute(1, empno); }

  public oracle.sql.NUMBER getDeptno() throws SQLException
  { return (oracle.sql.NUMBER) _struct.getOracleAttribute(2); }

  public void setDeptno(oracle.sql.NUMBER deptno) throws SQLException
  { _struct.setOracleAttribute(2, deptno); }

  public oracle.sql.DATE getHiredate() throws SQLException
  { return (oracle.sql.DATE) _struct.getOracleAttribute(3); }

  public void setHiredate(oracle.sql.DATE hiredate) throws SQLException
  { _struct.setOracleAttribute(3, hiredate); }

  public oracle.sql.NUMBER getSalary() throws SQLException
  { return (oracle.sql.NUMBER) _struct.getOracleAttribute(4); }

  public void setSalary(oracle.sql.NUMBER salary) throws SQLException
  { _struct.setOracleAttribute(4, salary); }


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