Oracle8i CORBA Developer's Guide and Reference
Release 3 (8.1.7)

Part Number A83722-01





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Clients access EJB and CORBA applications in the database over an Internet Inter-Orb Protocol (IIOP) connection. IIOP is an implementation of General Inter-Orb Protocol (GIOP) over TCP/IP. All IIOP connections for CORBA or EJB clients that communicate with the database must have IIOP configured on the database and within the Net8 listener, unless you have the following scenario:

Otherwise, you must configure the database and the listener, as follows:

Entity   Description   Configuration Tool  


To support an IIOP connection, you must configure the database for GIOP in MTS mode.  

Configure the database MTS dispatchers for IIOP through the Database Configuration Assistant. This tool is started under the covers by the Typical and Custom Oracle8i install.  

Net8 Listener  

To support an IIOP connection, you must configure the Net8 listener to accept an IIOP connection over defined ports 2481 or 2482.  

Configure the Net8 listener for IIOP through the Net8 Assistant.  

The database supports incoming requests through a presentation. The presentation protocol is responsible for making sure data is represented in a format the application and session layers can accommodate. Both the listener and the dispatcher accept incoming network requests based upon the presentation that is configured. For IIOP, you configure a GIOP presentation.


For security concerns, you must decide if your IIOP connection will be Security Socket Layer (SSL) enabled.


The configuration for an IIOP connection can be handled in one of three ways:

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