Oracle Message Broker Adminstration Guide

Part Number A65435-01





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Oracle Message Broker Extensions

This chapter covers features that are not part of the JMS specification. These features are Oracle Message Broker specific features or extensions to the JMS specification.

This chapter covers the following:

Using XML Messages

Oracle Message Broker supports methods that translate between JMS messages and XML with the source being either an XML document or a JMS message. Each message translation retains all information. The translation methods depend on the Document Type Definition (DTD) defined in jms.dtd. The DTD is defined in the directory $OMB_HOME/src on Unix systems or %OMB_HOME%\src on Windows NT.

The jms.dtd provides a complete mapping of JMS message components to XML, including: the message header, standard message properties, and all JMS message body types.

Sending and Receiving XML Messages

Oracle Message Broker supports the following behavior for an application that uses HTTP. The client receives XML data from an HTTP post command. The client then uses the Oracle Message Broker translation methods to convert the XML data to JMS messages. If the destination queue or topic were included in the XML data, the client enqueues or publishes the JMS message.

Assuming that HTTP is the transport by which the XML capable application interacts with JMS, the Oracle Message Broker supports the following actions:

The XML_to_JMS Method

The XML_to_JMS method in the package oracle.oas.mercury.MercuryXML returns a JMS message. Table 6-1 shows the XML_to_JMS parameters. Refer to the Javadoc supplied with the Oracle Message Broker for a complete description of the parameters (the Javadoc distributed with the Oracle Message Broker is in the directory $OMB_HOME/doc/javadoc or %OMB_HOME%\doc\javadoc on Windows NT).

Table 6-1  XML_to_JMS parameters
Parameter  Description 


The XML document to be converted to a JMS message. 

The JMS_to_XML Method

The JMS_to_XML method found in the oracle.oas.mercury.MercuryXML package returns an XML document from the supplied JMS message. Table 6-2 shows the JMS_to_XML parameters. Refer to the Javadoc supplied with the Oracle Message Broker for a complete description of the parameters (the Javadoc distributed with the Oracle Message Broker is in the directory $OMB_HOME/doc/javadoc or %OMB_HOME%\doc\javadoc on Windows NT).

Table 6-2  JMS_to_XML parameters
Parameter  Description 


The converted JMS message 


The dtd describing a JMS message as XML. This should be of the form file:/omb/src/jms.dtd. The path can be changed. 

Collecting Runtime Metrics

Oracle Message Broker collects metrics so that you can monitor Oracle Message Broker performance and activity. You can save the Oracle Message Broker metrics using the MsgBroker -stats option. Table 6-3 shows the metrics available for queues and topics. Table 6-4 shows the metrics available for Oracle Message Broker instances (for each active msg_broker entry in the directory). Table 6-5 shows the metrics available for the Oracle Message Broker process.

Table 6-3  Oracle Message Broker Queue and Topic Metrics
Metric  Description 


Number of available messages. An available message is a message that can be received by a message consumer. An available message has been sent from a non-transacted session, or from a transacted session where a commit completed after the send. The available message has not been received, or any attempted receives have been rolled back. 


Number of times that a receive has been attempted for a destination. A receive that times out is counted in receives_attempted, but not in receives_completed. A receive that is blocked is counted in receives_attempted. 


Number of times receive completed. 


Number of times that a message has been sent to a destination. 

Table 6-4  Oracle Message Broker Instance Metrics
Metric  Description 


Number of kilobytes of JVM heap used by the Oracle Message Broker. 


The percent of the JVM heap used by the Oracle Message Broker. 


Number of JMS connections. 


Number of times that a transacted session is committed. 


Number of times that a transacted session is rolled back. 


Number of times that a blocking receive request is rejected because the maximum number of concurrent requests has been reached. 


Number of requests rejected because the server was low on memory. 

Table 6-5  Oracle Message Broker Process Metrics
Metric  Description 


Time in seconds since start of the JVM process running the Oracle Message Broker. 


The cpu time in microseconds used by the JVM process running the Oracle Message Broker. 


The size of the heap allocated to the JVM process running the Oracle Message Broker. 


Memory in kilobytes allocated by the JVM process running the Oracle Message Broker. 

Using DMS

Use the MsgBroker command with the -stats option to save the collected Dynamic Monitoring Service metrics to the DMS log file. MsgBroker -stats saves the DMS log file to a file with the same name as the associated Oracle Message Broker log (omblog) file, prepended with "dms-". Refer to "Working with Log Files" for information on the omblog file name, and the directory where the DMS log file is written.

The -stats option includes a parameter that specifies whether information is appended to the DMS log file, or if an existing log file is replaced. The -stats option also specifies the format for the data in the DMS log file. Refer to Table 2-2 for detailed information on the available MsgBroker -stats options.

DMS Format Options - Standard and Pretty

When DMS metrics are saved using MsgBroker -stats, the display options are standard format and pretty format. The pretty format allows easy viewing and uses indenting to illustrate the DMS directory hierarchy. The standard format is easy to parse with scripts and prints the full DMS pathnames on every line. Both formats use XML-like tags to delimit the metrics and the timestamps.

Each DMS metric save starts with a DMSDUMP tag as shown below (there may be more than one DMSDUMP saved in a DMS log file):

<DMSDUMP version = 2.0>

The DMSDUMP tag is always followed by a timestamp, of the form:

<timestamp>timestamp formatted-timestamp</timestamp>


timestamp represents milliseconds since the epoch (Jan 1, 1970)

formatted-timestamp is formatted and readable version of the same timestamp.

The timestamp is included for quick ordering and sorting.

Dumps end with a closing DMSDUMP tag of the form:


DMS Pretty Format

The following lines contain describe the pretty format data:

 jspy_uptime.value: 0 secs
  testState.value: 55 msecs
  testEvent.count: 3 ops
  testPhase.time: 0 msecs
   jvmTotalMem.max: 6144.0 kbytes

Each line represents either a DMS Noun or Metric. Refer to Example 6-1 for more sample pretty format output.

Noun Format

Nouns are single strings on their own. Nouns never contain control characters or whitespace.

Metric Format

Metrics have the form:

metricname: value [units]

metricname fields never contain control characters or whitespace.

value field contains the metric's value. If the metric is a String metric, then this field may contain whitespace. Otherwise it is an integer or floating point number with no whitespace.

units field is optional.

The pretty format indenting indicates containment, so in this case testState.value is a child of testNoun, and its siblings include testEvent.count and testPhase.time.

DMS Standard Format

The following lines contain sample standard format data:

/jspy_uptime.value: 0
/testNoun/testState.value: 55
/testNoun/testEvent.count: 3
/testNoun/testPhase.time: 0
/JDMS/JVM/jvmTotalMem.max: 6144.0
/JDMS/JVM/jvmTotalMem.min: 6144.0

Each line represents a metric. Units are not included. Names for Nouns and Metrics have no control characters or whitespace. Refer to Example 6-2 for more sample pretty format output.

Noun Format

With standard format, noun names must be deduced from the metric names. Containment is indicated with the path separator `/' characters.

DMS-defined metrics

In addition to the Oracle Message Broker metrics, a DMS dump may contain any of the following pre-defined metrics:

/jspy_uptime.value: -- number of seconds since the process started
/JDMS/JVM/jvmTotalMem.max -- maximum observed JVM heap size 
/JDMS/JVM/jvmTotalMem.min -- minimum observed JVM heap size
/JDMS/JVM/jvmTotalMem.value -- current JVM heap size
/JDMS/JVM/jvmFreeMem.max -- maximum observed amount of free JVM heap space
/JDMS/JVM/jvmFreeMem.min -- minimum observed amount of free JVM heap space
/JDMS/JVM/jvmFreeMem.value -- current amount of free JVM heap space
/JDMS/Measurement/nodes.max -- maximum number of metrics+nouns allocated by DMS
/JDMS/Measurement/nodes.value -- # nouns + # metrics allocated by DMS
/JDMS/Measurement/lastID.value -- last noun/metric identifier allocated
/JDMS/Measurement/nounCreate.count -- number of DMS nouns created
/JDMS/Measurement/nounDestroy.count -- number of DMS nouns destroyed
/JDMS/Measurement/sensorCreate.count -- number of DMS sensors created
/JDMS/Measurement/sensorDestroy.count -- number of DMS sensors destroyed
/JDMS/Measurement/sampleVal.count -- # metric values served by DMS so far
/JDMS/Log/archiveCount.count -- number of rollovers for the DMS log
/JDMS/Log/bytesWritten.value -- bytes written by DMS logging
/JDMS/Log/init.count -- number of times that DMS log was initialized
/JDMS/Log/attribute_changed.count -- count of changes to DMS logging attributes

Example 6-1 Sample Dump Using Pretty Format

<DMSDUMP version = 2.0> <timestamp>958084102187 (Thu May 11 15:28:22 PDT 2000)</timestamp> jspy_uptime.value: 0 secs testNoun testState.value: 55 msecs testEvent.count: 3 ops

testPhase.time: 0 msecs

   jvmTotalMem.max: 6144.0 kbytes
   jvmTotalMem.min: 6144.0 kbytes
   jvmTotalMem.value: 6144 kbytes
   jvmFreeMem.max: 5665.0 kbytes
   jvmFreeMem.min: 5306.0 kbytes
   jvmFreeMem.value: 5306 kbytes
   nodes.max: 28.0 
   nodes.value: 28 
   lastID.value: 27 
   nounCreate.count: 2 ops
   nounDestroy.count: 0 ops
   sensorCreate.count: 8 ops
   sensorDestroy.count: 0 ops
   sampleVal.count: 150 ops
   archiveCount.count: 0 ops
   bytesWritten.value: 0 bytes
   init.count: 1 ops
   attribute_changed.count: 0 ops

Example 6-2 Sample DMS Output Using Standard Format

<DMSDUMP version = 2.0> <timestamp>958084102111 (Thu May 11 15:28:22 PDT 2000)</timestamp> /jspy_uptime.value: 0 /testNoun/testState.value: 55 /testNoun/testEvent.count: 3 /testNoun/testPhase.time: 0 /JDMS/JVM/jvmTotalMem.max: 6144.0 /JDMS/JVM/jvmTotalMem.min: 6144.0 /JDMS/JVM/jvmTotalMem.value: 6144 /JDMS/JVM/jvmFreeMem.max: 5665.0 /JDMS/JVM/jvmFreeMem.min: 5366.0 /JDMS/JVM/jvmFreeMem.value: 5366 /JDMS/Measurement/nodes.max: 28.0 /JDMS/Measurement/nodes.value: 28 /JDMS/Measurement/lastID.value: 27 /JDMS/Measurement/nounCreate.count: 2 /JDMS/Measurement/nounDestroy.count: 0 /JDMS/Measurement/sensorCreate.count: 8 /JDMS/Measurement/sensorDestroy.count: 0 /JDMS/Measurement/sampleVal.count: 106 /JDMS/Log/archiveCount.count: 0 /JDMS/Log/bytesWritten.value: 0 /JDMS/Log/init.count: 1 /JDMS/Log/attribute_changed.count: 0 </DMSDUMP>

AQ Driver Runtime Metrics

The AQ Driver optionally exports Oracle AQ specific statistics using DMS. Since DMS monitoring can consume processor and other resources, by default the AQ specific metric collection is disabled.


AQ Driver runtime metrics are always disabled when the Oracle Message Broker runs in Local Mode. 

Table 6-6 shows the available AQ Driver runtime metrics.

Table 6-6  AQ Driver Runtime Metrics
AQ Driver Metric  Description 


Number of messages with deferred delivery time in the future. Applies for queues and topics. 


Number of messages for which delivery deadline expired. Applies for queues and topics. 


Number of messages that can be received. Applies for queues, topics, and subscribers. 

The AQ Driver runtime metrics are collected for JMS queues and topics (multi-consumer AQ queues and single-consumer AQ queues). AQ implements a multi-consumer queue with:

The per-subscriber metric ready_count is computed by querying the index table. The per-topic metrics (ready_count, expired_count, deferred_count) are computed by querying the basetable. If the ready_count for a topic is 0, then the ready_count for all subscribers to that topic will be 0. If the ready_count for a topic is 10, the ready_count for any subscriber to that topic will be less than or equal to 10 (the ready_count for all subscriber can be 10).

It is possible for schemas to show no queues or topics when there are queues/topics in that schema. This occurs when the username/password used to establish the JDBC connection by the AQ driver does not have access to execute queries on the tables created by AQ within that schema.

AQ Driver Runtime Metric Administration

Table 6-7 shows the Java properties that control AQ Driver runtime metric collection. The Oracle Message Broker does not support LDAP Directory based administration for AQ Driver runtime metrics.

Table 6-7  AQ Driver Runtime Metric Properties
Property  Description 


To enable the AQ Driver specific DMS metrics, set the Java System property to true. The AQ DMS runtime metrics are disabled by default because the DBMS queries consume resources. 


The default interval at which AQ Driver queries the DBMS to find new AQ queues, single-consumer and multi-consumer, for DMS monitoring is 120 seconds. Set the Java System property to an integer value to adjust the query interval. The accepted range for the DMS query interval is between 10 and 600 seconds. When an invalid value is specified, the default value is used. It determines the interval at which the AQ driver queries the DBMS to determine which AQ queues have been created. It also determines the interval at which the AQ driver updates the DMS resource hierarchy. The resource hierarchy must be updated when a subscriber is added/deleted and when AQ queues are added/deleted 

Creating Destinations

Oracle Message Broker clients can use several methods to create destinations that are not JMS administered objects. A client uses these destinations to send or to publish messages without referencing the Oracle Message Broker administrative directory. Refer to the JMS specification, section 4.4.4, for a brief description of domain-specific destinations.

The methods Oracle Message Broker provides to create and use destinations are:


to create a topic 

Defining Destination Strings

The createQueue and createTopic methods each take a String argument that defines a destination. To describe a destination, use the following syntax for the destination string:


The order of tags is not significant, nor is the case. The destination string syntax does not allow whitespace, embedded commas, or embedded "=" signs.

The createQueue and createTopic methods each require two tags: name and driver. The name and driver tag are defined as follows:


The destination name 


The driver name. The driver name must be one of the following: aq, aqlite, vol, mq, zyg, or rv

In addition, when the driver is mq, the following tags are also required:


The MQ specific queue name 


The name of the queue manager 

For example, the following code creates an MQ Series queue using createQueue:

QueueSession qs = ...;
Queue q = qs.createQueue("driver=mq,name=q1,manager=mgr1,queue=mqq");

The following code creates a Volatile queue using createQueue:

QueueSession qs = ...;
Queue q = qs.createQueue("driver=vol,name=volq1");

Using Client-Side Callouts

Oracle Message Broker provides a facility for creating and using client-side callouts. Client-side callouts define message transformations or other user defined processing that is applied when messages are produced or consumed. Callout methods can be written in Java or C/C++.

A Callout method defines the transformations or processing that a message consumer performs before receiving messages. Likewise, message producers can also use callout methods to perform transformations or processing before sending messages. Since callout methods execute on the client-side, the Oracle Message Broker knows nothing of the transformations or of the callout methods.

This section covers the following:

Defining Callout Methods

Oracle Message Broker supports both Java and C/C++ callout methods. Use the interfaces shown in this section to define callout methods. Example 6-3 shows a sample Java stub for a callout method.

Defining Java Callouts

To define a callout method in Java, implement the following Oracle Message Broker client-side interface (defined in oracle.oas.mercury.jmsClient.callout):

interface Callout
     public Message invoke(Message message) throws JMSException;

Example 6-3 Java Callout Sample Stub

import oracle.oas.mercury.jmsClient.callout.Callout; class mapName implements Callout { public Message invoke(Message message) { /* Include invoke method code for MapName message transformation. */ return message; }

To supply parameters to a callout method, a message producer sets the JMSType message header field to indicate the message type. A message producer can set this value to indicate the message type and the callout method can use this field as a flag for callout transformation processing.

C/C++ Callouts

To define a callout method in C/C++, implement the following Oracle Message Broker JNI. Use this JNI to create a dynamic library for each callout and include the following in the callout source:

#include <jni.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_oracle_oas_mercury_jmsClient_callout_CMaps_invoke 
(JNIEnv jenv*, jobject javathis, jobject message);
#ifdef __cplusplus

This is the signature for the native method. Implement the callout transformation with this signature and then create a dynamic library. The name of the dynamic library is the same as the name of the callout.

To supply parameters to a callout method, a message producer sets the JMSType message header field to indicate the message type. A message producer can set this value to indicate the message type and the callout method can use this field as a flag for callout transformation processing.

For additional information on callouts, refer to the README file in the sample directory $OMB_HOME/samples/client/java/callout.

Using Callouts in a Message Producer

To register a callout in a message producer, either a QueueSender or a TopicPublisher, use the following method:

void MercuryProducer.setCallout(String calloutName) throws CalloutException

For example:


To unregister a callout, use the following method:


To find the name of any registered callouts, use the following method:

String MercuryProducer.getCallout()

This returns a registered callout or null if a callout is not registered.

A client can use the following method to handle exceptions and return the original message:

Message MercuryProducer.getMsg()

This returns the original message, as it was before the callout transformation was attempted. The getMsg method returns a null value if no message was supplied to the callout routine.

The setCallout method specifies a transformation method, or a handler method that hands off messages to the appropriate transformation method.

When setCallout is invoked with a name, for example calloutName, the callout manager checks to see if a Java class, calloutName, can be found. If the name is available, the class is dynamically loaded. If the class is not available, the callout manager attempts to load a dynamic library with the name calloutName. If this fails the callout manager throws a CalloutException and the callout is set to null. Subsequent messages do not use any callouts until setCallout successfully completes.

After a queue sender calls send or a topic publisher calls publish, the Oracle Message Broker JMS client-side code sends messages to the CalloutManager, which invokes the transformation methods registered with setCallout(..), and returns the transformed message, which is then passed on to the Oracle Message Broker. If the callout fails, the callout manager throws a callout exception that contains the original message.

For additional information on callouts and samples showing callouts, refer to the README file in the sample directory $OMB_HOME/samples/client/java/callout.

Using Callouts in a Message Consumer

To register a callout in a message consumer, either a QueueReceiver or a TopicSubscriber, use the following method:

void setCallout(String calloutName) throws CalloutException

To unregister a callout, use the following method:


To find the name of any registered callouts, use the following method:

String MercuryConsumer.getCallout()

This returns a registered callout or null if no callout is registered.

Handle exceptions using the following method:

Message CalloutException.getMsg()

This returns the original message, as it was before the callout transformation was attempted. The getMsg method returns a null value if no message was supplied to the callout routine.

The setCallout methods specifies a transformation method, or a handler method that hands off messages to the appropriate transformation method.

When setCallout is invoked with a name, for example calloutName, the callout manager checks to see if a Java class, calloutName, can be found. If the name is available, the class is dynamically loaded. If the class is not available, the callout manager attempts to load a dynamic library with the name calloutName. If this fails the callout manager throws a CalloutException and the callout is set to null. Subsequent messages do not use any callouts until setCallout successfully completes.

After a queue receiver calls receive or a topic subscriber calls receive, the Oracle Message Broker JMS client-side code sends messages to the callout manager, which invokes the transformation method registered with setCallout(..), and returns the transformed message, which is then passed on to the Oracle Message Broker. If the callout fails, the callout manager throws a callout exception that contains the original message.

For additional information on callouts, refer to the README file in the sample directory $OMB_HOME/samples/client/java/callout.

Using Properties to Indicate Callouts

When the message consumer or producer does not indicate a callout method by explicitly using setCallout, the application can use a Java property to specify a default callout method for either a producer or a consumer.

A message consumer can indicate a routine to be called upon receipt of messages by setting oracle.oas.mercury.callout.consumer. A message producer can indicate a method to be called when sending or publishing messages with the property oracle.oas.mercury.callout.producer.

For example the following property sets a callout method that specifies that the client TestClient should use the consumer callout method named myMap for callout transformations:

java -Doracle.oas.mercury.callout.consumer=myMap TestClient

Each message is sent to the user-indicated callout. By default, if the message consumer or producer does not explicitly specify a callout transformation, the Java property oracle.oas.mercury.callout.producer is checked. If this property is set, and the callout exists, that callout is used. Otherwise, no callout transformation is attempted.

To supply parameters to a callout method, a message producer sets the JMSType message header field to indicate the message type. A message producer can set this value to indicate the message type and the callout method can use this field as a flag for callout transformation processing.

For additional information on callouts, refer to the README file in the sample directory $OMB_HOME/samples/client/java/callout.

Sample Client Side Callout Programs

For additional information on callouts and examples showing callouts, refer to the README file in the sample directory $OMB_HOME/samples/client/java/callout.

Universal Connections and Universal Sessions

The Oracle Message Broker supports a JMS connection and session extension called Universal Connections and Universal Sessions. This extension allows a JMS connection to support both topic and queue connections with a single, Universal Connection. Likewise, a JMS session can support both topic and queue sessions with a single Universal Session.

This extension is implemented as follows, for connections and sessions:

With this feature, you only need to create one connection, either a topic connection or a queue connection. The result can be cast to type MercuryConnection. The MercuryConnection implements both javax.jms.TopicConnection and javax.jms.QueueConnection and can be used wherever a javax.jms.*Connection is expected.

Likewise, you only need to create one session, either a topic session or a queue session. The result can be cast to type MercurySession. MercurySession implements both javax.jms.TopicSession and javax.jms.QueueSession and can be used wherever a javax.jms.*Session is expected.

Thus, using Universal Connections and Universal Sessions, access to a queue and a topic can be performed in the same transaction.

Receiving with a Message ID

The Oracle Message Broker provides a JMS extension to receive messages by specifying a message ID. This is facilitated by using the receive method for a message consumer. The receive returns a Message. Refer to the Oracle Message Broker Javadoc for the package oracle.oas.mercury.MercuryConsumer for a full description of receive (the Javadoc is available in the directory $OMB_HOME/doc/javadoc, or %OMB_HOME%\doc\javadoc on Windows NT).

Using AQ Rules for Message Selection

The Oracle Message Broker supports two types of message selectors when messages are stored using the AQ Driver, including:

The benefits of using AQ Rules include:

Creating AQ Rules Based Message Selectors

Oracle Message Broker standard message selectors are specified according to the syntax in the JMS specification (refer to "Using Message Selectors" for more information). The AQ Rules engine accepts a more general message selectors syntax. Application developers create AQ Rules during the development of Oracle Message Broker applications.

To create AQ Rules based message selectors, application developers must understand the following:

Message Selector Format

When Oracle Message Broker applications use AQ Rules based message selectors, the message selector must be a string. The string must be constructed so that it would be valid as the WHERE clause of a SQL statement. The message selector string is also restricted; it can only access columns in the underlying AQ queue table representing the JMS topic that the AQ Rule is to be applied to.

To determine the available columns that AQ Rules can be applied to, execute the following SQLPLUS command:

sqlplus> DESCRIBE queue_table

Where queue_table is the name of the queue table in which the JMS messages are stored (a queue table holds an AQ queue that stores a JMS topic in the Oracle 8i Database). When the AQ queue table is created, the Oracle Message Broker administrator specifies the Oracle8 ADT for the queue_table's user_data column. The types for all other queue_table columns are fixed for each queue table. Table 7-2 and Table 7-3 show the available types for the Oracle Message Broker AQ based queue table user_data column.

Table 6-8 describes how the ADT specified for the underlying AQ queue table affects the parts of JMS messages that can be selected using an AQ Rules based message selector. Each entry in Table 6-8 lists the type of the AQ Driver and the parts of the JMS message that can be accessed using a message selector for the specified ADT. All queues that Oracle Message Broker accesses use one of the eight data types for the user_data column shown in Table 6-8.

Keep the following in mind for the Exposes field in Table 6-8.

PL/SQL Functions Supporting AQ Rules

This section provides tables showing the PL/SQL helper functions that the Oracle Message Broker provides for developers to use AQ Rules as message selectors. The helper functions are part of the aq.ombaq PL/SQL package that is included with the Oracle Message Broker installation. Each entry in Table 6-9, Table 6-10, Table 6-11, Table 6-12, and Table 6-13 shows a helper function, with its description, and an example showing how to use the function. The tables listing helper functions are specific to each message type ADT, as specified in Table 6-8.

An AQ Rule rule is specified as a boolean expression (one that evaluates to true or false) using syntax similar to the WHERE clause of a SQL query. This boolean expression can include conditions on:

  1. The fixed columns from queue table. This allows an AQ Rule to access the fixed columns from a queue table as part of the AQ Rule, regardless of the type of the user_data column. For example, the following example uses the priority and corrid columns from a queue table:

    tab.priority > 2 AND tab.corrid = `PAYMENT'
  2. The JMS message body, as stored in the queue table. The helper functions can assist in providing access to the JMS message body, as stored in the queue table with Oracle Message Broker ADTs, for particular message types, as shown in Table 6-8.

  3. The JMS message properties, as stored in the queue table. The helper functions can assist in providing access to the JMS message properties, as stored in the queue table with Oracle Message Broker ADTs, for particular message types, as shown in Table 6-8.

  4. The message body and the message properties can also be explicitly accessed from the user_data column. For example, the following example accesses properties from the user_data column: = `X.X'

Using Helper Functions

When using the PL/SQL helper functions, the function name must be fully specified. For example, aq.ombaq.str_text is fully specified. However, the function, str_text is not fully specified.

The helper functions can only be used with queue table user_data columns of the following types:

Some functions return an integer when they should return a boolean. Functions that return a boolean cannot be used with AQ Rules for an AQ subscriber. To overcome this limitation, these functions return 0 to indicate false and 1 to indicate true.

Number Property Helper Functions

The num_prop functions search the varray in which properties are stored and return the property that matches the specified name if the property value is stored as a SQL Number.

The num_prop functions return null if there is no property element with a matching name or if there is an element that matches, but the value is stored as a SQL varchar2. Properties in a JMS message with the following types are stored as a SQL Number:

String Property Helper Functions

The str_prop functions search the varray in which properties are stored and return the property that matches the specified name if the property is stored as a SQL varchar2.

The str_prop functions return null if there is no property element with a matching name or if there is an element that matches, but the value is stored as a SQL number. Properties in a JMS message with the following types are stored as a SQL varchar2:

Type of Property Helper Functions

The type_prop functions search the varray in which properties are stored and return a SQL integer that is the value of the ombaq_type field for the ombaq_property varray element. The value of the ombaq_type field determines whether str_prop or num_prop should be used to access the value of the property. The values for the types are defined in the package aq.ombaq. The type_prop functions return:

In Property Test Helper Functions

The in_prop functions search the varray in which the properties are stored and return a SQL integer. The returned value is:

Functions for aq.ombaq_bytes_msg Messages

Table 6-9 shows the AQ Rules message selector helper functions for messages stored in queue tables of type OMBAQ_BYTES_MSG ADT.

Table 6-9  OMBAQ_BYTES_MSG Helper Functions
Function  Description 


function num_prop(msg in ombaq_bytes_msg, name in varchar2) return number;

This function returns the value of a property that would be stored as a SQL Number type.

aq.ombaq.num_prop(tab.user_data, `shortProperty') = 13

This example selects messages that have a property stored as a SQL Number with a value of 13 and the name `shortProperty'. 


function str_prop(msg in ombaq_bytes_msg, name in varchar2) return varchar2;

This function returns the value of a property that would be stored as a SQL varchar2 type.

aq.ombaq.str_prop(tab.user_data, `stringProperty') = `foo'

This example select messages that have a property stored as a SQL varchar2, the value `foo', and the name `stringProperty'. 


function in_prop(msg in ombaq_bytes_msg, name in varchar2) return integer;

This function returns 1 if there is a property element with the specified name and 0 otherwise.

aq.ombaq.in_prop(tab.user_data, `doNotSelectProperty') == 0

This example selects messages that do not contain a property with the name `doNotSelectProperty'. 


function type_prop(msg in ombaq_bytes_msg, name in varchar2) return integer;

This returns the value of the ombaq_type field for the property element with the specified name and null otherwise. The symbolic values for the types are defined in the aq.ombaq PL/SQL package installed with Oracle Message Broker.

aq.ombaq.type_prop(tab.user_data, `booleanProperty') = 1

This example selects messages that have a boolean property with the name `booleanProperty'. 

Functions for aq.ombaq_map_msg Messages

Table 6-10 shows the AQ Rules message selector helper functions for messages stored in queue tables with the OMBAQ_MAP_MSG ADT type.

The functions num_map, str_map, in_map, and type_map are similar to the functions num_prop, str_prop, in_prop, and type_prop. The difference is the set of values that are searched. Functions of the form *_map search the varray that contains the map elements from a map message (the body of a map message). Functions of the form *_prop search the varray that contains the message properties.

Table 6-10  OMBAQ_MAP_MSG Helper Functions
Function  Description 


function num_map(msg in ombaq_map_msg, name in varchar2) return number;

This function returns the value of a map element if the value is stored as a SQL Number, the name of the map element matches the specified name, and the map element is valid. Map values with the following Java types from a JMS message are stored as a SQL Number: boolean, byte, short, integer, long, float, char.

Note: float values may lose precision when converted from a Java float to a SQL Number and then back to a Java float.

aq.ombaq.num_map(tab.user_data, `mapElemName') = 13

This example selects messages that have a map element stored as a SQL Number with a value of 13 and the name `mapElemName'. 


function str_map(msg in ombaq_map_msg, name in varchar2) return varchar2;

This function returns the value of a map element if the value is stored as a SQL varchar2, the name of the map element matches the specified name, and the map element is valid. Map values with the following Java types from a JMS message are stored as a SQL varchar2: double, string, byte array.

aq.ombaq.str_map(tab.user_data, `stringMapElem') = `foo'

This example selects messages that have a map element stored as a SQL varchar2, the value `foo', and the name `stringMapElem'. 


function in_map(msg in ombaq_map_msg, name in varchar2) return integer;

This function returns 1 if there is a valid map element with a name field that matches the specified name. Otherwise, it returns 0.

aq.ombaq.in_map(tab.user_data, `doNotSelectElem') == 0

This example selects messages that do not contain a map element with the name `doNotSelectElem'. 


function type_map(msg in ombaq_map_msg, name in varchar2) return integer;

This function return the value of the ombaq_type field of a map element if there is a valid map element that matches the specified name. Otherwise, it returns null. The symbolic values for the types are defined in the aq.ombaq PL/SQL package installed with Oracle Message Broker.

aq.ombaq.type_map(tab.user_data, `booleanMapElem') = 1

This example selects messages that have a boolean map element with the name `booleanMapElem'. 


function num_prop(msg in ombaq_map_msg, name in varchar2) return number;

This function returns the value of a property that would be stored as a SQL Number type.

aq.ombaq.num_prop(tab.user_data, `shortProperty') = 13

This example selects messages that have a property stored as a SQL Number with a value of 13 and the name `shortProperty'. 


function str_prop(msg in ombaq_map_msg, name in varchar2) return varchar2;

This function returns the value of a property that would be stored as a SQL varchar2 type.

aq.ombaq.str_prop(tab.user_data, `stringProperty') = `foo'

This example selects messages that have a property stored as a SQL varchar2, the value `foo', and the name `stringProperty'. 


function in_prop(msg in ombaq_map_msg, name in varchar2) return integer;

This function returns 1 if there is a property element with the specified name and 0 otherwise.

aq.ombaq.in_prop(tab.user_data, `doNotSelectProperty') == 0

This example selects messages that do not contain a property with the name `doNotSelectProperty'. 


function type_prop(msg in ombaq_map_msg, name in varchar2) return integer;

This returns the value of the ombaq_type field for the property element with the specified name and null otherwise. The symbolic values for the types are defined in the aq.ombaq PL/SQL package installed with Oracle Message Broker.

aq.ombaq.type_prop(tab.user_data, `booleanProperty') = 1

This example selects messages that have a boolean property with the name `booleanProperty'. 

Functions for aq.ombaq_object_msg Messages

Table 6-11 shows the AQ Rules message selector helper functions for messages stored in queue tables with the OMBAQ_OBJECT_MSG ADT type.

Table 6-11  OMBAQ_OBJECT_MSG Helper Functions
Function  Description 


function num_prop(msg in ombaq_object_msg, name in varchar2) return number;

This function returns the value of a property that would be stored as a SQL Number type.

aq.ombaq.num_prop(tab.user_data, `shortProperty') = 13

This example selects messages that have a property stored as a SQL Number with a value of 13 and the name `shortProperty'. 


function str_prop(msg in ombaq_object_msg, name in varchar2) return varchar2;

This function returns the value of a property that would be stored as a SQL varchar2 type.

aq.ombaq.str_prop(tab.user_data, `stringProperty') = `foo'

This example selects messages that have a property stored as a SQL varchar2, the value `foo', and the name `stringProperty'. 


function in_prop(msg in ombaq_object_msg, name in varchar2) return integer;

This function returns 1 if there is a property element with the specified name and 0 otherwise.

aq.ombaq.in_prop(tab.user_data, `doNotSelectProperty') == 0

This example selects messages that do not contain a property with the name `doNotSelectProperty'. 


function type_prop(msg in ombaq_object_msg, name in varchar2) return integer;

This returns the value of the ombaq_type field for the property element with the specified name and null otherwise. The symbolic values for the types are defined in the aq.ombaq PL/SQL package installed with Oracle Message Broker.

aq.ombaq.type_prop(tab.user_data, `booleanProperty') = 1

This example selects messages that have a boolean property with the name `booleanProperty'. 

Functions for aq.ombaq_stream_msg Messages

Table 6-12 shows the AQ Rules message selector helper functions for messages stored in queue tables with the OMBAQ_STREAM_MSG ADT type.

The functions num_stream, str_stream, and type_stream are similar to the functions num_prop, str_prop, and type_prop. The difference is the set of values that are searched and the argument use to specify how elements are matched. Functions of the form *_stream search the varray that contains the stream elements from a stream message (the body of a map message). Functions of the form *_prop search the varray that contains the message properties. Also, the *_stream function accept an integer that represents the index within a stream rather than a name. Since stream elements do not contain a name field, the only way to specify a stream element is to specify its position within the stream varray. The first element in a varray is at index 1, not at index 0.

Table 6-12  OMBAQ_STREAM_MSG Helper Functions
Function  Description 


function num_stream(msg in ombaq_stream_msg, stream_index in integer) return 

This function returns the value of the stream element at index `stream_index' within the varray if the value is stored as a SQL Number, and the stream element is valid. Stream values with the following Java types from a JMS message are stored as a SQL Number: boolean, byte, short, integer, long, float, char.

Note: float values may lose precision when converted from a Java float to a SQL Number and then back to a Java float.

aq.ombaq.num_stream(tab.user_data,1) = -1

This example selects messages that have a stream element at index 1 within the stream stored as a SQL Number, the value -1, and the name `numStreamElem'. 


function str_stream(msg in ombaq_stream_msg, stream_index in integer) return 

This function returns the value of a stream element at index `stream_index' within the varray if the value is stored as a SQL varchar2 and the map element is valid. Stream values with the following Java types from a JMS message are stored as a SQL varchar2: double, string, byte array.

aq.ombaq.str_stream(tab.user_data, 1) = `foo'

This example selects messages that have a stream element at index 1 within the stream stored as a SQL varchar2, the value `foo', and the name `stringStreamElem'. 


function type_stream(msg in ombaq_stream_msg, stream_index in integer) return 

This function return the value of the ombaq_type field of a stream element at index `stream_index' within the varray if the stream element is valid. Otherwise, it returns null.

aq.ombaq.type_stream(tab.user_data, 2) = 6

This example selects messages that have a stream element at index 2 within the stream with type float. 


function num_prop(msg in ombaq_stream_msg, name in varchar2) return number;

This function returns the value of a property that would be stored as a SQL Number type.

aq.ombaq.num_prop(tab.user_data, `shortProperty') = 13

This example selects messages that have a property stored as a SQL Number with a value of 13 and the name `shortProperty'. 


function str_prop(msg in ombaq_stream_msg, name in varchar2) return varchar2;

This function returns the value of a property that would be stored as a SQL varchar2 type.

aq.ombaq.str_prop(tab.user_data, `stringProperty') = `foo'

This example selects messages that have a property stored as a SQL varchar2, the value `foo', and the name `stringProperty'. 


function in_prop(msg in ombaq_stream_msg, name in varchar2) return integer;

This function returns 1 if there is a property element with the specified name and 0 otherwise.

aq.ombaq.in_prop(tab.user_data, `doNotSelectProperty') == 0

This example selects messages that do not contain a property with the name `doNotSelectProperty'. 


function type_prop(msg in ombaq_stream_msg, name in varchar2) return integer;

This returns the value of the ombaq_type field for the property element with the specified name and null otherwise.

aq.ombaq.type_prop(tab.user_data, `booleanProperty') = 1

This example selects messages that have a boolean property with the name `booleanProperty'. 

Functions for aq.ombaq_text_msg Messages

Table 6-13 shows the AQ Rules message selector helper functions for messages stored in queue tables of type OMBAQ_TEXT_MSG.

Table 6-13  OMBAQ_TEXT_MSG Helper Functions
Function  Description 


function str_text(msg in ombaq_text_msg) return varchar2;

This function returns the body of a text message.
It returns at most 4000 characters. If the body is null, it returns null.

aq.ombaq.str_text(tab.user_data) = `textbody'

This example selects messages that have the text body `textbody'. The result of str_text can be used as the argument to another function call. 


function size_text(msg in ombaq_text_msg) return integer;

This function returns the size of the body of a text message. It returns the following values:

-1 to indicate null

0 to indicate a zero length body

> 0 to indicate a non-zero length body

aq.ombaq.size_text(tab.user_data) > 100

This example selects messages that have a text body with at least 100 characters. 


function num_prop(msg in ombaq_text_msg, name in varchar2) return number;

This function returns the value of a number property with the given name. The returned value is a SQL Number type.

aq.ombaq.num_prop(tab.user_data, `shortProperty') = 13

This example selects messages that have a property stored as a SQL Number with a value of 13 and the name `shortProperty'. 


function str_prop(msg in ombaq_text_msg, name in varchar2) return varchar2;

This function returns the value of a string property that is stored as a SQL varchar2 type.

aq.ombaq.str_prop(tab.user_data, `stringProperty') = `foo'

This example selects messages that have a property stored as a SQL varchar2, the value `foo', and the name `stringProperty'. 


function in_prop(msg in ombaq_text_msg, name in varchar2) return integer;

This function returns 1 if there is a property element with the specified name and 0 otherwise.

aq.ombaq.in_prop(tab.user_data, `doNotSelectProperty') == 0

This example selects messages that do not contain a property with the name `doNotSelectProperty'. 


function type_prop(msg in ombaq_text_msg, name in varchar2) return integer;

This returns the value of the ombaq_type field for the property element with the specified name and null otherwise.

aq.ombaq.type_prop(tab.user_data, `booleanProperty') = 1

This example select messages that have a boolean property with the name `booleanProperty'. 

Selectors for aq.ombaq_serial_msg

The following selectors can be used when the type of the user_data column of the queue table is aq.ombaq_serial_msg. There are no helper functions available for this message type. AQ Rules can use fixed columns from the queue table. For example,

tab.priority > 2 and tab.corrid = `PAYMENT'

Selectors for raw

The following selectors can be used when the type of the user_data column of the queue table is aq.ombaq_serial_msg. There are no helper functions available for this message type. AQ Rules can use fixed columns from the queue table. For example,

tab.priority > 2 and tab.corrid = `PAYMENT'

Selectors for aq.message_t

The following selectors can be used when the type of the `user_data' column of the queue table is aq.ombaq_serial_msg. There are no helper functions available for this message type. AQ Rules can use fixed columns from the queue table. For example,

tab.priority > 2 and tab.corrid = `PAYMENT'

Obtaining the JDBC Connection in Local Mode

Using the AQ Driver, in JDBC Mode, Oracle Message Broker clients can access the JDBC connection associated with a transacted session, and perform JDBC operations within the transaction. Only when running in local mode, the method, oracle.oas.mercury.MercurySession.getJdbcConnection() allows you to obtain the JDBC connection.

Since all Oracle Message Broker JMS sessions that the Oracle Message Broker creates are instances of MercurySession, any connection that uses the AQ Driver in JDBC mode, with the following requirements, use the method getJdbcConnection():

If a message listener has been registered for the session, the JDBC connection can only be used when a registered message listener is active for the session. A message listener is active when the `onMessage' method is executing or on the call stack for a method that is executing.

Note 1:

The Oracle Message Broker client must not close the JDBC connection. 

Note 2:

The Oracle Message Broker client should not commit or rollback the JDBC connection. Instead, it should use javax.jms.Session.commit and javax.jms.Session.rollback. 

Sample Code Using a JDBC Connection

The following example uses the getJdbcConnection method in a JMS client.

Example 6-4 Sample JDBC Connection Using getJdbcConnection()

private static void addMessage(MercurySession qs,
        QueueSender snd, int i)
        throws Exception
        TextMessage msg = qs.createTextMessage();
        msg.setText("this is message: " + msg.getJMSMessageID());
        Connection        conn = null;
        PreparedStatement stmt = null;
            conn = qs.getJdbcConnection();
            String cmd = "insert into jdbc_tmp_tbl VALUES (?)";
            stmt = conn.prepareStatement(cmd);

            System.out.println("adding messageID: " +
            stmt.setString(1, msg.getJMSMessageID());

        catch (Exception e)
            if (stmt != null) { stmt.close(); }
            throw e;

        if ((i % 2) == 0)
            System.out.println("commit session");
            System.out.println("rollback session");

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