Oracle Message Broker Adminstration Guide

Part Number A65435-01





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Logging and Troubleshooting

This chapter covers the format and location of the Oracle Message Broker log file. This chapter has the following sections:

Working with Log Files

The Oracle Message Broker stores status and error messages in Oracle Message Broker log files. A log file includes information that is helpful for diagnosing problems and for tracking the operation of the Oracle Message Broker. Log files allow Oracle Message Broker administration and support personnel to diagnose problems with the system.

By default, the log file is named omblog with the appended values as shown below, or the name is specified using the string defined in the Java property oracle.oas.mercury.logName.



hostname is the name of the system where the Oracle Message Broker is running.

time is the value of the current time, in milliseconds, when the omblog file is created.

Logging Directory

When running in remote mode, the Oracle Message Broker creates log files in the directory $OMB_HOME/logs if $OMB_HOME is defined and $OMB_HOME/logs is writable (on Windows NT systems, the directory is %OMB_HOME%\logs if %OMB_HOME% is defined and %OMB_HOME%\logs is writable). Otherwise, log files are created in the current directory.

When running in local mode, the Oracle Message Broker creates the log file in one of the following two directories:

When running in Local Mode, the Oracle Message Broker appends information to the log file, if the specified log file already exists. It does not overwrite existing logging information.

The Oracle Message Broker administrator is responsible for deleting unused log files.

DMS Metric Log Files

Use the MsgBroker command with the -stats option to save the collected Dynamic Monitoring Service metrics to the DMS log file. MsgBroker -stats saves the DMS log file to a file with the same name as the associated Oracle Message Broker log (omblog) file, prepended with "dms-". Refer to "Working with Log Files" for information on the omblog file name and the directory where the file is written.

The -stats option includes a parameter that specifies whether information is appended to the DMS log file, or if an existing log file is replaced. The -stats option also specifies the format for the data in the DMS log file. Refer to Table 2-2 for detailed information on the available MsgBroker -stats options.

Refer to "Collecting Runtime Metrics" for information on the format of the information saved to the DMS log file.

Logging Security Exceptions

The Java property oracle.oas.mercury.sec.trace set the level of logging for conditional tracing of security exceptions (SecException). If this system property is set, either on the command line or programmatically, then all authentication/authorization exceptions are traced in the Oracle Message Broker log file. The value of the property is not considered, but only if it is set, or not.

If this property is not set, then only security exceptions (SecException) arising out of internal errors, invalid configurations, or client attempts to unsuccessfully spoof JMS connections are traced in the Oracle Message Broker log file.

Problems and Common Solutions

This section describes some common problems, and workarounds for these problems. The section is divided as follows:

MQ Series Driver Problems

MQSeries driver: instantiation failure - can't find MQSeries java binding

The CLASSPATH does not include the MQSeries java support. Assuming a normal MQSeries 5.1 installation, the following must be added to the CLASSPATH:

/opt/mqm/java/lib /opt/mqm/java/lib/ 

Note: Oracle Message Broker must be running on the same system as the MQSeries queue manager.

The log queue specified in the MQSeries server entry for Oracle Message Broker, must have been separately created in the queue manager using MQSeries administration tools.

Runtime Exceptions

Security Exceptions

When an incorrect exported wallet password is given, the Java SSL throws the following exceptions:

  1. Incorrect wallet password specified at the server:

    • Exception seen at the server side:

      Exception: SSL handshake failed:
    • Exception seen at the client side: SSL handshake failed:
  2. Incorrect wallet password specified at the client:

    • Exception seen at the server side:

      Exception: SSL handshake failed:
    • Exception seen at the client side: SSL handshake failed: SSLUnknownErr

LDAP Directory Naming Exceptions

When an entry specified as a DN does not exist in the directory, javax.naming reports the following exception:


Administration Problems When Running ombadmin

When starting the utility ombadmin, the following exception indicates your environment may not be appropriately initialized. To initialize your environment, use the ombenv scripts found in the bin directory (refer to "Working with the Administration Utilities" for more information). Also this exception occurs if the DISPLAY variable is not set correctly on Solaris.

Can't find class oracle.oas.admin.gui.ombadmin

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