Oracle8i Recovery Manager User's Guide and Reference
Release 2 (8.1.6)

Part Number A76990-01





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Recovery Manager Command Syntax, 26 of 50




To produce a detailed listing of specified backups (either backup sets or media-managed proxy copies) or image copies recorded in the recovery catalog or target control file. RMAN records the output to either standard output or the message log (see "cmdLine"), but not to both at the same time. Use this command to list:


Keywords and Parameters


displays information about the incarnations of a database. See Table 10-10 for an explanation of the column headings of the list incarnation output table.

The listing includes the primary keys of all database incarnation records for the specified database name. Use the key in a reset database command to change the incarnation that RMAN considers to be current to a previous incarnation. If you do not specify the of database option, then the command lists all databases registered in the recovery catalog. 


of database database_name 

specifies the name of the database. 


displays information about datafile copies, archived redo logs, and image copies of archived redo logs. By default, list will display copies of all files in the database. Both usable and unusable image copies are included in the output, even those that cannot be restored or are expired or unavailable.

See Also: Table 10-8 and Table 10-9 for an explanation of the column headings of the list copy output tables. 


displays information about backups: backup sets, backup pieces, and proxy copies. The output displays a unique key for each. By default, backups of the whole database are listed. Both usable and unusable backups are included in the output, even those that cannot be restored, are expired or unavailable, or are incremental backups that cannot be restored because their parent full backup or copy no longer exists.

See Also: Table 10-4, Table 10-5, Table 10-6, and Table 10-7 for an explanation of the column headings of the list backup output tables. Use the KEY column of the output to obtain the primary key usable in the change and delete expired backupset commands. 

of listObjList 

restricts the list of objects operated on to the object type specified in the listObjList clause. See "listObjList". If you do not specify an object, list defaults to of database


specifies a range of time for completion of the backup or copy. See "completedTimeSpec"

tag tag_name 

restricts the datafile copies and backups by specifying the tag of the copy or backup. If you specify tag, only copies or backups with the specified tag will be listed. 


specifies only backups or copies of datafiles that are available and can possibly be used in a restore operation. To be a candidate for restore operations a backup must meet these criteria. If the backup is:

  • Incremental, then a valid parent must exist to which this incremental can be applied.

  • In a prior incarnation, then there must be no further changes to the files in that incarnation. In other words, the files must be offline and must not have come online again in that incarnation.




specifies an end time, SCN, or log sequence number. See "untilClause"

device type deviceSpecifier 

lists only backup sets residing on one of the specified device types (see "deviceSpecifier"). If not specified, all available backup sets will be listed. This option applies only to the list backup command. 

like string_pattern 

restricts datafile copies by specifying a filename pattern. The pattern can contain Oracle pattern matching characters '%' and '_'. RMAN lists only files whose name matches the pattern.

Note: You cannot use the like option with the list ... archivelog command. 

List Output

The status information that appears in the output is shown in Table 10-4:

Table 10-4 List of Backup Sets (Page 1 of 2)
Column  Indicates 


a unique key identifying this backup set.

Note: If the target database control file is used instead of the recovery catalog, then this field is a unique identifier that specifies this backup set in the target database control file (and is equal to the RECID, which serves this purpose when a recovery catalog is not used). Use this key in a change ... backupset statement to change the status of the backup set. 


when combined with the STAMP column, a unique key that identifies this backup set in the target database control file. The RECID will be invalid when a new control file record occupies the space used by the old record. For this reason, issue resync commands often so that the new records are copied to the recovery catalog as soon as possible.  


when combined with the RECID column, a unique key that identifies this backup set in the target database control file.  


the level of the backup: NULL for non-incrementals, level 0-4 for incrementals.  


when combined with the SET COUNT column, a unique key that identifies this backup set in the target database control file. Use these values to access the control file records in the V$BACKUP_SET, V$BACKUP_PIECE, V$BACKUP_DATAFILE, and V$BACKUP_REDOLOG views.

The SET STAMP value is valid at all times, both in the control file (when not using a recovery catalog) and when using a recovery catalog. SET STAMP values are never entered by a user because they are part of a two-value key. Oracle World Wide Support may request this value if your database requires recovery when no recovery catalog exists and control file records are gone.

See Also: Oracle8i Reference for more information about data dictionary views. 


when combined with the SET STAMP column, a unique key that identifies this backup set in the target database control file. Use these values to access the control file records in the V$BACKUP_SET, V$BACKUP_PIECE, V$BACKUP_DATAFILE, and V$BACKUP_REDOLOG views.

The SET COUNT value is valid at all times, both in the control file (when not using a recovery catalog) and when using a recovery catalog. SET COUNT values are never entered by a user because they are part of a two-value key. Oracle World Wide Support may request this value if your database requires recovery when no recovery catalog exists and control file records are gone.  


the date and time that the backup set completed. Note that the format of this field depends on the NLS_LANG and NLS_DATE_FORMAT environment settings.  

Table 10-5 List of Backup Pieces 
Column  Indicates 


a unique identifier for this backup piece in the recovery catalog or target database control file.

Note: The values for KEY in the recovery catalog and the control file are different. 


the piece number of this backup piece within the backup set.  


the copy number of this backup piece in a duplexed backup. For example, if set duplex = 4, then CP# will range from 1 to 4.

Note: If the backup is not duplexed, then CP# = 1.  


the backup piece status: AVAILABLE, UNAVAILABLE, or EXPIRED (see the change command for an explanation of each status). 


the date and time when the piece was created. 


the name of the backup piece. 

Table 10-6 Controlfile Included 
Column  Indicates 


the SCN of the backup control file checkpoint. All database changes recorded in the redo records before the specified SCN are reflected in this control file.  


the time of the backup control file checkpoint. All database changes recorded in the redo records before the specified time are reflected in this control file.  

Table 10-7 List of Datafiles Included 
Column  Indicates 


the number of the file that was backed up. 


the location where this file would be restored now if it were restored from this backup set and no set newname command (see "set_run_option") was entered.  


the level of the backup: NULL for non-incrementals, level 0-4 for incrementals.  


whether the backup was FULL or INCR (incremental). 


the checkpoint of the datafile at the time it was backed up. All database changes prior to the SCN have been written to the file; changes after the specified SCN have not been written to the file. 


the checkpoint of the datafile at the time it was backed up. All database changes prior to the time have been written to the file; changes after the specified time have not been written to the file. 

Table 10-8 List of Datafile Copies (Page 1 of 2)
Column  Indicates 


the unique identifier for the datafile copy. Use this value in a change command to alter the status of the datafile copy.

Note: The values for KEY in the recovery catalog and the control file are different. 


the file number of the original datafile from which this copy was made.  

the backup piece status: AVAILABLE, UNAVAILABLE, or EXPIRED (see the change command for an explanation of each status).  


the date and time that the copy completed. Note that the value of this field is sensitive to the NLS_LANG and NLS_DATE_FORMAT environment variables.  


the checkpoint of this datafile when it was copied. All database changes prior to the SCN have been written to this file.  


the checkpoint of this datafile when it was copied. All database changes prior to the time have been written to this file.  


the filename of the datafile copy. 

Table 10-9 List of Archived Log Copies 
Column  Indicates 


the unique identifier for this archived redo log copy. Use this value in a change command to alter the status of the copy.

Note: The values for KEY in the recovery catalog and the control file are different. 


the redo log thread number. 


the log sequence number.  


the date and time that the copy completed. Note that the value of this field is sensitive to the NLS_LANG and NLS_DATE_FORMAT environment variables.  


the filename of the archived redo log copy. 

Table 10-10 List of Database Incarnations (Page 1 of 2)
Column  Indicates 


when combined with the INC KEY, the unique key by which RMAN identifies the database incarnation in the recovery catalog. Use this key to unregister a database, that is, delete all the rows associated with that database from the recovery catalog.  


when combined with DB KEY, the unique key by which RMAN identifies the database incarnation in the recovery catalog. Use this key in the reset database to incarnation command, which you must use if you want to recover your database to a time prior to the most recent RESETLOGS.  


the database name as listed in the DB_NAME parameter. 


the database identification number, which Oracle generates automatically at database creation. 


whether the incarnation is the current incarnation of the database. 


the SCN at which the incarnation was created. 


the time at which the incarnation was created. 


Listing Copies

The following example lists datafile copies and archived redo logs recorded in the recovery catalog:

list copy of database archivelog all;

List of Datafile Copies
Key     File S Completion time Ckp SCN    Ckp time    Name
------- ---- - --------------- ---------- ----------  ------
1262    1    A 18-AUG-98       219859     14-AUG-98   /vobs/oracle/dbs/copy/tbs_01.f
List of Archived Log Copies
Key     Thrd Seq     S Completion time Name
------- ---- ------- - --------------- ------------------------------------
789     1    1       A 14-JUL-98       /vobs/oracle/work/arc_dest/arcr_1_1.arc
790     1    2       A 11-AUG-98       /vobs/oracle/work/arc_dest/arcr_1_2.arc
791     1    3       A 12-AUG-98       /vobs/oracle/work/arc_dest/arcr_1_3.arc
Listing Backups

The following example lists backups of two datafiles recorded in the recovery catalog:

list backup of datafile '/oracle/dbs/tbs_01.f', '/oracle/dbs/tbs_02.f';

List of Backup Sets
Key     Recid      Stamp      LV Set Stamp  Set Count  Completion Time
------- ---------- ---------- -- ---------- ---------- ----------------------
1174    12         341344528  0  341344502  16         14-SEP-98

List of Backup Pieces
Key     Pc# Cp# Status     Completion Time    Piece Name
------- --- --- ---------- ------------------ -----------------------------
1176    1   1   AVAILABLE  14-AUG-98          /vobs/oracle/dbs/0ga5h07m_1_1
Controlfile Included
Ckp SCN    Ckp time
---------- ---------------
219857     14-AUG-98
List of Datafiles Included
File Name                                  LV Type Ckp SCN    Ckp Time
---- ------------------------------------- -- ---- ---------- -------------
1    /oracle/dbs/tbs_01.f                  0  Full 199843     14-AUG-98
2    /oracle/dbs/tbs_02.f                  0  Full 199843     14-AUG-98
Listing Database Incarnations

The following example lists all database incarnations recorded in the recovery catalog:

list incarnation;

List of Database Incarnations
DB Key  Inc Key   DB Name   DB ID       CUR    Reset SCN    Reset Time
------- -------   -------   ------      ---    ----------   ----------
1       2         PROD1     1224038686  NO     1            02-JUL-98
1       582       PROD1     1224038686  YES    59727        10-JUL-98

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