Load Hours and Earnings Data for Reporting for the US

Use this flow to load payroll hours and earnings data to the storage table. This process captures all active employees in the year selected.

When you run the Regional Pay Data Report, it includes only the employees identified by the Load Hours and Earnings Data for Reporting process.

You can run this process as often as needed. If it detects changes to data in the storage table, it performs an update. If it detects new data, it adds it to the table.

To run this flow:
  1. From My Client Groups, click Payroll.

  2. Click Submit a Flow.

  3. Select your US legislative data group (LDG).

  4. Search for and select Load Hours and Earnings Data for Reporting.

Before You Start

You must establish balance feeds for the earnings and hours balances.

For additional info, see Overview of California Pay Data Reporting in the Help Center.

Flow Parameters

Set the following.

Field name How you use it
Payroll Statutory Unit Select the payroll statutory unit (PSU) of the employees whose payroll data you want to upload. If you leave this blank, the flow processes all PSUs.
Tax Reporting Unit Select the tax reporting unit (TRU) of the employees whose payroll data you want to upload. If you leave this blank, the flow processes all TRUs.
Submission Year Select the year of the payroll data you are uploading.
Payroll Name If you select a specific payroll process, the flow uploads data for only those employees processed by that run.
Reporting Mode Select Draft to generate the output reports for review but not make any changes to your data.

Select Final to apply the changes and generate the output files.

Process Configuration Group Use this field to load pay data for persons belonging to a specific payroll relationship group.

Output Files

This process generates two output files.
  • Text file that info on all changes performed by the process

  • An exception report that provides info on any issues the process detects, such as employees with missing info

    This file is suitable for viewing in a spreadsheet application, such as Microsoft Excel.