Overview of Redwood Application Extension

Human Capital Management (HCM) Redwood applications provide a comprehensive set of features designed to meet a wide range of business requirements. In addition, you can still make changes to your application to best fit your specific business needs.

The primary objectives of this guide are to:

  • Help you understand how to effectively leverage VB Studio functionalities within the HCM Redwood application, thereby streamlining your experience.
  • Guide you on how to identify the extensible elements of a page and the corresponding tools to use.

Refer to the official VB Studio documentation for detailed instructions on using specific VB Studio features.


Here are some terms to familiarize yourself with before you start extending your pages:

  • Advanced Mode: An advanced interface in VB Studio where functional administrators are presented with all features to tailor Oracle Cloud Applications.
  • Autocomplete Rules: A feature in HCM Experience Design Studio used to default and validate data in responsive pages.
  • Business Rules: A feature of VB Studio used to control the display of regions and fields on a page. It's the Redwood equivalent of Transaction Design Studio for responsive pages.
  • Built-in Rule: An Oracle-delivered rule, including localization rules, available for a page. It corresponds to the Delivered Rules in Transaction Design Studio.
  • Constant: A property value used in the HCM application to control page behavior. The property value can be modified by a functional administrator at design time in VB Studio. Each constant has a designated name, description, and type established by Oracle, which can be a number, string, boolean, or array.
  • Customization and Extension: Changes made by a functional administrator at design time that apply at the site level.
  • Dynamic Container: An extendable page component used to organize content such as adding or reordering new content, both factory and user content, in a structured manner.
  • Express Mode: A simple-to-use interface in VB Studio where functional administrators are presented with only the capabilities they need to tailor Oracle Cloud Applications pages.
  • Extension Rule: A rule created within your extension. It corresponds to the Custom Rules in Transaction Design Studio.
  • HCM Experience Design Studio: The HCM Application extensibility tool to extend responsive pages, which includes Transaction Design Studio and Autocomplete Rules.
  • Personalization: Changes made by end users to pages at runtime that apply only to themselves and persist for that user each time they log in to the application. Personalization includes changes based on user behavior (such as changing the width of a column in a table), changes the user chooses to save, such as search parameters, or composer-based personalization, where an end user can redesign aspects of a page.
  • Transaction Design Studio: A feature of the HCM Experience Design Studio used to control the display of Responsive pages.
  • UI Element: An action button, tab, filter, sort by, table, or any other element of a Redwood page that can be extended depending on the use of the constant. To understand the role of a constant on a page and the possible values it can take, refer to the constant label and description.
  • VB Studio: Oracle Visual Builder Studio (VB Studio) is a robust application development platform designed to effectively plan and manage work throughout all stages of the application development lifecycle.

Types of Changes

The types of change you can make depend on the pages you’re changing.

  • Configuration: For most of the HCM Redwood pages, the configuration done in the setup tasks. For example, you can enable a descriptive flexfield (DFF) on the Manage Descriptive Flexfields page.
  • Application Extension: These changes are made using VB Studio. For example, you may want to show a new descriptive flexfield on a specific page and only for a specific country.

What’s Extensible in Redwood Pages

The types of modifications you can make to an HCM Redwood page in VB Studio depend on the specific page you're modifying. The changes listed in this guide may not be universally available for all HCM Redwood pages.

Note: All setup tasks used to configure the responsive pages, whether global or specific to a product such as Manage Common Lookups, Manage Person Name Styles, and Manage Descriptive Flexfields, remain unchanged unless otherwise specified by the product documentation.

Considerations for Extending Redwood Pages

  • Extensibility is turned off for any dynamic components used in the HCM Redwood pages. You must remove any changes done in the layout prior to release 23D.
  • Autocomplete Rules isn't supported for the pages rebuilt in Redwood. All rules built on the underlying business objects for this page must be disabled when you enable the Redwood page. Note that disabling rules on a business object will disable Autocomplete Rules for both the Redwood and responsive pages.