Update Invalid Bank Account Details

Use the Process Bank Corrections File flow to update invalid bank account details. An employee can have an incorrect account number or an invalid branch number due to closure of a bank or merger of a bank.

You don't need to end date the personal payment method. You only need to update the existing personal payment method with the correct bank details. The process to update bank account details include the following tasks:

  1. Create the Object Group HCM Data Loader DAT files and transform the info returned by the bank into the .dat file format.

    The bank returns a file containing details of the new bank routing numbers. Load the info contained in the Object Group HCM Data Loader DAT files on to the Oracle Web Center Content server.

    For further info, see HCM Data Loader Guide on the Help Center.

  2. Update the personal payment method (PPM) using the Process Bank Corrections File flow.

    The flow automatically updates the PPM when there's a value in one of these fields.

    • Replacement Branch Number

    • Replacement Account Number

    • Replacement Account Type

    If any of these fields is null, the process end dates the PPM.

The process uses the payment reference number to identify the PPM linked to the bank account you have identified as incorrect.

Create and Upload the Object Group HCM Data Loader DAT Files

Create and use these HCM Data Loader .dat files to process the bank information by the HCM Data Loader.

  • ObjectGroup.dat file to create the object group

  • ObjectGroupStore.dat file to load the bank information returned by the bank

When you load the ObjectGroupStore.dat file into the Oracle Web Center Content server, it generates a UCM ID. The Process Bank Corrections File flow uses this ID to retrieve and use the bank info necessary for the flow.

Use the Process Bank Corrections File Flow

Perform these steps to reissue check payments:

  1. Start the Process Bank Corrections File flow.
  2. Click Next, and enter these values.

    Field label


    Process Date

    The process applies this date to each process in the flow. This is the end date of the PPM is end dated and the payment is voided.

    UCM Content ID

    The ID generated when the bank information file is loaded on to the Oracle Web Center Content server. The Process Bank Corrections File flow uses the UCM ID to retrieve and use the bank information necessary for the flow.

    Process Configuration Group

    Used to set a group of processing parameters, primarily related to logging and performance. If a process configuration group isn't provided, the application uses the parameters in the default group.

  3. Click Next twice and select an option for the Flow Submission Schedule. You can select As Soon As Possible to run the task immediately.

  4. Click Next and review the details.

  5. Click Submit.

The Update Personal Payment Methods task within the flow updates the PPM based on the value of these fields.

  • Replacement Branch Number

  • Replacement Account Number

  • Replacement Account Type