Set Legislative Rule Overrides for Involuntary Deductions for the US

You can override calculation values for your legislative data group (LDG).

The info you set at this level applies to involuntary deductions for all people in your LDG.

To override calculation values for your LDG:

  1. From My Client Groups, click Show More.

  2. In Payroll, click Calculation Value Definitions.

  3. Search for the Name of the value on the appropriate effective as-of date.

    This returns value definitions matching the name entered.

    For example, for state-related calculation values, query by state name and involuntary type, such as Alaska Garnishment% or Nevada Child Support%. To search for federal values, use Tax Levy%, Bankruptcy%, DCIA%, or Education%.

  4. Select the entry you want to modify.

  5. In Calculation Values, click Add Row.

  6. Copy the from value, to value, and calculation type override from the predefined row.

    These values define the limits and type of override you are setting.

  7. Specify the override value such as the rate or flat amount. This is either a flat amount or flat rate, depending on the override type.

  8. Click Submit.