Upgrade Elements for the US

As Oracle Cloud delivers new features, you might need to upgrade your existing elements to support them.

When you create an element through the element template, it creates many child objects, such as input values, formulas, and balances. When you install a patch or upgrade to a new release, it might include changes to these objects. Any new elements you

For further info, see Element Upgrade Flow in the Help Center.

What You Can Upgrade

The Element Upgrade flow is a useful tool for ensuring your elements use all the latest enhancements. With it, you can:

  1. Upgrade your pretax deduction elements

    For further info, see the following in the Help Center.

    • Upgrade Pretax Deductions for the US

    • How You Apply Iterative Calculation Enhancements to Your Pretax Deductions

  2. Upgrade your involuntary deduction elements

    For further info, see the following in the Help Center.

    • Upgrade Involuntary Deductions for the US

    • How You Enable Disposable Income Recalculation for Your Involuntary Deductions

Critical Considerations

Consider the following before running this flow.

  • Before you perform any action in a production environment, run this flow in a test environment. This flow performs changes to your elements that can't be rolled back. You must first thoroughly test your scenarios to ensure they will perform correctly during payroll processing after the upgrade. Only after you have verified your scenarios in a test environment should you run this flow in a production environment.

  • Run this flow initially in Draft mode, and use the output report to review the changes to be made.

    It doesn't matter if you're in the test or production environment.

    After your evaluation is complete, and you approve of the changes, perform it in Final mode to implement the element upgrade.

  • By default, when you enter the primary classification, this flow runs against all eligible secondary classifications and elements. To limit the scope of the output, run it against specific secondary classification and element combinations.

  • When this flow updates formula objects, it overrides any manual configurations you made to the formulas. Check the Oracle Delivered Modified Formula column of the Draft mode output report to identify these formula objects. Use Formula Upgrade Option to replace or preserve these formulas.

    After updating formulas, run the Compile Formula flow to recompile them. Use % as a wildcard entry for the formula and Oracle Payroll for the formula type parameter.

  • When you upgrade Involuntary Deduction support elements for the Child Support, Spousal Support, and Alimony secondary classifications, the Process Output file might include these entries.

    Upgrade object

    Object details

    DIR Comp Flex


    DIR Comp Flex


    DIR Comp Flex


    DIR Comp Flex


    DIR Comp Flex Usages


    DIR Comp Flex Usages


    DIR Comp Flex Usages


    DIR Comp Flex Usages


    These values are no longer used, and you can disregard them.

  • If you have involuntary deduction elements you defined before Release 18C, you can manually upgrade them for use with pretax iteration. You don't need to run this flow.

    For further info, see Manually Upgrade Involuntary Deductions for Use with Pretax Iteration in the Help Center.