Electronic Income Withholding Orders

The Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Families and Children Office of Child Support Services (OCSS) established Electronic Income Withholding Orders (e-IWOs) to assist child support agencies and employers in communicating employee support orders and payments.

Use the e-IWO Process flow to process your incoming e-IWOs and allocate the deductions to the appropriate obligors.

This topic covers these areas.

  • What types of e-IWO you can process

  • What happens when you process an e-IWO

  • What processes and reports are available to you

  • What e-IWO Validation Statuses the flows generate

For further info, see the following sections.

What Types of e-IWO You Can Process

You can process these order types.

  • Child Support

  • Spousal Support

What Happens When You Process an e-IWO

Processing of e-IWO inbound orders consists of these stages.

  1. The OCSS pushes the inbound order file to your secure FTP server.

  2. You retrieve this file from the server.

  3. You convert the e-IWO file into a format supported by HCM Data Loader.

  4. You use HCM Data Loader to load the .dat file into the e-IWO storage tables.

  5. You run the e-IWO Process flow on a recurring schedule, such as daily.

  6. The e-IWO Process flow returns a report listing:

    • INVALID and FAILED orders in the Exception Report worksheet

    • VALID orders successfully transferred to the Involuntary Deductions card in the Audit Report worksheet

  7. You make manual changes to correct and reprocess failed orders.

  8. You generate the employee notification report and publish it to Document Records.

  9. You generate and submit the Acknowledgment file on a recurring schedule, such as daily.

    This report:

    • Marks as Accepted VALID orders that have been successfully loaded into the Involuntary Deductions card

    • Marks as Rejected INVALID orders

For further info, see the following in the Help Center.

  • Set Up Processing of e-IWOs

  • Receive and Process e-IWO Inbound Orders

What Processes and Reports Are Available to You

Run the following flows.

e-IWO flow

What it does

e-IWO Process

This is the primary e-IWO flow. It performs these steps.

  1. Uses the e-IWO HCM Data Loader process to load the e-IWO data into the storage tables.

  2. Runs the e-IWO Validation flow to validate the data in each order.

  3. Runs the e-IWO Involuntary Deductions Card Load flow to transfer the valid e-IWO data into each employee's card. It creates cards as needed.

  4. Runs the e-IWO Inbound Audit Report flow.

  5. Runs the e-IWO Employee Notification Report flow.

For further info, see e-IWO Process in the Help Center.

e-IWO HCM Data Loader Process

Uses HCM Data Loader to load the e-IWO data into the back feed tables.

This flow runs as part of the main e-IWO Process. You can't run it independently.


If you're using any web service solution to perform e-IWO processing automatically, you must pass the required HCM Data Loader parameters to ensure proper execution of this flow. For further info, see these technical briefs on My Oracle Support.

  • Oracle HCM Data Loader: User Guide (1664133.1)

  • Loading Electronic Income Withholding Orders using HCM Data Loader (2259608.1)

For further info, see e-IWO Process in the Help Center.

e-IWO Validation Process

This flow:

  1. Checks the data loaded into the e-IWO back feed tables.

  2. Validates each order according to OCSS criteria and sets the status.

  3. Issues the appropriate warning messages if needed in the Audit Report.

The e-IWO Process flow spawns this flow, but you can run it independently as well.

For further info, see e-IWO Validation Process in the Help Center.

e-IWO Involuntary Deductions Card Load Process

This flow:

  1. Associates the payee in the order with a third-party payee.

  2. If you haven't defined the payee, it attempts to use a default payee as defined through the user-defined tables.

  3. Uploads valid e-IWOs to the obligor's Involuntary Deductions card, and creates card components as necessary.

    • If the child support amount on the order is greater than $0, the flow creates a Child Support component.

    • If the spousal support amount on the order is greater than $0, the flow creates a Spousal Support component.

    • If both amounts exist, it combines them and applies them to a Child Support component.

  4. Creates a card if the obligor doesn't already have one.

    It creates the card and card component with an effective date as defined on the Document Date field of the e-IWO file. In the unlikely event that this document date is earlier than the existing card effective date, the flow raises an error.

  5. For cases where the obligor has multiple payroll relationships, it performs additional steps.

    For further info, see How e-IWOs Are Processed When an Obligor has Multiple Payroll Relationships in the Help Center.

The e-IWO Process flow spawns this process, but you can run it independently as well.

For further info, see e-IWO Involuntary Deductions Card Load Process in the Help Center.

e-IWO Inbound Audit Report

Generates the e-IWO Audit Report output file.

The e-IWO Process flow spawns this process, but you can run it independently as well.

For further info, see Run e-IWO Inbound Audit Report in the Help Center.

e-IWO Employee Notification Report

Generates PDF reports for all new or amended e-IWOs. It stores these files in Document Records and emails them to the employees.

For further info, see e-IWO Employee Notification Report in the Help Center.

e-IWO Outbound Acknowledgment Process

Generates an Acknowledgment file for each Accepted and Rejected order.

For further info, see e-IWO Outbound Acknowledgment Process in the Help Center.

What e-IWO Validation Statuses the Flows Generate

The e-IWO Audit Report organizes the new e-IWOs by status, based on the results of the e-IWO flows.

Order status

What it means


Represents orders that were successfully processed. This includes orders that generated the following OCSS error codes.

  • B: Employee First Name Mismatch

  • S: e-IWO Obligor Is Suspended Employee

  • W: Employee Is Associated with Incorrect Employer

Orders with this status that are considered Accepted on the Acknowledgment file once they have been transferred to the Involuntary Deductions card.


Represents orders processed and deemed invalid with the following error codes.

  • B: Employee Last Name Mismatch

  • D: Duplicate IWO

  • N: Noncustodial Parent No Longer an Employee

  • S: e-IWO Obligor Is Suspended Employee

  • U: Noncustodial Parent Not an Employee

  • W: Incorrect FEIN

  • X: Unable to Process Record

  • Z: Unable to Terminate Order

Orders with this status are considered Rejected on the Acknowledgment file.


Represents orders that failed to process due to internal errors, such as service unavailability. You must correct the error and repeat the processing.

Orders with this status aren't included on the Acknowledgment file.


Represents orders the validation flow was unable to process, regardless of reason.

Orders with this status aren't included on the Acknowledgment file.

For further info, see Receive and Process e-IWO Inbound Orders in the Help Center.