Element Upgrade Flow

Use the Element Upgrade flow to upgrade your existing elements whenever new features become available.

To run this flow:

  1. From My Client Groups, click Payroll.

  2. Click Submit a Flow.

  3. Select your US legislative data group.

  4. Search for and select Element Upgrade.

Flow Parameters

The Element Upgrade flow uses these parameters.


Select one of the following.

  • Select Draft to perform a test run of this flow for data verification purposes.

  • Select Final to run this flow against your active data.

Primary Classification

Select the primary element classification of the elements you want to upgrade.

Secondary Classification

Select the secondary element classification of the elements you want to upgrade.

The primary classification you select determines the values in this field.

Leave blank to run for all secondary classifications.

Enable Feature

Select one of the following.

  • Iteration on Pretax Element

    Use this option to enable iteration on pretax elements. This option is available when you select the Pretax Deductions primary classification.

  • Disposable Income Recalculation

    Use this option to enforce the recalculation of disposable income for your involuntary deduction elements and to apply any new features.

    This option is available when you select the Involuntary Deduction primary classification.

Element Name

Select the element you want to upgrade.

Leave blank to run for all elements.

Formula Upgrade Option

Select one of these values.

  • Display all formulas

    Generates a list of all formulas that would be impacted during a Final run. Applicable to Draft mode only.

  • Override the existing formula

    Replaces any existing formulas with new ones and renames the original formulas. Applicable to Final mode only.

  • Don't make changes to the existing formula

    Makes no changes to formulas. New formulas aren't added.

Flow Results

When you run this flow, it performs different actions upon the objects related to the elements. It also generates an output file that describes these changes.

Element Upgrade of Objects

When run in Final mode, this flow upgrades the different objects and their dependents in different ways. If a new version of the element template includes any other objects apart from those listed in this table, the flow doesn't upgrade those objects.

Here are the conditions that determine when the flow updates the various objects.


In most cases, when this flow makes changes to existing objects, it applies them as corrections. However, in the case of pretax deductions, you must perform additional configuration that applies the upgrades as date-effective changes.

For further info, see Upgrade Pretax Deductions for the US in the Help Center.



Defined Balances

There are no conditions. The flow always updates the defined balances.

Fast Formulas

Updates them based on the value you selected for Formula Upgrade Option when you run the flow.

Formula Results

Conditions exist only when a dependent object exists.

For example, if the Element Upgrade process is creating a status processing rule for a fast formula, then that formula must already exist.

Status Processing Rules

Applies specific conditions if the dependent object exists.

For example, if the Element Upgrade process is creating a status processing rule for a fast formula, then that formula must already exist.


Conditions exist only when a dependent object exists.

For example, if the Element Upgrade process is creating a balance with new element input values, then those input values must already exist. When the process creates the balance, it creates it with an effective date of 01-JAN-1951. If any of the element balance feeds don't exist as of this date, the flow uses the effective date of the element when creating the feed.

Balance Feeds

The Element Upgrade flow must have created the element input values before it creates any balance feeds.

Input Values

The Element Upgrade flow creates an input value when at least one of these are true.

  • Element isn't retroactively enabled.

  • Input value isn't required.

  • Input value doesn't have default values.

  • Input value doesn't have Default at Run Time enabled.

  • No user-defined input value exists.

  • The new input value is enabled for DBI, and that DBI exists.

  • Special Purpose value of the new input value doesn't exist for any existing input values on the same element.

Element Eligibility Input Values

Before the Element Upgrade flow adds the element-eligibility input values, those input values must exist.

See the previous parameter for conditions on input values.

Element Entries

The Element Upgrade flow creates the appropriate element entries with the new input values. It creates the entry for all date-effective records.

Calculation Unit

There are no conditions. The Element Upgrade flow links the calculation value definition, element, and calculation logic.

Calculation Card Override Usages

There are no conditions. The Element Upgrade flow links the calculation component as the override usage for a calculation value definition. This is listed on the flow output report as DIR Override Usages.

Calculation Card Components

The flow links Component Details with the calculation components. The components include:

  • DIR Comp Flex

  • DIR Comp Flex Usages

  • DIR Comp Flex Rships

Flow Output

This flow generates an output report in Microsoft Excel format. This report includes multiple worksheets.

Worksheet name

What it includes


Displays the parameter values you set when you started the flow.

Upgrade Details

Displays info on each object changed by the flow.

For details on the columns of this worksheet, see below.

The output report spreadsheet has multiple columns.

Column title


Primary Classification

Primary classification of the element being upgraded.

Secondary Classification

Secondary classification of the element.

Element Name

Name of the element.

Upgrade Object

Type of object being upgraded, such as Balance Type, Input Value, Fast Formula, or Formula Results.

Object Name

Actual name of the object.

Object Details

Any additional details with respect to the object.

For example, if the upgrade object is Balance Feed:

  1. The object name displays the actual balance feed (element input value).

  2. The object details display the balance type associated with this balance feed.

New or Existing

Identifies if the flow is making a change to an existing object or creating one.

For example, if the flow is modifying a fast formula, it would be considered an existing object on this report. However, if an input value is being added, it would display as New.

Backup Formula Name

When the flow upgrades a fast formula, it saves the original formula as a backup. This column of the report displays the backup formula name in Final mode.


Upgrade status of the object.


Displays any messages related to the upgraded object.

Oracle Delivered Modified Formula

Identifies if the user has modified a predefined formula. This column populates only when you run the flow in Draft mode.

Use this column to help you decide if you want to upgrade your formulas. If you elect to upgrade the formulas in Final mode, your configurations would be lost. You can refer to the backup formulas generated in Final mode if needed.


This column is blank when you run this flow in Final mode.