5 SQL Graph Queries

You can query a SQL property graph using the GRAPH_TABLE operator to express graph pattern matching queries.

Graph pattern matching allows you to define a set of path patterns and match it against a graph to obtain a set of solutions. You must provide the graph to be queried as an input to the GRAPH_TABLE operator along with the MATCH clause containing the graph patterns to be searched as shown:

SELECT * FROM GRAPH_TABLE (students_graph
  (a IS person) -[e IS friends]-> (b IS person WHERE b.name = 'Mary')
  WHERE a.name='John'
  COLUMNS (a.name AS person_a, b.name AS person_b)

A basic SQL graph query is made up of the following components:

  • FROM clause: It includes the GRAPH_TABLE operator which takes the input graph name as the first parameter.
  • MATCH clause: It expresses the graph element patterns (vertex or edge pattern) to be searched on the SQL property graph. It can optionally include an element pattern WHERE clause as seen in the preceding example ((b IS person WHERE b.name = 'Mary')) query. This in-line WHERE clause can access any matched variable.
  • WHERE clause: This is an optional out-of-line WHERE clause. Similar to the element pattern WHERE clause, it has access to all the graph pattern variables and expresses a predicate that applies to the entire pattern in the MATCH clause.
  • COLUMNS clause: This contains the query output columns.

See Also:

GRAPH_TABLE Operator in Oracle Database SQL Language Reference

The following sections explain SQL graph queries in detail: