Display Rule Triggers

Use a display rule trigger to format data. You attach a display rule trigger based on either a business function or a UDC. To base the trigger on a business function, the business function must already exist. To base the trigger on a rule, indicate the formatting at the time that you define the trigger with one of these codes:

  • *RAB

    Right-adjusts the value and precedes it with blanks.

  • *RABN

    Right-adjusts the value and precedes it with blanks.

  • *RAZ

    Right-adjusts the value and precedes it with zeroes. For example, Company appears as 00001.

  • CODE

    Uses the specified edit codes to format numeric fields. See UDC 98/EC for a list of valid codes.

  • MASK

    No longer supported.


    Embeds leading masks (*'s) within the data when it appears in the web client and UBE reports. For example, to display a credit card number with embedded asterisks, the mask parameter would appear as in this example:

    ********1234, where the number 4 in the parameter setting corresponds to the number of trailing digits that are unmasked. Make sure that this number is lower than the length of this data item.

    Mask can be used only with string data item types.