Tables Used by JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management System

This table lists the tables used by JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management in alphanumeric order:



Item Structure Detail (FCW01)

Stores the style item structure details. Each style item structure consists of the levels of variations that are applicable for a style item.

Item Structure Definition (FCW02)

Stores style items and their associated details. It also includes the structure definition associated with a style item root level 0.

Matrix Grid (FCW03)

Stores the size grids that can be used with a particular item type. The system uses size grid details while allocating inventory for sales orders.

Collection Structure Definition (FCW05)

Stores the collection structure details and different possible levels.

Collection Header (FCW06)

Stores the collection header details, effective period, and season code.

Collection Detail (FCW07)

Stores the different collection levels and style items that exist in a collection.

Category Codes Work File (FCW08)

Stores information about the category codes associated with a style item in a temporary work file. The data stored in the table is fetched from the Item Master table (F4101).

Item Revisions Work File (FCW09)

Temporarily stores item master information for a style item. The FCW09 table stores the before and after images of the style item master record from the Item Master table (F4101). The changed information is inherited by all the child level style items.

Item Branch Work File (FCW10)

Stores the item branch information for a style item temporarily. The FCW10 table stores the before and after images of the style item branch record from the Item Branch File table (F4102). The changed information is inherited by all the child level style items.

Item Base Price File Work File (FCW11)

Temporarily stores the item price information of a style item for the Item Base Price File table (F4106). The FCW11 table stores the before and after images of the style item price record. The changed information is inherited by all the child style items.

Item Cost File Work File (FCW12)

Temporarily stores the item cost information of a style item for the Item Cost File table (F4105). The FCW12 table stores the before and after images of the style item cost record. The changed information is inherited by all the child style items.

Item Location Work File (FCW13)

Temporarily stores the item locations information of a style item for the Item Location File table (F41021). The FCW13 table stores the before and after images of the style item location record. The changed information is inherited by all the child level style items.

Item Master Tag Work File (FCW14)

Stores information for the Style Item Master program in a temporary work file. This table is subsequently cleared after you run the Clear Style Item Master Work Files program (RCW15). The records in this table are related to the item master records that are stored in F4101 and the Item Structure Definition (FCW02) tables.

Work File F41171 (FCW15)

Stores the item branch master - service/warranty extension information of a style item for the Item Branch Master - Service/Warranty Extension table (F41171) in a temporary work file. The FCW15 table stores the before and after images of the style item branch master - service/warranty record. The changed information is inherited by all the child style items.

Work File F4016 (FCW16)

Stores information about the print messages associated with a style item in a temporary work file. The data stored in the table is fetched from the Print Messages table (F4016).

Work File F41002 (FCW17)

Stores information about the Unit of Measure Conversion Factors associated with a style item in a temporary work file. The data stored in the table is fetched from the Item Units of Measure Conversion Factors table (F41002).

Work File F49075 (FCW18)

Stores information of the product mix associated with a style item in a temporary work file. The data stored in the table is fetched from the Product Mix table (F49075).

Work File F46010 (FCW19)

Stores information of the item profile associated with a style item in a temporary work file. The data stored in the table is fetched from the Item Profile table (F46010).

Matrix Work File (FCW20)

Stores the details that appear during the matrix entry. It also stores the collection template. A collection template is a subset of items from one or more collections. You can add items from multiple collections to a collection template.

Lot Master Work File (FCW22)

Stores lot information for style items such as cost center, location, lot number, and short item number.

Enter Work Order Work File (FCW25)

Stores work order information in a temporary work file. The system populates this table with the child work order information while launching the Matrix Entry program (PCW10) and clears it on closing the program. This table relates the master work order record in FCW65 table to the work order records for child items that are stored in the Work Order Master File (F4801) and FCW66 tables.

Proposal Order Line Details (FCW31)

Stores proposal details for an order line based on the Sales Order Detail File table (F4211). This table stores information for both allocation and delivery proposals.

Item Shipping Information (F4908) Work File (FCW32)

Stores shipping information of style items in a temporary work file. This table is subsequently cleared after you run the Clear Style Item Master Work Files program (RCW15). The records in this table are related to the item master records that are stored in the F4101 and FCW02 tables.

Price List Header (FCW33)

Stores the price list header details corresponding to a customer or customer group, effective period of the collection, price list number assigned by the system, audit fields, and currency code.

Price List Detail (FCW34)

Stores the details of the items for which the price list is applicable. It stores the details such as system assigned price list number, levels of the style item, and audit fields.

Rounding Methods (FCW35)

Stores the rounding method and rounding range corresponding to both mathematical and price point rounding.

Rounding Rules (FCW36)

Stores the rounding rules based on the rounding method, which is stored in the Rounding Methods table (FCW35).

Price List Exchange Rate (FCW38)

Stores the price list currency exchange rate, which is specific for style items. The Price List Exchange Rate program (PCW22) populates the FCW38 table.

Priority Value for Category Codes (FCW39)

Stores the priority values for every category code value (AC1–AC30) and country code, which are used in the Commitment Rules for Style Item program (PCW41).

Price List Generation (FCW40)

Stores the tariff creation details when you copy one price list to another price list. Also, stores the rounding rule and coefficient used for copying.

Commitment Rules (FCW41)

Stores the commitment rules that are used during the calculation of allocations.

Price List Generation-Item Exception (FCW42)

Stores the tariff creation detail when you encounter any exceptions while you are copying one price list to another price list. Also, stores the rounding rule and coefficient used for copying.

Proposal Processing Details (FCW43)

Stores the processing option values of the Generate Allocation and Delivery Proposals program (RCW06) by version that are set when you run the Generate Allocation and Delivery Proposals program. The processing option settings for the Generate Allocation and Delivery Proposals program are used by the Allocation and Delivery Proposals (PCW29) and Validate or Cancel Allocation Proposals (RCW37) programs.

Proposal Order Details (FCW44)

Stores the proposal details for a sales order based on the Sales Order Header File table (F4201). Also, the FCW44 table stores information for both allocation and delivery proposals.

Size Weights for Proposals (FCW46)

Stores the size weight information for different sizes to be used during the proposal process. This table stores information for both allocation and delivery proposals.

Bill of Material Association Header (FCW48)

Stores information pertaining to the bill of material association of the parent style item, such as short item number, cost center, type of bill, units batch quantity, status and quantity. The Bill of Material for Style Items (PCW12B), Create BOM for Child Style Items (RCW53), Create Outsource Operation Details for Style Items (PCW93), and Copy Outside Operation Details (RCW93) programs populate the FCW48 table.

Bill of Material Association Detail (FCW49)

Stores information pertaining to the bill of material association for all the child style items with components, such as short item number, cost center, type of bill, units batch quantity, level number, level code, status, and component number item. The PCW12B, RCW93, and PCW93 programs populate the FCW49 table.

Bill of Material Association Matrix (FCW50)

Temporarily stores information pertaining to the bill of material association for matrix style items. The PCW12B program populates this table.

BOM Usage (FCW51)

Stores the bill of material usage. In usage, you define the quantity of material that each components require for each item level. The PCW12B and PCW93 programs populate this table.

Style Routing Master File (FCW52)

Stores the routing information of style items. Routing instructions are the sequence of operations carried out in the process of manufacturing an item. The PCW93 and Work With Routing Master (P3003) programs populate this table.

Bill of Material Work File (FCW54)

Stores job number, user ID, short item number, and final quantity in a temporary work file. The PCW10 and PCW64 programs populate this table.

Collection Templates Header (FCW55)

Stores the basic collection information that is used in the collection template, such as name, description, and audit information.

Collection Templates Detail (FCW56)

Stores the detailed information of collection that is included in the collection template, such as collection validity, items included, and so on.

Work File Additional System Information (F4101) (FCW57)

Stores additional system information associated with a style item in a temporary work file. The table stores information from the F4101 table.

Item Master - Service/Warranty Extension (F4117) Work File (FCW58)

Stores information of Customer Service Extension associated with a style item in a temporary work file. The table stores information from the Item Master Service/Warranty Extension table (F4117).

Bulk Item Master (F41011) Work File (FCW59)

Stores basic item information of bulk items in a temporary work file. This table is subsequently cleared after you run the Clear Style Item Master Work Files program (RCW15). The records in this table are related to the bulk item master records that are stored in the Bulk Item Master (F41011) and FCW02 tables.

Compositions (FCW60)

Stores the composition information of a style item. The composition details consist of the list of the materials that are used to make the style item along with the respective percentage of each. This table is populated by the Composition Entry program (PCW44).

Additional Style Item Information (FCW61)

Stores additional category codes to provide additional information for a style item such as cleaning codes, washing instructions, and so on. The system uses the additional information for printing labels. This table is populated during the style item creation process. Additional style item information can be updated through the Additional Style Item Information program (PCW45), which is available from the Row menu of the Multi-level Item Revisions program (PCW02A).

Compositions (FCW60) Work File (FCW62)

Stores composition information associated with a style item in a temporary work file. The table stores information from the Compositions table (FCW60).

Additional Style Item Information Work File (FCW63)

Stores additional style item information associated with a style item in a temporary work file. The table stores information from the Additional Style Item Information table (FCW61).

WO Receipts Matrix Entry Work File (FCW64)

Stores information for matrix entry in a temporary work file. The Work Order Completions Matrix Entry (PCW46) and Master Work Order Processing for Style Items (PCW49) programs populate the FCW64 table. The system clears the table after the Clear Style Item Master Work Files (RCW15) program runs.

Work Order Header for Style Items (FCW65)

Stores the master work order header information. This table is populated by the PCW49 program upon data entry.

Work Order Detail for Style Items (FCW66)

Stores the detail information of a master work order and associated child work order numbers. This table is populated by the PCW49 program upon data entry.

Style Work Order Parts List (FCW67)

Stores the details of parts lists for master work orders. This table is populated by the Master Work Order Parts List for Style Items program (PCW50) upon data entry.

Style Work Order Routings (FCW68)

Stores the routing information for master work orders. This table is populated by the Work Order Routing for Style Items program (PCW52) upon data entry.

Work Order Parts List Issues (FCW69)

Stores the information regarding work order parts list issues information. This table is populated by the Master Work Order Parts List for Style Items program (PCW50) upon data entry and also by Work Order Completions Matrix Entry program (PCW46) through the Row menu option to Completion from the Work Order Processing for Style Items program (PCW49).

Supplier Price/Catalog File - Header (FCW70)

Stores general information related to the price details, such as, branch/plant, catalog name, supplier number, currency code, and effective dates.

Supplier Price/Catalog File - Detail (FCW71)

Stores general information related to the prices details, such as, branch/plant, style item levels - 0 thru 9, item numbers, supplier number, currency code, unit costs, quantities, and effective dates.

Work File F43090 (FCW83)

Temporarily stores the supplier/item relationships information of a style item. The FCW83 table stores the before and after images of the style item's supplier/item relationships information stored in the Supplier/Item Relationships table (F43090). The changed supplier/item relationships information is inherited by all the child style item of the style item by the PCW02A application. The FCW83 table is subsequently cleared after the changes are applied to child style items. The system clears this table when you run the Clear Style Item Master Work Files program (RCW15).

Exchange Rate for Outsource Operations (FCW84)

Stores the exchange rate information for a style item. This table is populated by the Exchange Rates for Style Item Outsource Operations program (PCW62). The information stored in this table will be used while creating an outsource operation for a style item by using the Create Outsource Operation Details for Style Items (PCW93) and Copy Outsource Operation Details (RCW93) programs.

Item Cost Component Add Ons Work File (FCW85)

Stores the item cost component's add on information for the style Item in a temporary work file. This table is subsequently cleared after you close the Multi Level Item Revision program (PCW02A). The records in this table are related to the item cost component add ons records that are stored in the Item Cost Component Add-Ons table (F30026).

BOM Quantity Work File (FCW86)

This table is used by the PCW12B program as a work file for the bill of material quantity information.

Style Item Balance Purge Log (FCW87)

Stores information about style item balance purge, such as job number, style item root level 0, cost centers, short item number, 2nd item number, and payroll status flags. The Style Item Master (PCW51) and Collection Item Master (PCW54) programs populate this table. You run the Style Item Balance Purge Log (RCW34) program to delete the table information.

Style Item Master Purge Log (FCW88)

Stores the item master records that could not be purged. This table is populated when the user tries to purge a style item master record through the Style Item Master program (PCW51) or through the Style Item Master Purge program (RCW32). When a user tries to get an item master record, the RCW32 program does the necessary validations to check whether the record is eligible for purging. Also, the FCW88 table maintains item master records that are not eligible for purging.

Work Order Inventory Issues for Style Items (FCW89)

Stores the inventory issues information for work orders. This table is populated by the Master Work Order Parts List for Style Items program (PCW50) upon data entry and also through the Row menu option to Inventory Issues from Master Work Order Processing for Style Items program (PCW49).

Copy to Outsource Operations for Style Items (FCW93)

Stores the outside operation information for a style item. The Create Outsource Operation Details for Style Items (PCW93) program populates this table upon data entry.

Restore Composition Work File (FCW94)

Stores the composition information for a style item in a temporary work file. This table is subsequently cleared once you close the Multi Level Item Revision program (PCW02A). The records in this table are related to the item master composition records that are stored in the FCW60 table.

Material Analysis (FCW96)

Stores information that the system uses to determine the availability of material components used in the style item that are included in the work order.

Grouping Messages (FCW97)

Store the messages, which were grouped together in the Matrix Management of Messages program (PCW47).

Item Level Type (FCW011)

Stores the levels that are associated with an item structure. Details corresponding to each level consist of the variations within the level. For example, a level used to define color consists of the various colors possible for a style item. You can define a level that uses a code to define variation by using a UDC and a level that uses a grid to define variations by entering the SRP. You can attach the level types to a user-defined code value to define the item structure and store the details in the FCW01 table.

Automatic Splitting by Size Definition (FCW031)

Stores the splitting percentages for the size definitions of a grid code of a style item. The Automatic Splitting by Size Definition (PCW33) program populates this table upon data entry.

Style WO Component Scrap Information (FCW103)

Temporarily stores the work order component scrap information. This table is populated by the Master Work Order Parts List for Style Items (PCW50) and Master Work Order Processing for Style Items (PCW49) programs upon data entry.

Fair Share Sprinkling Rate (FCW105)

Stores the dynamic sprinkling rate (fair share) for a style item. This table is populated by the Calculate Fair Share for Proposals program (RCW60) if the Fair Share processing option on the Conditions tab of the Generate Allocations and Delivery Proposals program (RCW06) is set to a value of Y.

Simulation Detailed Parts List (FCW961)

Stores information that the system uses to determine the availability of component items for style items that are included in the work order.

Simulation Consolidated Parts List (FCW962)

Stores information that the system uses to determine the availability of component items on a consolidated basis for all style items that are included in the work order.

Adjustment Calculation (FCW963)

Stores information that the system uses to adjust the quantities for each parts list during a quantity change based on the minimum and multiplier quantity.

FCW02 Item Structure Definition Unedited Transaction Table (FCW02Z1)

Stores the details of inbound style items. When you run the Style Item Inbound Processor report (RCW02Z1), the system copies all the details that are stored in the FCW02Z1 table to the FCW02 table.

Style End Item Workfile (F41F02WF)

Stores the end items for a parent style item and is used by the Substitute Style Item program (PCW48).

Sales Order Header Style Items Tag File (F41F201T)

Stores sales order header and collection information in a tag file. Stores such information as collection, collection season code, collection season year, price effective date, and order date for a style sales order. This table also contains fields for future use.

Sales Order Header Style Items Tag History File (F41F2019)

Stores sales order header style item tag history data. This table is a replica of the Sales Order Header Style Items Tag File (F41F201T).

Purchase Order Header Style Items Tag File (F41F301T)

Store purchase order header and collection information as a tag table to the Purchase Order Header table (F4301).