Reviewing Account Ledgers

You can review account ledger information using different programs:

  • Account Ledger Inquiry (P09200).

  • Account Inquiry by Object Account (P09201).

  • Account Inquiry by Category Code (P09202).

This section provides an overview of account ledger inquiry, account ledger by object account, and account ledger by category code, lists a prerequisite, and discusses how to:

  • Set processing options for Account Ledger Inquiry (P09200).

  • Review account ledger transactions.

  • Using real-time summarization in the Account Ledger Inquiry program (P09200).

  • Set processing options for Account Inquiry by Object Account (P09201).

  • Using real-time summarization in the Account Inquiry by Object Account program (P09201).

  • Set processing options for Account Inquiry by Category Code (P09202).

  • Review account ledgers by category code online.

  • Using real-time summarization in the Account Inquiry by Category Code program (P09202).