Understanding the Sales Workbench Program (P44H500)

To sell a house, you must enter, analyze, and manage all information related to the sale of the house. The Sales Workbench program (P44H500) is the single point of entry for all sales-related and configuration-related information.

From the P44H500 program, you can access programs that enable you to:

  • Configure and update lot information.

  • Manage the sale and all related information.

  • Cancel a sale.

  • Transfer a sale.

  • Close a sale.

  • Analyze sales and review audit trails and controls.

On the Sales Workbench form, you can search for lots by entering specific search criteria in the header area of the form. For example, you can search for sales that are scheduled to close within the next two weeks and for which the loans have not been approved. You can also use numerous date range fields and the query-by-example (QBE) fields to narrow your search. For example, you can review lots that have specific construction start dates within the next two weeks, but do not have contingency release dates.