Workfile Transactions

The workfile is a repository of transactions that are used by the system to invoice customers, recognize revenue, and allocate costs.

These tables supply information to the workfile:

  • Billing System Constants (F48091)

  • Billing Rate/Mark up Table (F48096)

  • Account Ledger (F0911)

  • Account Master Table (F0901)

  • Tax Derivation Information (F48127)

  • Employee Transaction History (F0618)

  • Employee Transaction Detail File (F06116)

    Note: Contract Billing transactions do not use the F48127 table.
  • Contract Master (F5201)

  • Contract Billing Line Detail (F5202)

  • T and M, Unit Price and Lump sum Cross Reference Accounts (F5212)

    Note: Only Contract Billing transactions use the F5201, F5202, and F5212 tables.
  • Burdening Detail Ledger (F52G11).

    Note: This table is used only if you have selected the Burdening Used check box in the Billing Constants program (P48091).

The system provides three methods that you can use to create workfile transactions:

Table Creation Method


Workfile Generation program (R48120)

You use this batch program to create workfile transactions based on billable accounting entries that are stored in the Account Ledger table (F0911). When you run the Workfile Generation program, the system copies source transactions from the F0911 table to create workfile transactions, applying the correct markup, offset, and tax information. You use the Work With Workfile form to view these transactions. You typically use this method to create the workfile for a large batch of transactions.

Note: You can use data selection to specify that you want to include only billable transactions in the workfile. To include only billable transactions, select only those items that have a Y value in the Billable (Y/N) field in the F0901.

G/L Transaction Selection program (P48124)

You use this interactive program to create workfile transactions based on billable accounting entries that are stored in the Account Ledger table (F0911). When you use the G/L Transaction Selection program, the system copies the selected source transactions from the F0911 table to create workfile transactions, applying the correct markup, offset, and tax information. You use the Work With Workfile form to view these transactions.

You typically use this method to include individual transactions in the workfile. This method is not typically used to include a large number of transactions in the workfile.

Ad hoc workfile transactions

You use this method to create workfile transactions that are not represented in the Account Ledger table (F0911).

To maintain the integrity of the original source transactions, the system creates copies of these billable transactions. The copied transactions are referred to as workfile transactions and are stored in the Billing Detail Workfile (F4812).

Workfile transactions include costs with any applicable markup, tax, and other key information. The rest of the billing process is based on the information that is stored in workfile transactions.

All workfile transactions with an eligibility code of 0 (invoicing, revenue, costing) or 1 (invoicing only) must include a customer number. The system uses the customer number to create an invoice for the transactions. You must identify a customer number on individual jobs (business units), work orders, or contracts that are associated with the transactions.

All workfile transactions with an eligibility code of 4 (costing) or 2 (revenue only) do not required a customer number for processing.

Note: For Service Billing transactions, you enter a customer number in the Owner Address field on the Job Master Revisions form (W51006S), not in the Job Site Address field. The address book number on the Revise Business Unit form (W0006A) is not the customer number.